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[Fitzpatrick testimony 11/1/73]

(From Daily World, 10/10/73, pp. 1 and 11)


NEW YORK, Oct. 9-"Prime responsibility" for the outbreak of hostilities in the

Middle East rests on "United States imperialism," the Political Committee of the

Communist Party, U.S.A., said today.

It added that the only meaningful settlement of the escalating conflict in the Mideast is one based on a return of Israel to the borders preceding the 1967


In a statement headed, "The Key to Middle East Peace: End Israeli Aggression," the committee called for "full implementation of United Nations Resolution 242 and subsequent UN resolutions on the Middle East."

Resolution 242 was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council Nov. 22, 1967 and called for Israel to withdraw from Egyptian and Syrian territories it had conquered in the so-called Six Day War. The Israeli government has ignored the resolution and has in fact occupied the conquered lands with troops and settlers.

Israel's rulers are conducting "a war to maintain and extend their, conquests" while the Arab states are conducting "a just war to drive the aggressors from their lands," the statement continues.

The Israeli government's "policy of aggression and annexation" has "the financial, military and political backing of U.S. imperialism," the committee said. It notes as "ominous" the stationing of the U.S. Sixth Fleet off Crete.

The statement points out that the present warfare means "renewed bloodshed and suffering among the Arab peoples" and warns that "the reactionary policy of Israel's ruling circles is also disas trous for the Israeli people."

The statement, in full, follows:

The new outbreak of warfare between the armed forces of Israel and those of Egypt and Syria is a matter of gravest


This new flareup of hostilities has one cause only the increasingly blatant policy of aggression and annexation pursued by the Israeli government with the financial, military and political backing of U.S. imperialism, which intervenes in the Middle East as it does in Chile, southern Africa and other parts of the world against the forces of national liberation.

On the side of Israel's rulers it is a war to maintain and expand their conquests.

On the side of the Arab states it is a just war to drive the aggressors from their lands-a struggle which they have every right to wage.

The root of the warfare lies in the Israeli government's policy of annexing the conquered Arab territories, of mili tary invasions of neighboring Arab states, of government-directed assassinations of Palestinian Arab leaders, of planehijacking. These actions, in defiance of international law and human rights, have led to the growing isolation of Israel in the eyes of the world an to increasing weakness and desperation of its position. And they have created an ever more explosive situation containing the seeds of new outbreaks of warfare.

Continued on page 11

Continued from page 1

Prime responsibility for this situation rests with U.S. imperialism. Without its aid and support the Israeli government could not continue its present policies for even one day. Without such backing it would long ago have been compelled to agree to the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 of 1967 and to complete withdrawal from the occupied territories. and there would be no war today.

Not only does the present warfare mean renewed bloodshed and suffering among the Arab peoples: the reactionary policy of Israel's ruling circles is also disastrous for the Israeli people."

Moreover, this warfare contains withIn it the ever-present danger of escala. tion to a conflict of nuclear proportions. Especially ominous in this respect is the stationing of the U.S. Sixth Fleet off Crete, poised for action. The danger of U.S. intervention cannot be lightly dismissed. At the same time the forces of


reaction within the United States
using the situation to whip up hysteria
and to create fascist-like incitations
against Arabs and against the opponents
of the U.S.-Israeli aggression generally.

The only just and meaningful settlement of the conflict can be one based on a return to the borders preceding the 1967 war. An end to bloodshed in the Middle-East demands an end to the present Israeli government policy of aggression and annexation. It demands the ful implementation of UN Resolution 242 and subsequent UN resolutions on the Middle East. It demands Israeli withdrawal from all occupied territories without exception and recognition of the just rights of the Palestinian Arab people. And not least, it demands that the U.S. government put a stop to its and and support of the Israeli government s aggression.

Such are the requirements of an end to bloodshed and attainment of a just and durable peace in the Middle East

EXHIBIT No. 28-Continued

(From Daily World, 10/10/73, p. 7)


The way to Mideast peace

The present Israeli-Arab conflict started in June 1957. Seizure of Arab lands was a goal in that war of conquest: the occupation and annexation of Arab land did not end the war. The struggle has not ceased, for Israel has refused to disgorge the Arab land it conquered.

U.S. imperialism has encouraged that policy for its own ends, and has sustained it with huge financial, economic and military outlays. It has supported the ambitions of the militarists in order to turn Israel, at whatever cost to its people, into a base for aggression.

Israel has held on to the Arab lands in opposition to the overwhelming majority of the United Nations. It has defied the unanimous decision of the Security Council of November 1967 which told the Israeli conquistadors to get out and stay out of Arab territory.

The Nixon Administration proposal, paralleled by the "sense of the Senate" resolution, for a cease-fire at the lines which Israeli achieved in the June 1967 war, is in effect a veto of the Security Council resolution.

The Nixon-Senate policy is an attempt to cover up the prime guilt of U.S. imperialism for the June 1967 war, for Israel's refusal to recognize the Security Council resolution, and for Israel's ceaseless terrorism since then. Without White House support for its war against the Arab nations, Israel could not have pursued its imperialist and racist aggression.

Shameful, indeed, are the efforts of U.S. politicians to fan the fires of hatred here for their own selfish ends. Singularly contemptible have been the statements of New York City candidates seeking to transform the anguish of war into votes on November 6.

Abraham Beame, front runner in the mayoralty race shrieked: The Arab world must be taught a lesson they'll never forget" - as the nazis once said of the French, the Poles, the Russians, and the rest of Europe. Assemblyman Albert Blumenthal, "liberal" candidate, State Senator John Marchi, Republican candidate, and Conservative nominee Rep. Mario Biaggi, added their contributions to hysteria and incitement.


The sharp eruption of conflict in the Middle East and the resulting aggravation of world tensions is the direct result of the six-year-long refusal of the Israeli militarists to abandon their conquests and accept the Security Council resolution.

They have the support of the Wall Street Journal which, while urging the U.S. to steer a careful course between Arab oil and Israeli militarism, suggested yesterday that the "best hope for political stability" in the Middle East would emerge "if the Israelis inflict serious damage on Syrian and Egyptian military capabilities."

The Wall Street Journal's sentiments parallel those of Premier Golda Meir who told Israeli citizens over radio and television that in military victory "lies the sure safeguard for life and peace." Appealing to the patriotism of Israel's citizens she urged them to "be prepared for any burden and sacrifice demanded." But the call to "sacrifice" does not apply to the Israeli government; it is not willing to "sacrifice" its conquests.

Persistence in that course insures that Israel and the Arab nations will pay an awful price in blood and treasure. Incitement by U.S. politicians is support of that blood


Peace in the Middle East demands that the Arab nations recover the land occupied by Israel in the 1967 war. Promptly putting the Security Council's resolution into effect will insure peace and security for all the countries and peoples of the Mideast.

Peace in the Middle East demands that the Nixon Administration abandon its aggressive course. Only the American people can divert the Administration from the path that is so perilous to peace in the Mideast and in the world.








[Fitzpatrick testimony 11/1/73]

Arab World

[blocks in formation]

EXHIBIT No. 29-Continued


In recent years the national liberation struggle of the Arab peoples has climbed another step, its anti-imperialist character has been intensified. Having won political independence after World War II and having created their own statehood,

the Arab peoples started actively to overcome the economic, social and cultural backwardness, they had inherited from the colonialists, in order to advance rapidly along the road of national revival and progress.

Particulartly prominent today against the general background of the anti-imperialist movement in the Arab World are the United Arab Republic(UAR), Syria and Algeria; their profound social and economic reforms have enabled them to take the road of independent development and social progress. These countries are officially adhering to socialist views.

In the difficult struggle against the machinations of the neocolonialist and reactionary forces, the young republican regimes in Iraq, the Sudan, Libya, Southern and Northern Yemen and Mauritania, are striving to protect their national independence and territorial integrity and to place their natural resources at the service of their peoples. These countries are also an important mainstay of the Arab national liberation movement.

In the rest of the Arab World where imperialism and neocolonialism, in cooperation with the local ruling circles, are still managing to restrain the pressure of the people's movement, the struggle of the progressive, democratic forces, going on in complicated conditions, is not weakening either.

The Arab liberation movement plays an outstanding role in the struggle against world imperialism, says the summing-up document of the International Conference of Communist Workers' Parties in Moscow. "It is exerting a positive influence on the entire movement against imperialism and neocolonialism in the Middle East and Africa. The struggle of the Arab peoples against imperialism and the Israeli aggression is a part of the general struggle betweeen the forces of freedom and socialism throughout the world, on the one hand, and world imperialism, on the other.

"The growth of the movement for national liberation, and the social progress of the peoples in this strategically important and oil-rich area, evokes the violent hatred of the imperialists and the oil monopolies, which are weaving a web of intrigues and plots against this movement, and resorting to wars and aggressive actions." The triple imperialist aggression against Egypt at the end of 1956 was an attempt to turn back the hands of history's clock in the Arab World. Israel's aggression against Arab states in June 1967, inspired and supported by U.S. reactionary circles in the first place, was also a result of an imperialist plot. The plotters, however, have not achieved their main aim, that of overthrowing the progressive regimes in the UAR and Syria. Backed by the wide masses of working people in their countries and by all-Arab solidarity, as well as thanks to all-round and effective support of the Soviet Union, other socialist countries and progressive forces of the whole world, these regimes have held out and proved their vitality.

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