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The Home maker

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Canadian Pacific

E will make you a long-time loan-you will have 20 years to pay for the land and repay the loan-you can move on the land at once and your Canadian farm will make you independent. This offer is directed only to men who will actually occupy or improve the land.

Why not go where you can own 10 acres for every acre you own or farm here; where every acre will produce double what a worn-out acre produces anywhere? Not on the face of Mother Earth can you find better land than this rich virgin Canadian soil. The enormous crop yield per acre proves this every season.

We Give You 20 Years to Pay

We will sell you rich Canadian land for from $11 to $30 per acre. You need pay only one-twentieth down. Think of it-only one-twentieth down, and then twenty years to pay the balance. Long before your final payment comes due your farm will have paid for itself over and over again Many good farmers in Western Canada have paid for their farms with one crop.

Here are some of the startling features of the most remarkable land offer you have ever read:

We Lend You $2,000 for Farm Improvements

An offer of a $2,000 loan for farm development, with no other security than the land itself, guarantees our confidence in the fertility of the soil and in your ability to make it produce prosperity for you and traffic for our lines.

The $2,000 cash loan will help you in erecting your buildings and making things easier the first few years, and you are given 20 years in which to fully repay this loan. While enjoying the use of this money you pay only the banking interest of 6 per cent

Live stock and poultry with which to equip your farm-the best that money can buy-will be supplied you at actual cost.

If you do not want to wait until you can complete your own buildings dig your well and alt vate and fence your farm-if you want this work all done for you-before you start for Canala-select one of our Ready-Made Farms with home and buildings complete, land cultivated and in crop, ready for you and pay for it in 20 years.

We give free service-expert advice the valuable assistance of great demonstration farms, in charge of agricultural specialists employed by the Canadian Pacific for its own farms. This service is yours-free.






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This Great Offer Is Based on Good Land SASKATCHEWA

The Canadian Pacific offers you the finest land on earth for grain growing, cattle, hog, sheep and horse raising, dairying, poultry, vegetables and general mixed farming-irrigated lands for intensive farming non-irrigated lands with ample rainfall for mixed and grain farming. Remember, these lands are located on or near established lines of railway, near established towns.

Your new home and your fortune are ready for you in the famous, fertile Canadian West, with its magnificent soil, good climate, churches, public schools, good markets, good hotels, unexcelled transportationand 20 years in which to pay for your farm and repay the Improvement loan. Here is the Last Best West--where your opportunity lies. Don't delay. Mail the coupon below at once. The best land will be taken first-so time is precious for you. Write tede H.E. THORNTON, Colonization Commissioner Canadian Pacific Railway Colonization Department 112 West Adams St., Chicago, Ill.

FOR SALE-Town lots in all growing towns-Ask for information concerning Industrial and Business openings in all towns.

Book on

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Rook on

Book on
(Make a cross in the square opposite the book wanted)
H. F. THORNTON, Colonization Commissioner,

Canadian Pacific Railway Colonization Department,
112 West Adams St., Chicago, Ill.
Please send me the books indicated above.

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Set Six



Screws-TWO fans, of exquisite design and

material, among the most famous

Save Furniture Dollars! in the country, were recently placed on

It takes six minutes to drive these six screws, and the saving is $13.25. Now if your time is worth more than $2.21 a minute, don't read any further.

This advertisement is for those who want high-grade furniture at rock bottom prices and approve a selling plan that actually saves big money.

Over 30,000 American Homes

buy Come-Packt Furniture for these substantial reasons. Here is an example of ComePackt economy.

This handsome table is Quarter-Sawn White Oak, with rich, deep, natural markings; honestly made; beautifully


No. 300 Library Table
Come-Packt Price $11.75
Shipping Weight 150 lbs.
Sold on a Year's Trial

[blocks in formation]

finished to your order. Height,
30 inches; top, 44 x 28 inches;
legs, 21⁄2 inches square. Two
drawers; choice of Old Brass
or Wood Knobs. It comes to
you in four sections, packed in a compact crate, shipped at
knock-down rates.


Our price, $11.75. With a screw-driver and six minutes you have a table that would ordinarily sell for $25!

Free Catalog Shows 400 Pieces

for living, dining or bedroom. Color plates show the exquisite
finish and upholstering. Factory prices. Write for it today
and we will send it to you by return mail.
Come-Packt Furniture Co., 332 Fernwood Ave., Toledo, 0.



on First Cost-


Are you willing to pay 825 to 875 more for a fur-
nace not nearly as good as the Kalamazoo!
Certainly not, especially when the Kalamazoo
gives greater heat and cuts down fuel bills,
Furnace and complete fittings shipped direct at
factory price.

30 Days Free Trial-Cash or Credit
You don't keep the Kalamazoo unless it proves
In service that it can heat your house perfectly
at minimum expense. Convenient payments.
We pay freight charges.

Furnace Book Free
Gives you facts that will save you money in
buying, installing and operating your furnace.
We're glad to mail it free-write a request on
a postal,-ask for catalog No. 935.

Manufacturers, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
We also make Heating and Cooking Stoves
and Gas Ranges. Catalog on request.
Trade Mark Registered.

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exhibition in the New National Museum at Washington. They once were the property of Mrs. Catherine Maria Ellis, whose picture appears in the oil painting of "The Prince of Wales at the Tomb of Washington," in the Harriett Lane Johnston Collection. One of the fans was presented to Mrs. Ellis by William R. King, who, for 25 years, was Senator from Alabama, and then Vice-President of the United States. It is inlaid with mother-of-pearl and has a hand-painted border.



The other fan was presented to Mrs. Ellis by Washington Irving, who purchased it when he was United States minister to France. This fan is of the most exquisite design. The sticks are of mother-of-pearl in which is carved at group of figures of women clothed in the fashion of the Empire. The rosy tints of the pearl blend beautifully into the carved fabric of the figures, making them appear to be delicately painted. On one side of the border is painteda scene which might be Versaillesand on the other is a picture of a battle between two frigates.

Other rare fans are on exhibition in the National Museum at Washington but none receives more attention than

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Saving the life of one trainman out of every two who under former conditions would have been killed under the cars; saving similarly one out of every three of the trackmen formerly doomed to death in the performance of duty; reducing the accident toll among passengers (upon one railroad line only and within the space of one year) by 152 more passengers saved from death and almost 5000 more spared from injury than the year before this is a remarkable record for any man and any organization. This has resulted chiefly from the initiative of one railroad claim agent and the groups of railroad employes organized by him into "Safety First'' committees. Forty-six of the greatest American railroads, operating more than sixty per cent of the mileage in the United States, have already sanctioned the work of the Employes' "Safety First" committees. John Anson Ford tells here of the work of these committees in an article which is of the greatest direct importance to every one who rides on a train, which, of course, means everybody.-Editor's Note.

O an outsider this incident may seem trifling, but for railroad men it is deeply significant: One day last November while freight No. 563, of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, was pulling out of Baraboo, Wisconsin, a switchman noticed that a door on a passing refrigerator car had swung open. He immediately notified the despatcher, who, in turn, telegraphed an order to North Freedom, the next stopping point of the freight, to this effect: "Hold passenger 518which was soon to pass the freight until arrival of 563. Notify latter's

conductor to fasten swinging refrigerator door before proceeding farther."

Just what damage and personal injury were averted by the thoughtful switchman's act, no one will ever know; suffice it to say that swinging doors on freight cars have many times wrought untold havoc to to passing trains. There was a time when switchmen would have said the fixing of a freight car door was "somebody's else business". But the day when a railroad employe fails to realize that his thoughtlessness endangers not his safety alone but also the lives of others, is rapidly passing. The creation in


railroad men of per

sonal interest in

the accident problem and of
a sense of responsibility ex-
tending beyond the bounds
of their own particular jobs,
are the most important
factors today in the whole
movement for the preven-
tion of railway accidents,
not excepting the adoption
of mechanical safety de-

To one man particularly is due
the credit for the change in spirit
manifest among railway employes.
This man is R. C. Richards, who has
reduced the death toll on the North-
western road twenty-five per cent and
the number of injured twenty-nine per

So remarkable has been the showing on this line that within the last few months no less than forty-six other roads have joined in what is called the "Safety First" Movement, of which Richards was the organizer, and many of these have sent committees directly to him to make a first-hand study of his

plan. Richards is one of those muchmaligned railroad men called "claim agents". But he is a claim agent with a great sympathetic heart and with the faculty of getting men to co-operate with him in good causes. Some five or six years ago he began working out a plan for enlisting the ployes of his road in a great crusade against railway accidents. The average man reads the details of the latest collision, shudders, mutters something about "the insane mania for speed", and turns to the next page of his morning paper. With Richards it has been dif


He put into systematic shape the initial ideas of the "Safety First" Movement on railroads, with tremendous success,


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