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coast of the river-rather ticklish work at that season and struck back into the forest where he knew the finest specimens of the Hevea were to be found. He made his way to the broad plateaus dividing the Tapajos from the Medeira River. There he got together as many Tapuyo Indians as were attainable at short notice.

Be a Civil Engineer The women, he set to work weaving bas

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American School of Correspondence, Chicago, U. S. A.

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kets of split cane, while the men he employed to collect the seeds and later to carry them down to the canoe.

First, however, the seed had to be prepared for its long journey, for the Hevea nut is so rich in a drying oil that it easily becomes rancid and loses its power of germination. So the seeds were slowly dried on mats in the shade, then folded in wild banana leaves and packed in the baskets. Everything was done in time. The canoe was loaded, the ship was met, and the precious seed put safely aboard.

There was only one other thing to fear, and that was lest the Brazilian authorities should get wind of what was afoot. Wickham had in mind the difficulty which Sir Clements Markham had met with in getting the Cinchonas, which produce the valuable quinine, out of Peru, for such delay would render his Hevea seed valueless. But fortune favored him. The British Consul took him to the Brazilian official to whom he explained that he had on board some exceedingly delicate botanical specimens specially designated for delivery to Her Britannic Majesty's own Royal Gardens at Kew. The official was only too happy to do a personal favor for Queen Victoria, and permission was granted for the ship to sail immediately. Fortune still continued to attend the adventurer. The weather was fine all the way.

At Havre, Wickham left the Amazonas and posted straight over to Kew, and saw Sir Joseph Hooker in time to enable him to despatch a special train that same evening to meet the incoming boat at Liverpool. This happened in June, 1876, and there was great excitement in Kew. The orchard conservatories and propagating houses all had to be cleared out for service and a fortnight later they

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young Hevea plants-7,000 of them-a magnificent tribute to the knowledge and care which had brought the seed unharmed from the Brazilian forest to London, whereby Markham had laid the foundation of a great new planting industry for the whole of the East.

The greatness of the feat was not at first appreciated. Having obtained their rubber plants, the Indian Government. did not know what to do with them. A depreciation in the value of the rupee caused a curtailment of the original plan for planting the young trees in Southern Burma and eventually they were dispatched, packed in Wardian cases, to the Botanic Gardens in Ceylon. Not for a long time after this, however, could the planters be brought to see the value of the tree which was offered to them free.

But the increasing use of rubber for commercial purposes, the steady rise in its value, consequent on the shortage of supply, opened their eyes. A demand set in, which the forethought of Wickham, Sir Joseph Hooker, and Sir Clements Markham enabled the Indian Government to meet, and today the whole of the rubber plantations of the East, with a capital value of hundreds of millions of pounds sterling, are stocked from the produce of the original seeds brought from the Tapajos plateaus by Wickham, himself.

In due course some measure of recognition of his services to the public were accorded to the naturalist who had so enormously increased the wealth of Britain's great dependency in the East. That recognition took the form of a presentation of a check subscribed to by the planters who had been benefited. A sum of £2,000, or nearly $10,000, was collected and at the International Rubber Banquet held on July 7th, 1911, thirtyfive years after Wickham had brought the seeds to Kew, a check for £1,000 was handed to the explorer and the balance was devoted to purchasing a modest annuity for his benefit.

Considering the value of the service, the long deferred acknowledgment seems trivial enough, but far more pleasant than any pecuniary reward was the intrmation that it conveyed-that his labor

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While engineers for many years past have been at loggerheads as to the proper methods to use to control the floods in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, there has been perfect harmony in Congress in the matter of removing "obstructions to navigation" in creeks that would scarcely float a scow. The recent great disasters, however, appear to be opening the eyes of Congress to a genuinely scientific study of the flood problem.

What may be done in the way of flood prevention has been demonstrated in the valley of the Sacramento, California. Methods are there being followed apparently undreamed of by those in charge of levee-construction along the banks of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.-Editor's Note.


AVALLO PASS leads from the Gulf of Mexico into Matagorda Bay. A bar obstructs its navigation and in order that this obstacle to the free and unimpeded commerce of a great nation might be removed, Congress appropriated $10,000. A channel whose annual cost of maintenance is $5,000 was dredged across the bar.

In 1911 the commerce traversing this channel aggregated 734 tons.

Charging four per cent interest on the original investment, it cost the nation. more than seven dollars a ton to aid navigation through Cavallo Pass.

Well, haven't we the money?

You will have to look long and hard to find Crystal River on the map of

Florida. An appropriation in the Rivers and Harbors Act, though, had little trouble in locating Crystal River. It carried only $30,000, with an annual maintenance charge of $2,000. For these amounts a nine-mile channel was built. Through it in 1911 moved 5,192 tons, four-fifths of the tonnage consisting of cedar logs carried to a pencil mill. Disregarding these logs, it cost the nation three dollars a ton in interest and maintenance to assist navigation on the Crystal River.

Well, isn't this the richest country on earth?

So far it has cost $405 to pull the gritty teeth in the mouth of the Brazos River, Texas, and $25,000 is required annually to keep the mouth open for the

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