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Edited by GEORGE H. BLAKESLEE, Professor of History and International Relations, Clark University.

(Reprinted from the Journal of Race Developement, Vol. 8, No. 1, July, 1917.)

The following list of books has been prepared by the Clark University Seminar on International Relations, as a result of its recent study of the literature of the war, from over 3700 volumes arranged and catalogued in a separate department. Some 3000 to 4000 more, from Germany and Austria, are now waiting shipment from Holland. It is to be regretted, however, that with all the wealth of war literature, few if any really satisfactory books have as yet appeared on the war activities of certain of the belligerent countries; this is true both of Russia and of Turkey. It has been the particular aim of the Seminar to make a selection which would not only well represent the typical viewpoints of both the Entente and the Central Powers, but also the various schools of war thought in Great Britain and in France. The United States has so recently become a belligerent that it has seemed advisable to include no works dealing particularly with its part in the conflict.

The Historical Background.

Bernhardi, Friedrich von, general. Germany and the Next War. New York, Longmans, Green, 1914. 288 p. One arrives at an understanding of the military bureaucratic mind of Germany by reading these pages.

Bourdon, Géorges, L'Enigme allemande. Une enquête chez les Allemands. Paris, Plon-Nourrit, 1913. (Translation.) The German Enigma: Being an Inquiry among Germans as to What They Think, What They Want, What They Can Do. London, J. M. Dent & Co., 1914. 357 P.

The author, one of the ablest publicists of France, went to Germany in 1912 on behalf of the Figaro to find out the attitude of Germany toward France and to estimate the possibility of war.

Bülow, Bernhard Heinrich Martin Karl, fürst von. Imperial Germany: with a Foreword by J. W. Headlam. New and revised edition. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1917. xiv, 335 p.

To obtain Germany's explanation of her foreign policy during the last forty years, there is probably no better book than Imperial Germany by the former Chancellor of the German Empire. The first edition appeared before the war, but the work has recently been rewritten and much additional material, bearing upon the diplomacy of the present struggle, has been added.

Cramb, J. A. Germany and England. London, Murray, 1914. 137 P. Constituted a trumpet call to the people of Great Britain to arm for the inevitable conflict. The point of view is similar to that of Bernhardi.

Gibbons, Herbert Adams.

The New Map of Europe (1911-1914): The Story of the Recent Diplomatic Crises and Wars and of Europe's Present Catastrophe. New York, Century Co., 1914. 412 p.

An excellent history of the recent international complications which finally brought about the present war. Valuable information regarding the racial, economic and social factors which must be taken into consideration in making the new map of Europe.

Guyot, Yves. Les Causes et les Conséquences de la Guerre. Paris, Alcan, 1916. 422 p. (English edition.) The Causes and Consequences of the War. London, Hutchinson, 1916. 360 p.

Guyot may possibly reflect the wishes of France. A very interesting and stimulating work, but more valuable for its historical than prophetical parts.

Lichtenberger, Henri. L'Allemagne Moderne: Son Evolution. Paris, E. Flammarion, 1907. (English edition.) Germany and its Evolution in Modern Times. New York, Holt, 1913.

440 p.

Gives us, through the eyes of a Frenchman, a dispassionate presentation of the evolution of the whole German people in their economic, social, political, religious, philosophical and artistic life during the nineteenth century. The work is written in the spirit of a scientific historian.

Morel, Edmund Dene. Morocco in Diplomacy. London, Smith, Elder,

1912. 539 P.

In this work, written two years before the war, the British and French foreign offices are flayed in a merciless manner for the part they played in the Moroccan dispute. The best part of it is the documentary appendix.

Schmitt, B. E. England and Germany, 1740-1914. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1916. 505 p.

An explanation of the cause of the present war ably presented by a Rhodes scholar, well qualified by extensive study and travels.

Seymour, Charles. The Diplomatic Background of the War. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1916. 311 p.

The war of 1914 was caused by the attempt of William II to reassert his prestige in European world affairs.

The Outbreak of the War.

Ferrero, Guglielmo. Who Wanted the European War? Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1915. 39 p.

An excellent though brief survey of the diplomatic exchanges preceding the outbreak of hostilities, giving the Allied interpretation by one of Italy's foremost historians. Headlam, James Wycliffe. The History of Twelve Days (July 24 to August 4, 1914). London, Unwin, 1915. 412 p.

The published correspondence of each belligerent country is explained thoroughly in its proper setting. An invaluable treatise on the outbreak of the world conflict.


45 Scott, James Brown, editor. Diplomatic Documents Relating to the Outbreak of the European War. New York, Oxford University Press, 1916. 2 vols.

Merely a compilation of the diplomatic dispatches of the chief belligerent nations in the critical days of 1914. Very valuable as a work of reference.

Stowell, Ellery Cory. The Diplomacy of the War of 1914. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1915. 728 p.

Similar to Headlam's History of Twelve Days. The two works may profitably be studied together.

Military History.

Battine, Cécil, captain. A Military History of the War; From the Declaration of War to the Close of the Campaign of August, 1914. London, Hodder and Stoughton. 307 p.

As military correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, the author was in Brussels when the Belgian capital capitulated to the Germans, after which he followed the retreat of the Anglo-French forces.

Belloc, Hilaire.

The Elements of the Great War. New York, Hearst's International Library Co., 1915. Vol. 1, The First Phase. 377 p. Vol. 2, The Second Phase, The Battle of the Marne. 382 p.

The author is a tactician of experience in the French artillery. His books are the most scholarly of any published in English which treat of the war from a military point of view.

Reinach, Joseph. La Guerre sur Le Front Occidental. Etude Stratégique 1914-1915. Paris, Bibliothèque Charpentier, 1916. 320 p.

A clear presentation of the course of events from the beginning of the war up to the Battle of the Yser.

Simonds, Frank H. The Great War. The First Phase (from the Assassination of the Archduke to the Fall of Antwerp). New York, Kennerley, 1914. 250 p.

Many of the chapters of this book first appeared as editorial articles. The twelve maps are unusually clear. The book is popular rather than scientific.

Legal Aspects-National and International.

Baty, Thomas, and Morgan, John Hartman. War: Its Conduct and Legal Results. London, Murray, 1915. 578 p.

The authors have discussed in a scholarly manner, yet not too technical for popular comprehension, the legal problems arising from the war.

Dampierre, Jacques, marquis de. L'Allemagne et le Droit des Gens. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1915. (English edition.) German Imperialism and International Law. London, Constable, 1917.

277 p.

The evidence is mostly confined to the diaries of German officers which have fallen into the hands of the French. The book is one of the rare productions of war-time chaos that will live for many years to come.

Grosser Generalstab. Kriegsbrauch im Landkriege. Berlin, 1902. Translated with a critical introduction under title of The German War Book, by J. H. Morgan. London, Murray, 1915. 152 p.

This is the official volume of the German General Staff giving the usages of war on land. The doctrine of "military necessity" is carried to the extreme, justifying nearly everything.

Phillipson, Coleman. International Law and the Great War. London, Unwin, 1915. 407 p.

Mr. Phillipson, an English law writer of some note, has naturally presented a point of view uniformly favorable to the Allies; but in spite of this the book is of great value to the student of international law.

Descriptive and Narrative.

Askew, Alice and Claude. The Stricken Land, Serbia, as We Saw It. New York, Dodd, 1916. 363 p.

A personal narrative rather than a comprehensive view of the war in Serbia.

Buswell, Leslie. Ambulance No. 10. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916. 155 p.

Letters of one of the drivers to an American friend.

Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie. Short Rations. New York, Century Co., 1917. 274 P.

It is a sad story but it reveals the horrors of war in Germany as no other record of personal experience.

Gibbs, Philip. The Soul of the War. London, Heineman, 1915. 362 p. Protest against war and its futility and a plea for educating people for peace.

Hall, James Norman. Kitchener's Mob. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1916.

201 p.

A series of articles which appeared in the Atlantic Monthly.

Hankey, Donald. A Student in Arms. London, Melrose, 1916. 296 p. New York, Dutton, 1917. 290 p.

Speculative rather than descriptive.

Hedin, Sven. With the German Armies in the West. Authorized translation from the Swedish, by H. G. de Wallerstorff. New York, Lane, 1915. 402 p. Intimate pen pictures of striking personalities, and of war conditions as seen through the eyes of a pro-German.

Huard, Frances Wilson (Baroness Huard). My Home in the Field of Honor.
New York, Doran, 1916. 302 p.

Hunt, Edward Eyre. War Bread: A Personal Narrative of the War and
Relief in Belgium. New York, Holt, 1916. 374 p.
Kreisler, Fritz. Four Weeks in the Trenches.

1915. 85 p.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin,

New York, Putnam, 1916. 186 p. "in a French military field hospital."

LaMotte, Ellen N. The Backwash of War.
A series of short stories of scenes and incidents
Low, Sidney James. Italy in the War. London, Longmans, Green, 1916.
316 p.

Mr. Low made a tour in June and July, 1916 of the important sectors of the Italian battle front, and also visited the principal industrial centers of Italy.

MacGill, Patrick. The Great Push. London, Herbert Jenkins, 1916. 254 p. A narrative of events just prior to, during and immediately subsequent to the Allied drive at Loos in September, 1915.

Morlae, Edward. A Soldier of the Legion. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1916. 128 p.



Palmer, Frederick. My Year of the Great War. New York, Dodd, 1915. 464 P.

Palmer was the only official representative of the American press with the British army in France.

My Second Year of the War. New York, Dodd, 1917. 404 p. The book also shows in a purely military way, what England has accomplished. Riou, Gaston. Journal d'un Simple Soldat. Paris, Hachette, 1916. 249 p. (English edition.) Diary of a French Private. London, Unwin, 1916. 315 p.

The diary of a French philosopher, wounded in the Battle of Dienze, who was taken prisoner and passed eleven months in a Bavarian fortress.

Swope, Herbert Bayard. Inside the German Empire. New York, Century Co., 1917. 366 p.

The story of conditions in Germany, as the author found them in the latter part of 1916, based on a series of articles written for the New York World.

Toland, Edward D. The Aftermath of Battle. New York, Macmillan, 1916. The diary of a young Princeton graduate who served in one of the first war hospitals, and later in the Morgan, Harjes Ambulance unit in France. The things that happened around him are described in all their simple horror without shrinking.

Turczynowicz, Laura de. When the Prussians came to Poland. New York, Putnam, 1916. 281 p.

The author, an American woman married to a Polish nobleman, gives an account of her personal experiences, chiefly in Suwalki, Russian Poland, during the first year of the war.

Controversial: Conflicting National Viewpoints. Bergson, Henri. The Meaning of the War. London, Unwin, 1915. 47 P. To him Germany stands for the things material; the forces arrayed against her, for the things moral.

Beyens, baron. L'Allemagne avant la Guerre. Les Causes et les Responsabilités. Paris, Van Oest, 1915. (English edition.) Germany Before the War. London, Nelson and Sons, 1916. 366 p.

The author was Belgian minister at the court of Berlin for some three years preceding the outbreak of the war.

Bryce, James, viscount, chairman. Report of the Committee on Alleged German Outrages. New York, Macmillan, 1915. 61 p. Appendix, 296 p. This report is the presentation of some of the evidence, and a summary of the findings. Clark University. Problems and Lessons of the War. New York, Putnam,

1916. 424 P. The volume contains side by side the opposing views on the fundamental issues of the war as presented by twenty-four writers of reputation. Deutschland und der Weltkrieg. Breslau, Kern, 1914. Modern Germany in Relation to the Great War. writers, translated by William Wallace Whitelock. 1916. 628 p.

210 p. (Translation). By various German New York, Kennerley,

A series of essays by professors in various German and Austrian universities and by government officials; scholarly expression of the German point of view.

Eastman, Max. Understanding Germany. New York, Kennerley, 1916. 169 p.

Aims to correct the feeling that the Central Powers are entirely wrong and the Allies entirely right.

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