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Francke, Kuno. The German Spirit. New York, Holt, 1916. 132 p.

A view of contemporary Germany which is intended to help Americans better understand the sources of German greatness, and why German achievements have so often failed to appeal to America.

Great Britain: Foreign Office. Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-16. Documents presented to Viscount Grey by Viscount Bryce. Edited by A. J. Toynbee. London, 1916. 684 p.

"All the evidence that could be obtained up to July, 1916, as to the massacres and deportations of the Armenian and other Eastern Christians."

Massart, Jean. Belgians under the German Eagle. London, Unwin, 1916. 368 p.

The author writes, as a Belgian, against the German administration of Belgian affairs. Meyer, Eduard. England: seine staatliche u. politische entwicklung u. der krieg gegen Deutschland. Stuttgart u. Berlin, Cotta, 1915, 213 p.

(Translation) England: Its Political Organization and Development and the War against Germany. Boston, Ritter, 1916. 328 p.

Important as a reliable expression of German opinion and sentiment regarding the war and the outlook for the future.

Oliver, Frederick Scott. Ordeal by Battle. London, Macmillan, 1915.

437 P.

Probably the best and most complete presentation of the British case against Germany which has yet appeared.

Powers, Harry Huntington. Things Men Fight for, with Some Applications to Present Conditions in Europe. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 382 p. He holds England and Germany especially responsible for the war. He believes there will be several other great wars after this one,-that a permanent peace will come only after the small countries of the world have been amalgamated into a few world powers. Reventlow, Ernst zu, graf. Der Vampir des Festlands-eine Darstellung der englischen Politik nach ihren Triebkräften Mitteln und Wirkungen. Berlin, Mittler und Sohn, 1915. 185 p. (Brief English translation.) The Vampire of the Continent. New York, Jackson Press, 1917. 225 p. From the hand of one of the most prominent pan-Germanists, the editor of the Berliner Tageblatt. England is pictured as the "vampire" of civilization.

Visscher, Charles de. La Belgique et les Juristes Allemands. Lausanne and Paris, Payot, 1916. 134 p. (English edition.) Belgium's Case: a Juridical Enquiry. London and New York, Hodder and Stoughton, 1916. 164 p. This work of Dr. Visscher, professor of law in the University of Ghent, is to be recommended. This defense of Belgium is scholarly, clear and convincing.

Walling, William English. The Socialists and the War. New York, Holt, 1915. 512 p.

A very good compilation of Socialist anti-war principles and opinion.

Wells, Herbert George. Mr. Britling Sees it Through. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 443 P.



The Psychology of the War.

The following short list has been recommended by President G. Stanley Hall:

Bon, Gustave Le. Enseignements psychologiques de la guerre européenne. Paris, Flammarion, 1915. 364 p.

(Translation.) The Psychology of the Great War. Tr. by

E. Andrews. London, Unwin, 1916. 480 p. Campbell, A. J.

277 P.

Crile, George W.

millan, 1916.

The War and the Soul. London, Chapman and Hall, 1916.

A Mechanistic View of War and Peace. New York, Mac104 p.

Conway, Martin. The Crowd in Peace and War. London, Longmans, Green, 1915. 332 p.

Mitchell, Peter Chalmers. Evolution and the War. 114 p.

Trotter, W. Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War.

London, Murray, 1915.

London, Unwin, 1916.

213 P. Machen, Arthur. The Bowmen and other Legends of the War. Putnam, 1915. 77 P.

War as a World Problem.


Angell, Norman. The Great Illusion: A Study of the Relation of Military Power in Nations to their Economic and Social Advantage. London, Heinemann, 1911. 332 p.

Mr. Angell aims to prove that the world is under a "great illusion" in believing the generally accepted theory that "military and political power gives a nation commercial and social advantages."

Ellis, Henry Havelock. Essays in Wartime. London, Constable, 1916. 247 P.

"War and Eugenics" is the most valuable contribution of the group, stressing the great danger to the race in the war's drain on the more virile types of selected men. Howe, Frederic Clemson. Why War. New York, Scribner, 1916. 365 p. According to the author present-day wars are economic-the result of surplus capital, with the foreign office behind it, seeking privileges in foreign lands.

Key, Ellen K. S. War, Peace and the Future.
Norberg. New York, Putnam, 1916. 271 p.

Translated by Hildegard

The author discusses the effect of the war on woman's mind and how far she will be changed by it, and the effect on the rising generation.

Krehbiel, Edward Benjamin. Nationalism, War and Society; A Study of Nationalism and its Concomitant, War, in Their Relation to Civilization; and of the Fundamentals and the Progress of the Opposition to War. New York, Macmillan, 1916. xxxv, 276 p.

An especially valuable feature of the work is a large and carefully selected bibliography. Lippmann, Walter. The Stakes of Diplomacy. New York, Holt, 1915.

235 p.

He arrives at the conclusion that some sort of an internationalization of backward areas is a possible solution of the modern wars for economic and political imperialism.

Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Armaments and Arbitration; or the Place of Force in the International Relations of States. New York, Harper, 1912. 259 p. A plea for the retention of war as a permanent factor in international relations. The chapter entitled, "The Great Illusion" is a direct reply to the argument of Norman Angell. Rolland, Romain. Au-dessus de la mêlée. Paris, Ollendorff, 1915. 163 p. (English edition.) Above the Battle. Translation by C. K. Ogden, M.A., editor of the Cambridge Magazine. London, Unwin; Chicago, Open Court Publishing Company, 1916. 194 p.

His mission, as he conceives it, is to protect France and Germany from the hallucinations, injustices and follies of thought which war lets loose.

Russell, Bertrand Arthur William. Why Men Fight. New York, Century Co., 1917. 272 p.

A book for social thinkers, ethical leaders and statesmen, primarily, but one from which the average citizen as well can derive much of profit.

The Peace Settlement and the Future.

Bullard, Arthur. The Diplomacy of the Great War. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 344 p.

The author shows a sympathetic appreciation of the view-points of the various nations. "Cosmos." The Basis of Durable Peace. New York, Scribner, 1917. 144 P. A series of articles contributed to the New York Times, "from a source," the editors state, "the competence and authority of which would be recognized in both hemispheres." Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. The European Anarchy. London, Unwin, 1916. 153 p.

If he is correct in his analysis, the remedy for war lies in perfecting an international organization. "The States of Europe and the world will be unable to maintain the peace, even though all of them should wish to maintain it, unless they will construct some kind of machinery for settling their disputes and organizing their common purposes, and will back that machinery by force."

Dominian, Leon. The Frontiers of Language and Nationality in Europe. New York, Holt, 1917. 375 p. Maps, charts.

In general, he believes the new map of Europe should follow frontiers of language; these he traces in detail.

Headlam, James Wycliffe. The Issue. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1917. 159 p.

"With a Germany defeated no artificial security will be wanted, for there will be a stronger security in the consciousness of defeat."

Hobson, John Atkinson. Towards International Government. London, Unwin, 1915; New York, Macmillan, 1915. 216 p.

A scholarly, clear-cut analysis of the problems involved in creating a league of nations. Naumann, Friedrich. Mitteleuropa. Berlin, Reimer, 1915. 299 p. (English edition.) Central Europe, with an introduction by Prof. W. J. Ashley, of the University of Birmingham. Translated by Christabel M. Meredith. London, P. S. King & Son, 1916. 345 p.

Important as a study of German political aspirations.

Toynbee, Arnold J. Nationality and the War. London, Dent, 1915.

511 p.

He presents clearly and fairly the problems of nationality in the warring countries and their relation to the world crisis.


Ashbee, C. R. The American League to Enforce Peace, an English Interpretation. With an introduction by G. Lowes Dickinson. London, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1917. 92 p. 19 cm.

Mr. Ashbee, who, with one exception, was the only Englishman present at the League's inauguration, goes into the question of its policy and the force that underlies it (it is no peace campaign). He had occasion, in his year's study of American conditions, to come into personal contact with most of the active workers of the League and the statesmen who have committed themselves to its platform.

Brailsford, Henry Noel. A League of Nations. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1917.

An outline of a settlement of the war to provide for the future security of the world with the following chapter headings: From Force to Conference; America and the League of Nations; On Peace and Change; Problems of Nationality; The Roads of the East; The Future of Alliances; On Sea-Power; Empire, Sea-Power, and Trade; The Economics of Peace; The Constitution of the League.

Bryce, James, viscount, and others. Proposals for the Prevention of Future Wars. London, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1917. 53 p. 211⁄2 cm.

Draft treaty prepared by a British committee early in 1915 and privately circulated. It is preceded by a preface from the pen of Lord Bryce, and an Introduction. Buxton, Charles Roden, editor. Towards a Lasting Settlement. London, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.; New York, The Macmillan Company, 1916. 216 p. 19 cm.

A collection of essays by Henry Noel Brailsford, Charles Roden Buxton, Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson, John Atkinson Hobson, Vernon Lee, A. Maude Royden, H. Sidebotham, Philip Snowden and Irene Cooper Willis.

Collin, Christen Christian. The War against War and the Enforcement of Peace. With an introduction by William Archer. London, New York, etc., Macmillan and Co., 1917. xii, 163 p. 19 cm. An eminent Norwegian professor's point of view. The American reader will be particularly interested in Chapter X, The Ford Peace Mission in Christiania. Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. The Choice before Us. London, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1917. xi, 274 p. 211⁄2 cm.

Part I, pp. 3-159, is entitled "Militarism"; Part II, pp. 161-274, is entitled "Internationalism" and has the following chapter headings: Internationalism; A League of Nations; The Question of a Sanction to the Treaty; International Regulation and Administration; Democratic Control of Foreign Policy; The League and the Settlement. Enforced Peace. Proceedings of the First Annual National Assemblage of the League to Enforce Peace, Washington, May 26-27, 1916. With an introductory chapter and appendices giving the proposals of the league, its officers and committees. New York, League to Enforce Peace, 1916. vi, 204 p. 191⁄2 cm.

Fried, Alfred Hermann. Die Bestrebungen der Vereinigten Staaten für Ausbau und Festigung einer Zwischenstaatlichen Ordnung (1794-1917).

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