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GRANT, M. The Passing of the Great Race. New York, 1916.

The racial basis of European history is discussed.

Der GRUNDSATZ der Nationalität und das europäische staatensystem. Berlin, Verlag von Julius Springer, 1860. [i], 76 p. 24 cm.

Contents: I, Entgegengesetzte ansichten uber die nationalität; II, Die bedeutung der nationalität; III, Die nationalitätsfrage im europäischen nordwesten; IV, Die nationalitätsfrage im europäischen osten; V, Die nationalitätsfrage im europäischen südwesten; VI, Die nationalitätsfrage in mitteleuropa; VII, Schlusswort an Julius Fröbel. GUERARD, ALBERT LÉON. French Civilization in the Nineteenth Century. New York, 1914.

An interpretation of French ideals.

GUIZOT, M. Histoire de la Civilisation en Europe. Paris, 1866.

A brilliant summary which still holds good.

GUMPLOWICZ, LUDWIG. La lutte de races. Paris, 1893.

A work by a careful scholar.

GUYOT, Y. The Causes and Consequences of the War. London, 1916.
Deals chiefly with economic conflicts.

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La Province Rhénane et la Westphalie. Paris, 1915.

A study of the industrial value of these two regions.

HALDANE OF CLOAN, viscount. Higher Nationality. (A study in Law and Ethics.) New York, American Association for International Conciliation, 1913.

An address by a British chancellor emphasizing the strength of custom, racial and national, as an aid to internationality.

HANOTAUX, G. Contemporary France. Vols. 1-4. New York.

The rôle and influence of France in contemporary events are emphasized.

HAYES, C. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe. Vols. 1 and 2. New York, 1916.

The progress of democracy in Europe is sketched.

HAZEN, CHARLES DOWNER. Alsace-Lorraine under German Rule. New York, 1917.

A clear exposition of the historical events which culminated in the present conflict over these provinces.

HEARNSHAW, F. J. C. Main Currents of European History. London, Macmillan,


Describes the growing tendency of ascribing paramount importance to the welfare of the ruled rather than to the interests of the rulers.

HENRY, R. La frontière linguistique en Alsace-Lorraine. Les Marches de l'Est, 1911-1912, pp. 60–71.

The linguistic boundary is delimited with great minuteness.

HERTSLET, SIR EDWARD. The Map of Europe by Treaty. London, 1875-91. 3 vols.

Contains the text of the important treaties of the period.

HILL, DAVID JAYNE. The Rebuilding of Europe. New York, 1917.

A presentation based on the lessons of history.

HILL, N. Poland and the Polish Question. London, 1915.

Considers various phases of the problem of Poland's relations with neighboring countries.

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HILLS, E. H. The Geography of International Frontiers. Geogr. Journ., Vol. 28, 1906, p. 145.

A technical discussion emphasizing the need of scientific research as a preliminary to delimitation.

HIMLY. Formation territoriale des États de l'Europe centrale. Vols. 1 and 2. Paris, 1894.

An account of the growth of national areas.

HODGES, H. R. Economic Conditions 1915 and 1914. London, Constable, 1917. Shows the changes brought about by the war.

HOLDICH, SIR THOMAS HUNGERFORD. Political Frontiers and Boundary Making. London, 1916.

Based chiefly on the writer's oversea experience.

HOWE, E. S. A Thousand Years of Russian History. Philadelphia, 1915.

Of value to the uninformed reader.

HUNFALVY, P. Die Ungern oder Magyaren. Vienna, 1881.

Shows the Asiatic origin of the Hungarians.

HUNTINGTON, ELLSWORTH. Palestine and its Transformation. New York, 1911. Reviews historical development in the light of climatic changes.

IORGA, N. Histoire des Roumains de Transylvanie et de Hongrie. Bucarest, 1915.

The Rumanian viewpoint as opposed to the Hungarian.

INTER-RACIAL PROBLEMS. Papers communicated to the First Universal Races Congress, London, July 26-29, 1911. Edited by G. Spiller. Boston, World Peace Foundation, 1911.

A wide range of facts covered by writers with many points of view.

ITALIAN Green Book, The. London, 1915.

Official documents.

JOERG, W. L. G. The New Boundaries of the Balkan States and their Significance. Bull. Am. Geogr. Soc., Vol. 45, 1913, pp. 819-830.

Gives figures for the numerical increase in area and population.

JOLY, LOUIS. Du Principe des Nationalités. Paris, Garnier frères, 1863. 274, [i] p. 18 cm.

One of the early studies of the subject.

JONQUIÈRE, A. de la. Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman. Paris, 1914.

Valuable mainly for contemporary history.

KALKEN, F. V. Histoire du Royaume des Pays-Bas et de la Révolution Belge de 1830. Brussels, 1914.

Dwells on the important periods of Belgian history.

KOCH, C. G. de. Histoire abrégée des Traités de Paix entre les Puissances de l'Europe depuis la Paix de Wesphalie. Augmenté par F. Schoell. Paris, 1816-1818. 15 vols.

Valuable as a reference work.

KREHBIEL, E. B. Nationalism, War and Society. New York, 1916.

Considers nationality as an anachronism.

KURTH, G. La Frontière linguistique en Belgique et dans le Nord de la France. · Mém. couronnés. Acad. R. Sci. Lettres et Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Vol. 48, Brussels, 1895-1898.

A survey of the language boundary carried to a point of extreme accuracy.

LAMY, ÉTIENNE. La France du Levant. Paris, 1900.

A study of French influence in Syria.

LANDRY, ADOLPHE. La nationalité des sociétés. Paris, Revue politique, 1916. A late French study of the basis of society.

LARMEROUX, J. L'Autriche-Hongrie au Congrès de Berlin, 1878. Paris, 1915. The development of Teutonic policies in the Near East is shown.

LEAF, W. Troy, a Study in Homeric Geography. London, 1912.

Results of favorable location between the Ægean and Black Scas are described. LEFEUVRE-MÉAULLE, H. La Grèce économique et financière. Paris, 1916. The growth of Greek economic intercourse in our days is reviewed.

LETHBRIDGE, ALAN. The New Russia. New York, 1916.

Impressions of a journey.

LIGUE internationale pour la défense du droit des peuples. Paris [Imprimerie nouvelle d'avenir], 1912-1914. 2 vols. 191⁄2 cm.

Organ of a propaganda favoring autonomy of nationalities generally. Contains many interesting articles.

LIPPMANN, W. Stakes of Diplomacy. New York, 1915.

Argues for the desirability of an international agreement regarding the disposal of backward areas.

LONGNON, A. Origines et formation de la Nationalité française. Paris.

The various elements which make up French nationality are discussed.

LOUIS-JARAY, G. L'Albanie Inconnue. Paris, 1913.

The account of a trip in which hitherto unvisited sections were seen.

LOWELL, A. LAWRENCE. Governments and Parties in Continental Europe. Cambridge, 1915.

A study of political conditions giving excellent insight in the gradual growth of constitutional government.

LYDE, L. W. The Continent of Europe. London, 1913.


Some Frontiers of To-morrow, an Aspiration for Europe. London,

Proposes adjustments based on scientific and economic grounds.

MARRIOTT, J. A. R., and ROBERTSON, C. G. The Evolution of Prussia: the Making of an Empire. Oxford, 1915.

A study of the rise to power of the Prussian kingdom.


Foreign Series, No. 2.

The Problem of Small Nations in the European Crisis.
Council for the Study of International Relations.

A careful short statement prepared for study classes.

MAZERE, N. Harta etnografica a Transilvaniei. 1:340,000. Iasi, 1909.

Shows the Rumanian localities in Transylvania. This map should be examined in conjunction with the text given in the supplement below.

Supliment la harta Transilvaniei. Iasi, 1909.

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MEINECKE, F. Weltbürgertum und Nationalstaat. Studien zur Genesis des Deutschen Nationalstaates. München und Berlin, 1908.

Provides a German opinion respecting the growth of the empire into a single unit.

MICHELS, ROBERT. Notes sur les Moyens de Constater la Nationalité. Congrès International d'Études, Organisation centrale pour une durable paix. Berne, 1916.

An attempt to formulate sound political rules.

MONROE, W. S. Bulgaria and Her People. Boston, Page Co., 1914.

A sympathetic description showing thorough familiarity with the subject. MORIS Y FERNÁNDEZ-VALLIN, ADOLFO. [De la lucha por las nacionalidades.] Discurso leído en la solemne apertura del curso academico de 1887 á 1888 en la Universidad literaria de Santiago.... Impreso de orden de la universidad. Santiago [Imprenta de José M. Paredes], 1887. 114 p. 301⁄2 cm.

The conclusions of a learned Chilean.

MOYSSET, H. La Politique de la Prusse et les Polonais. Rev. des Deux Mondes, Vol. 48, 1908, pp. 108-138; and pp. 519-550.

Shows the attempts made to eradicate Polish culture in Germany.

MUIR, RAMSAY. Nationalism and Internationalism. The Culmination of Modern History. London, Constable & Company, Ltd., 1916. 229 p. 20 cm.

A semi-historical examination of the relation between nationalism and internationalism. The National Principle and the War. Oxford Pamphlets, No. 19, in

Series IV.

A summary statement of problems raised by the present conflict.

NALKOWSKI, W. Poland as a geographical entity. London, 1917.

Gives the area of Poland as based on physiographic considerations.

NATIONALITIES and Subject Races. Report of Conference held in Caxton Hall, Westminster, June 28-30, 1910. London, P. S. King & Son, 1910.

Presents many sides of the chief problems of racial contact previous to the war.

NAUMANN, FRIEDRICH. Central Europe. London, 1916.

An attempt to provide scientific foundations for the foreign aspirations of German imperialists. Should be read in a critical spirit.

NEWBIGIN, M. I. Geographical Aspects of Balkan Problems in their Relation to the Great European War. London, 1915.

Exceedingly important on account of its strictly scientific character.

NIEDERLE, L. La Race Slave. Paris, 1911.

Slovanský Svet. Prague, 1910.

An abridged translation of a standard work. See also Annual Report Smiths. Inst., 1910, pp. 599-612. Washington, 1911.

OSBORNE, H. F. Men of the Old Stone Age. New York, 1916.

A study of beginnings of value to students of European peoples.

OTLET, PAUL. Les Problèmes internationaux et la guerre. Paris, 1916.

A proposal for an international administration.

PALMA, LUIGI. Del principio di Nazionalità nella moderna Società europea. Opera premiata dal R. Instituto lombardo di scienze e lettere nel concorso sci

entifico dell' anno 1866. Milano, Editori delli Biblioteca utile, 1867. viii, 327 p.

20 cm.

One of the works which gave Italian irredentism an impetus after the realization of Italian unity.

PERNICE, A. Origine ed evoluzione storica delle Nazioni balcaniche. Milan, 1915.

A careful study-useful for reference.

PETRIE, W. M. FLINDERS. The Revolution of Civilization. New York, 1911. Shows alternate recurrence of cycles of quiet and upheaval in history.

PETROVICH, W. M. Serbia: Her People, History and Aspirations. London, 1915. A comprehensive investigation of the Serbian problem.

PHILLIPSON, COLEMAN, and NOEL BUXTON. The Question of the Bosporus and Dardanelles. London, Stevens and Haynes, 1917.

The conflict of interests in the Near East is examined.

Pí Y MARGALL, F. Las Nacionalidades. Tercera edición. Madrid, Imprenta de Enrique Rubinos, 1882. viii, 450 p. 18 cm.

A popular volume from the Spanish point of view, which emphasizes Catalonian nationality problems.

PIRENNE, HENRI. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. 2. éd. Brussels, 1902. List of original sources and modern books.

Histoire de Belgique. 4 vols. Brussels, 1900-11.

Goes down to 1648.

PITTARD, E. Les Peuples de la Péninsula des Balkans. Rev. Gen. des Sciences, 1915, pp. 665-675.

Gives anthropological descriptions of the Balkan peoples.

RAMBAUD, A. Histoire de la Russie depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours. Paris,


An excellent survey.

RAUCHBERG, H. Sprachenkarte von Böhmen. Vienna, 1905.

Of value for its period, but changes along the border zones have taken place since its publication.

READE, A. Finland and the Finns. New York, 1915.

A firsthand descriptive account of the country and customs.

RENAN, ERNEST. Discours et conférences. Paris, Calmann Lévy, 1887. v, 412 p. 23 cm.

Qu'est que c'est une Nation? Conference faite en Sorbonne, le 11 mars 1882, pp. 277-310. REVELLI, P. L'Adriatico e il dominio del Mediterraneo Orientale. Riv. Geogr. Ital., Feb.-March, 1916, pp. 91–113.

Gives the Italian viewpoint.

REYNARD, L. Histoire Générale de l'influence française en Allemagne. Paris,


Shows the extent to which Teutonic thought has drawn on France for ideals.

RIPLEY, W. Z. The Races of Europe. New York, 1899.

A standard work.

ROBERTSON, C. G. See Marriott.

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