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Senator STENNIS. The next item, General.

Mr. SHULER. The next item is in a new group of five items. These were previously authorized items that have not been funded. Page 7 is the first one. This is for an EM barracks without mess, to support the hospital. The people eat in the hospital. At the present time, sir, these people are living not adjacent to the hospital but 4 miles away. As you know, we have emergency duty in the hospital and long hours. It is normal for us to build a barracks next to the hospital to better support it.

Senator STENNIS. We had this last year and the Senate agreed to it, recommended it. Is that correct?

Mr. SHULER. Yes, sir. I believe that the House Appropriations Committee prevailed in conference.

Senator STENNIS. We are familiar with that. The next item.

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This itea is required to provide suitable facilities for the Army Pictorial Center, the
only complete Motion Picture and Televisieu Productica and Pictorial Service Facility of the
Department of the Aray. Buildings one and two were built in the 1920's for motion picture
production and associated activities. Existing plumbing fixtures and service lines are
severely corroded because of their age, replacement parts are not available. Electrical
wiring is outmoded, inadequate and deteriorated. Television production area is overcrowded
by addition of equipment for new developments required to Redpace with the state-of-the-
art. Sound stages are subjected to extensive noises from fans, squeaking fleers and activi-
ties on adjoining stages, requiring complete shut-dow of all aåjoining activities when
"shooting" on any one stage. Audio reverberations preclude optimam recording quality. If
this project does not receive, funding approval, it will be necessary to contine operation
under the existing unsatisfactory conditions, with attendant frequent breakens, high
maintenance costs and inefficient production. No disposal actions are invoivial.


Mr. SHULER. The next is Division Headquarters, on page 8, the Army Pictorial Center, New York City. This is the rehabilitation of two buildings. This project, sir, was authorized and the authorization has been extended to date. This is to upgrade the Army's only complete motion picture-TV production facility which was built many, many years ago for production of silent films only. The project will improve the electric wiring, plumbing, heating, and air conditioning, and acoustical treatment will be provided to the stages. This will be required to make full use of production facilities. At the present time much of the activity must be shut down while using any one of the stages in the production of sound motion picture-TV films. These are training-type films for the military, both television-type production and sound film type and they are sent all over the world to assist in training troops in the various areas of training.

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Senator STENNIS. The next item.

Mr. SHULER. The next is page 10. Edgewood Arsenal, which is to restore the explosion test complex. This was destroyed by fire. We would propose, sir, to use section 2673, which is continuing authorization for act of God destruction-type projects that we have to replace. This would be $636,000 to replace this.

Senator STENNIS. Where did this happen?

Mr. SHULER. At Edgewood Arsenal.

Senator STENNIS. Why wouldn't the Budget Bureau give you an approval on this?

Mr. SHULER. Sir, this is the first time we have requested this. We have not been turned down on it.

Senator STENNIS. Do you think it will be on the list that comes in this afternoon?

Mr. SHULER. Yes, sir; I do.

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