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Don't wonder-don't bother - don't

Smoke "Velvet."

"Velvet" is a short cut to pipe smoke satisfaction. American Burley leaf as you never knew it before -two years of aging-mellowing-reveling in its own richness-losing all harshness-improving in flavor. Can't bite! Smoke it all day-all night -it's cool, slow burning-a fragrance that enthrals. We've said it all.

Velvet should be on every dealer's shelf-IF OUT, send us roc for the regular tin sent only in United States.

10c at all dealers.




26 D


Send us the names of ten people who would be interested in TECHNICAL WORLD MAGAZINE, and 25c to cover postage and mailing, and we will send you this handsome, genuine, Walden Stag Handle Knife.

Money back if you don't think the
knife is worth $1.00.

Remember, any intelligent, wide-awake, brainy man likes TECHNICAL WORLD-not necessarily technical men, but those who are interested in the progress man is making in every field of human endeavor.

"More Fascinating Than Fiction"

58th Street and Drexel Ave.

Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

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Good Bye, Corns
No Wait-No Pain

Just listen to this.

There is a little plaster which


holds a bit of soft wax-a wondrous invention called B & B wax.
little plaster is applied in a jiffy, and the pain of the corn stops instantly.
But that isn't all. That bit of soft B & B wax gently loosens the corn.
In two days the corn comes out. No pain, no soreness, no inconvenience-
no feeling whatever. The callous simply separates itself from the toe, and
the trouble ends.

Five million corns annually are removed in this way-removed by
Blue-jay plasters. Get a package-end yours, too. Don't temporize with


A in the picture is the soft B & B wax. It loosens the corn.

B protects the corn, stopping the pain at once.

C wraps around the toe. It is narrowed to be comfortable.
D is rubber adhesive to fasten the plaster on.

Blue-jay Corn Plasters 15 and 25e

per package

Also Blue-jay Bunion Plasters. All Druggists Sell and Guarantee Them.

If not convinced, ask for sample-free.


Bauer & Black, Chicago and New York, Makers of Surgical Dressings, etc.

Small Power at Small Cost

This famous one-horse power, hopper-cooled IHC gasoline engine when belted to a pump jack will supply all the water needed on an ordinary suburban country home, or farm.

It will also operate

the cream separator, grindstone, bone cutter, saw, washing machine, etc. And in the shop, it operates
the lathe, drill, presses, emery wheels, grinders, and other small
is surprisingly powerful for its size and operates at very small
etc., same as our large engine.


Wait till you get the facts about all

IHC Gasoline

before you decide. The
IHC line is complete-
a style and size for every
need. 1 to 35-horse
power; stationary or port-
able; horizontal or ver-
tical; air or water-cooled;
also gasoline traction en-
gines 12 to 45-H. P.

Write at once for cata-

Business Opportunities

HOUSTON, TEXAS. THE RAILROAD. COTTON, LUMber, rice and oil center of the South, offers unequalled advantages to manufacturers. support a Wagon Factory. Gin Machinery Factory. Tool Houston will encourage and Handle Factory. Furniture Factory. Cooperage Plant, etc. Houston is the supply depot for the great Gulf Coast country. For better advantages, come to Houston. Write for specific information. Address, Chamber of Commerce, Houston, Texas.

BUILD A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN AND ESCAPE salaried drudgery for life. Learn the Collection Business. Limitless field; little competition. profitable. Send for "Pointers" today. American Collection Few opportunities so Service, 9 State Street. Detroit, Mich.


START A NEW INDEPENDENT BUSINESS. "American" Razor Honing & Safety Blade Sharpening Machine earns $5 to $10 a day. We teach you. Previous experience unnecessary. Illinois Cutlery Co., Dept. 3. ington St., Chicago. 184 Wash

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CASH FOR YOUR BUSINESS OR REAL ESTATE. bring buyers and sellers together. If you want to buy, sell or exchange a property or business anywhere, write to Frank P. Cleveland, 1311 Adams Express Building, Chicago, Ill.

Patents and Patent Attorneys

"PATENTS AND PATENT POSSIBILITIES." a 72-page treatise sent free upon request; tells what to invent and where to sell it. Write today. H. S. Hill, 907 McGill Building. Washington, D. C.

C. L. PARKER, PATENT ATTORNEY, EX-EXAMINER U. S. Patent Office. 944 G Street, Washington, D. C. Inventor's handbook, "Protecting. Exploiting and Selling Inventions," sent free upon request.

PATENTS OBTAINED AND TRADE-MARKS REGIStered. Our booklet. "Concerning Patents." Calver & Calver. Patent Attorneys. Washington, D. C. mailed free. (Formerly Examiners, U. S. Patent Office.)

Highest references. Best services. I PROCURE PATENTS
THAT PROTECT. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer,
622 F St.. Washington, D. C.

Of Interest to Inventors PATENTS. For facts about Prize and Reward offers and Inventions that will bring from $5000 to TEN MILLION DOLLARS, and for books of Intense Interest to Inventors. send 8c postage to PUBS. PATENT SENSE, DEPT. 68. BARRISTER BLDG., WASHINGTON, D. C.

Male Help Wanted

LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. SPLENDID income assured right man to act as our representative after learning our business thoroughly by mail. Former experience unnecessary. All we require is honesty, ability, ambition and willingness to learn a lucrative business. No soliciting or traveling. This is an exceptional opportunity for a man in your section to get into a big paying business without capital and become independent for life. Write at once for full particulars. Address E. R. Marden, Pres.. The National CoOperative Real Estate Company, L 136 Marden Bldg., Washington, D. C.

A DRAFTSMAN FOR $20.00. during summer at special reduction. Everything $20.00. DRAWING COURSE drawing outfit included. Become a draftsman by studying at home. The greatest offer ever made to men who want to rise to a better position, more pay, cleaner work, shorter hours. If interested in yourself, write for enrollment blank and Catalog B. THE SCHOOL OF RAILWAY SIGNALING. Utica, N. Y., U. S. A.

RAILWAY MAIL CLERK. POST OFFICE CLERK AND Carrier Civil Service Examinations are held in the Fall. Commence preparation now under personal supervision of former Member and Secretary of Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners. Seven years' experience in conducting examinations. Write for big free descriptive Booklet. Civil Service School, Box 832, Rochester. N. Y.


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sell gasoline lighting systems suitable for any place or pur-
pose: attractive proposition; write for catalogue.
Lighting Co.. 178 N. Sangamon St.. Chicago, Ill.

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AGENTS MAKE BIG MONEY selling our new gold letters
for office windows, store fronts and glass signs.
put them on. Write to-day for free sample and full particu-
Anyone can
lars. Metallic Sign Letter Co., 401 N. Clark St., Chicago,

$25 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES TO MEN AND WOMEN to collect names. distribute samples and advertise. Steady work. C. H. Emery, M. N., Chicago, Ill.

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MOTOR CYCLE CASES AND TUBES. NEW, FRESH stock. 28x24. corrugated. $5.25. Bailey, $6.25. tubes, $2.50; 28x2%. corrugated. $5.50. Bailey, $7: Nobby. $7.75, tube. $2.50. I ship, allow examination on receipt of 25% of order. W. Vanderpool, Springfield, Ohio.

EXTR made to ing. Y month


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