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Fire Fighting and Telephoning

Both Need Team Work, Modern Tools
and an Ever Ready Plant, Everywhere

Twenty men with twenty buckets can put out a small fire if each man works by himself.

If twenty men form a line and pass the buckets from hand to hand, they can put out a larger fire. But the same twenty men on the brakes of a "hand tub" can force a continuous stream of water through a pipe so fast that the bucket brigade seems futile by comparison.

The modern firefighter has gone away beyond the "hand tub." Mechanics build a steam fire engine, miners dig coal to feed it, workmen build reservoirs and lay pipes so that each nozzleman and engineer is worth a score of the oldfashioned firefighters.

The big tasks of today require not only team work but also modern tools and a vast system of supply and distribution.

The Bell telephone system is an example of co-operation between 75,000 stockholders, 120,000 employees and six million subscribers. But to team work is added an up-to-date plant. Years of time and hundreds of millions of money have been put into the tools of the trade; into the building of a nation-wide network of lines; into the training of men and the working out of methods. The result is the Bell system of today-a union of men, money and machinery, to provide universal telephone service for ninety million people.


One Policy

One System

Universal Service

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How Do You Keep The Ball Rolling

Is it a never-ending struggle with small wages, long hours and hard work to keep on your feet and support yourself and others?

Well, why don't you get on a solid footing? It's only a step-and an easy step to take.

Just mark on the coupon the occupation in which you wish to make yourself a specialist-to earn a high salary-to be independent. Take that first step, and the International Correspondence Schools will show you how to do the rest. Never mind where you live, what you do or how little you earn-that does not make any difference whatever. Mark the coupon today.

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Canton, Ohio, is one of the most notable of many enthusiastic Underfeed strongholds. Pictured above are two Underfeed heated Canton homes. One owner-A. Casteel, of 400 Springfield Ave., writes:

"I have, at the present time, about one-half dozen furnaces of different makes, located in other buildings lown. From my personal experience with these furnaces, I consider the Underfeed feature superior to any in the market.'

H. A. Schrantz, 521 Dueber Ave., the other house-owner, writes, after four years' satisfaction with the Underfeed:

"It maintains an almost uniform temperature of 75 degrees, regardless of the severity of the weather; never less than 65 degrees over night during zero weather the real test of a furnace. It is most economical. For firing from Oct. 1 to May 1, my coal bill has never been over $17, and in a few years the Underfeed will have saved its initial cost "

Pea and buckwheat sizes of hard and soft coal and cheapest slack will yield in the Underfeed as much heat as



highest price coal in other heaters. The difference in coal cost is yours. Smoke and gases-wasted in other plants-must pass through the flames in the Underfeed and are consumed; more saving.


Write for YOUR copy of Underfeed Furnace Booklet or Special Boiler Catalog. Use the coupon. We'll be glad to send a lot of fac-simile testimonials. Heating Plans of our Engineering Corps are FREE. Name local dealer with whom you prefer to deal.

PECK-WILLIAMSON CO., 297 W. Fifth St.,


Furnace Dealers, Plumbers and Hardware Dealers-Write TODAY for Our Sales Jffer-To-YOU.

Send Coupon Today and Learn how to

SAVE 1/2 to 2/3

of your

Coal Bill

Fill in, cut out and mail TODAY.

THE WILLIAMSON CO., 297 W. Fifth Street,


Cincinnati, Ohio

would like to know more about how to cut down the cost of my Coal Bills from 50% to 66% %. Send me-FREE

UNDERFEED Furnace Booklet........



Boiler Booklet.............

(Indicate by X Booklet you desire)

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