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Plymouth Rock. The rock at Plymouth, Mass., where the pilgrims landed in 1620.

Poet's Corner. A corner in Westminster Abbey where poets are buried. The poetical column in a newspaper.

Pons Asinorum. (The bridge of asses.) Fifth proposition, first book Euclid's Geometry.

Poor Richard. Benjamin Franklin.
Porkopolis. Cincinnati.

Prater, The. A promenade in Vienna, Austria. Protestant Duke, The. The Duke of Monmouth, natural son of Charles II. of England.

Pyramids. A number of remarkable old structures in Egypt.

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Rebellion, The Great. The war between Charles I. of England and Parliament.

Red Letter Day. A fortunate day. In old calendars a red letter was used to mark the saints' days. Red Tape. Official routine.

Reign of Terror. The time during the French Revolution between the overthrow of the Girondists, May 31, 1793, and the fall of Robespierre, July 27, 1794. Reynard the Fox. A romance of the fourteenth century. Rialto, The. A bridge over the Grand Canal, Venice.

Rights, Declaration of. An instrument securing annual Parliaments, trial by jury, free elections, the right of petition, and denying to the crown the privilege of keeping a standing army or of levying taxes, was drawn up after the revolution of 1689, and accepted by William and Mary.

Roost, To Rule the. To take the leading part. Robert the Devil. The first Duke of Normandy. Robin Goodfellow. Puck, a celebrated fairy. Roland for an Oliver, A. Tit for tat. Roland and Oliver, two peers of Charlemagne. So many romances were related of these knights that whenever one told an improbable story to match one that had been told before, it was called giving a Roland for an Oliver. Rossius, The British. David Garrick. Rough and Ready. Gen. Zachary Taylor. Round Robin. A petition or remonstrance signed by the names in a circle, so as to conceal who signed it


Round Table, The. King Arthur's knights sat at a round table so that any distinction of rank was avoided.

Roundheads. The Puritans, who wore short hair. Royal Martyr, The. Charles I. of England. Royal Society, The. A society for the advancement of natural science, founded at London, 1645. Rozinante. The horse of Don Quixote. Rubicon, To Pass the. To take an irretrievable step. When Cæsar crossed the Rubicon he became an enemy of the Republic.

Rule Britannia. An English song.

Rump Parliament, The. A remnant of the Long Parliament broken up by Cromwell.

Rye House Plot. A conspiracy in 1683 to assassinate Charles II. and the Duke of York. Rye House was the name of the conspirators' place of meeting.

Sabbath Day's Journey. About one mile. Sack, To Get the. To be discharged. The Sultan, when he wants to be rid of one of his harem, has her put into a sack and thrown into the Bosphorus.

Sadducees. A sect of the ancient Jews who denied the resurrection of the dead and the expectation of a future state.

Sagas. Scandinavian books containing the Northern legends.

Saint Bartholomew, Massacre of. Massacre of the French Huguenots in the reign of Charles IX., on St. Bartholomew's day, 1572.

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Saint James, The Court of. The English court, so called from the Palace of St. James in London, formerly a royal residence.

St. Mark's. Cathedral of Venice, Italy.

Saint Paul's. The cathedral of London; designed by Sir Christopher Wren.

Saint Peter's. At Rome; is the most splendid church building in the world.

Saint Sophia. A mosque in Constantinople, Turkey. Saint Stephens. A Gothic cathedral in Vienna, Austria.

Salt River. Oblivion. Gone up Salt River is generally taken to mean political defeat.

Sambo. Nickname for colored man.
Sanctum. One's private office.

Sandwich. A piece of meat between two pieces of


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Saturnalia. A festival in honor of Saturn observed annually by the Romans by giving way to the wildest disorders. Unrestrained license for all classes, even to the slaves, ruled the city for three days, December 17, 18, and 19.

Schoolmen. The medieval theologians.

Scotland Yard. The headquarters of the London police.

Scourge of God, The. Attila, King of the Huns.
Scratch, Old. The Devil.

Scylla. (Avoiding Scylla he fell into Charybdis.) In trying to avoid one danger he fell into another. Scylla and Charybdis were the two dangers in the Straits of Messina, Italy.

Sea-girt Isle, The. Great Britain.
Secessia. The seceding Southern States.

Secular Games. Games held by the Romans once in a century.

Semiramis of the North. Catherine II., Empress of Russia.

September Massacres. The massacre of the French Royalist prisoners in Paris, September 2, 3, and 4, 1792. About 8,000 were killed.

Septuagint. A Greek version of the Old Testament prepared by seventy doctors.

Seven-hilled City, The. Rome.

Seven Wonders of the World. The pyramids of gardens of Babylon; the Colossus at Rhodes; the MauEgypt; the Temple of Diana at Ephesus; the hanging soleum at Halicarnassus; the statue of Zeus by Phidias dria in Egypt. at Olympus; and the Pharos (or lighthouse) of Alexan

Seven Years' War. The war of Frederick the Great against France, Austria, and Russia, 1756 to 1763. Shamrock. The emblem of Ireland. St. Patrick made use of it to prove the doctrine of the Trinity. Shibboleth. A countersign. The password of secret society. When the Ephraimites, after being detected by not being able to pronounce properly the routed by Jephthah, tried to pass the Jordan, they were word Shibboleth.

Sick Man, The. The Ottoman Empire.
Sinews of War, The. Money.


Single-Speech Hamilton. An English statesman of made but one speech, but that one was most eloquent. the eighteenth century, W. G. Hamilton. He never

Six Hundred, Charge of the. At the battle of Balaklava, October 25, 1854, by a mistaken order, the British light cavalry, 670 strong, made a most gallant charge on the Russians.

Sleeping Beauty, The. A fairy tale.

Smell of the Lamp. A phrase first applied to the orations of Demosthenes, showing their careful and labored preparation. Demosthenes studied in a cave by lamplight.

Song of Roland. An old French poem recounting the deaths of Oliver and Roland at Roncesvalles. Sorbonne, The. A university in Paris founded by Robert de Sorbonne in the thirteenth century. Sortes Biblica. Fortune telling by consulting the Bible. Sailor King, The. William IV. of England. South Kensington Museum. A collection of works Saint Cloud. A once famous French palace, de- of art and manufactures in London. stroyed in the Franco-Prussian war South Sea Bubble, The. A company formed in 1710

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in England to pay the national debt and to have in return a monopoly of the South Sea trade. This company lasted about ten years, and its failure was the ruin of thousands.

Spanish Main. The southwestern part of the Gulf of Mexico. Sphinx. An emblem of silence and mystery. A monument near Cairo, Egypt; half woman, half lion. Stabat Mater. A Latin hymn on the Crucifixion. Stalwart. A member of the Republican party of the United States clinging to the principles and practices of the party. His opposite, a Half-Breed," is a Republican unwilling to be controlled by the party leaders.

Star Chamber. A court of criminal jurisdiction in England having extensive powers. It existed from the time of Henry VIII. until that of Charles I.

"Stonewall" Jackson. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson, Confederate General.

Strasburg Cathedral. At Strasburg; Gothic; 468 feet high; has a wonderful clock.

Swedish Nightingale. Jenny Lind (Mme. Goldschmidt).

Tabooed. Prohibited. A Polynesian word meaning consecrated; used for what is out of date or in bad


Tammany Hall. A section of the Democratic party in New York City, named from their place of meeting. Tammany Ring, or the "Tweed Ring," or "the Ring." A set of New York City officials which absorbed large sums of the city money. Exposed in 1871.

Tammany, Saint. Patron saint of the Democratic party in New York. He was an Indian chief, whose name was really Timenund.

Tapis, On the. On the carpet; proposed for discussion. From the tapis or cloth on a council table.

Temple Bar. Á stone house in London over which the heads of traitors used to be exposed. Torn down in 1878.

Termagant. A shrew. Termagant was, according to the Crusaders, the wife of Mahomet.

Terra Firma. Dry land.

Tertium Quid. A third somebody not to be named. Theatre Francais. A theater in Paris. Theleme, Abbey of. A creation of Rabelais in his Gargantua. Its motto was, "Do as you please."

Thirty Years' War, The. Between the Catholics and Protestants in Germany, 1618-1648.

Thistle. The national emblem of Scotland. One night when the Danes were attempting to surprise an encampment of the Scotch, one of them trod upon a thistle; the pain caused him to raise an alarm and the Scotch defeated them. Ever since the thistle has been the insignia of Scotland.

Thor. The god of war, son of Odin, the Scandinavian Myth.

Threadneedle Street, The Old Lady of. The Bank of England.

Three Estates of the Realm. The nobility, the clergy, and the commonalty; represented in the two houses of Parliament.

Thunderer, The. The London Times (newspaper). Tick, On. On credit.

Tit for Tat.. An equivalent; this for that.

Tom Thumb. Charles A. Stratton. Also a fairy tale. Tory. The name of an English political party; opposite of Whig.

Tour, The Grand. From England, through France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and home.

Tower, The. The citadel of London. Transfiguration, The. One of Raphael's most famous pictures, now in the Vatican.

Trimmer. One who takes a moderate course in politics.

Trinity Church. An Episcopal church on Broadway at the head of Wall street, New York. The richest church in America.

Triple Alliance, The. Alliance between Great Britain, Holland, and Sweden against France, 1668. Troubadours. Provincial poets from the eleventh to the fourteenth century.

Trouveres. Northern French poets 1100 to 1400. Trumpet, To Sound One's Own. To boast. The entrance of knights into a list was announced by the heralds with a flourish of trumpets.

Tuft-Hunter. A toady. At Oxford a nobleman was called a tuft because of the gold tuft on his college cap. Tuileries. A French royal palace burned by the Commune in 1871.

Tulip Mania. A European craze of the seventeenth century centering in Holland. Everybody was buying tulip bulbs, which ran up to enormous prices. Many fortunes were sunk in their acquisition.

Tune the Old Cow Died of. Words instead of alms. Old song: a man having nothing with which to feed his cow, sings to her of the grass which is to grow. The expression is also used for a worn-out, tiresome tune. Tyburn. Once a London place of execution, now a wealthy and fashionable quarter called Tyburnia.

Uffizi. A building in Florence in which is a magnificent art collection.

Ultramontanes. In France, the more extreme adherents of the Pope.

Underground Railroad, The. Organization of the different ineans used for the escape of runaway slaves, about the middle of the present century.

Under the Rose. (Sub rosa.) Confidentially. Unlicked Cub. An ill-bred boy. The bear cub was believed to be licked into shape by its dam.

Unter den Linden. A street in Berlin having four rows of lime trees.

Unwashed, The Great. The mob.

Up the Spout, or, more elegantly, gone where the woodbine twineth," or "at my uncle's," means in pawn. Upas Tree. An object that does harm and should be avoided. The upas tree is common in Java; its gum is poisonous, and fable states that the atmosphere about it is as deadly.

Upper Ten Thousand. able society.

The aristocracy; fashion

Utilitarians. Those who believe that the fitness of anything to promote happiness is the right standard of morality. Utopia. An ideal commonwealth. The imaginary island, scene of Sir Thomas More's romance of Utopia.

Valhalla. The palace of immortality, where the heroes slain in battle dwell. (From the Saga legends.) Vampire. An extortioner. A fabulous bat Said to suck the blood of persons during sleep.

Vatican. The palace of the Popes, Rome. Vatican, Council of the. The (Ecumenical Council, 1869, promulgated Papal infallibility.

Vedas, The. Revelations of Brahma in four sacred books.

Veni, Vidi, Vici. (I came, I saw, I conquered.) Phrase used by Julius Cæsar, announcing his victory at Zela. Venus de Medici. A Greek statue at Florence. Venus of Milo. A Greek statue found in the Island of Melos, 1820; it is now in the Louvre. Verbum Sap. A word to the wise. Veronica. A relic at St. Peter's, Rome.

Versailles. A palace at Versailles, ten miles from Paris.

Vespers, The Sicilian. The massacre of the French in Sicily, March 30, 1282. The sounding of the vesper bell was the signal.

Via Dolorosa. The sorrowful way of our Lord from the Mount of Olives to Golgotha.

Vinegar Bible, The. Has "vinegar" for "vineyard” in the head line of Luke xx., Oxford, 1767.

Virgin Queen, The. Queen Elizabeth of England. Vitus Dance, St. A disease anciently supposed to be under control of St. Vitus.

Wabash Avenue. A street in Chicago. Wall of China, The. A wall 1,200 miles long and 20 feet high, built as a protection against the Tartars. Wall Street. The great financial street of New York. Wallack's. A theater in New York. Walton, An Izaak. An angler.

Wandering Jew, The. A legendary personage condemned to wander over the world until the day of judgment.

War of 1812. Between Great Britain and the United States, 1812-1815.

War of the Roses. The English civil wars in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, between the houses of York and Lancaster.

Ward, Artemus. C. F. Browne.

Washington Street. A street in Boston, Mass. Wassail. (What hail!) A bowl of spiced ale used on New Year's day is the Wassail bowl.

Waters, The Father of. The Mississippi. Ways and Means. An important committee of the House of Representatives; is charged with the duty of devising ways and means for the supply of the Government expenses,

Wedding. The first anniversary of a wedding is the paper wedding, the gifts being paper articles; the fifth, rooden, the tenth, tin: the fifteenth, glass; twentyfifth, silver; fiftieth, golden; seventy-fifth, diamond. Well of St. Keyne. A well in Cornwall. The first of a married couple to taste its waters will "wear the breeches."

Westminster Abbey. A church in London where many of the illustrious dead of England are buried. Wetherell, Elizabeth. Pseudonym of Miss Susan Warner, author of The Wide, Wide World.

Whig. The name of a political party now extinct. Whistle. (To pay too dearly for the whistle.) Dr Franklin's story. Cost greater than benefit.

White Feather, To Show the. A display of cowardice.

White House. The Presidential mansion at Washington.

Whiteboys. A secret society in Ireland, 1789.

Wild Huntsman, The. A spectral huntsman in the Black Forest. German legend.

Windmills, To Fight with. To oppose imaginary objects. Don Quixote.

Windsor Castle. A royal residence near London. Wise Men of the East, The. The three Magi guided by a star to Bethlehem.

Witch of Endor, The. The soothsayer who foretold the death of Saul. Witch Hazel. A forked twig used for finding witches; in use still for finding water.

Wooden Horse. A ruse at the siege of Troy. Woolsack, To Sit on the. To be Lord Chance r of England.

Wyoming Massacre. The Valley of Wyoming was ravaged by Indians in 1778.

Xanthos. The prophetic horse of Achilles.
Xantippe. The scolding wife of Socrates.

Yahoo. A ruffian. The Yahoos in Gulliver's Travels are brutes shaped like men.

Yankee. A name given to all Americans. In America itself the name is only used for natives of New England. Yarmouth Bloater. A red herring.

Yellow Jack. The yellow fever.

Young America. The growing generation. Young Chevalier. Charles Edward Stuart, the second pretender to the throne of Great Britain. (1720-88.) Young Germany. Heinrich Heine and his followers. Yosemite Valley. In California. Also a picture by Bierstadt.

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Latin.-Pater noster, qui es 'in cœlis, sanctificeter nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cœlo, et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. Et remitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos remittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Tibi enim est regnum, et potentia, et gloria, in sempiternum.


Italian.- Padre nostro, che sei ne' cieli, sia santificato i' tuo nome. Il tuo regno venga. La tua volontà sia fatta in terra come in cielo. Dacci oggi il nostro pane cotidiano. E rimettici i nostri debiti, come noi ancora gli rimettiamo a' nostri debitori. E non indurci in tentazione, ma liberaci dal maligno. Perciochè tuo è il regno, e la potenza, e la gloria, in sempiterno.


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French.-Notre Pere qui es aux cieux, ton nom soit sanctifie. Ton règne vienne; ta volonté soit faite sur la terre, comme au ciel. Donne-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien. Pardonne-nous nos péchés, comme aussi nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offensés. Et ne nous abandonne point à la tentation, mais délivre nous du malin. Car à toi appartient le regne, la puissance, et la gloire, à jamais. Amen.

German.-Unser Vater in dem Himmel, dein Name werde geheiliget. Dein Reich komme. Dein Wille geschehe auf Erden wie im Himmel. Unser tägliches Brod gieb uns heute. Und vergieb uns unsere Schulden, wie wir unsern Schuldigern vergaben. Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung, sondern erlese uns von dem Uebel. Denn dein ist das Reich, und die Kraft, und die Herrlichkeit, in Ewigkeit. Amen.

GREAT MEN'S WORKS. Boileau wrote his first satirical | poems at 24. Corneille wrote "Melite," his first drama, at 21.

Calvin published his "Psychopannychia" at 25.

Spenser published the "Faerie Queene" at 38.

It is said that Horace wrote his first odes at 23.

Sheridan wrote his "School for Scandal" at 26. Machiavelli Prince" at 45.

completed "The

Sir Thomas More finished his | "Utopia" at 73.

Livy is said to have finished his "Annals" at 50.

Goldsmith finished " The Deserted Village" at 42.

Josephus published his "Wars of the Jews" at 56.

Lamartine's poems appeared when the poet was 30.

Perseus is thought to have written his satires at 45.

Thackeray was 36 when " Vanity Fair" appeared.

Lord Bacon wrote the "Novum Organum" at 41.

Tacitus finished the first part of his history at 50.

David is said to have written his first psalm at 18.

Homer is said to have composed the Iliad after 60.

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Bryant was 19 when made famous by Thanatopsis. Solomon is said to have collected the Proverbs at 50.

Baxter wrote the "Saint's Everlasting Rest" at 34.

Dante finished the "Divina Commedia" at about 51.


Von Ranke finished his "
of the Popes" at 39.
George Eliot was 39 when “Adan
Bede" was printed.

Fichte wrote the famous "Wissenschaftslehre" at 32.

Robert Browning wrote "The Ring and the Book" at 57. Samuel Johnson published "London" when he was 29.

The Bucolics of Virgil were written between 43 and 47.

Thomas à Kempis wrote the “* Imitation of Christ at 34.

Joseph Addison's first essays ap peared when he was 29.

John Bunyan finished the "Pigrim's Progress" at 50.

"The Robbers," by Schiller, made the author famous at 23.

Hannah More wrote "The Search After Happiness" at 28.

Martial is said to have written epigrams before he was 20.

Voltaire's first tragedy came out when the author was 22. Adam Smith published .. The. Wealth of Nations at 55.



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Lippincott Mahaffy, Social Life in Greece.
Scribners Moeller, History of the Christian Church.

American Book Co. Fiske-Irving, Washington and his Country. Ginn Freeman, The Norman Conquest. 6v. Clarendon Press Fiske, The Discovery of America. 2v. Houghton, Mifflin Fiske, The American Revolution. 2y. Houghton, Mifflin Fiske, The Critical Period of American History. Houghton, Mifflin Scribners Cassell Henry Holt Putnams Putnams

Fisher, History of the Reformation.
Fyffe, History of Modern Europe. 3v.
Freeman, General Sketch of History.
Franklin, Autobiography of.

Frazer, The Story of British Rule in India.
Fowler, The City State of Greeks and Romans.

McMaster, History of the People of the United
States. 6v.
Montesquieu, The Grandeur and Decadence of Rome.

Mueller, Political History of Recent Times. Harpers
Macaulay, History of England. 5v.
McCarthy, A History of Our Own Times. 3v. Harpers
Motley, History of the United Netherlands. 4v.
Motley, The Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3v. Harpers
Miller, The Story of the Balkan States.
Merivale, History of the Romans Under the
Empire. 8v.

Lang, Helen of Troy.





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Montesquieu, Spirit of Laws. 2v.
Morley, Life of Walpole.






Muir, Life of Mohammed.


Freeman, Comparative Politics.
Freeman, History of Government in Greece and Italy.



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[blocks in formation]

Macmillan Milman. The History of Latin Christianity,



Fisher, The Reformation.

Scribners Maitland, The Dark Ages.


Fisher, The Beginnings of Christianity.

Froude, The Spanish Story of the Armada.

Scribners Napier, History of the Peninsular War. 3v. Routledge
Scribners Nadaillac, Prehistoric America.


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