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(Orphol) Von Heyden.

The most reliable intestinal antiseptic in cholera infantum, the diarrhoeas, of consumptives, gastro-intestinal catarrh, typhoid fever, etc., possessing not only astringent but also antiseptic properties. Orphol is a neutral, light-brown, almost odorless and tasteless non-caustic powder, containing 80% of bismuth oxide in chemical combination with 20% of Betanaphtol.

According to PROF. VON NENCKI, Betanaphtol-Bismuth agrees with patients well, even when its use is long continued.-(Wratsch, 1893, No. 1.)

In a paper entitled "The Preparations of Bismuth," read before the Clinical Society of New York, December 15, 1894, PROF. REYNOLD W. WILCOX recommends the use of BetanaphtolBismuth in the treatment of chronic intestinal catarrh, typhoid fever, etc. After the observation of at least 100 cases, he believes that better results have been obtained, and that in a shorter period of time, than could have been expected from the inorganic bismuth compounds.

In the New York Medical Journal, March 30, 1895, DR. HUGO ENGEL, in an article entitled "The Therapeutic Effects of Betanaphtol-Bismuth," arrives at the following conclusions: "Betanaphtol-Bismuth far surpasses in effect the older preparations of bismuth. In my opinion, if I may draw a conclusion from the cases under my charge, the Betanaphtol-Bismuth is the most reliable intestinal disinfectant that we possess to-day, and combines with its antiseptic action an astringent effect. It can be given with impunity in doses large enough and for a sufficient length of time to achieve our purpose, the cure of diseases due to the presence of infectious material in the alimentary canal, and it may be employed in infants as well as in adults.

In an article published in the Medical Record, July 13, 1895, entitled "The Treatment of GastroEnteritis Catarrhalis Acuta, including Cholera Infantum," DR. LOUIS FISCHER says: "I formerly used bismuth in the form of the subnitrate, the salicylate and the subcarbonate, but I give decided preference to the Bismuth Betanaphtol." He entirely agrees with PROF. F. HUEPPE, who has found it a most powerful intestinal antiseptic.

D. D. STEWART, M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Stomach and Intestine in the Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine; Physician to the Episcopal Hospital, etc., in an article entitled "The Treatment of Lienteric Diarrhoea," published in The American Therapist, April 15, 1897, says: "A promising salt of betanaphtol for this condition is that of Betanaphtol-Bismuth (Orphol). This I have employed in my intestinal work for the past four years with very good results."

In an article entitled "Further Notes on the Pathology and Treatment of Graves's Disease," by W. H. THOMSON, M.D., LL.D., Professor of the Practice of Medicine in the New York University, published in the New York Medical Journal, October 17, 1896, the author says: "The chief medicinal treatment is in the systematic and unremitting use of intestinal antiseptics.

During the past two years I have been very favorably impressed with the action of Phenol Bismuth. Betanaphtol-Bismuth may be substituted for the phenol preparation from time to time."

DR. GOLINER, of Erfurt, in an article on "The Therapeutic Action of Orphol" (Allg. Med. Central-Zeitung, 1896, No. 96), says: "Our attempts to influence the diarrhoea of consumptives by intestinal antisepsis have lately been given a rational basis by Chaumier, of Tours, who has called renewed attention to the importance of these therapeutic measures. Daily experience teaches us that stringents, like opium and tannin, have no healing influence on tubercular intestinal ulcerations. What is required is a reliable intestinal antiseptic that shall have at the same time astringent properties; thus lessening the evil effects of the micro-organisms and their products, and making the mucous membrane a bad culture ground for them. The lessening of the secretion also reduces to a minimum the nutrient materials obtainable by the microbes. Orphol or Betanaphtol-Bismuth is such a drug. Since in most cases of chronic intestinal catarrh abnormal fermentation and decomposition play a great part, the disinfection of the alimentary canal is an important therapeutic indication. The flatus and distention of the abdomen, the colicky pains, the abnormal abdominal sensations; all these symptoms are due to the activity of the micro-organisms in the intestine. I had occasion some time ago to try Orphol in a series of cases of lung disease that suffered from chronic intestinal catarrh. The result was an entirely good one. The stools became formed and regular, and the troublesome symptoms mentioned disappeared."

DR. EDMOND CHAUMIER, of Tours, France, who has made an exhaustive study of the properties of Orphol, recommends it in his monograph, in the treatment of gastritis, typhoid fever, dysentery, etc. He prefers it to all other intestinal antiseptics from the fact that it in no way irritates the diseased tissues. After many trials, he selected Orphol as the most active intestinal antiseptic for infantile diarrhoea. Orphol he says, disinfects the intestine, and while it combats the diarrhoea it tends to prevent the nervous troubles, fluxes, etc., which seem to be the result of the absorption of microbic toxines from the intestines. He says the subnitrate of bismuth is very inconstant in its action in infantile diarrhoea. It sometimes causes an abrupt stoppage of the diarrhoea, to be followed by constipation for a day or two, with a subsequent return of loose discharges. Orphol does nothing of the kind; its action is progressive and more sure."




SCHERING & GLATZ, 55 Maiden Lane, New York,



[blocks in formation]


Cod Liver Oil.

THE MANUFACTURE.-This dates back to the paleolithic age of Northern Europe, and until 1853 it remained essentially unchanged. Peter Möller then introduced the steam process—it revolutionized the whole system of manufacture, and has since remained the one method of preparing "high-grade oil." Möller has now, however, introduced a new process, and we may explain it best by a summary of the three modi operandi :—

THE OLD METHOD.-Livers allowed to putrefy till softening of hepatic tissues permitted extraction of oil. Product more or less brown in color, disgusting in taste and smell—

and causing eructation.

PETER MÖLLER'S METHOD.-Livers used while fresh, and oil extracted by steam. Product colorless, disagreeable in taste and smell-and causing eructation.

MÖLLER'S NEW METHOD.-Livers fresh, oil drawn off by heat, and every stage of the manufacture conducted under an atmosphere of carbonic acid or other absolutely nonoxidizing gas. Product colorless, odorless, tasteless-and causing no eructation.

We shall be glad to forward specimens of

Möller's Hydroxyl-Free Oil

to members of the medical profession, either for chemical investigation or practical" exhibition." We shall also be glad to supply any further information regarding it.

Schieffelin & Co., New York.


Lycetol Water.

In view of the favorable reports concerning the action of Lycetol-Bayer in the treatment of Gout, Rheumatism, Lithæmia, Renal Calculus, etc., we have decided to offer this valuable preparation to the medical profession in form of an Alkaline Carbonated Mineral Water, put up in bottles of 24 ozs., each bottle containing 1.0 Gm. (15 grains) Lycetol.

Lycetol is the tartrate of dimethylpiperazine, and combines the powerful uric acid solvent action of the latter with that of the salt of a vegetable acid. It is extremely pleasant to the taste, well borne by the stomach, and suitable for administration in chronic cases. In the treatment of lithæmia, renal calculus, gout and chronic rheumatism, Lycetol has been found a prompt, efficient and safe solvent and eliminant of uric acid and uratic deposits.

Owing to recognized value of alkaline mineral waters in the treatment of diseases dependent upon the uric acid diathesis, it is believed that by the employment of Lycetol in this form its efficiency is greatly enhanced, while this combination will also be found very agreeable and convenient of administration.

Lycetol is a Product of the Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer & Co., Elberfeld.

Schieffelin & Co., New York.



Disintegrates, Breaks Down and Eliminates Stone of the

Kidneys or Bladder, Both Uric Acid and Phosphatic For-
mations. Its Value in Bright's Disease, Gout, Etc.


Professor of Pharmacology and Materia Medica of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. Director
of the Laboratory of the Consulting Committee of Public Hygiene of France.

PAKIS, February 12, 1897.

The collections of disintegrated or broken down vesical or renal calculi which forms the subject of the following analysis and researches, were sent me by Doctor Edward Chambers Laird, resident physician Buffalo Lithia Springs, Virginia, U. S. A. They were discharged by different patients after the use of the mineral water of Buffalo Lithia Spring No. 2 for a variable time. "I advise here from the experience of Doctor Laird the use of this mineral water, which has had with him a happy influence on the disintegration of the calculi and their elimination. It is to demonstrate this that he has requested me to make this analysis.

"The collections of the disintegrated calculi submitted to my examination were eight in number.

SPECIMEN OF CALCULI "A."-These disintegrated renal calculi are very numerous, and present themselves in the forms of grains of various sizes (from that of the size of a pin to that of a pea) of reddish yellow color, very hard and nucleus in the center. They are thus composed: Urate of ammonia-for the greater part; free uric acid-small quantity; carbonate of ammonia and magnesia-small quantity.

CALCULUS "B."-This disintegrated vesical calculus presents itself in the form of many fragments of a granular aspect of a greyish white color. They are easily broken, and the contexture of the fragments show that they are forous throughout. Chemical composition: Urate of ammonia-for the greater part; carbonate of ammonia and magnesia-in small quantity.

CALCULUS "C."-Vesical calculus reduced to crystalline powder, granular, of a greyish white color, rather friable. Chemical composition: Phosphate of ammonia and magnesia-for the greater part. Carbonate of lime-small quantity. Oxalate of lime-very small quantity.

CALCULUS "D."-Vesical calculus thoroughly disintegrated, fragments many and angular, granular aspect, of a rather fragile consistence of a greyish white color. Chemical composition: Bicalcic phosphate-for the greater part (fusible directly to the blow pipe). Oxalate of lime-small quantity. Carbonate of ammonia and magnesia-small quantity. Xanthine-very small quantity.

CALCULUS "E."-Disintegrated renal calculi, many polyhedral fragments, rounded at the angles, consistence hard, color yellowish red. These calculi are hard and appear formed of concentric layers. Chemical composition: Uric acid-nearly the whole part. Uric pigment-(acide rosacique.)

A portion of report omitted for lack of space.


Water in Cases of One Dozen Half-Gallon Bottles, $5.00. F. 0. B. Here.


THOS. F. GOODE, Proprietor,

Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va.


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