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137. Who was the author of "The Garden of


138. Who wrote the "Moonstone"?

139. For what is Casa Guidi notable?

140. Who wrote "Soldiers of Fortune "?

141. Who first introduced the New York Ghetto into literature?

142. Who was "Eli Perkins"?

143. Who was "the Hawkeye man"?
144. Who wrote the beautiful lines:

Whenever we cross a river at the ford,
If we would pass in safety, we must keep
Our eyes fixed steadfast on the shore beyond,
For if we cast them on the flowing stream,
The head swims with it; so if we would cross
The running flood of things here in this world,
Our souls must not look down, but fix their sight
On the firm land beyond.

145. What novel was considered "the first serious work of American letters," and by whom was it written?

146. Who was the author of the poem, "Christmas Treasures "?

147. Who was David Harum?

148. Who was called the "Beecher of England"?

149. What notable work on slavery has been translated into nineteen languages?

150. Who was the author of the following:

Like a blind spinner in the sun,

I tread my days;

I know that all the threads will run
Appointed ways;

I know each day will bring its task,
And, being blind, no more I ask.

151. Who said, "Love is the only bow on life's dark cloud. It is the morning and the

evening star "?

152. Name two American writers who were classmates at Bowdoin College.

153. Who was the author of the poem, "O Captain! My Captain!" and what occasioned the writing of it?

154. Who was the Maid of Orleans, and who immortalized her in a drama?

155. Who was the author of the following:

Not what we give, but what we share,
For the gift without the giver is bare;
Who gives himself with his alms feeds three,
Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me.

156. What English poet referred to the late Queen Victoria as "the widow at Windsor"?

157. Who said, " Each can have what inspiration each will take"?

158. What English author was knighted because of his defense of the English government in his book, "The Great Boer War"?

159. For what was Terré's Tavern in Paris


160. What is Toynbee Hall?

161. Who wrote "My Little Sister"?

162. What great English novelist was born in India?

163. What, American poet penned the following tribute to Wilkie Collins:

Yet I believe that kindly death
Reserved for him a welcoming shade—
It seems so natural for his soul

To meet a mystery unafraid.

164. Who wrote "Widecombe Fair "? 165. Who wrote " Peg Woffington ”? 166. Name four prominent literary men who, in direct succession, edited the school maga

zine at St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire, while students there.

167. Who was called "the poet of the Sierras "? 168. What American novelist wrote a delightful story of Holland, and yet never visited Holland?

169. What American writer wrote her first book, entitled "This, That, and the Other,' when but eighteen years of age?

170. What American poet had so great an admiration for Joseph Jefferson that he declared that he would rather be Joseph Jefferson than any one else in the world?

171. To what poet did Ralph Waldo Emerson refer as "the jingle man"?

172. Who was the Poet-Statesman?

173. Who was the author of the following lines:

Not what we have, but what we use;
Not what we see, but what we choose-
These are the things that mar or bless
The sum of human happiness.

Not what we take but what we give;
Not what we pray, but as we live-
These are the things that make for peace,,
Both now and after time shall cease.

174. Give the incident of the occasion of Alfred Tennyson's writing his beautiful poem, "Break, Break, Break."

175. Who wrote a famous Apostrophe to the Ocean?

176. Who was called "the last of the Boston Tea-party"?

177. What does James Russell Lowell say of success?

178. Who was Björnstjerne Björnson?

179. What poem did Longfellow scribble on the back of a note received from Charles Sumner?

180. Give the words of William Henry Channing's "My Symphony."

181. Who said of Abraham Lincoln, as he lay dying, "Now he belongs to the ages "?

182. Who was the Quaker Poet?

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183. What American woman novelist wrote several novels dealing with the religious life, and what were they?

184. Who was the author of "Gradatim"? 185. Who wrote "The Song of the Shirt"? 186. Who was the hero of James Montgomery's poem, "Make Way for Liberty"?

187. What does Thomas Campbell's poem, "Hohenlinden," commemorate?

188. Give the words of Portia's plea.

189. Who wrote "The Wonderful One-horse Shay"?

190. Who was Tito Melema?

191. Who was Toby Fillpot?

192. Who wrote "Beyond the Threshold"? 193. Who said of "the Hoosier poet," "He has always stood for clean and wholesome living, for mercy and kindness and a better day to-morrow. There is nothing in his poems that can comfort very much. the man who hates his neighbor or who sees nothing good or beautiful in the world around him. The songs of Riley are the cheerful songs of a sincere and trusting heart"?

194. What and where was the Limberlost, and who has immortalized it in her books of


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