ROXBURY A School for Intensive Instruction Large faculty-one master for each five boys. One hundred and fifty acre campus and farm. Three dormitories. All athletic teams, gym work, boxing, wrestling, under expert coaches and instructors. Ten saddle horses for boys' use. A large open-air swimming pool to be constructed next spring. The Roxbury School CHESHIRE, CONN. W. L. FERRIS, A. B., Headmaster Conceded to be the Finest Pencil made for general use. Try the Yale Co-op. on anything that you need. but also all College Supplies. Trade at the store that is run in your interest. Yale Co-operative Corporation 102 HIGH STREET, JUST OFF ELM Law and Order New Ideals in Education Is Nature Beneficent? The Menace of Localism James Whitcomb Riley Among the Books Felix Frankfurter Lord Haldane Robert Nichols Wilbur Cross Mabel La Farge John Masefield John Manning Booker W. S. Culbertson Barnette Miller Henry P. Armsby Edith Wharton Jeannette Marks John Burroughs Florence Finch Kelly Edwin Arlington Robinson Henry A. Beers Wilbur C. Abbott |