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Issued separately, and also as part 2 of the Annual magazine subject index, 1909-15. Contains the cumulation of the Dramatic index published in the quarterly numbers of the Bulletin of bibliography.

Issues for 1912--15 have appendix, Dramatic books and plays (in English) published during 1912-, by Henry Eastman Lower and George Heron Milne.

An annual subject index to all articles about the drama, the theater, actors and actresses, playwrights, librettists, managers, etc., to all synopses of plays, and to all stage and dramatic portraits, scenes from plays and other theatrical illustrations contained in about 150 English and American periodicals, and to texts of plays whether published in book or magazine form. Magazine articles are entered under subject only, texts of plays are entered under title or under the form heading "dramas" with cross reference from author, costume portraits are entered under both the actor and the character. All references are exact, i. e. to title of periodical, volume, date, and inclusive paging, with length of article indicated in fractions if less than one page, and full indication of illustrations, portraits, etc. While the index nominally begins with 1909 there is some retrospective indexing, e. g. the 1910 volume indexes the Theatre back to its first volume 1906. From 1912 the dramatic books of the year are indexed both in the main index and in the appendix, Dramatic books and plays, which consists of (1) author list of books about the theater, (2) author list of play texts, (3) title list of texts. A very useful index, necessary in any library which makes much use of dramatic material. Kept to date by the quarterly indexes in the Bulletin of bibliography.


U. S. Bureau of education. Bibliography of education for 1907-1911/12. Wash. Govt. print. off., 1908-15. 5 v. 15 cts. each. 016.37 An annual bibliography of books and periodical articles, arranged by classes with general alphabetical index of authors and subjects. Indexes many periodicals in various languages. Discontinued as an annual with the issue for 1911-12, and continued by the following monthly list:

- Monthly list of current educational publications, January, 1912-16. Wash. Govt. print. off., 1912-16. 016.37

Monthly classified lists, on same plan as annual list noted above. There is no annual cumulation, but instead a full annual index of authors and subjects referring to entries in the monthly numbers.

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There is no one periodical index to the whole field of history but the following bibliographies described more fully in other parts of the Guide, offer usable substitutes.

Annual magazine subject index, 1908-15. P

For full description see p. 7.

Griffin, A. P. C. Bibliography of American historical societies. Washington, 1908. Indexes all articles in periodical transactions, etc., published by historical societies of the United States and Canada. For full description see p. 30.

Writings on American history, 1906–14. Indexes all articles on American history in more than 400 American and foreign periodicals. For full description see under History, p. 167.

Répertoire méthodique de l'histoire moderne et contemporaine de la France, 18981912.

Indexes all articles on French history in more than 200 periodicals in different languages. For full description see under History, p. 164.


Jones, Leonard Augustus. Index to legal periodical literature. Bost. Boston book co. 1888-99. 2 v. 25cm. $20. 016.34 v. 1, to 1886; v. 2, 1887-98.

Each volume consists of a main subject index with brief author index to the subject part. Covers principally 19th century material but a few sets included in the first volume belong to the 18th century. Indexes not only material on technical and historical law subjects, but a great deal of legal biography and a considerable amount of material on political, economic, and sociological subjects. The second volume is stronger in this sociological material than the first. For all bio graphical articles included, dates of birth and death are given. The first volume indexes practically all articles in 158 legal periodicals (1373 volumes) all articles on law subjects in 113 general periodicals and the proceedings of various Bar associations. Useful in the general library as well as the law library. A third volume covering the period 1899-1913 is in preparation.

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Index to legal periodicals (published in Law conjunction with the Law library journal). White Plains, N. Y. Wilson, 1909-1916. v. 1-8. 26cm. $5 per yr. 016.34 Quarterly lists with an annual cumulation published each January. The annual number consists of both an author and a subject index, the latter an alphabetical classed arrangement according to the system used by the West publishing company in the American and Decennial digests. The first annual number indexes 39 periodicals for 1908, the eighth indexes 64 American, English and colonial periodicals and the proceedings of 11 bar associations for 1915. Most of the periodicals indexed are strictly law journals but a few political and economic periodicals are included also.

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A cumulation in one alphabet of the material in all quarterly numbers of Library work from April, 1906, to October, 1911, with some additions to carry the work to the close of 1911. Indexes the material in 32 periodicals (124 volumes), including 24 English and American titles and 1 Danish, 1 Dutch, 2 German, 1 Italian, 1 Norwegian, 1 Spanish and 1 Swedish. Includes no French material.

The quarterly issue of Library work was discontinued at the end of 1911 and the work of indexing library periodical literature is now carried on in the Library journal, beginning in 1914. There are annual cumulations in the American library annual, i. e., a classified list in the 1914 issue and an alphabetical cumulation beginning 1915/16.

Bibliographie des bibliotheks- und buchwesens. Bearb. von Adalbert Hortzschansky. 1904-1912. Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1905-1913.* v. 1-9. 24cm. (Beihefte zum Zentralblatt für bibliothekswesen.) varies, about 7m. per vol.

Price 016.02

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"It now comprises over 15,000 entries arranged in classified logical sequence, under 1,900 subject headings, entries being placed in order of date to present the subject in its historical aspect; the whole being preceded by an elaborate and detailed scheme of classification, specially prepared for the work, and an alphabetical subject index comprising over 2,500 direct references. It thus forms a classified bibliography to all articles appearing in the professional publications during the period 1876-1909.”—Preface.

Indexes 48 English and American library periodicals, government reports and yearbooks, including one Australian and one Irish periodical.


Index medicus; a monthly classified record of the current medical literature of the world, 1879-1915. Wash. Carnegie institution, 1879-1916. v. 1-33. 26cm. $8 per year. 016.61

The standard current bibliography of medicine. Indexes periodical articles as well as the new book literature of the subject. For full description see under Medicine, p. 96.

The Index-catalog of the Surgeon-general's library at Washington also indexes a large amount of periodical literature on medicine and allied subjects. For full description see under Medicine, p. 96.

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"Editors-in-chief," 1915-, C. De W. Willcox and E. R. Stuart.

International military digest is issued in three forms (1) monthly, (2) quarterly, and (3) annual, which can be subscribed for either separately or in combination. Price: either monthly or quarterly $3 per year, monthly and quarterly $5, monthly, quarterly and annual $6; annual alone $2.

Indexes all articles in about 80 military period. icals and all articles on military science in some 30 general periodicals. Of the military periodicals about half are American, English and Colonial and the remainder are Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Scandinavian, and Spanish and Portuguese (including some South American). Arranged alphabetically by subject, gives author, title, periodical and date (but not volume and page) and length in number of words, and in addition a digest of each article varying in length from one twentieth to one fifth of the original article. Useful in the special or large reference library.


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An index to portraits contained in 1,181 sets (6,216 volumes) including both books and periodicals through the year 1904. Indexes 120,000 portraits of about 35,000 or 45,000 persons. Information given includes dates of birth and death and brief characterization of the person, artist, engraver, etc., of the portrait, and volume and page of the work where the portrait may be found. Does not index portraits in local histories, genealogical works, or collections of engravings as such, or portraits of writers included in sets of their collected works.

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each heading used is briefly defined and the definition is followed by a reference to some encyclopedia article for fuller explanation. Articles are arranged under each heading alphabetically by authors, and for each full reference is given, i. e. author, title, periodical, volume, date, and inclusive paging. The author volume indexes the same articles as the subject volume, with equally full information, so either volume may be used independently. Important in the theological university and large reference libraries; not needed in small libraries.

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Comp. under the supervision of Henry White and others. To be completed in 21 v.

Contents: v. 1-6, 1st ser., 1800-1863; v. 7-8, 2d ser., 1864-73; v. 9-11, 3d ser., 1874-1883; v. 12, Supplementary volume, 1800-1883; v. 13-14, 4th ser., 1884-1900, A-Fittig.

A monumental index of the first importance in scientific or large reference libraries. An author index for the whole of the 19th century to 1,555 periodicals and transactions in various languages including the transactions of the great European academies and other learned societies. Full infor mation is given for each article entered, viz. author's name in full when it can be found, full title, title of periodical, volume, date, and inclusive paging. For Russian articles the original title is given followed by French or English translation in brackets.

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Each vol. sold separately; v. 1, 21s; v. 2, 15s; v. 3, pt. 1, 18s; v. 3, pt. 2, 15s.

Contents: v. 1, Pure mathematics; v. 2, Mechanics; v. 3, Physics: pt. 1, Generalities, heat, light, scund; pt. 2, Electricity and magnetism.

A subject index to the same material as the above author catalog, classified according to the schedules of the International catalogue of scien tific literature and to be published as separate Indexvolumes for each of the seventeen sciences of the schedules of the International catalogue, viz. Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Meteorology, Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, Palaeontology, Biology, Botany, Zoology, Anatomy, Anthropology, Physiology, and Bacteriology. Of the seventeen indexes projected only the first three have been issued SO far. These index 116,687 articles from 1,555 periodicals divided as follows: Mathematics, 38.748 articles from 700 serials; Mechanics, 21,295 articles from

959 serials; Physics, 56,644 articles from 1,261 serials. The subject index gives sufficiently full information to be used independently of the author volumes, i. e. author's name, brief title, periodical, volume date and paging-though for full title reference must be made to the author index.

When finished the index will constitute a monumental record of the material on these seventeen sciences to be found in all the principal scientific periodicals, in different languages, of the 19th century. Continued for material since 1900 by the International catalogue of scientific literature.

International catalogue of scientific literature. Published for the International council by the Royal society of London. Lond. 1902-16. 016.5

An annual bibliography of both books and periodical articles on each of the 17 sciences covered. Indexes a large number of important scientific journals, but not very satisfactory for up-to-date reference work because of the delay in publication, each issue being usually about two years behind. For full description see under Science, p. 89..

Social sciences

Bibliographie der sozialwissenschaften; 1906-16. Hrsg. von Hermann Beck. Berl. Springer, 1906-16. 016.3

A very full index of the periodical as well as the book literature on the various social, economic and political sciences, in all the principal foreign languages. Not easy to use quickly, but indispensable when the complete literature of the subject, especially the foreign literature, is needed. For full description see under Social sciences, p. 65. Public affairs information service. Bulletin of the Public affairs information service, a co-operative clearing house of public affairs information. 1st annual cumulation. White Plains, N. Y., Wilson, 19151. 26cm. 016.3


1915-comp. by O. L. Evans and M. E. Egbert. Issued in three forms: (1) weekly bulletins, (2) bimonthly cumulations, cumulating throughout the year until the last issue, November, indexes the material of twelve months and forms (3) the permanent annual volume. Apply to publishers for price.

A combination of a subject index to recent periodicals and books and a digest of recent events in the fields of sociology, political science and economics, particularly the practical sides of these subjects. Indexed, 1915, 150 periodicals and about 200 books. All the material indexed is in English and a fair proportion of the periodicals indexed are already covered by the general indexes. Useful, but its high cost is prohibitive for all except very large or highly specialized libraries.

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V. 1, 1884-1891, published under the title Descriptive index of current engineering literature; v. 2, 1892-1895, ed. by J. B. Johnson; v. 3, 1896-1900, and v. 4, 1901-1905, ed. by H. H. Suplee and T. H. Cuntz.

An alphabetical subject index, with no author index, to about 250 technical and engineering periodicals in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch; about three quarters of the periodicals indexed are in English. Gives fairly full information, i. e. title, author, brief digest or description of the article, length in number of words, periodical and exact date. Does not give volume or page. Continued after 1905 by the following:

Engineering index annual, comp. from the Engineering index published monthly in the Engineering magazine, 1906-15. A N. Y. Engineering magazine, 1907-16.* v. 1-10. 22cm. $2 per vol. 016.62

Continues the Engineering index 1884-1905, v. 1-4, covering the same field in the same detail, but with a different arrangement i. e. is a classed subject index, not an alphabetical subject index. Material is grouped in 8 large classes, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering, Industrial economy, Marine and naval engineering, Mechanical engineering, Mining and metallurgy, Railway engineering, Street and electric railways. Each large group is divided into many sub-classes.

Industrial arts index: subject index to a selected list of engineering and trade periodicals, 1913-16. White Plains, N. Y. Wilson, 1913–16. v. 1-4. 26cm 016.6

Annual volume $7. Subscription price varies according to number of periodicals taken. Apply to publishers.

Bimonthly index, cumulating throughout the year, with the December number forming an annual cumulation. Indexes many of the same periodicals as the Engineering index (annual) but differs from that index in having (1) a rather wider range of subjects, (2) an alphabetical instead of a classed arrangement. More useful than the Engineering index in the general library or for quick reference. In general follows the same plan of indexing as the Readers' guide except that articles are indexed only under subjects and not under authors also. Indexes only material in English. The annual for 1915 indexes 79 periodicals. Indexes no foreign periodicals, while the Engineering index includes many important foreign periodicals.

Crane, Walter Richard. Index of mining engineering literature, comprising an

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Covers American and English material with some Australian and Canadian works, including periodicals, society transactions and some government reports. Vol. 1 indexes 18 publications covering 30 years to the end of 1907; vol. 2 brings to date the periodicals indexed in that volume and indexes several additional titles, giving complete indexing for 26 periodicals and incomplete indexing for 20 other serials and 20 books. Classified arrangement with alphabetical index. A special feature is the section of references on cost.

Mining world index of current literature. Chic. Mining World, 1912-15. V. 1-8. 23cm. $2.50 per vol. 016.620

A semi-annual index to the current literature of the mining sciences (mining, ore dressing, metallurgy, assaying, geology, and mining law), cumulated from the weekly index included in the Mining and engineering world. A classed subject index, with author and alphabetical subject indexes to the classed list. Gives digest of each article with reference to periodical date and page, and the price at which the number containing the article can be purchased. Index covered, 1915, more than 400 periodicals in various languages. For the special and large reference library.

Repertorium der technischen journal literatur, 1874-1909. Berl. Heymann, 1875

1909. 35 v. 28cm. 24m. per vol.


A subject index of technical and scientific periodicals, compiled by order of the Imperial patent of fice. There is also an author index, and a list of periodicals indexed.

Earlier series, 1823 to 1873, had title Repertorium der technischen literatur.

"Beginning with the 1892 number, the index gives the German equivalent for the English technical terms, which practically serves for the use of English readers as a key to all the previous volumes." Lib. j. 19:C80.

Continued by the following:

Fortschritte der technik. Neue folge des früher im Kaiserl. Patentamt bearbeiteten Repertoriums der techn. journal-literatur. 1.-2. jahrg; 1909-10. Berl. Bibliog. zen-. tral-verlag 1910-11. 9 v. 26cm.


1910 issued in 7 v.; 1, Maschinentechnik; 2, Elektrotechnik; 3, Bautechnik; 4, Berg- und hüttentechnik; 5, Chemische technik; 6, Militär und marinetechnik; 7, Supplement.

Also issued monthly under title: Technische auskunft.

No more published.



British museum. Library. Catalogue of printed books; periodical publications. 2d ed. Lond. British museum, 1899-1900. 2 v. 35cm. 26s. 016.05 Arranged alphabetically by place of publication with an index of titles. Gives brief information about each title, i. e. title, dates, place, note of changed titles. For the verification of titles this is the most important of all the general lists because of (1) the great number of periodicals included and (2) the convenient double arrangement.

Royal society of London. Catalogue of the periodical publications in the library. Ox. Univ. press. 1912. 445 p. 26cm. 15s.


Includes all serials in the library Dec. 31, 1911. A title list of 1,811 serial publications, arranged alphabetically by first word of title not an article. Gives place and dates of publication, statement of the society's files, changes in titles, series and, in case of proceedings of meetings and congresses, a list of places at which the various meetings were held. Society index, p. 285-455. Useful for verifying ti tles, especially titles of foreign publications, for tracing changes in title and for ascertaining what constitutes a complete set.

Faxon, Frederick Winthrop. A checklist of American and English periodicals. Post. Boston book co. [privately pr.] 1908. 95 p. not for sale. 016.05

An alphabetic title list of all periodicals indexed in Poole's index, the Readers' guide, the Cumulative index, the Magazine subject index, the Review of reviews index, the A. L. A. index, A. L. A. portrait index, the general periodicals in Jones' Index to legal periodicals and the more important technical sets in the Engineering index and a selected list of unindexed periodicals. Gives title, dates of first issue, notes of series, changed titles and mergers, and the Poole vol. nos. when these differ from those on the volumes. Planned as an aid to the order department of a library which is trying to complete its files of important sets, but useful also to the reference department for verification of titles.

Births and deaths; a record of new titles, changed titles and deaths in the periodical world. (In Bulletin of bibliography, April 1900-1916.)


Ayer & son's American newspaper annual and directory; a catalogue of American newspapers, a carefully prepared

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