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ples, &c. which unfanctify and pollute those who frequent them. Under the Jewish state of the church, the temple is called the "holy temple," or "holy place;" (Heb.) and a part of it was called the "moft holy place." Our Saviour allows that the temple fanctified the gold which was offered in it, and confequently all other offerings and facrifices there made. Now, if that temple was holy, whose glory was to be done away; certainly the place of Chriftian worship, called the church, must be holy alfo. For why was the temple at Jerufalemn holy, but because the prefence of God attended it? And has he not promised to be in the midst of us? And must not our churches therefore be holy upon the fame account? And are not they guilty of a great fin, who treat any church with irreverence? Much more if they defpife or defile it? For it is faid, " he that defileth the temple of God, him "thall God destroy."

But nothing will fhew us the difference between the world and the church fo effectually, as when we confider who is at the head of each fociety. Chrift is the head of the church, and the devil is the prince of this world, who is also called the “ god of this world." They who are in the church, are in the kingdom of Chrift; which, though not of this world, as not deriving its power from thence, is yet in this world. They who are of this world, are in the kingdom of Satan, and under his power; as the heathens are faid to have been before they were redeemed from it, and brought over to the kingdom of God; which translation was fignified by the redemption of the Hebrews, from under the power of Pharaoh.

If we enquire into the refpective characters of the head of the church, and the prince of this world, as they are defcribed under a variety of names, the oppofition is wonderful; and it will be found very inftructive, because there is the fame oppofition betwixt the children of each.

The head of the church is called Jefus the Saviour: the head of this world is a destroyer; in Hebrew, Abaddon; in Greek, Apollyon.

The one is the true light; that is, a fpiritual light to the foul of man; the other is the prince of darkness.

The one is a fhepherd, gathering the lambs with his arm, and feeding his flock; the other is a lion who goeth to and fro in the earth, feeking whom he may devour,

The one is a lamb; meek, innocent, and spotlefs; the other is a ferpent; deceitful, fubtile, and with poifon under his lips.

The one is the phyfician of fouls, who went about healing the fick, and raising the dead: the other is the inflicter of difeafes, bowing men down with infirmities; binding them with the bonds of affliction; and was a murderer from the beginning; for he brought death into the world by the temptation of man in paradife. Men murder individuals; but Satan murders a whole world at once; and is the prince of murderers.

The one delivers men who are under temptation to fin; the other is the tempter, who leads them into it. And as the one is the advocate of finners, interceding for them as their priest and mediator, the other is the grand accufer, who is therefore called the devil, which fignifies an accufer.

And lastly, (for I think we need go no farther at prefent) the one is the truth, the other is a lyar, and the father of lies.

The like difference is found in the children of this world, and the children of the kingdom of God; that is, between the wicked world, who are under the power of Satan, and the holy church, which is the flock of Chrift, and takes him for its pattern. It cannot be otherwife; the fpirit of the head must be diffused through the members; and you will fee it to be true: first, with refpect to the holy church of Chrift; whofe difciples are taught to relieve one another in their wants, and fave one another in their diftrefs; rejoicing and fuffering together, as the members of the fame body; and doing good unto all men. His minifters are thepherds; his followers, from the first ages of Christianity, were accounted and treated as fheep for the flaughter, and were patient and unrefifting. They exhort and encourage one another to good works; and being united together under a bond of peace, their charity covereth a multitude of fins; that is, it hideth and concealeth the many failings of their brethren for the love of Chrift, instead of aggravating their offences, and judging them unmercifully. They are children of light, who derive the light of wisdom from the word of God; and walk openly and honeftly, as in the day. In their converfation they are true and faithful, and give you a direct anfwer, without disguise or fubterfuge.

Such ought to be the members of the holy church of Chrift: this is the character intended for them, though many fall fhort


of it, and fome totally depart from it. But the vifible church membership of men does not depend upon their manners and opinions, nor indeed upon any thing they can do for themselves; because it is the gift of God, by his minifters; so that a man in a holy church may be an unholy man; for the kingdom of heaven, or church of Chrift, is like a net caft into the fea, which gathers of every kind, both bad and good; and an effectual separation is never made between them, till the angels drag this net to the fhore, to gather the good into veffels, and caft the bad away. If we bear this cafe in mind, it will deliver us from a great deal of perplexity. It is truly a forrowful fact, that the children of God, in too many instances, depart from their proper character: but the character proper to the world is, in all respects, like that of Satan, wicked and miferable.

As the devil is the prince of this world, his children set their affections upon it; and it is the main purpose of their lives to obtain and enjoy it at any rate. For this they fell their fouls, and if they get the world in exchange, they think they are gainers by the bargain.

As he is the prince of darkness, so do they fall into ignorance, and blindness of heart, and love darknefs rather than light, that their deeds may not be reproved. They hate the word of God, as owls and bats hate the day-light; and difpute fiercely for their errors, left information and conviction fhould bring them to repentance.

As the devil is a destroyer, so do the children of this world deftroy one another. Their wife politics produce war and defolation; their error and delufion of mind stir them up to the perfecution of the fervants of God: and wherever we fee oppreffion, and cruelty, and perfecution, there we see the spirit of the devil, the father of perfecution, who, by violence, will terrify and compel, where he cannot perfuade.

As he is a ferpent, fo his children are a generation of vipers, double-tongued and deceitful; smooth and flattering on some occasions, but waiting to give a deadly bite when they are offended and provoked. Their way is crooked and uncertain, like the path of a ferpent. An honeft man, whofe path is direct and plain, can never tell what to make of them, because they pretend to be going one way, while they are going another; and they often gain their end by it, as the twistings of the ferpent carry him to the point he aims at.

As Lucifer fell from heaven for rebellion, all his children are impatient under authority; and in this capacity they are called fons of Belial; which means, that they can bear no fuperior. Patience, and obedience, and fubmiffion, are effential to the Chrif tian character. Chrift himself is our pattern, who allowed that the power of Pilate, fo unjustly exercised, was given him from above, and fubmitted to his fentence, when he could have ftruck him. dead upon his bench, But refiftance is the devil's doctrine, and the world's practice. The Gofpel teaches us, that the things which are highly esteemed among men, are an abomination in the fight of God, and here we fee it verified; nothing is more detestable to the God of peace, than the fin of rebellion; and nothing is more magnified and applauded by the children of this world; who have fet what they call the power of the people, above the power of God almighty. He ordains government, and kings are his minifters; but the people are told, that they have power to overthrow his ordinance, and judge his vicegerents*.

As the devil is a tempter, his children act under him in that capacity: most wicked men have a ftrange defire to make all others as wicked as themfelves. The world is full of feducers, who tempt men to falfe principles, and immorality of life. Some get their livelihood by the corruption of other people; and most infidels and heretics are fo diligent in fpreading their opinions, that if the friends of truth were equally zealous, the world would not be able to stand against them.

As the devil is the grand accufer, fo doth the world delight itfelf in evil-fpeaking. Railing and flandering is their great amusement. Evil words are not pointed against evil things. The world delights to afperfe those who are unlike to themselves. There never was a good man, nor ever will be, who was not evil fpoken of, and depreciated in the judgment of the public; and the rule is fo univerfal, that our Saviour faith to all Chriftians, "Woe "be unto you, when all men fpeak well of you." Falfe prophets were well fpoken of by the people; and there must be something falfe and fpurious, fome "evil with the appearance of good t," in every popular character that pleases the world.

From feveral paffages in this treatise, the reader may fufpect that the revolution in France is alluded to; but it was in print two years before that event.

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As the devil is the father of lies, fo all they that are of the devil are liars, who will never make a fcruple of a lie to hurt others, or ferve themselves. The whole Heathen religion was one great lie, in oppofition to the truth of the divine law. Much evil is threatened to those who put evil for good, and good for evil; who make the heart of the righteous fad, by predicting evil to them, and by promising happiness and prosperity to the wicked. Thus did they speak of old, who were called false prophets; and it would be happy for us, if there were none of them amongst us: but, wherever they are found, they are the minifters of Satan: and how fair and fine foever they may fpeak on fome occafions, it is no proof of their goodness; for Satan is fometimes, as it ferves his purpose, transformed into an angel of light, and affects an holy and heavenly character; and then he is most a devil, because he can most deceive.



HAVING explained the nature of thefe two focieties, the

holy church, and the wicked world, we muft confider the ufe of the church, and the marks by which it is to be known. It is promifed," that he who believeth, and is baptized, fhall be faved." But how fhall we have this baptifm, unless we have it from thofe whom God hath appointed to baptize? It is also promised," he that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life:" and how thall we receive the body and blood of Christ, but from the church, to whom he said, when he instituted the Lord's fupper, " Do this in remembrance of me?" This being the commemorative facrifice of the New Teftament, it can be offered only by a priest; and all the world cannot make a prieft. The minifters of the Old Teftament were ordained to their office by an immediate commiffion from God to Mofes, the mediator of that time betwixt God and the people. The minifters of the New Teftament were ordained by Chrift himself; from


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