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diagnosis, 175
etiology, 155

history and pathology, 153

in animals, 58

of digestive tract, 157
of Fallopian tubes, 161
of kidney, 175

of lachrymal gland, 172
of liver, 173

of mammary gland, 167

of nasal cavities, 159

of ovaries, 161

of parotid gland, 172

of prostate gland, 171

of skin, 157

of testicle, 172

of thyroid gland, 162

of uterus and its appendages, 159

prognosis, 176

sebaceum, 157

sudoriparum, 157

treatment, 176

Akidopeirasty, 98

Anastomosis, intestinal, 339
Angioma, 448

anatomical varieties, 452

complications, 451
definition, 448

histogenesis, 449

histology, 449

intracranial, 462

of bones, 461

of deep connective tissue, 459

of larynx, 464

of liver, 462

of mammary gland, 463

of muscles, 463

of skin and mucous membranes, 458

of tongue, 463

prognosis, 456

symptoms and diagnosis, 456

treatment, 456

Angio-sarcoma, 451

[blocks in formation]

Carcinoma of intestines, operative treatment | Carcinoma, pathology, 242

of, 337

of kidney, 374

nephrectomy for, 376

of lip, 280

clinical course, 280

diagnosis, 281

operative treatment, 283

of liver, 345

of mammary gland, 303

acinous variety, 305
etiology, 307

prognosis, 315

symptoms and diagnosis, 308

treatment, 317

radical operations, 317

of mouth, 289

radical operations for, 291

of nose, operative treatment, 287

of oesophagus, 323

diagnosis of, differential, 324
gastrostomy for, 325

of ovary, 350

of parotid gland, 298

extirpation for, 301
of penis, 347

amputation of penis for, 349

of rectum, 339

extirpation of rectum for, 343
palliative operations, 342
symptoms and diagnosis, 341
of skin, 275

degeneration of tumor-tissue, 280

histological structure, 275
regional infection, 279
of stomach, 326

gastro-enterostomy for, 332
pylorectomy for, 328
treatinent, 328

of testicle, 346

of thyroid gland, 300

of tongue, 292

radical operations for, 294
of tonsil, 291

operative treatment of, 291

of urethra, 373

of uterus, 353

etiology, 359

histogenesis and histology, 353
symptoms and diagnosis, 360
vaginal hysterectomy for, 366

origin and nature, 204

prognosis, 264

regional infection, 220

secondary, growth of, 222
local infection of, 223
squamous-celled, 213, 250
treatment, 266

palliative operations, 269
radical operations, 271

ulcerating, difficulty in diagnosis of, 261
Carcinoma-cells, degenerative changes in, 246
Carcinosis, miliary, 229

Caustics in treatment of tumors, 120
Cementomes, 446

Cervix uteri, supravaginal amputation of, for
carcinoma, 364

Chassaignac's chain écraseur, 125

Cheiloplasty, 286
Cholesteatoma, 4or

Chondroma, 422

branchiogenes, 432
definition, 422

etiology, 426

histology, 424

of bone and periosteum, 429
of cartilage, 428

of connective tissue, 432

of joints, 430

of ovary, 432

of salivary glands, 431

of testicle, 432

origin, 422

prognosis, 427

retrogressive metamorphoses, 425
symptoms and diagnosis, 427
treatment, 428

Clamps, intestinal and stomach, 329
Colostomy, inguinal, Maydl's, 342
Comedo, 666

Cornu cutaneum, 142
Cystoma, 178
diagnosis, 180
etiology, 180
of bone, 201

of broad ligament, 197
of eye, 199

of mammary gland, 188
of ovary, 189
origin, 194
treatment, 197
of parovarium, 195
of testicle, 198

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

symptoms and diagnosis, 481
treatment, 484

with intra-abdominal treatment of the pedi- Lympho-sarcoma, 580

[blocks in formation]

Myoma of uterus, treatment, complete abdom- | ODONTOMA, 445

[blocks in formation]

definition, 445

Sutton's classification of, 445
Odontomes, composite, 447
compound follicular, 446
epithelial, 445
fibrous, 446
follicular, 445
in animals, 57
radicular, 446
Onychogryphosis, 150
Onychoma, 150
Onychomycosis, 150
Osteoma, 434

anatomical varieties, 437

at seat of a fracture, 443
definition, 434
histogenesis, 435
histology, 435
in animals, 57

of brain, 441

of cranial bones, 438

of epiphyses of the long bones, 442

of external meatus, 441

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