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tary-treasurer, or he could be appointed by the executive council. At any rate he should devote his whole time to real organization work. He should be continually at his post, and have nothing to do with the difficulties occurring here and there throughout the jurisdiction. Let these be attended to, as at present, by the president and a corps of International Typographical Union organizers. chief organizer should be a man capable of writing educational literature, and lots of it, and he should be prepared to issue at stated periods quantities of fresh material sufficient for distribution by state and district organizers throughout their territories. He should be, moreover, a man of creative and inventive ability, so that the best means of conducting campaigns among our country cousins might be adopted; and of energy and executive ability sufficient to enforce among the state and district organizers the carrying out of his plans. He should instruct said organizers in all special work to be performed, and no organizer should be allowed to go to any expense unless ordered or approved by him. He should attend promptly to all correspondence received from state and district organizers, and in all ways use his best endeavors toward the end sought, and with such economy as is consistent with the best execution of the work under his charge.

The state and district organizers should secure the addresses of all craftsmen living in places outside of union towns in their territories. With these the work of education, and afterwards organization, could easily be carried on. Without them the work could only be done blindly. They should be men of energy and capacity, and willing to devote the greater part of their spare time to the work. No man should be elected state or district organizer unless he be enthusiastic and in a great degree possessed of "stick-toativeness."


Our label law should be changed so as

to allow its use in country offices where proprietors are willing to sign an agreement to employ none but union men. The label once getting a start in such offices would cause such a revolution among country publishers, and printers, too, as would very materially aid the state and district organizers in their work of securing country craftsmen to membership. Such labels could be given out by the chief organizer to the state and district organizers, and the latter conduct the negotiations with the country publishers for their use. This work alone on the part of said organizers, if energetically pushed, would be worth more to unionism than all the cost of maintaining the state and district unions.


This part consists of reorganizing the International Typographical Union somewhat upon the federal plan. Let the state and district unions continue to exist, making their own laws and governing themselves, subject to a supreme body consisting of one or two delegates elected by each state and district union. This part not to be adopted until four years' trial of the foregoing, but to be discussed and prepared for submission to the International convention in the year 1900.

Of course I do not claim that my plan is perfect, but I do believe it to be upon the right lines, and, if adopted, would prove largely beneficial over present systems. It would take some time before material progress would be noticeable, as probably the first six months or a year would have to be devoted to educational work; but after this time there is no doubt in my mind, providing the chief and state and district organizers are composed of the right stuff, that our progress would be both rapid and permanent. Of course it would take hard and constant work on the part of those chosen to perform the duties, and it would force a liberal expenditure of money from the International Typographical Union treasury, but such expenditure would not be throwing

it into a hole so deep that we wouldn't get it back. On the contrary, it would be a profitable investment of our funds, the money spent returning to our treasury in dues, etc., in good time, and this followed by big profits on the investment in after years.

A substitute for article xx will be pre

sented at the coming International Typographical Union convention, covering the first part here given. Let the other proposed improvements be thoroughly discussed, and, at the convention, let them be prepared and enacted into laws along with said substitute, and there need be no fear of the result.


While Pretending to Work Solely for the Welfare of Mankind, Their Actions Imply that Self-Interest is the Main Consideration.


"Actions speak louder than words." Why is it so many religious and other reformers have non-union printers on their publications? Quickly their response comes that they are unable to pay union wages; that they would like to do so, but the people do not appreciate their work, and they do not themselves receive sufficient compensation for their efforts to uplift humanity. Do these reformers ever reflect that unless actions and words harmonize their influence is more apt to be harmful than beneficial? Did any sensible man ever claim that the union scale was too high when he was compelled to earn his living under it? Would any reformer consider himself overpaid, if he was a good workman, if he received union wages as a journeyman printer? And if it is not too much to receive, how can it be too much to pay? Yet the reformer who boasts of his great love for humanity and his desire to elevate mankind, believes it right to help degrade the workingman by encouraging the payment of low wages. In what manner are we to discriminate between genuine and bogus reformers except by their actions? It is true, many union workingmen are so ignorant of the true principles of unionism that upon every possible occasion they

strive to force those whom they employ to work as cheaply as possible, while themselves crying loudly for high wages. But their unfairness excuses no one. It would be foolish, indeed, to go wallow in filth because another had done so. If every member of a labor organization belonged to it solely from principle, tradesunions would become invincible.

The average reformer is poor in purse but rich in lofty desires. He feels that if he could only get people to read and consider his plan of salvation, they would become convinced. Naturally he undertakes to print his ideas without having adequate financial backing. The result is to be expected. Either his printing is done in a slovenly manner by inferior workmen or else he has taken advantage of the necessities of good workmen to give them less than their due, just as the shylock often takes advantage of the misfortunes of others. But the greatest damage is likely to be to his own reputation and to the cause he advocates.

Sometimes the plausible argument will be used that since those given employment would otherwise have been idle, the employer was really a benefactor. This brings to mind the claim on behalf of slavery that many of the colored people

were then much better off than they have ever been since. Should slavery, there fore, be again instituted? There are far too many who believe that in temporarily relieving suffering they confer the greatest bcon, regardless of the effect on the world at large. Yet they would hardly be willing to give money to the drunkard simply that he might satisfy his fierce. cravings for liquor. A traveler in Persia, in speaking of seeing whole families, afflicted with incurable diseases, begging in the streets of one of the cities, reflects on the wisdom of giving alms to such miserable beings, when the result can only be the continuation of their misery-not alone for long, weary days and years, but even for generations! It is a question to be seriously considered whether anything which tends to prolong vicious conditions is not far more deleterious than if matters were allowed to be forced to a climax; on the same principle that the surgeon cuts off the hand to save the arm and the rest of the body, whenever he believes that otherwise a lingering disease and loss of life will result. There should be opportunity for every individual to earn the comforts as well as the necessities of life, without having to elbow each other out of the way. Sooner or later there must and will be put in operation a plan to do this. But the necessary wisdom will be acquired through suffering. It is often the only thing that will teach us thoroughly.

Taking this view of the matter, then, the reformer who gives a half or three

quarters of a loaf instead of a whole one may give a family temporary relief, but in so doing may aid in delaying the time. when the whole human race shall have all the full meals they are entitled to. Besides, is it not always the desire and convenience of the employer that is the real consideration? He should remember, too, that he sets a very bad example. Nearly every non-union employer makes the same plea that he does-they can not pay higher wages. And the trouble is they rarely ever think themselves able to do so, no matter how great success they may have. They branch out and flourish and become noted sometimes; but the only gain to their employes is similar to that of the Pullman workmen who were said to have received an increase of wages

they can work longer hours and thus earn more! Further than this, the reformer can pose as a still greater benefactor because he can now employ a still greater number of people.

The true reformer does not seek his reward in earthly possessions. His greatest satisfaction comes from the knowledge that he is doing good. However much he may be hampered in his work by lack of financial means, he never thinks of taking anything unjustly from others. To become aware that it is not his destiny to promulgate to any extent a reform that he is certain is of the greatest value, is frequently the hardest lesson that he has to learn. But, nevertheless, genuine reform must ever be founded upon nothing less than the strictest justice to all.

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As Others See Us.

With the opening of the year, THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL appeared in new clothes, a great improvement upon the old. It is smaller and more convenient in size and more attractive in appearance.—Syracuse Post.

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL, JOURNAL,, official organ of the International Typographical Union, begins the new year in magazine form, and is a triumph of typographic art. The JOURNAL leads all other trades papers, and in style and makeup is without a peer among the high-class magazines. It contains fifty pages of well written matter from the brightest minds of the craft and is an honor to the union printers of the country. It is furnished at the amazingly low figure of twenty-five cents a year.-Newport (R. I.) Herald.

We regret being deprived of THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL in the old familiar form with which we had become so accustomed and which was so highly regarded everywhere. Still, the improvements that have been made in the periodical will go a long way in justification of the changes which have been made. The JOURNAL of January 1 reaches us in magazine form-neat, attractive, easily handled and easily read. As the JOURNAL is now made up it will rank in appearance with any official publication in the country, and it has always been conceded that in a literary sense it has stood well up in the front rank. - Eight-Hour Herald.

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, comes to our desk the very picture of typographical neatness. It is now published in magazine form and is equal in every way to its contemporaries in the field of periodical literature.-Galesburg Labor News.

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, official organ of the International Typographical Union, turned over a new leaf on the beginning of the year and now appears in magazine form. The JOURNAL is one of the ablest trade papers published, and in its new shape will be more highly valued than ever by its thousands of readers.-Utah Labor World.

With the January issue THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL comes out in an entirely new dress and regular periodical form. The improvement makes it of more convenient form and brings the popular magazine up to a standard of excellence that is not excelled by any journal of like character. - Houston Daily Post.

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL for January comes in improved shape, showing the advancement of itself and the International Union, for which it speaks. Among subjects, all of which are intelligently treated, is "Government Ownership of Telegraph and Telephone."- Brooklyn Citizen.

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL comes to us in handsome book form. The change is a great improvement over the old style of publication, it having a beautiful illuminated colored cover and is interleaved with up-to-date illustrations, showing the advancement that is being made in the art of photo-electrotyping.- Daily Free


THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, official organ of the International Typographical Union, in its new form and new dress is a thing of beauty and a joy to the hearts of all lovers of typographic art.-Akron Daily Democrat.

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, the organ of the International Typographical Union, begins the new year with a new dress and in periodical form. It is a decided improvement and will continue to increase its deserved popularity among its army of readers, every one of whom fully appreciates it as a bright and invaluable journal well representing their interests. The Advocate.

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, the official paper of the International Typographical Union of North America, comes out with new form and a complete new dress. It is a masterpiece of typographical art, and should be in the hands of every one interested in the craft. Middletown (Conn.) Tribune.

The organ of the International Typographical Union of the United States and Canada, THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, published at Indianapolis, Indiana, commenced the new year in new form, with an entirely new dress. It is now printed in magazine form and presents an appearance second to no journal of its class. The mechanical work is perfect, the matter published of the most interesting character to printers and all persons connected with the "art preservative." It is well patronized by the best firms in the way of advertising, and we see nothing to hinder its success in the field of journalism. Its subscription price, 25 cents for 24 numbers, places it within the reach of the humblest printer.-The Athenian,

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL is much improved in appearance by its new form. The members of the printing craft may well be proud of their representative publication.- Willimantic Journal.

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL, JOURNAL, the organ of the International Typographical Union, has reduced the size of its pages and greatly increased their number, besides making several other notable improvements. Its shape is now such as to render it possible to send it through the mails flat, leaving it in good shape for binding. The JOURNAL is of great value, not only to all members of subordinate unions, but to every one who would trace the history and progress of trades-union legislation. Its contents are varied and interesting. Its ridiculously low price twenty-five cents a year-places it within the reach of every printer.-The Proofsheet.

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, commences its eighth volume brighter if possible and more artistically gotten up than ever before. The old size has given way to a fifty-page magazine form, the pages of which contain excellent colored plates, besides various splendid half-tone reproductions, and an added amount of interesting reading anent the craft it represents. The price of this excellent journal is twenty-five cents per year of twenty-four numbers, and its low price, combined with its excellency, makes it perhaps the most widely circulated journal of its kind in the world.-Ogden Standard.

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