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How to Keep Red Ink Bright.

There is nothing which imparts so elegant an appearance to a job of printing as a judicious use of red, especially in the initial letters of chapter beginnings. When this ink is run for any length of time, there is a perceptible tendency to lower in tone, to lose in brightness, and consequently to fall in the scale of excellence. This, affirms a British printer, is not only due to the antipathy of the metal disc and fountain, but often to the rollers themselves, which may be green. He alludes to the difference in shade when using an old roller alongside of others of more recent date, the former being the best. Whether the shrinkage due to age renders the surface of the old roller better for red ink than the new roller is difficult to say, nor does he undertake to decide the question. It would seem that the fresher roller, by absorbing the ink robs it of freshness, makes it muddy in tone, and thus necessitates frequent washing.

Fancy Printing vs. Art Printing.

A British printer, named Oldfield, gave a talk to young compositors, not long ago, in which some pertinent things were said. His remarks were condensed in the British Printer. We abridge what was said in turn:

At the outset Mr. Oldfield defines the terms "ornamental" and "artistic." An ornament might be an elegant piece of design, yet if it was not placed in the position for which it was best suited, it became unpleasing to the eyehence inartistic. This proved conclusively that ornamental or fancy printing did not necessarily mean artistic printing. With a judicious grouping of ornaments, type, and proper whiting-out, so as to produce a design that is symmetrical in all its parts, a job may rightly be termed artistic. A builder first puts up his construction, and then proceeds to ornament with a view to artistic effect, and so in like manner should the printer. The ornamentation must be subservient to the subject-matter, for however beautiful the ornaments, once they become overcrowded an incongruous effect is manifested, and the object of the design defeated. Every one would admit that the ornament in the first prize was a lovely production; but take that away, and the job was lost. He strongly advised all present to gain a knowledge of freehand and model draw

ing, as it was an invaluable aid in the designing of jobs. Every piece of work, with any artistic pretensions whatever, should first be outlined on paper. From personal experience he could assure them the system was a great time-saver. The printer was enabled to put up his design that he had before him on paper much more smartly than if he had not one. He also warned them against the pernicious habit of inappropriate ornamentation. A bunch of flowers on a contractor's bill-head would certainly be out of place-all such absurdities should be avoided. It ought to be the aim of every "live" printer to turn out good work, and like artists who copy the work of great masters in painting to acquire a good style, so young compositors should imitate the work of leaders in the craft until they can proceed upon lines of their own.

DR. SELLE, says the Crefelder Zeitung, after five years of labor, has succeeded in obtaining a genuine photographic process. He also makes three negatives, from which he takes copies on specially prepared gelatine skins. The object is thus photographed three times, once in the red light, then in the yellow light and last in the blue light.

Much more time than ordinary is required to expose the plates. The three plates or skins are placed exactly on top of one another, and the entire color effect is thus obtained. The number of copies is limitless.

The velvet depth of the black rose, the colors of the pink, the satin-like luster of the butterfly -all these wonders of creation are reproduced in positive and truthful effects. One of the most wonderful results is an arrangement of peacock feathers, in which the changeable blue-green colors are given with exactness, down to the smallest feather.

NOT every bookbinder may be aware that gutta-percha, dissolved in carbon disulphide until it is of the consistency of treacle, forms a very good cement for splicing leather. The parts to be joined must first be thinned down, then a small quantity of the cement is poured on each end and spread so as to thoroughly fill all the pores of the leather. The parts are next warmed over a fire for a few minutes, joined quickly and hammered well together.

Full Points.


There are many loud professors of unionism who are mere chatterers. Men who, when they talk, go off like a watchman's rattle and with a sound as dry and sharp. Their method seems to be to run the uninitiated down with talkmere talk-leaving out of view the breadth and qualification that should be given to proper teaching and education.

It is not always the loud and fluent talker that can best win men to the religion of trades-unionism. There are times when silence is most effectual, and example is most influential. Lack of remarkable power in the matter of talking does not necessarily rob one of the privilege of usefulness.

The usefulness of conversation depends on what it is and what it means. From a person who has been tried in life, all the way through, one simple sentence is very powerful. From a man of narrow sphere, of an inferior mind, with no character, words would fall with little weight -words to be lasting should fall like a trip-hammer, driving home what is said.

The man who thinks it his duty to talk should make it an absolute duty to live so he can talk. If he will insist in conversing upon the subject of the salvation of others from economic enthrallment, he should so live that he will have something to say.

It is a sacrifice of much pride for some men to utter truth. A chronic liar is a blazing star on the escutcheon of perfidy. A liar resembles mostly the cowardly cur, who will run at the first appearance of threatening danger.

Even the head-lights of philosophical anarchy fail to agree upon just what constitutes anarchy. The leading claim is that anarchy is liberty. Well, they should have liberty to tear out the eyes of each other, if they so desire; or to hang or drown themselves.

If any one should ask you why trades-unionists have figuratively taken arms, tell them it is not against society and good order, but in defense of right, liberty, life itself.

The welfare and security of society rest upon the personal liberty of the individual; personal freedom of thought, speech and action. A people should be governed only by its own consent.

There should be as much happiness in doing good as in being good. Contributing to the happiness and welfare of others is the shortest road to securing one's own happiness and welfare.

Trades-unions should be schools of fellowship and friendship. Are they always so? Is there not in many instances unionism which is not gentlemanly? Is there not much that is neither refined, nor generous, nor magnanimous? Once in a while we see it, when it appears dragooned unionism-a poor, compulsory, starveling thing; a unionism that is afraid of its professions; wishing it could stay away. That feature of "must" destroys all feeling of thankfulness for its pres

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suppurate and dry up; but if meddled with and irritated, may fester and bring permanent injury. It is always best to give a sore toe" a little rest; it is then more likely to work out its own salvation. Selfish human nature is most likely to extend sympathy where it is least needed. If you have a care, keep it to yourself; to publish it is to advertise your weakness, and to dispel all prospect of relief.

There should be no clash in trades-unionism between men of different callings--nothing but what might be termed mutual opposition-a sort of oppugnancy, which is mere doctrinal. Let them abandon the realm of mere thought, lift themselves up into the sphere of true union feeling, and they do not differ.

Dual organization of one trade or calling is suggestive of two men in one skin, quarreling incessantly; one being up and the other down, Duality in this illustration is not only monstrous, but a moral monstrosity.

and vice versa.

Many of us are so full of conceit that we feel hurt when our efforts for good fail of appreciation to our full desires. Have courage. Almost any one can pump water down-hill; pumping it up-hill it is that tests the strength and earnestness of one's pretensions.


Among many that are non-union, uneducated, there is a kind of groping in darkness. they want more than all else is light. Want is the first step in knowledge. It sometimes requires time and space and functional ceremony to produce enlightenment. The mere wishing is not having. The moment a man wants the safeguard of true unionism he has it in what might be said to be a nascent, undeveloped state.

It is not the correct thing to jump roughly upon the unenlightened and uneducated nonunionist. He is in what Beecher called children, when he spoke of them as "abcdarians," not to be whipped and turned out of school because they can not read, but to be patted on the head and encouraged, taking time and labor to bring them forward.

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Among objects of disgust, none is more repugnant than the fellow who is always "tattling; the fellow who is accustomed to look at all others in a low, unkind way; picking flaws in character, criticising disposition and judging them in the lowest possible court of the mind.

To indulge habitually in stinging and ungenerous remarks of others must result in lowering the moral tone of one's own mind and the degrading of one's own thoughts. It indicates uncleanliness, sour disposition, and, strongly, the instincts of the raven that loves to feed on carrion.

It is not wholly selfish to contend for one's own wants, but when we join in our contentions the wants of others, it is characterized by an element of magnanimity which demands a greater degree of recognition.

There is a power in true trades-unionism that lessens in a great degree feelings of selfishness. There is a consciousness of established fellowship one with another; an element that dissolves prejudices and takes away those repellences that separate men one from another.


Published semi-monthly on the first and fifteenth of each month, at room 7, De Soto block, Indianapolis, Ind. Subscription price, 25 cents per annum.

Entered at the Post-office, Indianapolis, Ind, as secondclass matter.

The publisher of the JOURNAL asks for the co-operation of its readers in the way of information, communications, suggestions, news items, etc. To insure publication, copy for advertisements and communications should be in hand not later than the tenth and twenty-fifth of each month.

Remittances may be made by postoffice money order, draft or express money order. ADDRESS ALL MONEYS AND LETTERS TO

A. G. WINES, Editor and Publisher,
Room No. 7, De Soto Block,

WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. Special "Want" advertisements will be inserted in these columns at the uniform price of ONE CENT A WORD each insertion. Answers can be sent in care of The Typographical Journal, if desired. All letters received will be promptly forwarded to parties for whom intended, without extra charge.

FOR SALE" Leffingwell's Manual and Rules of Order for Parliamentary Debate." 10 cents per copy. Can be ordered through TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL. FOR SALE--column Washington hand press; guar

anteed; $75.

Address STATESMAN, Kewaskum, Wis.

FOR SALE-Printing material, stands, cases, type,

etc., 221⁄2 Advance cutter and 14x20 C. & P. Ó. S. Gordon press, with steam fixtures, all good as new. Address MILLER, 219 North Summer street, Nashville, Tenn.


thoroughly capable printer, practical in all branches, seeks engagement about September 1. Possesses thorough knowledge of the business, can estimate, and take working or business management as desired. Would like to secure interest if satisfactory. References the best. Correspondence strictly confidential. Address "P," care TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.

IF you want to sell your business or a press, or anything used by the printing craft, advertise it in the JOURNAL. One cent a word each insertion.

PRINTERS, pressmen, stereotypers, electrotypers and bookbinders wanting situations should advertise in this column. The JOURNAL goes to all the largest and best employers.

PARTNER WANTED to unite with me in starting a

plant for fine commercial printing and other specialties. Must be reliable, able to command trade, and capable of taking care of the "outside" end. Must be good business city, centrally located. Address, stating capital willing to invest, "E. P.," care TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.

SITUATION WANTED-By a first-class linotype machinist; eight years' experience. Address "LINOTYPE," care TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


of January 1, 1896; 10 copies of 15th; 15 copies February 1st issue. As these are to complete files must be in first-class condition. Address W., care TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.

WANTED-Chalk engraving plates to recoat. Half cent an inch. HIRD MANUFACTURING Co., Cleveland, Ohio.

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INDIANAPOLIS, IND., May 25, 1896. State of Indiana, county of Marion-Subscribed and sworn to before me, this twenty-fifth day of May, 1896. Witness my hand and notarial seal. [SEAL.]

A. N. GRANT, Notary Public.

ILLINOIS has labor unions to the number of 763, with a total membership of 190,750.

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Government Ownership of the Telegraph. The agitation for government ownership and control of the telegraph system of the country is having marked effect. upon the minds of the people and the project is rapidly growing in favor. The action of the International Typographical Union impressing the matter upon the attention of congress, while not favored with speedy results toward a consummation of the action so strongly desired, has met with some consideration by members of both houses. The house committee on postoffices and postroads lately heard the representatives of the International Union on the question, and a like effort

was made before the senate committee. A. L. Randall, chairman of the International Union committee at Washington, and S. H. Bell, member of the committee, both made strong arguments, outlining the objects of the advocates of the measure, strongly emphasizing the merits of the McGuire bill, now before the house. The chairman of the house committee was strongly impressed with the illustrations made, one of which was that the government could duplicate the plant of the Western Union Telegraph Company for less than $30,000,000; would be relieved of dividends upon $100,000,000 of watered stock and would furnish the masses of the people with cheaper living rates of communication of which they are now absolutely deprived by the exorbitant rates charged by the Western Union and other corporations. The time may not yet have arrived, but if the friends of the measure revive and continue the agitation, if organized labor will make its power felt in the selection of congress

men, the time will come when there will be a happy realization of the reform so much desired.

It is our painful duty to announce that the Home has its full complement of inmates, and there are on record quite a number of approved applications which will have to be satisfied before any new ones can be acted upon. It is hoped that subordinate unions will not presume upon the president's good nature and send members to the Home with the request that they be admitted immediately pending investigation, as it is impossible for any official to provide accommodation where there is none, and that is the situation at Colorado Springs.

THE Little Rock Gazette has long been known among our members in the southwest as an inveterate non-union office, and therefore we are more than usually pleased to announce that it has been unionized. Ex-Organizer Barrow sumes the position of foreman, which is a guarantee that the office will not in future, as in the past, be a menace to unionism in that section of the country.

THE Presidential proclamation which was issued under the date of February 14, 1896, granting Steubenville Typographical Union No. 238 jurisdiction over the towns of Toronto and Mingo Junction, Ohio, is hereby revoked, it having been demonstrated that the petitioning

union was unable to maintain its scale in the towns mentioned.

THE union label of any trade insures honest-made goods, value for value, every time.

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