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Medical and Surgical Journal.



No. 7.


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(The following pages were written as an introduction to a course of lectures on the diseases of the eye.)

In their preparation, I must here acknowledge my indebtedness to the elaborate works of Mr. J. Z. Laurence and Mr. J. Soelberg Wells, of London, and especially to the very comprehensive treatise of Professor Donders, of Utrecht, published in 1864 by the New Sydenham Society.


The eye is pre-eminently an optical instrument, and the phenomena of vision all depend upon the laws of optics. Hence, a knowledge of some, at least, of the elementary principles of light is essential to a correct appreciation of the physiology of the eye. The diagnosing of optical defects of the eye,-long and short sight, &c. &c., and their treatment with the scientific use of spectacles, require some knowledge of the laws of refraction, and the properties of convex and concave lenses.

The philosophy of the ophthalmoscope can hardly be understood unless the principles of both refraction and reflection are thoroughly mastered.

You will therefore, I hope, not consider the time ill spent if, before proceeding with the investigation of diseases of the eye-you review with me some of the elementary principles of optics which lie at the foundation of all ophthalmic science.

The nature of light is not known. I can no more tell you what light is, than your professor of physiology can tell yon what life is. We know that the sun shines, but how it shines we cannot tell.

"Two different theories have been advanced of the more intimate nature of light." "One, the Newtonian (corpuscular) conceives that each luminous point is constantly giving off a succession of luminous corpuscles which follow each other in uninterrupted succession on an imaginary line or axis like a string of beads on a rigid thread."

The undulatory theory (Christian Huychens') on the other hand considers space as pervaded by a subtle gaseous fluid or ether; that luminous bodies have the power of communicating to this ether a wave motion which affects the retina the same as vibrations of the air affect the auditory nerve.

Sir John Herschel, speaking of the great ingenuity of the undulatory theory says, "i£it is not true it deserves to be."

The sun is the great natural source of light; as it shines by its own light it is called self-luminous. The fixed stars are also self-luminous; so is a lighted lamp and bodies in a state of ignition. But most bodies by which we are surrounded, are seen only by reflected

light. The light from an object seen by moonlight is reflected twice before it reaches the eye. The moon reflects the light from the sun, and the object, the light which it receives from the moon.

Every luminous object gives off, or radiates, in every direction, an infinite number of straight lines of light. Each of these lines taken alone is called a ray of light. A bundle of rays is called a beam of light when the rays run parellel to each other. When the rays diverge from a luminous point or are made to converge to a focus they are called a pencil of rays, thus:


Fig. 1 represents a pencil of rays diverging from a flame F, after passing a convex lens they are rendered parallel and these parallel rays passing the second convex lens B, the rays are converged to the point (focus) P.

The parallel rays may be called a parallel pencil; the diverging rays a divergent pencil, and the convergent rays a convergent pencil. The point where rays of light meet is called the focal point or simply a focus.

Strictly speaking, there is no such thing in nature as parallel rays; the nearest approach we have to it are the rays of light we receive from the sun and the fixed stars. Practically, for our purpose however, we may consider rays of light parallel that are received by the pupil of the eye from objects that are twenty feet distant or any distance greater than that. Pencils of light from objects less than twenty feet distant are more decidedly divergent.

A good illustration of a divergent pencil can be obtained from a lighted lamp or candle in a dark room. If a piece of card board, with a small circular opening in it, be held near the lamp, you will have, upon the opposite wall, an illuminated spot of the same shape as the opening in the card, but very much larger.

This will prove not only that the rays diverge, but also that the rays proceed in straight lines.*

Convex lenses :-We shall now proceed to the consideration of convex lenses, which, for our purpose, is the most important part of the subject. Lenses are made of various transparent substances as amber, alum, quartz, glass, diamond, and even of ice. Those in ordinary use are made of glass. When the two surfaces of a convex lens have the same degree of curvature, the lens is said to be equiconvex. When one of the surfaces is flat or plane, the lens is called a plano-convex lens. Glass spectacles used by old persons for reading, &c., are commonly made double convex.

In order to simplify the subject as much as possible, let us confine our attention to lenses that are equi-convex.


In fig. 2 let A be the centre of the circle B, C, D, of which A, B, is the radius, and let E be the centre of the circle F, G, H, of which the radius E, F, is equal to the radius A, B. The circle F, G, H, will be equal to the circle B, C, D. The part D,H, common to both circles, represent a section of an equi-convex lens. The line A, E, is called the axis of the lens, and the line D, H is called the diameter. The centre of the diameter (where it is intersected by the axis) is the optical centre of the lens.

Reading glasses, and burning glasses, are examples of a double convex lens. Many of you have, doubtless, seen the experiment of

(* Convergent pencils of light do not exist in nature. Parallel pencils or divergent pencils of rays can be rendered convergent by means of a convex lens. Thus in fig. 1, the rays diverging from F, are made to converge to P by the convex lenses, A. and B.)

setting fire to wood, paper, &c., by means of a burning or sun glass. The explanation of this is simply that the convex lens possesses the property of converging a portion of the sun's rays to a point called the focus.

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In Fig. 3, P, P, represent a pencil of parallel rays converged to a focus at F by means of the double convex lens, L.

The focus for parallel rays is called the principal focus. It is always the same distance from the optical centre in the same lens. The length of the focus for parallel rays is, in equi-convex lenses, equal to the length of the radius of curvature.

The shorter the focus, the greater is the "power" or "strength" of the lens. A lens that can bring parallel rays to a focus at a distance of one inch from the optical centre of the lens, would be called a one inch lens. Another lens whose focus is two inches from the optical. centre, is called a two inch lens, and so on. Convex lenses therefore receive their names according to the number of inches, or fraction of an inch, the principal focus is distant from the centre of the lens. The strongest lenses used for spectacles are what are called cataract glasses; they are worn by patients who have had their crystaline lenses removed. Their strength ranges from 2 to 4 inches focal length. The weakest spectacles that are ordinarily used have a focus of 36 inches. Convex lenses having a focus of 36 inches do not enlarge the letters of a book at the ordinary reading distance.

Let us, now see what practical application we can make of this principle of convex lenses.

Supposing that a person accustomed to using convex spectacles, gets one of the glasses broken, and applies to you to learn the strength of the glass that would be necessary to replace the broken one, or in other words to learn the strength of the glass that is still whole. How would you proceed? One method is to use the lens as a sun glass, and ascertain by measurement, how far from the glass, the sun's rays are brought to a focus. If you find, for instance, that the focus is 10 inches from the lens, you will have ascertained that the person has

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