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been wearing glasses of 10 inch focus, or as they are sometimes called No. 10 convex, or simply + 10 (plus 10).

The method, however, that is usually adopted, depends upon a property of convex lenses that will be more fully explained further on.

If, for instance, you hold up a 10 inch convex lens at a distance of 10 inches from a white wall-the wall being about 20 feet from an open window, opposite-there will appear, behind the lens, upon the wall, an inverted, miniature picture of the window, and trees or buildings, &c., in front of the window. If the lens be held at a greater or less distance from the wall than the focal length of the lens, the inverted picture will be indistinct. Measuring the distance therefore that the lens must be held from the wall, to produce the sharpest picture, will give the focal length of the lens.

Suppose, now, that we bring the lens to within, say 5 feet of the window, and hold a sheet of white paper at the principal focal distance behind the lens, viz., at ten inches, we will find a change in the inverted picture, there will still appear distant buildings, trees, &c. but the sash of the window will be very indistinct. If, however, we move the sheet of paper 12 inches from the lens-that is, two inches farther from the lens, we will again see the image of the sash but scarcely any trace of the buildings, trees, &c. This experiment is an illustration of the fact that the nearer an object approaches the front of a convex lens, the farther will be its image behind the lens; thus, when an object is 5 feet or rather 60 inches from the front of a 10 inch convex lens, the inverted image is found to be 12 inches behind the lens ; when 30 inches, it will be 15 in.; when 20, that is, double the length of the focus, the image will be double the length of the focus behind the lens; viz., 20 inches; when 15 inches, the image behind the lens will be removed to 30 inches. As the object approaches the principal focal distance of the lens the image recedes much more rapidly; thus, when at 12 inches, the image will be 60 inches; when at 11, the image will be 110 inches behind the lens. When however we bring the object to within 10 inches of the lens-that is, at its principal focus, there will be no image formed behind the lens, as the rays after passing the lens will be parallel.

(I would strongly urge you, gentlemen, to perform all these experiments for yourselves, as in that way only can you become familiar with these important principles. These latter experiments can be performed best in a dark room-taking for an object the flame of a lamp or candle).

From the above we can easily understand the principle, 1st, that the less divergent the rays of a pencil (that is, the nearer they approach parallel rays,) incident or falling upon a convex lens, the nearer will the focus of the convergent pencil be to the principal focus of the lens. 2nd. The more divergent the incident pencil, the less convergent (the more nearly parallel) will be the refracted pencil, and the more distant will its focus be from the principal focus of the lens.

Questions of the following nature very often arise in optics, viz., the length of the principal focus of a convex lens being given, and the distance a certain object is in front of it;—to find how far behind the lens will be the inverted image of the object. Or to express it more technically, the length of the principal focus of a convex lens being given and the length of the divergent incident pencil, to find the length of the focus of convergent refracted pencil. Thus: Suppose you had the following question: A 10 inch lens is 60 inches from an object; how far behind the lens will be the inverted image?

This could be solved immediately, by actual trial, and measurement, but this is not always practical.

The rule given in some text books on optics is as follows: multiply the length of the divergent incident pencil, that is, the distance the object is from the lens, by the focal length of the lens, and divide by the difference; thus: 60 × 10-600, 60-10=50, 600 divided by 50=12; or 12= the distance behind the lens.

60 × 10 600
60-10 50

There is another property of convex lenses which I must not omit to mention; namely, what is called it magnifying power.

When a convex lens is placed between the eye and an object,— the object being at a less distance from the lens than its principle focus, the object will appear enlarged or magnified. The shorter the focus of the lens, the greater is its magnifying power. Thus, a 4 inch lens has a greater magnifying power than an 8 inch lens; a 2 inch lens greater than a 4, and a 1 inch greater than a 2 inch lens. The 1 inch lens has, in fact, double the magnifying power of a 2 inch lens; a 2, double that of 4 inch; a 4 inch, double that of an 8 inch, &c.

The "power" of a lens is therefore inversely proportional to its focal length. For this reason a different form is used in expressing the "power" or strength of a lens. A 1 inch lens is taken as unity,

and as a 2 inch lens is just half the strength, it is simply expresed , and as a 3 inch lens has just one-third the strength of a 1 inch, it is written; a 4 inch is &c. We will find that this nomenclature is not only very convenient, but scientifically correct.

For example, suppose we have two lenses of 4 inch focus each, and we wish to know their combined "power" when used as one lens; we simply add their reciprocals thus +==. The two lenses have, therefore, the magnifying power of, which is the reciprocal of 2, and are consequently, together, equal to a 2 inch lens, which can be proved by actual measurement. Again, suppose we have a 6 inch lens, and a 12 inch lens, and we wish to know their combined strength, +==which represents the power of a 4 inch lens; the 6 and the 12 inch lenses taken together being equal to one lens having a focus of 4 inches.

To save repetition, I may here state that when a concave lens enters into combination with a convex lens, it has a neutralizing effect upon the convex lens. If we have a convex 6 and a concave 6 the one would neutralize the other, thus -=0. But if the convex lens has the higher power, the concave lens simply weakens it-that is, lengthens its focus-thus, if we have a convex 6 and a concave 9 the result will be 1-=-=, which represents the strength of one lens having a focus of 18 inches. If, however, the concave lens has the higher "power" it will simply be weakened by the concave lens,-the combination will be equal to a concave lens having a lower "power," or a longer focus than the concave lens taken,-thus reversing the last example, suppose we have a concave and a convex 9, we will then have + or simply -=-=-, which represents the strength of a concave lens having a focus of 18 inches.

This fractional nomenclature (taking 1 for numerator and the focal length of the lens for denominator) will assist us also in understanding the principle of the formation of images at different distances behind a convex lens, according to the distance of objects in front of it.

Let me remind you that when an object, for instance the flame of a candle, is placed in the focus of a convex lens, the diverging rays of light from the object are rendered parallel by the lens. Thus, a lens having a focus of 20 inches will render parallel pencils of light diverging from an object 20 inches from the lens. Bearing this in mind let us again try the solution of the following question, pro

pounded not long since, viz. :-When an object is 60 inches in front of a 10 inch convex lens, how far behind the lens will be the inverted image of the object? Or, to express it differently, when a divergent pencil of light emanates from a point 60 inches from a 10 inch convex lens, at what distance behind the lens will the pencil be converged to a focus ?

Now, we know that a lens of 60 inches focus, placed in the position of the 10 inch lens, would render the rays parallel that fall upon it from the object 60 inches distant. Were it possible, therefore, to divide the 10 inch lens into two lenses, one having a focus of 60 inches to render the rays parallel, the remaining portion would bring these parallel rays to a focus at its principle focus. Deducting then from will give the strength of the remaining portion of the lens-; the two parts then and are equal to the one lens. And, as the will render the rays parallel from the object 60 inches distant, and these parallel rays falling upon the other part, they will be brought to a focus at the principle focus of this part, viz: at 12 inches from the lens. Let us illustrate this with another example. Suppose that an object is 30 inches in front of a convex lens of 10 inch focus, and we wish to know how far behind the lens will be the focus of a pencil of rays diverging from a point in the object. We will have−=&=; this represents the power of a 15 inch lens, which we know will bring the parallel rays to a focus at 15 inches behind the lens.


Fig. 4 illustrates this; O represents an object 30 inches from a ten inch convex lens, the lens supposed to be divided into two parts, one having a focus of 30 inches, and the other a focus of 15 inches. The 30 inch lens refracts the rays of the divergent pencil d, d, d, d, so as to render them parallel, as shown at P, P, P, P, P. These parallel rays, meeting the 15 inch lens, are again refracted and are converged to a focus at F, which is the principle focus of the lens, viz., at 15 inches.

Fig. 1, page 3, represents a 10 inch lens, at a distance of 20 inches from an object, F. The lens is supposed to be divided into two equal parts, of 20 inch focus each: the first half renders the diverging pencil parallel, and the second half converges the parallel pencil to a focus, at 20 inches from the lens;

(Dr. Giraud-Teulon, of Paris, has ascribed the origination of the above theory to Mr. J. Z. Laurence, of London, to whom we are very much indebted, for his praiseworthy efforts to popularize this, hitherto neglected, field of Physiological and Pathological Optics.)

Let me next direct your attention to certain optical considerations, which have a most important application, in the treatment of optical defects of the eye.

You may remember that in a former experiment, a 10 inch lens was held ten inches from a white wall, so as to show the miniature inverted picture of the window, &c., 20 ft. distant; and that when the lens was brought to a distance of 60 inches from the window, it was found that the image of the window was formed 12 inches behind the lens, instead of 10 inches, and that at 10 inches, the image was so indistinct as to be scarcely recognizable.

Now suppose that a 12 inch lens be immovably fixed 12 inches from the same wall, it will then be in a proper position to bring parallel rays to a focus on the wall, where it will form an inverted picture of the window, and objects at a distance beyond the window.

If we now bring the flame of a lamp, for instance, to a distance of 60 inches from the lens, no distinctly defined image of the flame will appear upon the wall; but if, by any means, we can render the pencil parallel that diverges from the flame, the 12 inch lens will then converge it accurately to a focus upon the wall, where we will have an inverted image of the flame.

From the knowledge that we have now obtained, we know that a 60 inch lens placed in front of the 12 inch lens will render these rays parallel. All that we have to do then is to combine a 60 inch lens with the 12 inch lens: the 60 inch lens to render the rays parallel that diverge from the flame, 60 inches distant, and the 12 inch lens to converge these rays to a focus, at the principal focal length of the lens. This is exactly what we do in supplying old people with convex spectacles. Their eyes are constructed to bring parallel rays to a focus, on the retina; but the rays from near objects are too divergent to be focussed upon the retina without artificial aid; this deficiency is what we supply with suitable glasses.

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