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said before, with this and the breast between times, he got along fine.

Is there anything I could read advising me on simple things to do for children?-H. J. L., Louisiana.

Answer: This is undoubtedly a case of intestinal indigestion. There are fermentation and decomposition of the food in the bowels, creating flatulent colic.

It is a question of diet mainly, although just now perhaps a little medicine would be of some good.

The food you are giving him, which agreed with him so well at first, has for some rea-. son or other become offensive to his digestion, and should be changed.

Of course such a case ought to be under the personal care of an attending physician, but I will do the best I can for you at this distance.

Get a pound of milk sugar at the drug store. Also a quart bottle of lime water. Of the milk sugar take one tablespoonful, two tablespoonfuls of lime water, four tablespoonfuls of condensed milk, the Eagle brand. Mix them together. Add hot water enough to make a pint of the food, which should be a sufficient quantity to last the child twelve hours. If you find that this agrees with the child you may cautiously add more condensed milk to the mixture. If it does not agree let me suggest that you add good buttermilk, instead of the condensed milk. Should you use the buttermilk add a teaspoonful of cream to the mixture. Sometimes the buttermilk diet will work wonders. A great many babies that have rejected all other kinds of food will take buttermilk in this manner. Even a greater proportion of buttermilk is allowable, so that you may increase the amount of buttermilk if you find it agreeable.

If you want a good book on diet, for old and young, there is one published by J. B. S. King, M. D., professor of chemistry in Hering Medical College, in Chicago I think it is published by the Blakely Printing Company, of Chicago. If you write to Dr. King he will tell you where to get the book.

ENCLOSED find $1.00 to pay for one year for THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL. I think it is fine. I have been interested in your writings in Health and shall take your Journal every year.

MRS. E. M. CARVES, Harrisville, W. Va.

Catarrh and Camomile.

Query 264: I must write you about a very peculiar and very annoying symptom that I have experienced about four to five days in my throat, mouth and nose. About two months ago, I experienced a peculiar, slight, very annoying sensation in the very end of my nose. By using weak German Camomile (in one of my eye cups) in the nostrils this removed through the mouth a quantity of


I have apparently a cold in my head, although I sometimes have a very slight sensation in one of the ears at a time (not in both ears). My hearing is unimpaired at the present time, but I have for about eight months or so noticed some congestion in my ears. There is some little matter in each corner of the eye, that I wash away by diluted Boric acid.-D. B., Ohio.

Answer: The trouble with your nose, throat, etc., is undoubtedly a slight catarrhal difficulty. I am rather suspicious, however. that the dryness of the mouth, and perhaps some of the irritation is due to the camomile tea. I would not advise you to use it any more. Instead of using it, use a spray of liquid vaseline. The liquid vaseline is very soothing, and has a very beneficial effect upon any catarrhal condition.

I think the mucus you get out of your throat is due to the astringent action of the camomile tea, which converts the ordinary mucus into a stringy tenacious mucus. This you have to expel from the throat, because of the irritation it produces.

I am glad you are proposing to discontinue the Cerrebros salts. I think they are all together too stimulating for the nervous system. As for the table salt, I do not think you are in danger of getting any adulterated salt, that is if you mean ordinary table salt. Such things as celery salt may be adulterated, but the ordinary table salt, chloride of soda, is in danger of being adulterated.

Boracic acid to wash out the eyes is all right, but as said before I know of nothing better than hot water and liquid vaseline. Spraying the eyes with liquid vaseline is a good thing, much better I think than any other application.

Born at Night.

Almost every one thinks that a greater number of births occur at night than in the daytime. This belief is especially prevalent in the country.

In the practice of medicine my experience verified this belief. Surely the greater number of cases I was called upon to attend occurred in the night.

A surgeon by the name of Lynch, of the Johns Hopkins University, reaches a different conclusion. The difference may be accounted for, however, by the fact that his patients were hospital patients, for the condition of such patients is about the same night and day.

Lynch analyzes the hour of birth in 1,508 full-term spontaneous labors at Johns Hopkins, and concludes that the theory that most births occur during the night is erroneous, and that births are distributed fairly evenly throughout the twenty-four hours, though the variations between 7 p. m. and 7 a. m. showed 4 per cent. more births than in the other twelve hours, in which the variation was less than 0.5 per cent.

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THE DRUG DOCTORS DEFEATED IN THEIR EFFORTS TO STOP PROGRESS OF SCIENCE The readers of this publication who were indignant at my arrest by the New York doctors, because I cured diseases and relieved suffering without the use of drugs, may be glad to know that the Supreme Court has unqualifiedly vindicated me. This court decision is the first official recognition ever given the practice of food science in the field of prevention and cure of disease. My work has already met with the recognition and co-operation of many of the most learned and advanced physicians in New York City, who not only send me difficult cases, but have personally taken my Course of Treatment.

The reason the drug doctors so bitterly oppose my work is because I am curing hundreds of people by food science whom they fail to cure with drugs, as shown by the following letters, which represent thousands of others in my files:

MEDICAL TREATMENT FAILED-FOOD RESTORED PERFECT HEALTH. My Dear Mr. Christian: For the past ten years I have had a constant fight with disease. I went through every form of medical treatment without results. You have restored me to perfect health. I have gained in strength, vitality and weight until my friends scarcely know me. Most gratefully yours, H. M. HAYES, Broadway, Va., January 28, 1907.



Mr. Eugene Christian: My Dear Sir-For fifteen years I administered the usual drug poisons common to the practice. My experience convinced me that the practice of drugging was worse than failure. It trifled with human life, was a network of errors, and little short of criminal in its nature. I am thoroughly convinced that your work is in the right direction; that only proper dieting and the natural elimination of poisons formed within the body will cure disease. This secret came to me after a long and varied experience.

Yours very truly, J. W. BENADOM, M. D., Davenport, Iowa.



My Dear Mr. Christian: My term of treatment being finished, I wish you to know the results. The rheumatism, which had been pronounced chronic, seems to be entirely cured. My sleep is refreshing and undisturbed. My digestion and assimilation of your delicious combinations of food are working perfectly and I am in every way improved and delighted with your method of treatment. Thanking you for the excellent care you gave my case and the splendid results that followed it, I am most sincerely yours, MARTHA PALSER, If you have a Curable Disease, Scientific Feeding will cure it. Thrall Hospital, Middletown, N. Y.


CONSULTATION FREE-AT MY OFFICE OR BY MAIL. You are cordially invited to call any weekday between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. No charge will be made for my expert opinion as to your case. If you cannot call, write. Tell me all about your case, condition and symptoms on my FREE SYMPTOM BLANK, sent on request. I will reply fully and promptly, giving my opinion without charge. If I believe your case incurable, I will be honest and tell you so, and what relief can be obtained. If I believe your case is curable, I will prove it by endorsements from similar cases. All this costs you nothing. Call or write at once.

Epsom Salts and Castor Oil.

By J. F. C. MAINE.

Engure Christian

I read your Medical Talk in the Christmas number of Health with great interest.

It is, I think, a crime for the M. D.'s to use morphine as they do. It seems a dangerous drug to me. In the case you mention I want to ask if castor oil would not have accomplished the same thing that the Epsom salts did, and not leave the intestines in quite as dry a condition? I do not ask this to criticise in the least what you did, but only for information, as I am only a learner.

I am not a believer in the use of drugs, as many use them to-day, and I do think the time will soon arrive when there will be but little use for them. I used to think I must take them for every little illness that I had, but thanks to Health and other books, about six years ago my eyes were opened and I have taken none since, and my health has improved almost as by some miracle. I am careful of what and when I eat, and have improved my condition wonderfully.-J. F. C., South Paris, Maine.

I am very glad indeed that you have found a way to get along without the use of drugs

au Scientist

Room 88, 7 East 41st St., NEW YORK

entirely I think this could be done in nearly every case if people would use common sense in taking care of themselves. But when people will not do so they sometimes bring themselves into a condition where drugs constitute the only way out of the difficulty.

As to the effect of castor oil and Epsom salts, they are both cathartics, but they operate in a different way. Cathartics are of at least two kinds, saline and drastic.

Castor oil belongs to the drastic cathartics, and it operates mainly by irritating the motor nerves of the bowels, producing an abnormal motion. That is to say, they increase the natural peristaltic movement of the bowels, which is a slow, wormlike movement that is going on constantly in healthy bowels. The castor oil increases this wriggling motion, and in some cases produces violent colic. Often castor oil creates a little flow of the intestinal juices into the cavity of the intestines, but not anything near as much as saline cathartics.

In Epsom salts we have the best example of a saline cathartic. It immediately produces a great flow of the glandular juices of the intestines, including the lacteals, and the alimentary canal is flushed out by its Own

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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Castor oil, however, is an excellent cathartic in some conditions. It is especially desirable where there is a sluggishness of the bowels dependent upon a partial paralysis or a tonic condition of them. But Epsom salts is altogether the best where the whole system is surcharged with poisonous materials.

ENCLOSED please find money order for fifty cents, for which I ask that you forward me five copies of the February number of your Journal.

Personally I think it the finest ever, and will try to be a "Sponsor" worthy of the

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Query 316: I wish again to refer to my gums, that cause me so much nervous irritability. If there is a remedy, I have failed to find it. My lower plate has nothing to do with the trouble. Now there is no ulceration, no breaking of the skin, only an inflamed discoloration, a swollen soreness or tenderness. W lips closed a slight pressure of the finger along the lower gums sets them to throbbing and the same irritation is present in the process of trying to masticate bread or other necessary food. For blood purifier, have you a better prescription than the enclosed clipping?-A. O., Michigan.

Answer: There are some people who cannot wear a plate at all. It seems to me that your dentist would be the most likely to help you. I doubt very much if it is due to a constitutional difficulty, although it may be. It is undoubtedly some local irritation that keeps this trouble up. I do not know that I shall be able to give you any advice that 'will be of practical use. For tenderness and soreness of the gums, etc., some people have cured themselves by taking one part strong vinegar, one part water, to which salt is added. This should be held in the mouth for a few minutes, and moved about from side to side until it touches all parts of the gums, and then spit out. No water should be taken into mouth for a while. This treatment repeated three or four times a day might be of use to you.

If the salt and vinegar do not relieve, you might paint the gums with extract of witch

hazel, and this may give relief. But, if it is due, as I suspect, to the irritation of the rubber plate nothing will relieve it, but the removal of the cause.

The prescription you enclose, is one of those advertising dodges that is going the rounds now-a-days. The Barkola Compound is a medicine, which the people make who pay for the advertisement. They supply the druggists with it, and the other things are to be found in any drug store. The reason they advertise in this manner is to sell the Barkola Compound. Any druggist could put up as good a blood medicine as this. There are several other firms doing the same kind of advertising, always including in the recipe something they themselves make, and the druggist cannot get anywhere else.

Replying to many inquiries sent us, we did not send out the January issue of this publication to new subscribers because Dr. Carr did not begin as editor until February, 1908. The January number is out of print.

Drugs Will Not Cure Insomnia.

Query 198: I am 52 years old. Widower for two years, one son, 24, in perfect health. For the last 15 years I have suffered the tortures of the damned from insomnia. My general health is good, appetite excellent, weight normal, bad memory, aching back, and so many obscure nervous symptoms, I can hardly enumerate them. I look well, and my friends will say "How well you look," when at the same time I may feel most miserable. I have two black spots in the front of the right eye. continually, which annoy me exceedingly. I have tried doctors of all degrees without avail. Still none of them could give me healthy sleep. I have never taken drugs to produce sleep and will not. If I could get normal sleep my health would be perfect. Now, perhaps, although my appetite is good, my system does not appropriate from my food the nourishment my brain requires. I say this because my body is well nourished, while my brain seems starved, if I may be allowed to use the simile. I can walk six or seven miles a day and do take a half mile swim every day at this season.-W. R. J., Massachusetts.

Answer: Insomnia usually depends upon some deranging habit or avocation. In such cases the only hope of permanent relief is the discovery of the cause. The fact of being a widower for two years and the sudden change of sexual habits which this induces, is frequently the cause of insomnia. If you have changed your vocation lately you should tell me about it. Or, again, the use or leaving off the use of any narcotic. Look closely into the matter and see if you can discover any reason in your routine of life that might account for it.

There is no use of taking drugs for sleeplessness. Some cases of insomnia no doubt

Vibrators Cure Without Killing.



If it does not prove the greatest vibrator you ever saw, it will not cost you one cent; we pay express charges both ways. You run no risk whatever. NO ELECTRICITY-NO BATTERIES

Just turn the crank and you get from 500 to 50,000 delightful and effective vibrations per minute. No other vibrator permits such a wide range of speed; yet this is absolutely essential in the treatment of rheumatism, indigestion, constipation, biliousness, deafness, paralysis, insomnia, headache, nervousness and poor circulation in limbs, face, scalp, or any other part of the body.


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depend upon a diseased condition of the nervous system or brain. In such cases, also, the cause must be diligently inquired into, and such remedies as are taken should be directed toward the cause and not the symptom of insomnia.

As a rule, a complete change of surroundings will afford relief. Go away somewhere. If you are able to do so rough it in some wild country for two or three months. There is a want of balance of your vital forces, and even though it depends upon some organic disease a radical change in your style of living will do a great deal of good.

I am enclosing a slip which contains many suggestions for temporary relief. These are not cures, although they do relieve many cases. They are simply suggestions, makeshifts, temporizing with the matter, in case are not able to follow the above advice, getting at the cause.


I think you had better write me again and see if you cannot help me to discover what is at the bottom of your affair.

IF YOUR welcome again to our homes with your New MEDICAL JOURNAL were expressed audibly, I think it might deafen you for a minute. It will be like a great family reunion, for the rest of appreciative readers of "Medical Talk," many of whom in this viIn writing to advertisers, please mention




cinity are eagerly waiting for your first number. M. E. M., Lakewood, N. Y. Subscribe To-Day.

We are sending a number of sample copies of this issue to the old friends of Doctor Carr and will in due course favor all his friends with one copy of the JOURNAL. The stringent postal laws make it impossible for us to send more than one issue in a year as a sample copy, and if you desire to receive the JOURNAL regularly you should cut out the subscription order elsewhere printed in this issue, fill it out and return it at cnce. While we have a few back numbers which we can supply to subscribers, they are extremely limited, and will be exhausted before another month. Back numbers supplied only to advance subscribers as long as they last.


DIVINE HEALING. Present or absent treatments. Persons who desire absent treatment can write or telegraph for fuller particulars-2414 Penn. Ave., N. W. Washington, D. C. 'Phone, West 221. (Mention The Columbus Medical Journal.)


Relief for Bunions.

By JOHN L. HERPICH, Druggist, Cor. Main and
Fourth Streets, Columbus, Ohio.
The remedies recommended for the relief
and cure of corns are usually also recom-
mended for the removal of bunions. While
these remedies often do afford relief, the two
maladies are distinctively different. Corns
are inflammations of the skin, and bunions
inflammations of the synovial membrane which
connects the great toe with the foot. Noth-
ing would permanently cure a bunion but a
surgical operation.

The following formula is recommended for
the relief of bunions:
Carbolic acid

Tincture of Iodine.
Glycerine ...

.3 drams

.3 drams

.3 drams

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Scientists are agreed that one cause of old age is the hardening and thickening of the arterial walls-arterial sclerosis. The hardening of the walls is caused by the failure to remove tissue waste entirely. The tissues are fed through the blood, the necessary food going directly through the walls of the capillaries wherever it is needed. In the same way material is thrown off by passing into the kidneys and out through the skin and lungs. Necessarily any induration or other change in the arterial walls interferes with the function of the circulation and tissues are not properly fed. Then they become dry, wrinkled, flabby, and the general symptoms of old age follow.

It is perfectly possible to postpone old age, and add many years to the average human_life. These years also should be pleasant and free from the decrepitude of the ordinary old age. They should be enjoyable, and can be made so. We have a treatment for old age. It is biochemic and contains no drugs or injurious substances. It costs $5.00 for a full treatment and will last six months. We do not sell less for it will require that much and that time to get results. Results are permanent. We do not send samples of any of our remedies. Only those who have stimulants and palliatives send samples. Biochemistry is the only complete system of treatment. It covers all manner and forms of disease or abnormal condition. We make 1,200 Remedies. We list 51 for the convenience of the dealer and public, covering the ordinary ailments. But if your disease is not in our published list, do not think we have no remedy. Write us and we will advise you. We have booklets on General Diseases, on Varicose Veins, on the Heart, and leaflets on various subjects. Any or all of these will be sent to you on your request. free. There is no obligation to buy or use our Remedies. Let us tell you about them. Our literature is clean, clear, concise and truthful, and is worth reading. It contains many facts which you should know, and points you the way to the best health of your life. No drugs, no dope, no fake. We have the Remedies you have been looking for in vain. Let us help you. We assure you we can do so.


Canadian Office, Windsor, Ont.


BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN W. S. ENSIGN, Phys Ch. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.


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