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Compulsory Vaccination Laws.

Query I have a boy six years old, and I sent him to school. The teacher has sent him home until I consent to have the brutal practice of vaccination. I mean to oppose it if I have to go to jail for it. What is the address of the anti-vaccination society in Pennsylvania? Could you tell me if the compulsory act of vaccination was repealed in the British Parliament some years ago, as I think it was. as that would make it non-compulsory now? Could you tell me what states have the compulsory vaccination act now?-J. N., Pennsylvania.

Answer: As to the anti-vaccination societies, there are a very few of them scattered here and there, but they have no power to help you in any way. They are simply associations of a few people who hold sentiments opposed to vaccination. They have no legal status, no authority, not even any influence.

Vaccination of Infants.


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. the year 1908. An act relative to the vaccination of infants.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in general court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1. Section one hundred and thirtysix of chapter seventy-five of the revised laws, relative to the vaccination of children under two years of age, is hereby repealed.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved by Eben S. Draper, LieutenantGovernor, Acting Governor April 1, 1908.

Thus compulsory vaccination of children passes away in the State of Massachusetts.

Good! I hope other states will follow suit. This is not the first time that the grand old State of Massachusetts led the way in the advance of decency and civilization.-(ED.)

In all of the states the practice of compulsory vaccination is in vogue. In some of them there have been decisions from the Supreme Court, substantially asserting compulsory vac- HEALTH, STRENGTH AND BEAUTY cination, under penalty of expulsion from school.


I do not know that there is any anti-vaccination society in Pennsylvania.

Yes, the compulsory act of vaccination was repealed by the British Parliament about ten years ago. This, however, has no authority in this country. It is simply a matter of argument, as they had tried compulsory vaccination for a great many years.

No, I cannot tell you what states have the compulsory vaccination act. In fact, none of them have such an act, but there is great liberty granted to the school boards in protecting the scholars from contagious diseases. While smallpox is not mentioned, it does empower them to do anything they think proper to protect the school in a sanitary way. But in several states there have been decisions by supreme judges to the effect that they have undoubted right to enforce vaccination.

I admire your stand against it, but you will find the powers all opposed to you, and you will find no assistance from anti-vaccination societies. One woman went to jail, like you say you are going to, and she succeeded in stirring up a sentiment against vaccination greater than any one thing that I have known of in this country. Perhaps if you go to jail you may excite sympathy and some agitation on the subject. But just at this time we are the under dog, and we will have to recognize our situation and make the best of it.


DIVINE HEALING. Present or absent treatments. Persons who desire absent treatment can write or telegraph for fuller particulars-2414 Penn. Ave., N. W. Washington, D. C. 'Phone, West 221. (Mention The Columbus Medical Journal.)

Secured by using Robinson's ALFALFA-NUTRIENT The New Century Food Discovery

The ideal Food Medicine for Brain Workers, the busy Business Man or the care-worn, nervous woman.

Alfalfa-Nutrient Makes Thin People Plump, rich red blood that is life itself-the kind of life that gives the bright eyethe ruddy cheek and the elastic step of youth.

Why is Alfalfa such a blood, flesh and strength maker? Because it counteracts the acidity of the stomach, aiding the digestion of the sugar, fats and starchy foods, -the constituents for making blood and flesh.

The Human System is composed of fourteen elements and when any of these elements are lacking in the system, Disease Sets in, and the only Natural Law of Cure is to supply the deficiency and restore health.

ROBINSON'S ALFALFA is Nature's Own Remedy, contains the identical elements of which the tissues, blood, nerve and brain of the system are composed and with which they must be supplied if Life, Health and Strength are to be maintained.

Sarsaparilla and most tonics thin the blood and make weak nerves.

ALFALFA enriches the blood, makes strong nerves and is the greatest Reconstructive Curative Agent yet produced. More than a tonic-a builder-a revitalizer and rejuvenator of the entire system. Unequaled in the world of medicine for shattered nerves and a run-down, debilitated condition.

There is no experimentalism with Robinson's Alfalfa. Contains no Drugs, Opiates, or Poisons,-simply supplies lacking elements and always acts the same,-as much a specific for disease as food is for hunger.

Cures where doctors with their Drugs and Opiates fail-Anemia, Indigestion, Constipation, Catarrh Loss of Appetite, weak circulation, sleeplessness, nerve Depressions, all Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles, Malaria, Rheumatism, Locomotor Ataxia and all Blood and Nerve Diseases.

Sent Postpaid $1.00 per box (1 month's Treatment) 6 boxes $5.00.

TEN DAYS' TRIAL TREATMENT FREE. A 35 cent package in plain wrapper with interesting 56-page Scientific Booklet, sent free for 4c. postage. First class Lady and Gentleman agents wanted. ALFALFA CHEMICAL CO., 790-79 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Wild Berries for Indigestion.

Running Sore on Shin.

Query: I have had a sore on my ankle for two years. I struck it on an anvil just above the lace of my shoe, and it never healed up. Sometimes I have to walk with a crutch. It never was sore until I bumped it.— Mrs. M. M. S., Pa.

Answer: I should judge that yours is a case of necrosis of the shin bone, or tibia. This bone lies near the skin, is poorly nourished, and is frequently subject to injuries like yours, and when injured is quite likely to develop necrosis or rotting of the bone. This condition of the bone will maintain an open sore on the leg, which will not heal until the necrosis can be rectified.

The quickest and perhaps the only way to cure it is a surgical operation, by which the bone is scraped and freed of all the dead matter. Generally, when this is done, the sore will heal up, and the running stop.

If you do not do that, the next best thing is to keep the foot up on a level with the body all day, sitting in a chair with the foot in another chair, or any other arrangement that keeps the foot up.

The sore should be cleansed three times a day with the following solution: Ten grains of permanganate of potash, two quarts of soft water. This should be kept in a cool place and used to wash and cleanse the sore. Half a teacupful of the solution is enough to use at one time.

Following the cleansing, the sore should be dusted with equal parts of plumbago and lycopodium. These should be thoroughly triturated together. Any druggist can do it for you. This should be used as a dusting powder, following each cleansing with the solution.

Following this, the sore should be lightly wrapped with a linen bandage. The part of the bandage directly over the sore should be greased with carbolated vaseline, which can also be obtained at the drug store.

In connection with this local treatment, the Combination Tissue Tablet B would undoubtedly be a helpful medicine to take internally.


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My food has cured thousands and will cure you. WRITE for FREE Book. Byron Tyler, 47 Syndicate Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.

When the physician finds
it necessary, in disorders
of digestion, to promote
secretory activity by dif
ferent remedies, this object
can most certainly and
completely be achieved
by endeavoring to restore
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-Pawlow. The Work of the
Digestive Glands.






Activates the Gustatory Organs
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Stimulates the Gastric Glands
Promotes Digestive Secretions

Indicated in impaired appetite, feebleness of old age, convalescence, gastro-intestinal atony, and all disorders of digestion and of nutrition in which the secretory activity of the digestive glands is subnormal. In cases complicated with anæmia, Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic with Iron is indicated.

Sold by druggists

Sample with literature mailed gratis to any physician on request

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The National Training Schools give thorough and practical courses in NURSING, MASSAGE and DERMATOLOGY. Handsomely engraved diploma on completion of either course. Instruction by correspondence or personally at the School, as desired. Tuition low, cash or payments. Established five years. Graduates meeting with grand success in many States. Our plan makes the work easy and enables students to earn liberally while learning. This is a grand opportunity for ambitious women to become independent. For full particulars address, inclosing stamp,

DR. L. J. CHAPMAN, Supt.,
Lancaster, Ohio

WILD-BERRIES-These Are The Things.

For every form of stomach trouble. If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, heavy feeling after eating, bad taste in the mouth, or bad breath, a Wild-Berry will relieve you. Keep them with you and eat one or two berries when you need them. You will find them the best thing you ever had. WILD-BERRIES cleanse the mucous membranes of mouth, throat, stomach and intestines. They put the whole digestive tract in an active, healthy condition.

A manufacturing man writes: "Wild-Berries are the best thing I ever had for stomach trouble. I keep them with me all the time. I like them and their effect is very pleasant."

A well-known singer writes: "I could not do without Wild-Berries; they keep my throat in perfect condition and my voice clear. Enclosed find money order for half dozen boxes."

A lady writes: "My breath is always clean and sweet now since I have Wild-Berries. Every lady should keep them." A traveling salesman says: "Send me four 25 cent boxes Wild-Berries. They are the things. The smoker's friend and a boon for the late diner."

A business woman writes: "I find Wild-Berries excellent for train sickness and for headache which is so often caused from riding on the train. They put the stomach in splendid condition."

Wild-Berries are a mountain berry preserved and prepared with a powdered vegetable root. Guaranteed pure and harmless. Put up in 10 and 25 cent boxes.

THE WILD-BERRY CO., Dept. 2, 374 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Ill.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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Boils and carbuncles are two essentially different things. By no possibility could any application or any treatment change a boil into a carbuncle, The two swellings are entirely different. A carbuncle begins as a carbuncle, and no mismanagement of a boil could change one into. a carbuncle.

In the first place, the site of a carbuncle is different. Generally on the back of the neck. Sometimes lower down. The suppurating process of a carbuncle is entirely different from a boil.

I do not know any better way to illustrate it than the difference between a violet and a daisy. The violet, as every one knows, is a single flower, while the daisy is a composite flower; that is, many small flowers packed together, each one perfect in itself.

A boil is a single-celled, suppurating tumor. 'It discharges itself through one opening, and when the core has been discharged it rapidly heals.

A carbuncle, on the other hand, is a mass of numerous small boils, each one suppurating,. sometimes discharging into each other, sometimes opening on the skin, thus forming numerous small openings. This continually produces more adjacent inflammation, involves a larger amount of tissue, and is especially slow in its development and restoration because of

the impossibility of securing free opening or drainage.

The cause of a carbuncle is a little uncertain, but it generally occurs in people of low vitality, and is supposed to be of septic origin. Partly because the carbuncle does not discharge freely, and partly because it occurs in people of feeble resisting powers, septicemia is quite likely to occur in the latter stages. It is very rare indeed that a common boil produces septicemia, but they may occur in certain parts of the body where the skin is especially thick and modesty prevents proper treatment.

Sage Tea.

Query: What is sage tea good for?-L. T. R., Ga.

Answer: A slight astringent and bitter tonic. In some cases it increases the appetite and acts gently upon the liver.

Sage Tea Substitute for Coffee.

Query: Would it be a good idea to drink sage tea or sassafras tea once a day, as a substitute for coffee?-L. T. R., Ga.

Answer: I think it would be a good idea. Although neither of them would take the place of coffee in the narcotic effect of coffee.




Sir Frederick Treves, physician to King Edward of England, says that "the time is coming when people will abandon the extraordinary habit of taking medicine when they are sick". This is undoubtedly true, for every day the people are coming into a better knowledge of the evil results of drug-taking, and earnest, honest physicians are realizing the enormity of drug-giving. Between the two the business of the dishonest, mercenary practitioner, and that of the ignoramus who practices because he has stayed the time and left the money for a diploma. is liable to be lost to them. Rational, reasonable. natural methods of treating disease are coming to the front, and in the fore of this procession stands Biochemistry. It says that all diseases are curable. That while there are undoubtedly cases which pass beyond a curable stage, that any disease taken while there is not too extensive destruction of parts can be cured. Certainly a system which will cure any disease will cure all, since disease is an abnormal state, and Nature can correct such conditions when she has the material to do it with. We mean the real Biochemistry, not the "twelve-salt" idea: but the fuller, completer system as found in the Ensign Remedies, for there are more than twelve tissue salt combinations in the living animal body, as determined by analyses made by the greatest scientists of the age. The twelve salts are found by cremating a body and analyzing the ashes. The dead body certainly lacks something or it would not be dead, and the method of analysis would vaporize many negative elements which form natural combinations with the basic salts and metals. An analysis of the ashes would not only furnish an incomplete result, but would be misleading and erroneous. The twelve tissue salts are necessary elements, and their use will cure many diseases, but they form an incomplete system, and will disappoint those who use them often when their use seems plainly indicated. This is also proof that there is something lacking. A trial of the Ensign Remedies will speak louder than any argument. They depend upon their practicability, and are certainly worth investigating by any one who is ill. If you wish to know about them send for our literature. We have a booklet on General Diseases; another on Private Diseases; another on Women's Diseases; another on Varicose Veins and Varicocele; another on the Heart, and a number of leaflets on various topics, including "Old Age," "Nervous Prostration and Insomnia", etc. Any or all of these for the asking. Write us today. A postal will do. Address,

Ensign Remedies Co.,
Department G,

1.W.S. ENSIGN, Phys. Ch. Canadian address, Windsor, Ont. BATTLE CREEK, MICH.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.


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The Waste and Decay of the Tissues destroy the Nerves, Weaken the Organs, Reduce the Flesh and produce decline and decay.


Poisons and Germs in the system will attack and destroy some organ of the body and the organ breaks down. Poisons are lurking in the system ready to attack the weaker organs. HOW TO PREVENT DECLINE AND CURE DISEASE.

First.-Eradicate the Poisons from the system by using the Marvelous Toxo-Absorbents. These External Mineral applications will absorb all the poisons from the system. They collect the poisons, draw them to the surface and absorb them through the pores. These are harmless but more efficient than all drugs.

Second.-Strengthen, Restore and Rebuild the wasted Tissues by using the Nature Tissue Food. This wonderful Discovery has the property of restoring and renewing all the wasted tissues of the body. It gives new life and strength at once. It prevents all waste and decay of the tissues and is practically the fountain of perpetual youth. If you have weakened nerves or a weak organ Use the Tissue Builder. This is not a drug nor a medicine, it is simply a tissue food. (Large box of Tissue Food is $1.00.)

These have cured Asthma, Bronchitis and all Throat troubles, Appendicitis, Gastritis, Female Diseases and all Internal Inflammations and Ulcerations and all Blood Poisons.

The Toxo-Absorbent System of Treatment is the most radical and certain method of curing disease, and is at the same time absolutely harmless and drugless. If you value life and health investigate this system of treatment. Literature sent free. Send names of invalid friends.

TOXO-ABSORBENT CO., Rochester, N. Y.

Treatment for Malaria.

Query: Please inform me how I can test the blood for plasmodium malaria, or who will do this kind of work. Also the best nontoxic mixture to use to neutralize the malarial cachexia.-L. H. K., Illinois.

Answer: The only way to effectually cure malaria is to get out of the malarial region and keep out of the locality where it prevails. All this talk about testing the blood is nonsense. It may be that in an extensive laboratory, with very, excellent instruments, something of that sort might be done, although I would have very little confidence in it.

A malarial subject, who has the malarial cachexia, is a person who is suffering from the loss of red blood corpuscles, which have been destroyed by malarial poison. There is very little use of trying to get well by the use of medicines, especially if the patient stays in the section where the malaria abounds. Get away, keep away. That is the only cure. There are people so constituted that they can live in a malarious section and not have malaria. Why they can do so no one knows. But somehow or other they are people who resist the malarial poison. Other people are so constituted that on the slightest exposure to malaria they get it, and keep it as long as the exposure lasts.

If I had malaria, and was obliged to stay in a malarial district, and had to fight for my In writing to advertisers, please mention

life in the midst of constant exposure, I should take the Tissue remedies. They supply vigor and vitality to the system, without poisoning it with drugs. If you are in such a situation, and wish to give the Tissue tablets a trial, I think you will find they will help you, but you will be obliged to take them more or less continuously as long as you remain exposed.

Diet for Constipation.

Blanche B.: As for following the advice given in different health books as to dieting for constipation, my belief is that your own appetite is a better judge of what you ought to eat, than any book or any physician.

As to the compatibility of foods, so far as I can discover from your letter I do not think that you are in need of any advice along these lines. Cereals for breakfast, meat and vegetables for dinner, fruits, bread and butter for supper; such an arrangement is all right.

Osteopathy in a Nut Shell.

Dr. Goetz's Manual tells you how to cure all diseases WITHOUT DRUGS. This is one of the many indorsements received:

McLemoresville, Tenn. "Your Manual received, which I like very much. I can do anything that is laid down in the book, as it is so plain."-J. W. CARTER,

Our Prospectus and Sample Pages, free, tells you all about it. NATURE'S CURE CO., Dept. L., No. 118 East Liberty Street, Cincinnati, O.


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Query: The writer has been suffering with contraction of the sphincter muscle of the anus for some time. Will dilating the anus bring permanent relief? More especially would I like to know, if there is an oil or ointment that by continued rubbing upon the muscle, and an inch or two into the rectum, would soften or weaken the muscle, and thus remedy the trouble with only the partial dilating necessary to rubbing the ointment.-W. H. L., Alabama.

Answer: Contraction of the sphincter muscle of the anus is brought about by some distinct cause, which should be known before it can be intelligently treated. If it has followed

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Treatment for Rheumatism.

I have carefully read Query No. 126, in February number.

I have for a number of years been taking all such cases of such rheumatic ailments, and treating on the plan of no cure, no pay. Should I be treating this case, would use a tub. Take a crock or something similar and put in tub upside down, and put sufficient water in tub to half cover the crock. Of course this water should be hot, as hot as he could possibly endure. While his heels are resting on crock, dip and shower on his knees for half an hour. Add hot water as needed. When through with hot water, dash quart of cold water on legs. First two or three days his knees may not feel quite so well as before beginning this treatment. After that they will improve.

any operation or treatment for piles or ulcera- Eleanor Kirk's Books

tion this should be known before any attempt to dilate it is made. If, however, it is a narrowness of the channel, an individual peculiarity, the case is quite different.

The use of dilator plugs is perfectly harmless. You could use them yourself, and whatever might be the cause of the contraction you would probably gain some temporary relief. In fact, the relief might be wholly satisfactory and permanent.

The dilator plugs can be obtained at almost any good drug house. If they do not happen to carry them in stock they will procure them for you. They come in sets. They should be used, beginning with the smaller and afterwards the larger ones. The directions, however, generally accompany them.

As for the use of oil, if an ointment or oil was thoroughly rubbed in no doubt some good would follow. The oils which have the greatest reputation for relaxing muscles are goose oil, skunk's oil, and finally rattle-snake oil. The latter oil is esteemed by some as of especial merit, although perhaps it is really of no greater value than the others mentioned, which are much easier obtained.

To get at this matter correctly, however, the cause of the contraction should be known. The condition of the contraction thoroughly understood. If it is due to the formation of new tissue, if there is any organic stricture there, or growth, or if it is a spasmodic contraction due to some abnormal sensitiveness of the parts, these things ought to be known.

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