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181 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

Liniment for Rheumatism.

Query: I have had rheumatism for the last three months. It affects me worse in my left foot and in my left side. I have never been laid up with it, but it troubles me a great deal at my work. I have been advised to take the following tincture: One quart of boiling water, half a pound Epsom salts. When cold I take a wineglassful every morning. Please state if that is any good.-J. R., New Jersey.

Answer: I do not think the Epsom salts will help your rheumatism. If your bowels are constipated there should be something done to produce à regular movement each day. I use Epsom salts frequently in cases of emergency, and for temporary purposes, but I never would think of using them for a chronic condition like yours.

The first thing I should think of in your case is to put you on a rather circumscribed diet, and free use of water. Take a glass of cold water half an hour before each meal, and a cup of hot water, as hot as you can possibly sip, at bedtime.

In addition to this, you ought to take salts of Lithia. There are a great many preparations of drinking water and tablets, but they are very unreliable, so much so that I have quit entirely recommending them. I have a Lithia tablet that is made especially for me.

If you do not care to do this, I would suggest as the next best thing, poke root (Phytolacca), and hard cider. You can get one ounce of the poke root at the drug store. It should be put into two quarts of hard cider. Take two tablespoonfuls before each meal.

In addition to this, get the following liniment made, and apply to the parts affected: Tincture of guaiacum, two ounces; tincture of myrrh, two ounces: tincture of capsicum, two ounces. Rub this in thoroughly, afterwards heating it in with some dry heat, such as a hot iron.

Whatever else you do be sure that you drink the water as above directed.


I am delighted you are again to engage in the publication of a magazine. Countless times have I wished it and I shall await anxiously the first number of your publication. Of course I will subscribe and send the $1.00 in a few days. You can depend on me for all I have time to do. My life is a very busy one, but I will not forget what I owe to the editor of Medical Talk, which is more knowledge of health and dollars than you would perhaps credit. Wishing you success, and anxiously awaiting the JOUBNAL, I remain, very sincerely, ELLA W. MORRIS, 162 Hopper St., Syracuse, N. Y.

Ir writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Read Dr. Pitzer's Ad. Below

I send $1.00 for one year's subscription. May God bless you in your work and give to you many years of usefulness, health and strength, is the prayer of your old friend, Mrs. R. H. JONES, Hot Springs, Ark.

Discovering Diabetes.

Query: A young man, one of my best friends, was advised by his family physician here, that his wife could not possibly live more than three months, as from his diagnosis she is afflicted with diabetes. While I fully realize the seriousness and the baffling nature of this disease among the medical fraternity, I think by natural treatment it can be cured. I advised my friend to write you, and told him I was confident that you would tell him the truth and assist and advise him in any way, if in your power to do so. I am writing this without his knowledge or consent, and only for the reason that I would like to help him in any way I can.-J. J. H., Ohio.

Answer: About the case of diabetes I have this to say, that no doctor can make a positive prognosis in such cases. If any doctor has made a definite statement as to the duration of life, he is guessing simply, for he certainly could not know.

If you wish to be sure whether the case is one of sugar diabetes or not, it is very easy to make the necessary chemical analysis. By sending me a four-ounce vial of the urine I will make it for you and return you my report, or you may do it yourself.

Get a test tube and fill it about a quarter full of urine. Then put in as much liquor potash, which can be obtained at the drug store. Then the test tube will be about half full of liquor potash and urine.

This should be shaken up together and boiled, by carefully putting the lower end of it over a spirit lamp, or even a common gas light. A little care should be taken in boiling it, as it is liable to jump over the end of the tube as soon as it begins to boil. The boiling will cause the urine to turn brown, afterwards red, finally becoming very scarlet. This will occur if there is sugar in it. Otherwise it will not occur. If you prefer to send it to me I will do it for you.

As for the treatment, I feel sure that the treatment that is in general use by the medical profession to-day does more harm than good. I allow my patients to eat anything they choose to. My treatment is the Tissue remedies. I require a specimen of the urine once in two weeks, in order to keep in touch with the patient, and I can treat the case by correspondence almost as well as if I had personal supervision of the patient.

Should the young man consult me about the case, I assure you I will do everything in my power to render assistance. I have had cases that have been sentenced to die, and found them very quickly improving. However, I never make any promises, but prefer that my work should speak for itself..



Is the "Schaefer" Electro-Therapeutic-HealingIt will cure



absolutely any case Dyspepsia, Indigestion or any kind of Stomach trouble. It will also cure Rheumatism. Gout, Neuralgia, Malaria, Sciatica, Kidney and Liver complaints, Female diseases, etc., etc.

Read:-"This is to certify, that I have been cured by the Schaefer System of Healing, of chronic Appendicitis and Stomach trouble. Doctors told me, I could not get cured without an operation. I consulted Dr. Schaefer and took his treatments and the results were more than I ever expected. My Appendicitis is cured and also my Stomach trouble. The Schaefer Invention is a blessing to suffering humanity." A. S. ECKERT, Adv. Mgr. Journal Pub. Co., 18 W. 12th St., Erie, Pa.

If you are sick, don't waste your time and money on worthless remedies, but write at once to DR. SCHAEFER,

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You will find enclosed $1.00 for one year's subscription for your magazine. I want to congratulate you in this move and hope that it will prove all that you expect. I am much interested in the position you take against the vaccination hobby that is let loose in this country. Your last articles in Health I have read and trust that your new magazine will cut this vaccination abomination right and left far more severely than you have in the past. We hear them talk and write of pure vaccine material, when, as any one should know, the purest of it is nothing more than rotten animal tissue, and then to think of it, to have that injected into the blood of humanity. Common sense teaches one that such a practice is a farce and as such I would think it would convince any right thinking mind. Very respectfully, JOHN IGOU, 244 Washington, Avenue, Tyrone, Pa.


By Psychic Methods. We Cure People suffering from all kinds of diseases by Therapeutic Suggestion alone and without drugs; when they cannot come we reach and cure them at their homes in any part of the world, all by purely Psychic Methods-Mental Telepathy. We correct bad habits in young and old, help people to Business Success, reform Moral Perverts, and restore Insane People to their reason., No matter what your ailment, how serious your case, or what you may have done before, our methods succeed after all others have failed. Booklets fully explaining Suggestion and the Psychic Methods we employ in treating absent patients, Sent free to everybody! All afflicted people should read these Booklets. Send for them now. You will enjoy reading them.

Address GEO. C. PITZER, M. D., 1045 S. Union Av., Los Angeles, Cal.


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Ointment for Bleeding Piles.

Query: How can bleeding piles be cured? Do you know of anything that will relieve the pain?-J. H. P., Pa.

Answer: An ointment that can be applied to piles that bleed and are also painful, should be made as follows: Tannic acid, one dram; powdered camphor, one-half dram; extract of belladonna, four grains; powdered opium, ten grains; Lanolin, enough to make one ounce. This should be thoroughly mixed, and applied with the finger night and morning.

In addition to this, the parts should be kept clean. Regular habits, so as to procure daily motions of the bowels without the use of physic. After each evacuation of the bowels a small pledget of cocoa butter should be slipped into the rectum. This will keep the parts lubricated and soothed, and facilitate the next passage.

It frequently happens, however, that nothing but a surgical operation will effect a radical cure. At best, pile ointments are only palliatives. Sometimes, however, they are sufficient to obviate the necessity of a surgical operation. Whether an operation is absolutely necessary or not, is a matter that ought to be determined by a competent surgeon, from personal observation.

If your welcome again into our homes were expressed audibly I think it might deafen you for a moment. It will be like a great family reunion for the host of appreciative readers of Medical Talk, many of whom in this vicinity are eagerly waiting for your first issue.MRS. M. E. MOWER, Lakewood, N. Y.

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In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Drugless Healing by Natural Methods.

Removing a Cataract.

By WALTER H. PRICE, 26 Sanford Street, Hartford,


Perhaps J. H. Winn (Query No. 114 in February COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL) and others may be interested in the experience of a patient with cataract.

It was more than twenty years ago that failing vision was noticed in right eye, without cause, as far as known. Before sight had entirely disappeared physicians were consulted. Operations were advised, but the expense and loss of time necessary was more than patient could bear.

Several years later when sight had disappeared an "Actina" battery was applied faithfully several months, with no results. By this time the pupil of the eye had moved out of center, which allowed a large part of the white to show, making a very unsightly looking eye.

Some three years ago, being won over by the well written advertisements of a noted Chicago eye specialist and his absorbent treatment, the patient put himself under the absorber. After a year's faithful adherence to instructions, only one thing had been absorbedthe fee the patient paid.

The patient is employed in stock department of a large printing house and his work involves the counting of thousands of sheets daily, trying work for the eye.

Last August the patient's left eye showed signs of failing. He became alarmed and at once consulted a well known eye specialist in his home state (Connecticut), and at the same time, asked if there was any hope for the removal of the cataract. The specialist said, after examination, that he could help the left eye, but it was useless to bother with the cataract after all these years-better let it alone.

After three weeks' treatment on the left eye, without results, the patient quit, went to New York and consulted the great eye specialist, Dr. William H. Holzappel, and has thanked his good fortune ever since.

After examination Dr. Holzappel told the patient just what had to be done. A mild treatment would put the left eye in perfect condition. The right eye he described as calcarious cataract and divergent Strabismus, needing three operations, the first operation consisting of preliminary iridectomy-three to five days in hospital; two weeks later, second operation: removal of calcarious lens-twelve to fourteen days in hospital; two or three weeks later, third operation, straightening the eye-two or three days in hospital; and ready to return to work two or three weeks later. It was September 10th when the patient first saw Dr. Holzappel. Went to hospital on 13th and had first operation same day. Second and third operations followed as first laid out, the patient leaving the hospital a trifle ahead of the limit each time. On November 18th the patient returned to work with two good

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brown eyes, that have been working steadily since then without the slightest trouble or difficulty.

The February copy of THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL received and it is all right. May you be enabled to send it far and near to the millions who need just such matter as contained in the JOURNAL. Typographically, too, the JOURNAL is tip-top, cleanly printed and easily read. Those initials at beginning of articles are very neat. The outside front cover is particularly appropriate and effective. Your code of ethics is A No. 1. "More

power to ye." Truly yours, WALTER H. PRICE, 26 Sanford Street, Hartford, Conn.

A Suggestion.

A Subscription Blank can be found on Page 260. Cash or credit as you may wish or feel able. We do not supply back numbers except to advance subscribers.




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