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181 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

for a trade name, and a great deal better to
convince the reader.

The Geneva Remedy is an excellent combi-
nation of vegetable catarrh remedies, so com-
pounded that it can be inhaled or inspired
into the respiratory tract. It contains eucalyp-
tol, formaldehyde, carbolic acid, oil beech-
wood, cranesbill, sea salt, every one of which
is a good catarrh remedy. It ought to be es-
pecially effective in colds, hay fever, croup
and influenza. Doubtless it would cure a great
many cases of chronic catarrh.

The use of the remedy is perfectly harm-
less, and it ought to take the place of the
many harmful remedies that are now being
used for colds. I do not like the name that
the proprietors have chosen, but I do like
their remedy very much indeed, and do not
hesitate to recommend it to my readers.

Those who wish to know more about it
should address The National Inspirator Co.,
Greenwood Ave. and 63rd St., Chicago, Ills.
In writing please mention THE COLUMBUS


Cold In Head.

Query 309: My little boy has been troubled with a cold for about six months, constantly. He took some very hard colds at school to begin with, and he has one cold after another. I dress him in flannels and woolen stockings, and try to take the best care of him, for I only have the one child. He is seven years old. But in spite of all I do, he has a continual cold until I am sick at heart and discouraged. It wears on him and he is getting thin. At night his head is so stopped up it is painful to hear him breathe. His head is either stuffed or else his nose is running, and swallowing so much of the excrement, as a child will do, and particularly at night, is getting his stomach out of order. Lately I have been giving him a warm salt bath at night, in the tub. Just a quick bath and good rubbing. A friend told me this remedy was very good for catarrh: Into a four-ounce bottle put,

1-3 of glycerine.

2-3 rose water.

1 teaspoonful tinct. of Goldenseal.
Six drops of carbolic acid.

Spray two or three times a day.

for the

I notice you think liquid vaseline very good.
How would it do to substitute it

Answer: Your boy undoubtedly is suffering
from systemic catarrh. A change for a high
and dry climate would be the most rational
remedy, but if this is impracticable, I think I
can manage the case if you will carry out my
directions carefully.

At first, the ventilation must be attended to. If the ventilation in the school-room is bad, he either ought to be taken out of school or have some special arrangement by which he

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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Dr. Schaefer's System of Healing.

could be in school only half a day. He should sleep in a ventilated room at night; that is to say, the window to be raised, even though he has to be especially clothed at night, to keep him warm, with woolen pajamas and night cap. This latter I do not think will be necessary. He should sleep alone. Every morning a cold rub would be an excellent thing for the boy. much better than the warm bath at night. I wish you could see to it yourself that he is rubbed thoroughly. Stripping him entirely naked, continue the rubbing until he is thoroughly warm, then take him into a warm room to dress him. Standing him in the sun before his clothes are put on is an excellent practice. Teach him to breathe violently through the nose, by closing one nostril and forcing the air through the other, then changing to the other nostril. The back part of the nose in this way will be ventilated, and it will help to get rid of the catarrhal condition.

The spray of which you speak would be greatly benefited by the change from glycerine to vaseline. I would therefore advise it. It should be used after the cold rub and the nose cleaning in the morning. A glass of cold

Good News For Mr. and Mrs. Housekeeper.

Our ONE MINUTE IDEAL HOME DAIRY CHURN is the most wonderful mechanical discovery of the age. It revolutionizes the making of butter absolutely as with it anyone, even a child can produce daily fresh creamery butter from either milk or cream within one or two minutes. Every up-to-date housewife should have one of these labor and money saving churns. With one of these little wonders in your kitchen you are not only independent of the greedy Butter Trust, but you are also assured of getting the sweetest, purest and freshest butter that can possibly be made, and produces either sweet or salt butter just as desired. Our IDEAL HOME ONE MINUTE CHURN is also a wonderful kitchen help as an egg beater, cream whipper, light batter mixer, mayonnaise maker etc. In fact no home is complete without our marvelous IDEAL HOME ONE MINUTE DAIRY CHURN and the cost is so small that it is within the reach of all. Beware of fraudulent imitations as there are already several spurious makeshifts on the market all of which cannot even be compared with our own original churn. Our magical IDEAL HOME DAIRY CHURN is fully patented in this and other countries and can therefore not be imitated by anyone in its most salient and best features. Let us send you one of these churns and if you are not more than delighted with it we gladly refund your money. There are three sizes of churns, No. 1 holding one quart will produce over 1 pound of butter within 2 minutes and is best adapted for private homes, costs only $3.50; and No. 2 holding 1 gallon produces over 4 pounds of butter and costs only $6.50; while the No. 3 holding 4 gallons is best suited for hotels, restaurants and boarding houses and costs only $9.50. Better order now and avoid the rush which is bound to come as quick as people realize the great importance of making their own butter, for only in this way can they feel certain of having daily fresh butter on the table. In many families our churn will prove itself a godsend and revelation supplying its users with perhaps the first real butter they ever tasted, an article so rare up-to-date that the regulation product of lard, suet and cotton seed oil is the only kind most generally known in this country. We want to place one of these marvelous churns into every home, restaurant, boarding house and hotel in America and will make a special discount of 10 per cent on all orders that reach us within 15 days from date, and remember, your money back if not as represented. Better do it now while you think of it, first comes, first served. Address,







Is the "Schaefer" Electro-Therapeutic-HealingIt will cure absolutely any case Dyspepsia, Indigestion or any kind of Stomach trouble. It will also cure Rheumatism. Gout, Neuralgia, Malaria, Sciatica, Kidney and Liver complaints, Female diseases, etc., etc.

Read:-"This is to certify, that I have been cured by the Schaefer System of Healing, of chronic Appendicitis and Stomach trouble. Doctors told me, I could not get cured without an operation. I consulted Dr. Schaefer and took his treatments and the results were more than I ever expected. My Appendicitis is cured and also my Stomach trouble. The Schaefer Invention is a blessing to suffering humanity." A. S. ECKERT, Adv. Mgr. Journal Pub. Co., 18 W. 12th St., Erie, Pa:

If you are sick, don't waste your time and money on worthless remedies, but write at once to

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water before breakfast would also be an excellent addition.

I think I should omit the bath at night. If you can only succeed in giving him a cold rub in the morning and succeed in giving it so thoroughly that his skin is thoroughly warm, you will begin to see an improvement in his power to resist the cold. At first you had better begin it in a room thoroughly warmed, but as you proceed you will be able to give it in a room as cold as the one in which he sleeps. You should use your hands to do the rubbing.

WE ARE pleased that you are again to be established as editor of a Medical Journal, and feel sure it will be an educator for all who read and heed.

MRS. F. H. QUICK, Route 4, Meshoppen, Pa.

DRUGLESS HEALING By Psychic Methods. We Cure People suffering from all kinds of diseases by Therapeutic Suggestion alone and without drugs; when they cannot come we reach and cure them at their homes in any part of the world, all by purely Psychic Methods-Mental Telepathy. We correct bad habits in young and old, help people to Business Success, reform Moral Perverts, and restore Insane People to their reason. No matter what your ailment, how serious your case, or what you may have done before, our methods succeed after all others have failed. Booklets fully explaining Suggestion and the Psychic Methods we employ in treating absent patients, Sent free to everybody! All afflicted people should read these Booklets. Send for them now. You will enjoy reading them. Address GEO. C. PITZER, M. D., 1045 S. Union Av., Los Angeles, Cal.


In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.


Blood Purifiers.

Query: Will you please advise me as to what is the best blood purifier, with certain results? I am very well, but blood must be bad, because my back is covered with large pimples, and complexion is bad at times.R. J. P., New York.

Answer: The blood is the product of the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe. The blood may be, therefore, vitiated from either of these sources, food, water or air. The remedy is necessarily a correction of the source.

The blood may be also contaminated by derangements of the digestion. Even though the food is well selected, the water pure, and the ventilation perfect, if digestion is much deranged there will be secondary products formed in the stomach and alimentary canal, which leads to impurities in the blood, a condition known as autointoxication. The blood absorbs some of these unnatural products, and is thus contaminated.

Again, the remedy is removal of the cause. Autointoxication is so frequently the cause of impurities of the blood, that laxative medicines have come to be regarded as blood purifiers. A teaspoonful of Epsom salts in water at night, makes as reliable a blood purifier of this sort as any other.

However, laxatives are only palliatives. They simply move the contents of the alimentary canal more rapidly in their course, and thus prevent to some degree the absorption of their noxious materials. To make a permanent cure is to discover exactly why the digestive organs are deranged, and cure them if possible.

These derangements quite commonly depend upon improper diet. A frugal, simple diet, with the free use of water and fresh vegetables, is sometimes sufficient to correct the difficulty. Especially raw vegetables, such as lettuce, celery, onions, radishes, spinach, and the like. Sage tea and sassafras tea are frequently used with good results.

The chief cause of pimples on the skin is the presence in the blood of an excessive amount of uric acid salts. These salts enter as an ingredient into the perspiration, and in passing through the skin irritate and produce pimples.

The presence of an excessive amount of urates in the blood indicates that the blood does not contain a sufficient amount of free oxygen to properly oxidate the nutritive materials in the blood, and sometimes correct excessive urates. Free respiration in the open air by daily physical exercise, conveys to the blood more free oxygen, and in this way urates are also prevented.

In cases where outdoor exercise is not available, Lithia salts have been used for the purpose of neutralizing the excessive urates in the blood. There are various kinds of Lithia waters, that have been used with more

or less success. I have had prepared, for my special use, a Lithia tablet for such purposes. Many of the Lithia tablets are practically worthless. In order to be quite sure that I was bringing to my patients the best form of Lithia salts, I had them prepared for my own


My advice is, however, to correct the condition, if possible, through diet and physical exercise. There is no objection to the use of Lithia salts at the same time the diet and exercise are being used. But I do not like to have my patients rely chiefly upon internal medication. To correct the habits upon which the excessive urates depend, is the most rational and effective way of permanently removing them.

In the above remarks concerning blood impurities, I have intentionally excluded all refto specific blood poisons, such syphilis, erysipelas, scrofula, septicemia, etc.



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SICK PEOPLE from far and near come to our Health Home and return home well and happy.

In this way I remove Cause of Disease CURE FOLLOWS

Our two-year course of study thoroughly prepares the student for successful practice. Classes matriculate in February and September. If you desire a paying profession send for our School Announcement.

If you are sick send for "Chiropractic Facts" which tells of our success in removing cause of disease. OUR SCHOOL FACULTY is the STRONGEST We PRACTICE and TEACH this Wonderful Drugless Science of Manual Adjustment in accordance with Old and Time-Tried Principles brought to this country from Bohemia some 40 years ago. Don't be Gulled by Grafters claiming Recent Discovery.

We publish "Backbone," the oldest and best journal of Chiropractic. Ask for sample copy or send 53 cents for 12 numbers.


In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Write Mrs. Ellwanger, Phila, Pa.-See Below.


Query: Can you tell me anything about bunions? I went to my home in Ohio last summer, got a new pair of shoes. I only wore them once or twice. They did not feel good on my feet, although they were large enough. After coming home I wore them a week and tney made real bunions on each of my large toe joints and I have suffered everything with them. I put on blue clay bunion plasters, wore one three days, put on another and wore it three days. It relieved it some, but I found that wet bandages helped them more than anything else. It would take the swelling and inflammation out, but when I take the wet bandages off they still inflame and are sore. I wear no shoes, keep them done up in wet bandages, with dry clothes over. Will they get well from this treatment, or what shall I do?-Mrs. A. M. F., Hot Springs, Ark. Answer: It seems strange that you should have developed bunions so quickly. I doubt somewnat whether they really are bunions. It looks to me more as if the irritation the shoes caused has produced a bursa. This is due to the inflammation of the synovial membrane, which furnishes the joint water, and is called synovitis. A bunion is a more chronic condition, and is acquired by continued pressure, which produces often a thickened condition of the bony tissues, and while it is the result of chronic synovitis, it is quite different in its history and pathology from the true bunion.

Leave off the application of wet bandages. If you wear shoes at all, you must cut a hole in the side as large as the swollen part. But I should judge from your letter that the place is so large it would be impracticable to wear shoes at all. Paint the part lightly with tincture of iodine, painting it as far as the swelling


If the bowels are at all costive you should keep them open by the use of Epsom salts; a heaping teaspoonful at night is probably sufficient. But if your bowels are regular you need not do that. It is barely possible that you will need to take some constitutional remedy before you are through with it. For the present, I think it will be sufficient for you to get four ounces of the compound syrup of Sarsaparilla, which you can get at the drug store already made up. Take a teaspoonful before each meal. You had better write me again in two weeks, then I shall decide whether or not you need any more treatment.

How To Love Life.

Query: I wonder if you would not speak a word of kindness. I am distressed of mind and body. My life to me has been one succession of blasted ideals and useless efforts, and I feel that I am falling into despair. My affliction robbed me of an education. My married life has been an up-stream business-to


me there stands an awful blank of mis-spent life and so filled with remorse and regret that I can hardly live. You seem to have a way of brightening, won't you try to offer some encouragement?- Mrs. W. C. E.

Answer: I wish I could talk to you face to face. I am sure I could help you. I scarcely know what your troubles are, but whatever they are, the following reflections may interest you:

God has something for every one to do in this world. He never requires you to do something that is impossible. If you have been trying to do something, your failure is due to one or the other of two causes. First, you were trying to do it without His constant help and strength. Are you asking God to lead you? Do you always apply to Him when you are in doubt or distress? When you need counsel and courage? If you do not, of course, you could not succeed.

Now, first, lay aside all regrets as to the past. It is useless; it is even wicked to use your time regretting about the past. Give your whole attention to the present. The only way you can atone for the past is to make the present all it should be. Ask God what He wants you to do. I am sure there is something right there at home you can do. You can do it well. Lay aside all fear of the future, all regrets for the past, and put your whole energy into the now, to-day. Read these words over several times and try to put them into practice.

You may write me again as to how you succeed, and I will help you all I can. I wish I could show you how beautiful life is, if it is rightly lived. The most obscure, the most humble, may live useful and beautiful lives, if they will rely upon the source of all life.


Query 328: This pain in my hip is said to be rheumatism by one or two doctors here, and I believe it is now myself. At times the pain extends to my knee just above the joint, extending over the top and sides (more in the inside). When I get up in the morning I seem to be free of it, but by use of leg it returns.

A few years ago I had muscular rheumatism between my shoulders. I have tried plaster and liniment. I think it is in the blood, and must be taken out. What is your opinion?— J. A. K., Illinois.

Answer: I do not think you have rheumatism, strictly speaking. You have what is

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In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Campho-Phénique Powder



Campho-Phénique has no equal as a dry dressing for open wounds. It has all the good properties of iodoform and a very pleasant odor. We have on file testimonials from our leading physicians, all full of praise for this wonderful antiseptic. As a finishing dressing, Campho-Phénique has given most excellent results.

Campho-Phenique Liquid


Dr. B. W. Clark, St. Louis, Mo., writes:-"Some time since, a patient
visiting Chicago, sprained her ankle. She had it treated, and not getting the
results she expected after three days, she sent for me.
Campho-Phénique treatment, and gave her immediate relief. She returned to
I applied the usual
St. Louis in a few days, and under Campho-Phénique Liquid-massage was
soon completely healed.'

After January 1, 1906, C-P. Liquid will be placed on the market in 25c 1-oz. containers, thus
enabling physicians to get the genuine article in small quantities.



known as sciatica. This is not rheumatism, but a species of neuralgia-it is neuralgia of the large sciatic nerve It is always dependent upon a depressed condition of the system, especially the nutritive system.

There is no use of treating your hip or leg locally. If you could have Turkish baths frequently it would help you, and I should be glad if you could avail yourself of them. But if you cannot do this, the next best thing is to thoroughly massage with your hands the affected parts, following a sitz bath. This had better be done at night. Sitting in water as hot as you can bear it for a few minutes, followed by massaging the parts affected, and rubbing them slightly with alcohol after massage, would be good for you.

For Correspondence Column.

It is with great pleasure that I have the opportunity of here entering my name in your Correspondence club. I will be more than pleased to hear from my friends, old and young, "although I am only a young man," but at the same time, everybody is welcome with me. So get busy, people, and let me hear from you on all subjects that go to uplift moral character and physical endurance, and while you are writing me don't forget to give our JOURNAL a lift. Get a few subscribers every month. Why, men and women, this magazine will do

In writing to advertisers, please mention

more good for humanity than all the other
medical journals put together-so don't forget
when speaking a good word, that you are
working for the greatest cause of modern
times, and that is to overthrow the supersti-
tious medical trust. Yours respectfully,-
H. S. Caldwell, Neshannock Falls, Pa.

I come to Correspondence Club hoping to hear from people who are especially interested in power and refining influence of the "Spiritual Mind." Is there a distinction between "Universal Love" and "Spiritual Life?" -Elizabeth MacDonald, Lakewood, Box 33, Chautauqua County, New York.

Double Pneumonia.

Query: About our little one I am in a quandary. Doctor gave me some codeine powders to make her sleep the other night. Next morning her face was all swollen up and puffed under the eyes, and turned green. He says codeine could not have done it, that it was inactivity of the kidneys and bowels, so he went to giving her nitre and calomel. We were so alarmed we called another physician in consultation, who said, "It is a plain case of double pneumonia. Rub her lungs well twice a day with turpentine, and keep up the other doctor's treatment." She has been sick now four weeks, with a back-set over a week ago. THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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