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The Thacher Magnetic Shields.





Think of living inside of a garment that is radiating over 800 streams of Magnetic force into the trunk of your body, feeding the nerves and vital organs with new life and energy. Keeping you constantly bathed in a stream of this revitalizing force. Such a garment is our MAGNETIC VEST fitting the body like a glove. We make other Shields for every part of the body. All described in our New Book, "A PLAIN ROAD TO HEALTH."

We prove every statement we make. We do not ask you to take our word as final evidence. We furnish you indisputable proof.

When we say that disease can be cured without the use of medicine, we mean every word we say. Every word of it is true. We know it to be true, because we have cured not only hundreds, but thousands of cases after all medicines had failed to do any good.

We prove it to anybody, in fact, we want to prove it to everybody. We do not care what the disease is, nor how many other diseases are complicated with it. We can show you parallel cases in most any form of disease that have been cured by the Thacher Magnetic Shields, and these cases are sound and well today as living evidence of the grand revitalizing power of Magnetism.

No matter if you have been told your case was incurable, all we ask is a full description of your trouble, and we will advise you free of charge what can be done for you and how it can be done. More than seventy-five per cent of all the cases we have cured were first given up as incurable, as medicine could not cure them, but they have been made sound and well by he scientific appli cation of Magnetic force.

We will point you to cases of Paralysis, Consumption, Diabetes, Liver Trouble, Bright's Disease, Locomotor Ataxia, Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Tumors. Asthma. Nervous Prostration, Obesity, and a hundred-and-one other diseases that are called incurable. We can show you the most incontestable proof that we have cured them-in the majority of cases, after they had been given up to die.

We know that if we can prove to your own satisfaction all we say, you will want the Thacher Magnetic Shields without any urging from us, because we prove that they will accomplish just what we say they will do. There is nothing else on earth to take their place, and do as much as they can do, for they supply the very life-principle to the system.


"God Bless Doctor Thacher!"-Cured of Paralysis of Lower Half of Body of Sixteen Years' Standing. Thacher Magnetic Shield Co., Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sirs:-It would take a large amount of space to give a history of my case from start to finish, but for the sake of suffering humanity I will give a few words to help along, if possible, the great work you are doing for the afflicted. In 1883 I was taken with malarial fever of typhoid form, causing complete muscular paralysis. By the aid of the best medical skill in the East, I became after several years, able to sit up and use my arm, but my lower limbs remained paralyzed until after I put on the Magnetic Shields in 1899, sixteen years afterward. My case is a noted one in York state, and all the medical fraternity decided I would never be able to walk again. Dr. C. I. Thacher said I could and would walk again, and he was right, and all the rest were wrong. It is needless to say that I spent money freely all these years without receiving results until I found the Magnetic Shields. We who have been restored by its wonderful power begin to realize the great work being accomplished by Dr. Thacher and we would be unjust to our Creator and to our fellow beings, as well as being very ungrateful, if we did not use all our efforts and powers in spreading the grand truth, bringing greatest joy and hope to the chronic invalid, deliverance from disaster, transition from the old life to the new. I am one of the thousands who with all my heart can say fervently,


"God bless Dr. Thacher and his great work!" All per-
sonal letters, enclosing stamp for reply, will be prompt-
ly answered for those wishing minute data of my case.
Yours truly, CLARENCE D. SMITH,
R. F. D., No. 6, Rome, N. Y.

A Case of Diabetes Given Up as Incurable.
New Buffalo, Mich., Aug. 17, 1906.

Dr. Thacher, Chicago, Ill.
Dear Doctor Thacher: It is with great pleasure and a
heart full of gratitude that I write you, telling of the
good your Shields have done for me. When I visited
you and purchased the Wide-Belt and Lower Legging I
was "all in" with that awful disease Diabetes. Medical
doctors had all failed to do me any good, and I was fast
going to that everlasting resting place, the grave, but
the hour I put on your Shields a great change came to
me, and it caused me to right about face. I began to
feel better at once, and began to put on flesh, and today
am rapidly recovering from that awful disease, and
have set the mark to live to be 75 years old. I feel
like shouting the good news from the housetops and
am doing all I can to show people the way to the one
great cure for all the diseases man is heir to. May
the great Creator, who helps us all in time of need,
aid you in carrying the great cure, Magnetism, to all the
world is the best wish of your friend, N. C. BERRY.
P. S.-Refer all sick and suffering to me, and I will
gladly tell them great cure for all diseases-Magnetism.

We have thousands of such letters. People write us from Maine to California, stating they have been cured of diseases that had been considered incurable. Do not be discouraged. Do not give up hope. Investigate our claim. It is a duty you owe yourself. Write us today a full description of your case and we will take careful pains to advise you free of charge and will send you our New Book, "A Plain Road to Health." by C. I. Thacher. M. D. containing much valuable information on the subject of Magnetism. THACHER MAGNETIC SHIELD CO., Inc., Suite 238, 169 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

nature of mind is still an inscrutable enigma.

Most noticeable to me was the constant twitching of the eyelids. Her body was during all the time and now is in good health.

Buddhist priest, en rapport with the astral plane, came on the eighty-second day and said: "Her soul is out of the body. I can restore it to the mortal frame, for I was an astral healer in India seven hundred years ago." He tried his powers, but the soul of the poor woman remained away, wandering in astral regions until after the clinic on the eighty-fifth dav.

And now the once somnolent woman wants to get to the center of the city to enjoy the noise, din and roar.

"But wasn't that Hindoo priest in earnest trying to get me back into my body! I remember some of his processes, but could not speak or move."


To Our Subscribers.

The editor of this JOURNAL is in receipt of a large number of letters every day. A great many people imagine because he is the editor of a journal and because he occasionally uses one of the letters in public print, that their letters are liable to appear in the JOURNAL without their consent.


There is no danger of this whatever. letters are regarded as strictly confidential, and are not published without the consent of the writer, except in such cases as they are used for queries, when the name is suppressed.

You are the centre of a group of advanced thinkers in your vicinity and we look to you to organize your community and get our JOURNAL and its methods adopted in the best homes around about you. This is certainly a noble work and a bundle of COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNALS should go to your city every month. If they do there will be a great saving in unnecessary doctor bills. Organize and combat the drug habit in your neighborhood.

If the hard times have made your money scarce we will give you credit for your subscription. Times will be good next fall after election, we hope, and you can pay us then. See our time order on another page. Will you be a sponsor?

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The book entitled "Dr. Talkwell's Sketches," is written in language easily comprehended by the average reader. It gives some of the author's experiences which come to him by associating with the so-called lower classes. ... ....Cloth bound, 60c; paper, 32c

"The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac, "is a book that undertakes to bring to the reader in plain language the claims of modern astrology... ....12c

"The Science of Massage," is a little book collated from the works of Thure, Brandt, Ewer, Berne, Mezer, and others. It has been copyrighted by the author, R. J. Bernardt..... ....15c

The book entitled "The Girl and Her Mother," contains twenty-five articles devoted to talks with girls. This is interesting to every young girl.... .25c

Every young man should send for a copy of the booklet "A Plain Talk to Young Men"... ......12c "Reminiscences of a Physician" is a book that cannot fail to be of value not only to the physician, but also to the non-professional reader.... ..12c

"What Doctors Think of Vaccination," is a pamphlet containing the opinions of five hundred physicians in regular practice on the subject of vaccination.........12c "Home Made Talks for the Home," should be in every household. Every member of the family will profit by the helpful talks in this book...... .25c

Any one of the books mentioned above will be
sent on receipt of price, Address,
Columbus, Ohio

Box 41, Station E

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A New Book About Children.


For 15 years I have studied the Chemistry of Food and the Chemistry of the Human Body and have learned how to put the two sciences together, so as to cure nearly all. kinds of stomach and intestinal trouble with food I have to say it this way to be understood. What I really mean is this: that I can teach you how to select, combine and proportion your food so as to produce chemical harmony in the stomach, then Nature will do the curing.

Ninety-two per cent of all disease comes from errors in eating. This is authentic.

All stomach trouble is caused by errors in eating. Common sense would teach you, therefore, that to correct these errors would produce a cure. Drugs cannot cure stomach or intestinal disorders, because they do not remove causes. Scientific Feeding alone can do this.

Over 1,100 people were cured last year by following my instructions. Many of these had been given up by the "learned guessers."

If you are interested in this branch of science, write for my little book, "How Foods Cure," sent free. It probably will be a revelation to you.

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Diet in Typhoid Fever.

Query-: What is the best diet for a patient who has had typhoid fever?

Answer: Great care should be taken. The diet following typhoid fever is especially important. If the patient has really had typhoid fever there has been more or less ulceration of the solitary glands of the intestines. These ulcers have broken and discharged into the intestines, during the course of the fever, and have left numerous ulcers in the bowels, and if ordinary food is taken perforation of the bowels, through one of these little ulcers, is liable to occur. If perforation does occur it sets up peritonitis, and usually results in a fatal termination. Therefore, the diet is very important for a week or two following a case of genuine typhoid fever. The following diet has been suggested for the first two weeks, by Cutler, and is used at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston:

Skimmed milk, eight ounces, at seven a. m.; Mellins' Food, eight ounces, at nine a. m.; skimmed milk, eight ounces, at eleven a. m.; eggs and milk, eight ounces, at one p. m.; beef juice, three ounces, with barley water, three ounces, at three p. m.; skimmed milk, six ounces, with tea, one-half ounce, five p. m.; chicken broth, four ounces, with barley water, three ounces, at seven p. m.; buttermilk, eight ounces, at nine p. m.;


skimmed milk, eight ounces, at eleven p. m.; beef tea, eight ounces, at one a. m.; skimmed milk, eight ounces, at three a. m.; albumin water, eight ounces, at five a. m.

Albumin water is made by boiling one pint of water, and after it is cooled adding to it the white of one egg. Shake until it is thoroughly mixed. A little lemon juice and sugar may be added, if desired.

To make barley water, take half an ounce of pearl barley, grind it in a coffee mill, add to it three-fourths of a pint of water. Boil for twenty minutes, then season with salt and strain. It should be kept in a cool place and made fresh every day.

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In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

The Book of Life.

This is the name of a late book by Dr. J. H. Greer. It is a fatherly and faithful talk to men and women about themselves. Much of the book bears on delicate subjects, but in such exceptional language that the most fastidious is not offended in any way. In fact, Dr Greer is altogether too serious a man to make it possible for him to talk of such matters except in the language of a serious physician.

The book is written in a plain direct style, understandable by the reader.

If I were to select a motto which would describe the book in a sentence, I should select the first sentence in the introduction of the book, "Whatever lowers the vital force of a well person will never restore the vital force of a sick one."

The book is published by the Stevens Publishing Company, address third floor, 117-125 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Have received the first copy of THE CoLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL and I think it is fine. It ought to be in every home and read by every one. At last my wishes have been fulfilled, that we have a Journal again equal if not superior to Medical Talk, of which Dr. Carr was also Editor.-Dr. Schaefer, Erie, Pa.

Bilious Colic, Not Appendicitis. Query 326: A year ago I had four attacks of what the doctors called appendicitis. It would come on me, it seemed, all at once, and start in the center of my stomach. Then the pain would gradually work over to my right side, and stay there for a week or So. was so bad I could hardly turn over in bed. I would vomit up green stuff for a while, then I would feel better.-A. C. H., Nebraska.


Answer: I am not quite sure your trouble is due to appendicitis. I am rather inclined to think it is not. Your symptoms are more like bilious colic. Do the attacks you have come on suddenly? Do you feel sick first before you have the pain? Or does the pain come on after the sickness in the stomach? What time of day? Do you vomit when the attack comes on? Is the pain relieved by vomiting? Then there are other questions you ought to answer.

You say you have been constipated for four years. Can you recall what was the occasion of the beginning of your constipation? Were you sick, or did you have anything unusual happen to you? Did the habit of constipation come on all at once, or gradually?


DIVINE HEALING. Present or absent treatments. Persons who desire absent treatment can write or telegraph for fuller particulars-2414 Penn. Ave., N. W. Washington, D. C. 'Phone, West 221. (Mention The Columbus Medical Journal.)

The Tables Turned.

The Chicago Medical Times editorially remarks that a friend had a dream, in which he thought he was taking a State Board Examination. Suddenly the tables turned and the students became questioners; the arrangement being that the students ask ten questions in twenty, which the board could not answer; and if this were the case the student would pass. The result was that the board flunked. Every student answered correctly the ten questions for the benefit of the board and the members left the meeting place not happier, but decidedly more educated.-(Ex.)

Homeopaths Take Notice.

Joseph H. Lopez, M. D., of Philadelphia, says that "Homeopathy is about as scientific as the 'cuckoo' of a clock which amuses children and charms women of both sexes, by flopping its bogus wings and cuckooing like a bird. But it is neither a bird nor a clock, it is only an echo, a waste product of the clock. But they would have us believe, that their tootsywootsy, pinky winky granules are the ball bearings on which the world revolves."

Burning Feet and Corns.

Query: Many people here are complaining of their feet smarting and burning and feeling as if they were blistered. Is there anything to relieve this, or any wash that would stop this burning?

Is there any cure for soft corns between the toes? 1ney are very painful and burn as though a coal of fire was between the toes. -W. P. F., Binghamton, N. Y.

Answer: Cranberry juice has often been recommended to keep the feet from burning. Just boil some cranberries in plenty of water, enough to get thoroughly saturated with the juice. Sour milk is also good, if you have access to it. Using the sour milk, half waterthis has about the same effect of the cranberries. Insoles made of blotting paper have been used. Sprinkle the inside of the stocking with pulverized carbonate of magnesia. You can get the magnesia cake at the drug store and pulverize it yourself. It will cost only a trifle. If you try any or all of these things and find them of use, I should be glad to have a report of the same.

If you have soft corns, you should wear the shoes plenty wide. You may have to wear sandals to remove the pressure. A sticking plaster made of pure pitch put on the corn and worn until it comes off, then if the corn is examined carefully there may be a little hard kernel in it which should be removed. But the main thing to do for a corn is to take off the pressure that causes the corn. Corn pads serve such purposes, but it is difficult to prevent pressure that is between the toes save by wearing sandals or some old shoe that can be cut in such a way

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Dr. Chapman's Nurse-Training School.

as to allow the toes to spread as if walking barefooted.

Try cutting the side out of an old shoe, and inserting a piece of absorbent cotton between the toes where the corn is located. The cotton should be right at the end of the toes, and the hollow space between the toes filled with Fuller's earth or blue clay. Perhaps it would be best to wear a white stocking. The clay should be put on the corn morning and evening.


Query: What should be done in case of fainting?

Answer: Very little need to be done. Give the patient plenty of fresh air. Keep the head low. No pillow. Let the feet be slightly higher than the head. Bathing the face with cold water, and the use of smelling salts or weak ammonia water. Sometimes sponging the face and wrists with some alcoholic solution, bay rum, camphor, cologne. Loosen any tight clothing. Usually a fainting spell lasts only a few moments, and is of no serious import. Some temporary derangement, exhaustion, strong emotion, general weakness, nervousness, bad air, may cause it. In some cases it may have a more serious cause, heart disease, and if occurring with older people, and frequently, an indication of apoplexy. Should unconsciousness last any length of time, say several hours, a physician had better be called. If any delay is necessary in getting a physician, the shoes and stockings should be taken off and the feet thoroughly massaged. Rub the bottoms of the feet briskly, with the bare hands, so as to produce considerable heat and friction. Slapping the feet with the palm of the hand is also excellent. This sometimes will restore consciousness in case of a very deep swoon.

I am glad that you started your Medical Talk again. It seems like an old friend. I will do all I can to get subscribers. Am sending the postals you sent me to six of my friends, that I know will like your JOURNAL. MRS. S. M. PORTER, Caney, Kan.



Medicine. A food

you will relish, No cure, money refunded. Book free
B. Tyler, Mfr. 48 Syndicate Bldg. Kansas City, Mo.

Big Toe Swollen.


Query 190: I have been working pretty hard this summer, and feel all run down and nervous. Am also having quite a lot of trouble with my feet. The big toe on my right foot is swollen and the heel of my left foot hurts me so bad can hardly stand on it sometimes. I think it is from my kidneys, as I have a pain across the small of my back, when I get up in the morning, the last week or so.-A. R., Nebraska.

Answer: I hope the trouble with your toe is nothing serious, yet without the proper treatment I fear that it might prove so. You should treat the toe twice a day, night and morning, by holding it in hot water. Put it in as hot water as you can bear, and then add hot water. It should be in the water for fifteen minutes at each treatment. The water must be very hot in order to do any good. As soon as you take it out bathe the toe in good tincture of arnica, which you can get at the drug store. If you do not wear woolen socks wrap a soft flannel bandage about the toe, but if you wear woolen socks you need not do this. For your general depressed feeling drink hop tea for a few days, before each meal.

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Women, Learn a Profession. $20 to $30 Weekly

The National Training Schools give thorough and practical courses in NURSING, MASSAGE and DERMATOLOGY. Handsomely engraved diploma on completion of either course. Instruction by correspondence or personally at the School, as desired. Tuition low, cash or payments. Established five years. Graduates meeting with grand success in many States. Our plan makes the work easy and enables students to earn liberally while learning. This is a grand opportunity for ambitious women to become independent. For full particulars address, inclosing stamp,

DR. L. J. CHAPMAN, Supt.,
Lancaster, Ohio

WILD-BERRIES-These Are The Things.

For every form of stomach trouble. If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, heavy feeling after eating, bad taste in the mouth, or bad breath, a Wild-Berry will relieve you. Keep them with you and eat one or two berries when you need them. You will find them the best thing you ever had. WILD-BERRIES cleanse the mucous membranes of mouth, throat, stomach and intestines. They put the whole digestive tract in an active, healthy condition.

A manufacturing man writes: "Wild-Berries are the best thing I ever had for stomach trouble. I keep them with me all the time. I like them and their effect is very pleasant."

A well-known singer writes: "I could not do without Wild-Berries; they keep my throat in perfect condition and my voice clear. Enclosed find money order for half dozen boxes.'

A lady writes: "My breath is always clean and sweet now since I have Wild-Berries. Every lady should keep them." A traveling salesman says: "Send me four 25 cent boxes Wild-Berries. They are the things. The smoker's friend and a boon for the late diner.'

A business woman writes: "I find Wild-Berries excellent for train sickness and for headache which is so often caused from riding on the train. They put the stomach in splendid condition."

Wild-Berries are a mountain berry preserved and prepared with a powdered vegetable root. Guaranteed pure and harmless. Put up in 10 and 25 cent boxes. THE WILD-BERRY CO., Dept. 2, 374 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, III.

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