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The Thacher Magnetic Shields.




Fill the system to overflowing with Magnetic life, and the vital organs must do their work in a healthy, vigorous manner.

The blood is the life of the body, but MAGNETISM IS THE LIFE of the blood.

In our new book, "A PLAIN ROAD TO HEALTH," FREE TO ALL who send us statements of their cases, we tell you how and why Magnetism acts to cure every known disease. We show that Magnetism holds the key for the establishing of harmonious vibration in the system.

We have demonstrated that more than 75 per cent. of all so-called incurable diseases can be cured with our powerful Magnetic Shields. There is no power on earth that can do what Magnetism is capable of doing. It is the one and only revitalizing agent in Nature. It can no more fail to do good when applied to the human organism, than oxygen can fail to do good when breathed into the lungs. Magnetism never has failed, it never will fail, and it never can fail to increase the circulation, for it is the primal energy in Nature. It is the very substance of all life.

We can show you the most incontestable proof that we have cured cases of Paralysis, Bright's Disease, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Locomotor Ataxia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Insanity, Diabetes, Nervous Prostration, Tumors, Obesity and a hundred-and-one other diseases that are called incurable. We have cured these cases after they had been given up to die, and the patients are sound and well to-day.

We will give you the names of doctors, lawyers, educators, merchants, ministers, and all other classes of people that we have cured of all so-called incurable diseases. You can make inquiry yourself of these people in order to substantiate our claims to your own satisfaction.

Read the following letters from grateful patients who have been cured by Magnetic Shields:

Think of living inside of a garment that is radiating over 800 streams of Magnetic force into the trunk of your body, feeding the nerves and vital organs with new life and energy. Keeping you constantly bathed in a stream of this revitalizing force. Such a garment is our MAGNETIC VEST fitting the body like a glove. We make other Shields for every part of the body. All described in our New Book, "A PLAIN ROAD TO HEALTH."




Jan. 16th, 1906.

For the benefit of the sick and suffering I wish to make the following statement:

I had been afflicted with catarrh of the stomach and bowels and general debility, bordering on paralysis, for the past fifteen years. For two years I lived altogether on fresh fish and dry bread and milk. After a while I had to quit fish, and for three months I lived on toasted bread and milk, and kept getting worse until I had to quit work, having no strength left. Myself and friends thought that my time in this world was short, having all this time been in the hands of twelve doctors, some noted specialists, and the doctors all diagnosed my case as catarrh of the bowels and stomach. After I had given up all hope of getting well again, a friend of mine who had taken Dr. Thacher's treatment advised me to consult the doctor. I wrote him and he advised me. I made up my mind to make one more effort and give him a trial, and the result was to-day I am as well and sound as ever I was, am attending to my business, which requires from 16 to 20 hours a day. I eat anything that is set before me, having perfect digestion, and I think Dr. Thacher's treatment is a blessing to suffering humanity, and would advise persons with chronic diseases to consult him, as I honestly believe he can do for others what he has done for me. Yours truly, [J. Y. KECK.

17 E. Third Street, Pottstown, Pa.


Dear Doctor Thacher:-My experience has convinced me that there is no other healing agent like Magnetic Shields.

I used them for spinal trouble and the Shields did the work of lifting me from a chronic invalid to a well and busy woman, at the same time reducing my weight from 250 pounds to 180 pounds.

Obey Nature's laws, wear Dr. Thacher's Shields, and you do not need to be sick. May the light of truth dawn on the intelligent minds and teach them the way to be healthy and happy. May God's blessing rest on your good work. Very truly yours,


Send a statement of your case to-day for our FREE advice, and get the new book "MAGNETIC VIBRATION A PLAIN ROAD TO HEALTH," by C. I. Thacher, M. D.

THACHER MAGNETIC SHIELD CO., Inc., Suite 238, 169 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.


Creosote for Cough.

Query: I am unable to get through a single winter without one and sometimes two or three very hard spells with my lungs. It usually begins in my throat and gradually moves downward into the bronchial tubes, where it develops into a cough, the persistence of which is very annoying. Ordinary cough remedies have no effect. I have a prescription that was given to me by a doctor ten years ago, which consists of one and one-half drams of creosote in four ounces of syrup of white pine. One bottle of this most always cures the cough. Now, I know you do not approve of creosote in any form, and tnat is what I wish to ask you about.-E. P. A., S. D.

Answer: If you get good results from the creosote and white pine I would advise you to use it. I am not totally opposed to the use of creosote. My objections have been occasioned by physicians using it for consumption. The persistent use of creosote until the skin is colored by it and the perspiration smells of it, I believe to be harmful; but used as a palliative for a cough for a short time, I have no fault to find with it. I consider the creosote and white pine a very harmless cough medicine and would have no hesitation in using it myself if it were necessary.

Pure Drinking Water.

"Do not delay getting the best drinking water. Your and your family's health should be your first concern. Write the Excelsior Mfg. Co., 70 University St., Nashville, Tenn., for their latest proposition. See their advertisement on another page.

For Gray Hair.

Query: I would be pleased to have your opinion of the enclosed advertisment. The medicine consists of Fluid Extract Jaborandi, taken in a little water three times a day, and continued for several weeks, or until the hair is restored to its natural color. Do you consider Jaborandi in any way injurious to the human system, and could other vegetable remedies be taken at the same time, if desired?-W. W. S.

Answer: The fluid extract of Jaborandi is a very powerful and dangerous medicine. It operates on the sweat glands, and probably in this way affects the hair. But in order to produce any effect upon the hair, it would have a profound effect upon the whole nervous system. I have no knowledge as to its use to restore gray hair.

The alkaloid extract of Jaborandi is known as Pilocarpin, which is sometimes used hypodermically, and is tremendously effective as


DIVINE HEALING. Present or absent treatments. Persons who desire absent treatment can write or telegraph for fuller particulars-1418 Euclid Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 'Phone, West 221. (Mention The Columbus Medical Journal.)


GREAT GENEVA REMEDY Guaranteed CURE for CATARRH, HAY. FEVER, Asthma, Bronchitis, Early Consumption, Deafness, Colds, and all diseases of the Head, Throat and Lungs. Write today for descriptive Booklet and proof from thousands cured. Address Dept. C. NATIONAL INSPIRATOR CO. 427 E. 63RD ST. CHICAGO, ILL

Free-Absolutely - Free

During this month I will give to every reader of this Journal who will take advantage of this opportunity a complete course in Natural Healing. This course covers Magnetic Healing, Hypnotic Suggestion, Muscular Control, Mind Reading, etc. It covers the subject fully and is easy to understand and put into practical use. Many have paid $100.00 for similar instructions. It represents the condensed experience of years and will be given to you absolutely free. Master the course and you will be able to go forth as a Natural Healer, healing diseases after the doctors have failed. This course explains the Why and the How. This is the offer of a life time. Write at once for particulars. If you enclose a stamp I will at the same time send you a 16 page pamphlet "The Folly of Meat Eating". Interesting to say the least.

I. W. Long, No. 24, London, O.

well as dangerous. If Jaborandi would really turn gray hair black, the medical profession who have been prescribing it for many years would have discovered it, I think.


A Practical
Arch Support

Many people call every ache and pain in the ankle, instep, calf, knee or back, Rheumatism. Half this distress comes from a strained or weakened arch. ing all day or walking on hard pavements is largely the cause.


The Jordan Arch Support will do wonders for this trouble. It is the only Arch Support made that will adjust itself to the different heights of the arch; it is resilient, responding to every action of the foot, thus giving gentle support to the weakened ligaments.

It is the one effective arch support and sells for $2.00 per pair.

Send size of shoe when ordering by mail. Send for Pamphlet.

Checks outside of Massachusetts include 10c. for exchange.

Send for folder on Highest Grade Elastic Goods.


Medical Appliance Specialists 140 BOYLSTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.


Healthorium, Lakewood, N. J.


Christian's Science

Cured Over 1200 Last Year.


OF COURSE I DO NOT REFER TO ANY OCCULT SCIENCE. but to a plain Natural Science that will give results in the human body as surely as certain fuel in a furnace will give certain results in a boiler and engine.

Health is your natural condition, disease has to be caught. If you will obey the natural laws of nutrition you cannot be sick, but in order to obey these natural laws you must know them. I have the only school in this country, or in the world so far as I can learn, teaching these laws scientifically and practically.

I cure nearly all kinds of disease by scientific feeding. I have to say it in this way to be understood-What I mean is that I teach you how to select, combine and proportion your food so as to produce chemical harmony in the stomach under all the varying conditions of age, climate and work, then Nature does the curing. This is the true, practical Food Science.

Remember that many an ailment is pronounced "incurable," not because of the power of the disease, but because of the incompetency of the doctor.

Write for my new booklet, "How Foods Cure," and my free Diagnosis Blank.

Eugue Christian



7 East 41st St., NEW YORK

On October 1st I will open my new Healthorium, at Lakewood, New Jersey. This will be an elegant home place, where all my theories of Food and Hygiene can be put into practice in the most modern and scientific way. Write for descriptive booklet. EUGENE CHRISTIAN,


7 East 41st St.,

Query: What is good for earache?-F. M. W., Ill.

Answer: A good treatment for earache is to get a new clay pipe, and fill the bowl onefourth full of tobacco. Place the mouth over the bowl and blow the smoke into the ear. This is a good palliative and sometimes stops periodical earache. If it is a case of gathering in the middle ear, of course nothing will

New York, N. Y.

SUNLIGHT. Cancer, wens, birthmarks,

warts, moles and corns cured by color rays of light. Apparatus inexpensive, easily operated; great money maker. Particulars free. Address, Dr. J. H. Richardson, Box 42, Needles, Calif.

Send 10 cents for sample copy of THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL. If you subscribe this will be credited on your subscription.


help the earache, until it breaks, and then it MILK CURE WHEELER WILCOX. It restores

will stop itself. In a general way hot applications are good for the earache. Flannels wrung out of hot water, a hot water bottle, or a bag of dry hops, which can be heated in the oven, are all very good, and have proved helpful many times.

Health, Youth and Beauty. I gained

30 lbs. and the complexion of a child in less than three months by using it. If taken in the Right Way, it will cure anything curable, not excepting old age which is disease. If pale, thin, dyspeptic, filled with uric acid, etc., etc., send a Dollar Bill for my Complete Instructions which can be easily and successfully followed in your home. I have known $150 to be charged for just what you can get by following my directions.

MRS. E. M. FIELD, Dept. J, 343 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal.

WILD-BERRIES-These Are The Things.

For every form of stomach trouble. If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, heavy feeling after eating, bad taste in the mouth, or bad breath, a Wild-Berry will relieve you. Keep them with you and eat one or two berries when you need them. You will find them the best thing you ever had. WILD-BERRIES cleanse the mucous membranes of mouth, throat, stomach and intestines. They put the whole digestive tract in an active, healthy condition.

A manufacturing man writes: "Wild-Berries are the best thing I ever had for stomach trouble. I keep them with me all the time. I like them and their effect is very pleasant."

A well-known singer writes: "I could not do without Wild-Berries; they keep my throat in perfect condition and my voice clear. Enclosed find money order for half dozen boxes."

A lady writes: "My breath is always clean and sweet now since I have Wild-Berries. Every lady should keep them." A traveling salesman says: "Send me four 25 cent boxes Wild-Berries. They are the things. The smoker's friend and a boon for the late diner."

A business woman writes: "I find Wild-Berries excellent for train sickness and for headache which is so often caused from riding on the train. They put the stomach in splendid condition."

Wild-Berries are a mountain berry preserved and prepared with a powdered vegetable root. Guaranteed pure and harmless. Put up in 10 and 25 cent boxes. THE WILD-BERRY CO., Dept. 2, 374 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, III.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Curing the Hopeless and "Incurable."


The Ensign Remedies are sold largely to physicians of all schools, who use them in their practice. The patient does not know he is taking Ensign Remedies, but he does know he is getting help, and the doctor adds to his reputation and bank account. One doctor

writes us this month: "Whatever reputation I have is due entirely to Ensign Remedies. I have cured hopeless, given-up cases; I have cured diseases that are considered incurable except by the surgeon's knife, and I have cured cases the surgeon did not dare to touch." The only physicians who fail with the Remedies are those who attempt to mix them with drugs. Some people also make this mistake, taking our Remedies for a special purpose, and drugs for other diseases. This cannot be done successfully. Either use the Remedies alone and give them a fair chance, or do not use them at all.

We have booklets which explain our Remedies. We have one on General Diseases, one on Women's Diseases, one on Varicose Veins and Varicocele, one on the Heart, and leaflets on various subjects. All or any of which we will send to you free. There is no obligation to buy. We would like to hear from physicians who want to be put in the successful class.


Write to-day.


Department A,

Canadian Office, Windsor, Ont.


Buttermilk Diet.

Query: Please answer as to what is cause of sickness and give remedy for the following symptoms: A woman, sixty-seven years of age, has been afflicted since she can remember. About two hours after eating she feels colicky, and has sharp pains. There is a soreness on left side. Pain usually begins in left breast, and is sore about five inches below, in waist line and pit of stomach. Pain often moves around to small of back, and sometimes up left side to head, and arm gets numb. Back is very lame. Two years ago, for a time, had no pain in side, but was afflicted with the same pain in right leg. When very bad will vomit water several hours after eating. Is worse when she moves arms much in working or exercising. Feels inclined to belch. She is very careful what she eats, but suffers, no matter how careful. She, years back, has become unconscious for an hour or so through her suffering.-H. A. L., Utah.

Answer: The age of the woman and the duration of her sickness make it quite certain that her trouble is not due to any growth in the stomach or organic trouble with the bowels. I am inclined to, regard her case as one of intestinal indigestion.

If I were treating her I would test the
In writing to advertisers, please mention

effect of an exclusive buttermilk diet on her, in connection with rest and massage. Good, fresh, rich buttermilk. A glass, with a little sugar added, if she pleases. A second glass of buttermilk may be taken. Sipped slowly, and a piece of stale bread and butter, brown bread preferred. This is to constitute her only diet, not oftener than once in four hours. If she is addicted to coffee or tea, a little can be taken shortly after eating, without milk or


If after having tried this it did not work favorably, I should then proceed with other experimental measures.

Alcoholism Treated.

By FRANK R. SIPLE, Magnetic Healer, Canton, Ohio. Reading over your July number of The Columbus Medical Journal there came before me a treatment of alcoholism by freely using cold water. I wish to place the fact before the minds of the people in general that alcoholism can and has been successfully treated by suggestions.

Three years ago a man was brought to me for treatment after being an habitual drunkard for ten years and not drawing a sober breath for that length of time. He was actually crazy. He had no mind of his own. THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

[blocks in formation]

The Waste and Decay of the Tissues destroy the Nerves, Weaken the Organs, Reduce the Flesh and produce decline and decay.


Poisons and Germs in the system will attack and destroy some organ of the body and the organ breaks down. Poisons are lurking in the system ready to attack the weaker organs. HOW TO PREVENT DECLINE AND CURE DISEASE.

First.-Eradicate the Poisons from the system by using the Marvelous Toxo-Absorbents. These External Mineral applications will absorb all the poisons from the system. They collect the poisons, draw them to the surface and absorb them through the pores. These are harmless but more efficient than all drugs.

Second.-Strengthen, Restore and Rebuild the wasted Tissues by using the Nature Tissue Food. This wonderful Discovery has the property of restoring and renewing all the wasted tissues of the body. It gives new life and strength at once. It prevents all waste and decay of the tissues and is practically the fountain of perpetual youth. If you have weakened nerves or a weak organ Use the Tissue Builder. This is not a drug nor a medicine, it is simply a tissue food. (Large box of Tissue Food is $1.00.)

These have cured Asthma, Bronchitis and all Throat troubles, Appendicitis, Gastritis, Female Diseases and all Internal Inflammations and Ulcerations and all Blood Poisons.

The Toxo-Absorbent System of Treatment is the most radical and certain method of curing disease, and is at the same time absolutely harmless and drugless. If you value life and health investigate this system of treatment. Literature sent free. Send names of invalid friends.

TOXO-ABSORBENT CO., Rochester, N. Y.

He would bring whisky home by the quart and gallon doctored up with all kinds of bitters so the family could not tell what it was.

I gave him ten treatments and he has never drunk anything since and has no desire for it.

Change of Vocation.

Query I have a nervous excitement, or feeling that I am in motion all over. Am afraid of a collapse if I don't take something that will act right away. My work is running a high speed hemming machine, in a shirt factory. I suspect my machine may affect my nerves, although I don't work as fast as I can, but try to go as moderately as possible. I have been in this business over twenty years, but never had this feeling until last spring. I got thin in face, have cold feet at night, and legs below knees weak and tire easily. Have stomach trouble and catarrh in head, with sores in end of nose, first one side, then the other. I am careful in my diet, and take physical culture exercises morning and evening, but

In my judgment, whatever you may do, whatever diet you may observe, or treatment you may follow, the chances are decidedly against your entire recovery until you have a complete change of vocation, and perhaps location. Catarrh is but another symptom of the general depression of your whole nervous system. Your wise selection of diet and your good care of yourself, of course, will hold you up longer than if you were neglecting these things, but they cannot atone for the constant depression of your monotonous and continued vocation. The fact that you have followed the vocation so long, before it had any effect upon you, proves nothing. It only shows that you were able to fight against it for a number of years, but at last the nervous system has yielded to the strain. You ought to give yourself at least six months' change from your present vocation.

For the catarrh nothing is better than a spray of liquid vaseline. The sores in your

don't seem to get better.-Mr. F. S. M., New Osteopathy in a Nut Shell.


Answer: You are certainly putting up an admirable and good fight to maintain your health and still continue your vocation. But, from the glimpses I get of your life from your letters, it seems to me certain that your nervous condition is the direct result of the work you are following.

Dr. Goetz's Manual tells you how to cure all diseases WITHOUT DRUGS. This is one of the many indorsements received:

McLemoresville, Tenn. "Your Manual received, which I like very much. I can do anything that is laid down in the book, as it is so plain."-J. W. CARTER,

Our Prospectus and Sample Pages, free, tells you all about it. NATURE'S CURE CO., Dept. L., No. 118 East Liberty Street, Cincinnati, O.

In writing to advertisers, please mention TxE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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