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nose are merely ulcers resulting from the catarrhal condition. I think you will find the vaseline spray will help them. Deep breathing through each nostril separately, in the morning, is useful in ventilating the nose and facilitating breathing through the nose. Many cases of catarrh can be cured by nose breathing alone.

Vaginal Leucorrhea.

Query: I have had leucorrhea for years. Have doctored for it, but with no benefit. I am twenty-six years old, unmarried, a school teacher. I am almost certain it is catarrh, for I have had catarrh all my life, in my lungs and stomach at times, and always in my head. The discharge of which I speak is very much of the character of the discharge of mucus from the head and throat. It is not irritating in the least to the skin, and I have no backache or headache. It is very annoying, though it has never affected my general health, further than the times it has settled in some particular spot. Miss E. M. Z., Indiana.

Answer: You state very clearly the symptoms of a condition that is very common indeed among unmarried women. Leucorrhea is of two kinds, uterine and vaginal. Uterine leucorrhea is the result of catarrh of the internal lining of the uterus. It is accompanied

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Once a week take an injection of hot water into the vagina, as hot as you can bear it, until it is perfectly cleansed, then inject into the vagina, in a luke warm condition, half a teacupful of the permanganate solution. This should be taken lying on the back and retained for an hour or so, then allowed to come away without any further rinsing.

In addition to this, do everything you can to strengthen the muscles of the lower abdomen. Do you know anything about breathing with the diaphragm? That is, the motions are made with the abdominal muscles, rather than the muscles of the chest. You can learn to practice this. Close the mouth and draw the breath through the nostrils by expanding the abdomen, instead of the chest. Then expel the air through the nose by contracting the abdomen. Learn to produce that motion of the

with symptoms, however, that you do not have. Eleanor Kirk's Books

Uterine catarrh always produces menstrual disturbances, more or less pain.

Vaginal catarrh, as a rule, is not accompanied with any other disturbance than the discharge, which of course is a continual annoyance. You are correct in saying that the catarrhal discharges are exactly like the discharges would be from the head and throat. It is, of course, slightly modified by physical conditions. Yours is a typical case of vaginal catarrh, good health, active life, and yet leucorrhea continues. Injections will for a time check the discharges, though are of no good to you, and if anything make the case


What is needed is something that will give greater tonicity and elasticity to the walls of the vagina, and keep them perfectly clean. Constant local treatment only aggravates such cases. The mucous membrane of the vagina is in a flabby condition, and I presume this is true of the mucous membranes of your whole body. It is a constitutional peculiarity which can only be corrected with constitutional treatment. A relaxed condition of the mucous membranes favors the formation of catarrh, and hinders the treatment of it whenever it is developed. What you ought to have is constitutional treatment, something that would give tone to the whole mucous membrane. The Tissue Remedies would do this better than anything I could recommend for you.

As for local treatment, I would do no more than this, at least at first: Take permanganate of potash, ten grains; soft water, two quarts. In writing to advertisers, please mention

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I am keeping three or four other health journals, but yours is about the most interesting of them all, and it seems to me I would rather give up all the others than yours, although I don't agree with all yours contains, no not even with all you say. But I am too much in love with your tolerance and your beautiful writings, and so with you, to take notice of our difference of opinion in a few minor, and perhaps some major points.—Mr. C. L. ROTH, R. F. D. No. 3, Chenoa, Ill. Tx COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Read Dortch Campbell's New Book.

The Great Geneva Remedy. The Great Geneva Remedy is a compound of well-known vegetable remedies, an antiseptic for the treatment of catarrh, hay fever, bronchitis, colds in the head, deafness, and is a palliative in the early stages of consump tion. The remedy is not taken into the stomach, but is inhaled into the lungs.

In connection with the Geneva Remedy an Inspirator is furnished, with directions for use. I have one in my possession which I have examined and can recommend the Inspirator as an excellent apparatus for taking medicine by inhalation. I have long since been a believer in applying medicine intended for the throat and lungs direct to the parts affected, rather than taking medicines into the stomach. It stands to reason that this method of administering medicines can be more effective and less damaging to the other parts of the sys


It seems too bad when any one happens to have throat trouble that the stomach must be deranged by filling it with strong medicine. I have never believed in such treatments and always carefully avoid putting medicines into the stomach whenever it is possible.

I expect to hear of many good results from the use of the Inspirator and the Geneva Remedy. Whatever one's attitude may be toward drugs, there can be little said against the proper use of drugs as a local application.

Such of my readers as are afflicted with any. of the ailments above mentioned are recommended to give this treatment a fair trial. I would especially appreciate reports as to results.

Physical Deformities.

Every now and then I get a letter asking me whom to consult concerning physical deformities such as spinal curvature, crooked limbs and the like. I always refer such people to the Philo Burt Manufacturing Co., of Jamestown, N. Y.

These people have for many years been making all sorts of apparata for the correction of deformities-splint braces, supporters, everything needed by cripples or invalids in the way of curative appliances. They are thoroughly reliable, and the utmost confidence can be placed in anything they say, or promise.

I take this means of saying to my readers generally, if you want anything in their line, send for their catalog which they will furnish you with full explanation of all the things they manufacture. I personally guarantee that every purcnaser will receive for his money promptly the things ordered fully up to every promise made concerning them.

The Columbus Medical Journal is opposed to compulsory vaccination, from its very first issue to the last one.


The Way to Perfect Health and 100 Years



If you are in ill health, or if you feel that you are growing old, you need The Way to Perfect Health and 100 Years. It tells of the author's struggles for years to secure good health. It tells how he won the goal. It tells of his discovery of the INTERNAL forces of Nature. It shows that the reason "back to Nature" theories often fail is because the devotees of this theory rely on the EXTERNAL forces instead of the INTERNAL, when both are important and the INTERNAL infinitely greater than the EXTERNAL. It tells how

any man or woman may win Perfect Health and how the goal of 100 Years is possible for all. It marks an epoch in healing and lays the foundation for an EXACT Science of Health in which there can not possibly be any failures. If you want a copy send to

DORTCH CAMPBELL, Middlesborough, Ky.

Card of Thanks.

I, Mrs. D. W. Bell, had spinal paralysis for more than 30 years, so that I was not able to walk, and the only means of moving around, was my rolling chair.

of Dr.

A few years ago I bought one Schaefer's Healing Apparatus and after using same for some time, was able to go to my neighbors', and now can do my own shopping and housework again. I am 77 years of age and therefore people call it remarkable and a wonder-cure, that such an apparatus could be invented to bring about a cure in my case. I thank Dr. Schaefer, of Erie, Pa., herewith publicly for his invention, and may the Lord bless him and give him long life for the best of suffering humanity. This is my sincerest prayer. Yours for health, MRS. D. W. BELL, Oxford, Mich. May 6, 1908.


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181 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich.


Query I have been suffering for eight months with sciatica. Hip, and thigh of right leg. The nerve is so tender and sore that I can hardly bear to sit down, as the pressure on the nerve produces an aching pain so severe that I cannot sit in the same position but a short time with any degree of comfort. When I am moving about it does not trouble me nearly so much. My circulation is not very strong. Please give me your opinion and advice.-J. F. S., Arkansas.

Answer: Sciatica that has continued for eight months is a very intractable disease, and sometimes does not yield to any remedy. It is of rheumatic origin, and hence has been called sciatic rheumatism. In reality, it is neuralgia of the large sciatic nerve, and may assume a periodicity like other forms of neuralgia. In such cases, where there is a distinct period of its coming and going, the period can sometimes be interrupted by large doses of quinine, taken two hours before the pain returns. In cases, however, where the pain comes on only when the patient is in bed, or continues more or less throughout the whole twenty-four hours, I would not advise quinine, or any other anti-periodic remedy.

Sciatica appears to linger with those who are depressed or bloodless, and hence anything that improves the general health tends to cure the disease.

A thorough sun bath as often as possible, of the whole leg, is good. This may be made more effective by the use of an ordinary sun glass, focusing the rays of the sun upon the part especially where the pain is the worst, following down the course of the nerve, backwards and forwards. Care should be taken not to burn the parts severely, although slight reddening or hardening of the skin will do no harm. Each application of the sun glass can be continued a little longer and made more severe. I have more confidence in this treatment than in electrical treatment, or any other form of counter irritation.

A great many remedies have been used, chloroform, menthol, and the like. I have in times past stopped the pain of sciatica instantly and permanently by the use of a hypodermic injection of chloroform. It is given as follows: The hypodermic syringe is filled with chloroform. The needle is plunged deep into the flesh, as close as possible to the place where the pain begins. The whole of the chloroform is injected. When this treatment is successful it is instantaneous in its effect, the pain leaving at once and permanently. It does not always work, however. The operation is not a severe one, and it is worth while trying in any case of continued sciatica. Of course it should be done by a doctor.

I would advise you to try first the sun treatment. If the pain becomes intolerable get some physician to try the chloroform. In either case I am interested, and would like to hear the result. If yours were a recent case

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Schaefer and Pitzer, Both Drugless Healers.

of sciatica I should prescribe some of the most simple remedies, of which there are a great number. But since your case has continued for eight months, there is no use of dilly dallying with the ordinary remedies for sciatica. Hence I have given you quite heroic treatment.

A Splendid Enterprise.

I wish to quote for the benefit of my readers, from a private letter received from James Armstrong, M. D., San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Armstrong is President of the Twentieth Century Medical Association, located at 909 West Houston Street, San Antonio, Texas. In a letter to me he speaks, among other things, of an enterprise they are undertaking there, which I hope will succeed. And I hope he may receive many letters of encouragement from my readers in his good work. Dr. Armstrong says:

"The father-in-law of our Treasurer, Mr. Elkins, proposes to let Mrs. Elkins have a section of land, and we are now contemplating establishing a branch sanitarium at Rerville, where said land is located, about three hours' ride from here.

"The old school doctors have so prejudiced the people against consumptives, and so afraid are they that they will catch the disease, the they have treated this unfortunate class of people shamefully. Thousands of them have ccme from all over the United States, and so deep rooted in the minds of the people is this prejudice instilled by the doctors, that it is often hard for these people to get to stay at a hotel or boarding house over night. we contemplate a tent or ranch sanitarium, where there will be plenty of room, mountain breezes, high altitude, and the absence of poison-giving doctors, while we use the headquarters here in San Antonio as a school and lecture hall to discuss all the most important questions of the day."

Molasses Cure.


By MRS. S. S. ALLEN, 515 Margaret St., Flint, Mich. The molasses cure for cancer I cut out of a medical Journal some years since and I here copy it for the good it may possibly do: "The molasses cure of cancer: The government of Queensland, Australia, has announced two cures of cancer of the tongue, nearly choking the possessor. He accidentally found that molasses eased the distress, and after taking a teaspoonful five times a day the growth completely disappeared in ten days. The other case was cancer of the stomach and was cured by three months' treatment."

An editor who would make the statement that the prejudice against vaccination has no reputable support from scientific men, is an editor who is either woefully ignorant, or wilfully misleading.




Is the "Schaefer" Electro-Therapeutic-HealingIt will cure absolutely any case Dyspepsia, Indigestion or any kind of Stomach trouble. It will also cure Rheumatism. Gout, Neuralgia, Malaria, Sciatica, Kidney and Liver complaints, Female diseases, etc., etc.

Read:-"This is to certify, that I have been cured by the Schaefer System of Healing, of chronic Appendicitis and Stomach trouble. Doctors told me, I could not get cured without an operation. I consulted Dr. Schaefer and took his treatments and the results were more than I ever expected. My Appendicitis is cured and also my Stomach trouble. The Schaefer Invention is a blessing to suffering humanity." A. S. ECKERT, Adv. Mgr. Journal Pub. Co., 18 W. 12th St., Erie, Pa.

If you are sick, don't waste your time and money on worthless remedies, but write at once to DR. SCHAEFER,

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Cracking Sound in Neck.

Query: I would like to ask you regarding my neck. On turning my head there is a scraping or cracking sound at the joint.J. P. M., Allegheny, Pa.

Answer: I do not think you need to pay any attention to the cracking sound in the neck. It simply indicates a slight shortening of the large ligament known as the ligamentum nucha. Should it cause you any pain, your head to ache, or dizziness, it would then perhaps be time enough to do something about it. At the present I should suggest that you get some snake oil and rub on a small quantity every morning. Perhaps it would be best to have some one do it for you, rubbing it in thoroughly. If you cannot obtain the snake oil, goose oil will be better than nothing. I think this treatment will limber up the ligament so that it will not cause you further trouble. Consult an Osteopath.


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By Psychic Methods. We Cure People suffering from all kinds of diseases by Thera peutic Suggestion alone and without drugs; when they cannot come we reach and cure them at their homes in any part of the world, all by purely Psychic Methods-Mental Telepathy. We correct bad habits in young and old, help people to Busi ness Success, reform Moral Perverts, and restore Insane People to their reason. No matter what your ailment, how serious your case, or what you may have done before, our methods succeed after all others have failed. Booklets fully explaining Suggestion and the Psychic Methods we employ in treating absent patients, Sent free to everybody! All afflicted people should read these Booklets. Send for them now. You will enjoy reading them.

Address GEO. C. PITZER, M. D., 1045 S. Union Av., Los Angeles, Cal.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.


An Interesting Case. Query 248: I will state my case simply. It would perhaps be diagnosed as torpid liver, vet without any soreness, indigestion, constipation, bad tongue or complexion. The prevailing symptom is sleepiness. If I sit down to concentrate, or if I sit and read for a little time, an overpowering drowsiness comes over me, which seriously interferes with mental treatments. Have a good appetite; inclined, I think, to overeat. Live on simple food, without any meat or flesh food. Relish food very much; inclined to eat so heartily that after rising from table have rather a sense of fullness, or heavy abdomen. Yet in an hour or two have the inclination to eat again. Sometimes a little bad taste in mouth in morning, yet but little. Sleep soundly and well, yet would always like to lie longer in morning. Rise about six in morning, and usually to bed about eleven. About fifty-eight years of age, five feet eight, in stockings, and weigh only about 130 pounds. Thin as a greyhound, almost.

Have not studied my own case thoroughly with a view to using remedies, believing that I should overcome the conditions metaphysically. They have continued, however, for some years, and on the whole become rather more annoying. Believe that Natr. Mur. comes nearest to covering the case biochemically, but, as I say, would like advice, and am drawn to consult you.

Answer: I believe in Nature and in its suggestions. I do not believe in trying to overcome the promptings of Nature as they manifest themselves in our bodily feelings. You are evidently not getting enough sleep, hence Nature prompts you to sleep more. If I were in your place I should yield every time to such promptings. If you could possibly arrange your business so as to go to bed earlier or sleep later, I should do so, and when you are inclined to sleep during the daytime, yield. There is no concentration or reading that will do you so much good as to simply obey the promptings of your own nervous system. You would probably carry more flesh if you would do so. Eat less, breathe more.

If I were to treat your case I should demand that you become obedient to the greatest of all doctors, Nature, after which perhaps I might be able to add a little by still further bringing to your relief the forces of Nature. Eat less, breathe more.

The Tissue Tablets with me have been a growth. The original Schuessler remedies and his theory attracted my attention long ago. But the complex details which he undertook to elaborate left the subject so intricate that I suspect mistakes would be more frequent than the correct application. To combine them in some way so as to make some general application of them was my ambition. Fortunately the combination was later on worked by Schuessler himself. It practically

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