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Exercise for Women.

The Art of Being Well.

Query: My daughter is a weakly, delicate woman. Takes considerable exercise in open air, but inclined to sit by fire and read and sew. Would you advise outdoor exercise or exercise with Indian clubs? She seems so weak and miserable much of the time that I feel as if I were cruel to ask her to move.Mrs. C. J. B., South Dakota.

Answer: I am not quite sure about urging her to take more outdoor exercise; urging such matters generally has the opposite effect. Indian clubs is an excellent exercise, especially for women. I have been teaching the use of Indian clubs for years, and I have never had a class of women yet but that I could see immediate improvement. It develops the lungs, straightens the shoulders, strengthens the back, and gives the abdomen the right muscular tension.

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Query: Will you kindly suggest how a woman should live during the life changing period? Age forty-seven, weight two hundred and fifteen. Suffering some with large veips in lower limbs.-F. W. B., Iowa.

Answer: Live as near to Nature as possible. Outdoor life. As free from worry and fatigue as may be. Sexual relations greatly restricted or absolutely suspended. The ap petite is likely to be capricious, and should be indulged as a rule. Such a woman, if she has been tied up closely to housework all her life, and has been in the habit of doing a hard day's work every day, will find that she must give up at least half. Cheerful surroundings. A ride as often as possible. The care of grandchildren would be very wholesome for a woman during this period. It gives her something to keep her mind from dwelling too much on her own disagreeable feelings, something to love, something to care for, and is often better than medicine.

Enclosed find fifty cents, for which please send me The Columbus Medical Journal for six months, beginning with July.

I think that you are carrying forward in the face of great difficulties one of the greatest and most needed of present day reform movements. May you long continue your good work.-MISS IMRIE WHEELER, Enterprise, Oregon.

Hardening Arteries.


Query: What causes the hardening of the arteries?-W. G. S., Maine.

Answer: The hardening of the arteries is caused by lime salts. The walls of the arteries become gradually calcified, or change into lime salts. It is similar to the process that occurs outside of the body known as petrification, in which wood changes into stone. The arteries become thick and brittle. It is a very common disease among old people. 1 he use of distilled water is to be recommended as an exclusive drink.

Concussion of the Brain.

Query: Some time ago I fell from a scaffold, striking my head on a block of wood. My head felt as if it were falling apart. Next morning I felt sick, my head felt thick, heavy, stupid and dizzy. This feeling continued until I was seized with apoplexy. Do you think this fall has caused my paralysis?

Do you think bleeding would be any good for my vertigo?

There is a constriction around the upper arm, also leg from knee to thigh, as if a band were bound tightly around.-F. W. S., Pa.

Answer: I think the fall produced what is known as concussion of the brain. This results in the bursting of a little blood vessel in the brain, which forms a clot. In your case the clot was very slowly formed. but finally it was sufficient to press on the brain and cause paralysis. It being the result of an accident, it may clear up entirely under the proper treatment.

You need not fear from the dizziness that there is any progressive disease of the brain. While the dizziness may be caused by the condition of the brain, it is not of a progressive nature. It is all the result of the injury, and the effect of this is likely to slowly pass away.

I would not advise bleeding. It would result in no good whatever, in fact, in my opinion, it would do harm. If the accident had produced complete unconsciousness and you had been bled at that time, I should not have objected to it, but since you have recovered from the shock, it would do you no good and might do much harm.

The feeling of stricture around the legs and arms shows the point between the partially paralyzed muscles and the healthy muscles. You are quite likely to recover entirely. Use no drugs-stay out of doors.




In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL Journal.

Campho-Phénique Powder



Campho-Phénique has no equal as a dry dressing for open wounds. It has all
the good properties of iodoform and a very pleasant odor. We have on file testi-
monials from our leading physicians, all full of praise for this wonderful antisep-
tic. As a finishing dressing, Campho-Phénique has given most excellent results.

Campho-Phénique Liquid


Dr. B. W. Clark, St. Louis, Mo., writes:-"Some time since, a patient
visiting Chicago, sprained her ankle. She had it treated, and not getting the
results she expected after three days, she sent for me. I applied the usual
Campho-Phénique treatment, and gave her immediate relief. She returned to
St. Louis in a few days, and under Campho-Phénique Liquid-massage was
soon completely healed.

After January 1, 1906, C-P. Liquid will be placed on the market in 25c 1-oz. containers, thus
enabling physicians to get the genuine article in small quantities.



Heart Trouble.

Query: What is good for valvular heart trouble? One doctor told me I had a leakage of one of the valves. All the others did not say what was the cause of my heart working as it does. But their medicine does not seem to help me very much. It palpitates and misses beats all the time, but is worse after I exercise much, and eating seems to make it bad. Sometimes it is worse than others. I have all the symptoms of nervous exhaustion. Have had dyspepsia for many years.— Mr. T. H., Nebraska.

Answer: It is very necessary that you should know whether your case is one of organic disease of the heart, with weakened valves, or whether it is simply sympathetic derangement of the heart, caused by the stomach. As a rule, organic disease of the heart does not cause so much disturbance and despondent feelings as sympathetic derangements. But if yours is really a case of organic disease you ought to be under the care of some competent doctor, rather than to attempt to treat yourself.

If you care to do so, you may get the following prescription filled, which will be perfectly safe for you to use, and in case your heart trouble is caused from your stomach it will help you:


Pulverized cubebs, one dram. licorice root, one dram. Pulverized rhubarb root, one dram. Sugar of milk, three drams. These should be thoroughly triturated together. Have the druggist put up a small powder of ten grains. One powder is to be taken after each meal.

Remember, if you have organic disease of the heart, this prescription will not do you much good, but bring some relief. If it should happen to be simply derangement of the stomach, it will do you a great deal of good.

A Suggestion.

A Subscription Blank can be found on Page A. Cash or credit as you may wish or feel able. We do not supply back numbers except to advance subscribers.

I have received The May Columbus Medical Journal. I am very well pleased with it, and wish to be a regular subscriber from year to year. I have in my possession the following copies of Medical Talk: All the numbers of 1904 in good order, also all of 1905 and four copies of 1906 up to May. The January number is missing.-W. T. MILLER, R. F. D. 27, Box 68, Wrights, California.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

The Doctor's Motor Buggy.

Anti-Vaccination Crusade. Compulsory vaccination in some form is in effect under the United States Federal Government and in every State in the Union, except the one State (Utah) which has an effective law prohibiting compulsion.

Hundreds of thousands of persons annually, including children, find themselves helpless to resist vaccination.

It is time the people were aroused to put an end to this crime.

We must have more active agitation.

As one result of sending Dr. Leverson and Mrs. Little to the London Anti-Vaccination Meeting, it has come about that the services are available of Mr. John H. Bonner, of Leicester, England, the able Lecturer and Organizer of the British National Anti-Vaccination League. It was at first proposed to bring him over to work under direction of a National Committee. This plan having been laid before this League, it was decided that we should raise the funds to engage his services for our own State first. There is at this moment a situation of extreme urgency in Massachusetts, details of which cannot be given


We must have $1,000 to carry on a three months' campaign-$2,000 if six months' work is required.

Your subscription is earnestly solicited.J. C. HENDERSON, Pres. Mass. Anti-Comp. vac. Society. DR. S. N. MERRICK, Sec. and Treas. Mass. Anti-Comp. Vac. Society.

Anti-Vaccination Lectures.

I have little or no faith in lectures or public demonstrations against vaccination. The vaccinationists go right on passing their laws just the same. All the money spent in procuring lectures against vaccination is practically wasted. If one man would fight for his rights clear through all the courts, the Supreme Court and the Court of the United States, it would do more good than anything else. But the whole subject has been thrashed out so many times that it is a waste of time to hold public meetings, except in some local crisis when the whole people are aroused. The iniquity of the whole thing will appear to the people by and by, and the masses will rise up against it. Until then all we can do is to keep quietly at work, insisting on our claim, line upon line, here a little and there a little, until the people are aroused, not by our work, but the work of those who are oppressing the people.


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I used to take lots of medicine, as I had chronic catarrh of the head, a torpid liver, and was very nervous, pale and thin. My eyes were also very weak and I could not work without glasses. I was fast hastening to an early grave, for I was also a cigarette fiend, as well as chewing tobacco, drinking and other dissipations which I will not mention here.

I tried many remedies for my diseases, never receiving any permanent help. One Sunday afternoon in the year 1900 I strolled into a tent meeting held in our town in which I heard the saving, cleansing virtues of the blood of Jesus extolled. Judgment was declared against all sin and uncleanliness.

I became intensely interested and continued attending the services, and heard Jesus Christ held up in the Scripture as a healer of disease, as well as sin. 'Twas new to me. However, I investigated until I found it was thoroughly scriptural doctrine and faith in God that would make it possible for me to enjoy the unspeakable blessing of health. I found also

The Whitcomb School of Dynamic Health. Overcome all ills, by forcing the good. Clean the body by taking the filth away, and nourish it to life by feeding it nutritious foods in place of stimulating poisons. If you want health, enclose a dime for our literature. Address 184-289 Henry Street, Detroit, Mich.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

that obedience would inspire that faith. So with a good dose of conviction for sin, I began to forsake sin and call on God for mercy, who for Christ's sake forgave and blotted all my sins out. I included cigarette smoking, tobacco chewing, whisky drinking, and all other defiling habits in this forsaking, and I found deliverance from them all through the precious blood of Jesus.

I laid off my glasses, quit my medicines and diligently applied myself to God in prayer, believing with all my heart his promises were true and were for me. Was I disappointed? I was healed every whit. My eyes were as though I had a new pair. My liver and head were well. My nerves made strong. In a short time I gained from 135 pounds to 176 pounds of firm, solid flesh. My cheeks glowed with health. I have been a man, well and free, for the last eight years. Have had some sickness, however, but have found healing With all my through same faith in God. heart I recommend Jesus, the Christ of the Bible, to every sufferer and incurable. He is able to make them well, and says "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up." James 5:16.

I stand with you, Doctor, regarding medicines and doctors, and admire your fearlessness in exposing it to the people. God speed your mission and may some things be said once in a while that will beget faith in some sufferer to trust the loving God.-W. R. BUTLER, Columbiana, Alabama.


Your letter has the right ring to it. There are some people that would doubt the efficacy of the remedy you so highly recommend. do not, however. I think that any power that saves men from sin is capable also of curing them of disease. You can see yourself that your physical difficulties were the The redirect results of your bad habits. ligion you espouse saved you from the bad habits, and I think that is what cured you of the disease.

I do not believe that the blood of Jesus or any other religious faith would cure disease unless one forsook the things that caused the disease. Disease and sin are very intimately connected, and I thoroughly believe that a good sound conversion would cure a great many invalids. Not only by correcting their habits, but by giving them new courage and faith.

The remedy you have recommended is an old-fashioned one, but it has cured millions of people besides yourself, and I want every



We have received several inquiries for this book and announce that we supply it in cloth, 1052 pages, by express for $1.25 or with THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL one year for $2.25. If Morocco binding is desired the price will be $1.50 and $2.50 respectively.



BY BENJAMIN F. WEAVER, M. D.-A practical doctor book for private families, giving the best treatments of the different schools of medicine. The pain-centers produced by diseases are marked on figures photographed from life, so that one can tell instantly what the disease is. Each disease is marked by numbers on the figures. By referring to the number in the text, one finds the disease fully described and the treatment given. Contains 1,554 modern prescriptions. Treats over 400 diseases. Latest discoveries in regular and homeopathic treatments given. Divided into three departments: General, Women, Children. The only family doctor book published that is so clear that even a child can use it with certainty. Prescriptions plainly written, so you can get them filled without going to a doctor. No other book like it. If you want a doctor book, get this and you will look no further. 484 pages, 6x10 inches. Printed on the finest book paper. Illustrated with 28 half-tone figures and four etchings. Bound in fine cloth, stamped in gold.





[blocks in formation]

We have to-day sent you a package of Valentine's Meat Juice which we would request you to test in some severe cases under your care, when all other forms of food fail.

Its nutritive and restorative power has been submitted to the most careful and critical tests by many eminent medical gentlemen of this country and Europe, in all forms of fever, in cholera infantum, diarrhea and dysentery, and especially in those cases where the weak and sensitive stomach is unable to assimilate other food, and with the most gratifying and successful results. Yours respectfully, VALENTINE MEAT JUICE COMPANY, Richmond, Virginia.

I can heartily endorse the fluid extract of meat for all of the purposes recommended by the above letter. Not only have I used it personally, but have noticed its good results in

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Read Benedict Lust's New Book.

various patients. It is a splendid tonic for the tired and overworked, as well as those who are afflicted with wasting disease.-ED.

Saunders' Pocket Medical Formulary.
New (8th) Edition, Adapted to the 1905

William M. Powell, M. D., author of
"Essentials of Diseases of Children;" Mem-
ber of Philadelphia Pathologic Society.
Containing 1831 formulas from the best
known authorities. With an appendix con-
taining Posologic Tables, Formulas and
Doses for Hypodermic Medication, Poisons
and their Antidotes, Diameters of the Fe-
male Pelvis and Fetal Head, Obstetric
Table, Diet lists, Materials and Drugs used
in Antiseptic Surgery, Treatment of As-
phyxia from Drowning, Surgical Remem-
brancer, Tables of Incompatibles, Eruptive
Fevers, etc., etc. Eighth Edition, Adapted
to the New (1905) Pharmacopeia. Phila-
delphia and London: W. B. Saunders
Company, 1906. In flexible morocco, with
side index, wallet and flap. $1.75 net.
A very handy and valuable work.

The Next World's Fair.


Now that the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition has closed, all eyes are turned toward the next great world's fair, the AlaskaYukon-Pacific Exposition which will be held at Seattle, Washington, opening June 1, and closing October 15, 1909.

This exposition will be held in a section of the country where world's fairs are new and for that and many other reasons it is expected to be a success, beneficially, educationally, artistically and financially.

The bill that has been introduced at the present session of Congress provides an appropriation of $1,175,000 to enable Uncle Sam to take advantage of the opportunity for effective advertising.

On June 1 last, before a crowd of fifteen thousand persons, ground breaking ceremonies were held, with many prominent men making



To Make and Maintain Hygiene and Bodily Cleanliness

Painstaking Doctors whose Experience and Skill are Recognized as the consulting medical specialist are frequently called upon to exercise judgment in the selection of antiseptics, whether for the treatment of Catarrhal and infected conditions of the Mucous Membranes, or Prickly Heat, Poison Oak, Ulcers, Tender Feet, Offensive Perspiration, etc.

It is, therefore, quite natural that under such circumstances they would be anxious to select a safe, reliable, and non-poisonous antiseptic, the use of which would reflect credit upon their experience and judgment.

In selecting Tyree's Antiseptic Powder, they will merit the commendation of both the patient and nurse, as Tyree's Powder is of the greatest value, yet is free from all the objections found in other antiseptics.

Exhaustive chemical and bacteriological analysis together with a sample of Tyree's Powder will be sent free upon request.

Tyree's Antiseptic Powder is put up in 25-cent and One Dollar Packages. TAKE NONE BUT TYREE'S.

[blocks in formation]


Do We Have Colds, Catarrh, Influenza, Etc.?

Because we neglect to keep our nasal passages in a clean, hygienic condition. We are continually breathing dust, dirt and bacteria, which cause colds, catarrh, hay fever, etc. The only way to cure catarrh, etc., is to keep the nasal passages in a clean, healthful condition. When this is done, Nature will do the rest.

The best, simplest, most efficient device in the world to introduce antiseptic liquids into the nose, is the


By its use catarrh, colds, hay fever, etc., can positively be cured. It is as essential to cleanse our nasal passages as it is our face or hands. Write for descriptive circulars. If your druggist does not handle it, sample by mail 50c.

H. L. HARRIS, 100 William Street

addresses, among whom was Hon. John Bar Is Woman Doomed?

rett, Director of the International Bureau of American Republics. representing President Roosevelt.

The grounds are located on the property of the Washington University, a state institution, and after the exposition is over the permanent buildings and those substantially built will be taken over by the college to be used for educational purposes.

The purpose of the exposition, which is to exploit Alaska and Yukon and the countries bordering on the Pacific Ocean, is receiving much favorable comment throughout the country.

By mother Nature to suffer all her days for
fulfilling the mission to which Nature calls
her? The answer is that most of woman's suf-
fering is unnatural and therefore unnecessary.
is the work of a physician of wide knowledge and experi-
ence. The woman who reads this book and follows it can
avoid most of the chronic diseases that wreck so many
wives and mothers. It is a book for every married person
who wants to enjoy the life of home and family. The book
is sent postpaid on receipt of 25c. in stamps or coin...

Dept. Ca., 124 E. 59th Street, New York City.

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