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This dentist goes on to say that he believes the decay of teeth, especially at the roots, and accumulation of tartar upon the teeth, is directly due to indigestion. That a continual disturbance of the stomach will destroy the teeth.

I believe this to be true. Therefore, if one wishes to have sound teeth he should not only care for them locally with a good, vigorous brushing, but he should be careful about taking hot or cold things into the mouth, or biting things needlessly, like biting off threads, cracking nuts and the like. He should, also, by proper diet and proper abstinence from food, keep his stomach and digestive organs in good condition.

A Matter of Doctors.

"There were two sisters living in a certain town," said a good story-teller, "who warred constantly about the two great schools of medicine. One pinned her faith to Allopathy and the other to Homeopathy.

"One day there was great excitement in the family of the lady who believed in Allopathy and it was soon announced that she was the mother of bouncing twin boys.

"The other sister came down in a hurry. 'Well,' she said, 'now see what's happened. I wanted you to have a Homeopathic doctor. After this I guess you will listen to me.""

For Sciatica.

Stretching the large nerve of the leg is sometimes very effective. At first a simple method of stretching may be resorted to, as follows:

The patient is laid on the back on a hard couch or table. The affected leg is flexed on the hip by raising the leg upward. Each time the treatment is given more and more force should be used, until the knee is forced against the chest of the patient. This strikes the sciatic nerve of the upper leg and may be sufficient for a cure; if not, a surgeon should be called.

To Remove Hair.

As I have frequently said, there is nothing in the line of drugs that will permanently remove hair. But it frequently happens that it is desirable to remove obnoxious hair even though it can not be taken off to stay. A good formula to remove hair is made as follows:

Sulphate stronium, two drams; oxide of zinc and pulverized starch, of each three drams. These are to be mixed and applied with enough warm water to make a paste


DIVINE HEALING. Present or absent treatments. Persons who desire absent treatment can write or telegraph for fuller particulars-1418 Euclid Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 'Phone, West 221. (Mention The Columbus Medical Journal.)

In writing to advertisers, please mention


GREAT GENEVA REMEDY Guaranteed CURE for CATARRH, HAY. FEVER, Asthma, Bronchitis, Early Consumption, Deafness, Colds, and all diseases of the Head, Throat and Lungs. Write today for descriptive Booklet and proof from thou sands cured. Address Dept. C NATIONAL INSPIRATOR Co. 427 E. 63RD ST. CHICAGO, ILL


During this month I will give to every reader of this Journal who will take advantage of this opportunity a complete course in Natural Healing. This course covers Magnetic Healing, Hypnotic Suggestion, Muscular Control, Mind Reading, etc. It covers the subject fully and is easy to understand and put into practical use. Many have paid $100.00 for similar instructions. It represents the condensed experience of years and will be given to you absolutely free. Master the course and you will be able to go forth as a Natural Healer, healing diseases after the doctors have failed. This course explains the Why and the How. This is the offer of a life time. Write at once for particulars. If you enclose a stamp I will at the same time send you a 16 page pamphlet "The Folly of Meat Eating". Interesting to say the least.

I. W. Long, No. 24, London, O.

and allowed to stay five minutes or less if it smarts. Remove with warm water, scrape off the hair with a blunt knife, then apply vaseline.


A Practical
Arch Support

Many people call every ache and pain in the ankle, instep, calf, knee or back, Rheumatism. Half this distress comes from a strained or weakened arch. Standing all day or walking on hard pavements is largely the cause.

The Jordan Arch Support will do wonders for this trouble. It is the only Arch Support made that will adjust itself to the different heights of the arch; it is resilient, responding to every action of the foot, thus giving gentle support to the weakened ligaments.

It is the one effective arch support and sells for $2.00 per pair.

Send size of shoe when ordering by mail. Send for Pamphlet.

Checks outside of Massachusetts include 10c. for exchange.

Send for folder on Highest Grade Elastic Goods.


Medical Appliance Specialists 140 BOYLSTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS.



Eat Right, Throw Physic to the Dogs.


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With Health and Happiness Included

In the mad chase for dividend dollars the average individual entirely loses sight of the all-important fact that money made at the expense of health is money LOST many times over.

I offer an investment opportunity that will return you not 6 per cent. or 10 per cent., but 1000 per cent. or more, giving you vigorous health, and health insurance for life.

At no expense to you, I will analyze your physical balance sheet, and tell you the worth of your most important asset: your health. Then, if you wish, for a modest fee I will show you how, by selecting and combining your foods to meet the chemical requirements of your body, you can acquire and maintain normal health and vigor until you die of old age alone, like the "one-hoss shay"; full of efficiency up to your last minute.

Consider what this means from a financial standpoint only: the saving of bills for medical treatment, surgeon's fees, drugs, etc., for years, will alone show 1000 per cent. profit on the original investment. Then think of the indirect cash value of the increased usefulness, happiness, and success that result from complete, continuous health. Here is a case in point. Read this letter and think it out for A Health Policy For Life


Mr. Eugene Christian:


My Dear Mr. Christian:-I know you will be interested to know I am still on the gain, although not under your care now. I now weigh 130 pounds. When I began your course last spring my weight registered 108 pounds. I have not only gained pounds of flesh, but have gained strength, and best of all, health. It is true, as you say, that your treatment gives a health policy for life, for I believe I am in possession of that. Mr. Christian, I just wish you could see me now and compare me with the Florence Gaddes of last spring. would rejoice your heart, and I am only Food one of thousands who are beginning to appreciate your professional work. Most respectfully yours, FLORENCE GADDES.


45 Summer St., Pawtucket, R.I., Mch. 16, '07

Spongy Gums.

Spongy bleeding gums are very common in all cases of constitutional diseases and low state of vitality. The following is an excellent application for such cases:

Tincture of myrrh, two drams and a half; tincture of iodine, two drams; tincture of krameria, two drams. These are to be mixed and used to paint on the gums after eating, three times a day. A soft camel's-hair brush should be used.

Christian Scientist

7 East 41st St., New York City, N. Y.



SUNLIGHT. Cancer, wens, birthmarks,

warts, moles and corns cured by color rays of light. Apparatus inexpensive, easily operated; great money maker. Particulars free. Address. Dr. J. K. Richardson, KIOWA, KANSAS,

Strongly endorsed by ELLA


Health, Youth and Beauty. I gained 30 lbs. and the complexion of a child in less than three months by using it. If taken in the Right Way, it will cure anything curable, not excepting old age which is disease. If pale, thin, dyspeptic, filled with uric acid, etc., etc., send a Dollar Bill for my Complete Instructions which can be easily and successfully followed in your home. I have known $150 to be charged for just what you can get by following my directions.

MRS. E. M. FIELD, Dept. J, 343 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal.

WILD-BERRIES These Are The Things.

For every form of stomach trouble. If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, heavy feeling after eating, bad taste in the mouth, or bad breath, a Wild-Berry will relieve you. Keep them with you and eat one or two berries when you need them. You will find them the best thing you ever had. WILD-BERRIES cleanse the mucous membranes of mouth, throat, stomach and intestines. They put the whole digestive tract in an active, healthy condition.

A manufacturing man writes: "Wild-Berries are the best thing I ever had for stomach trouble. I keep them with me all the time. I like them and their effect is very pleasant."

A well-known singer writes: "I could not do without Wild-Berries; they keep my throat in perfect condition and my voice clear. Enclosed find money order for half dozen boxes."

A lady writes: "My breath is always clean and sweet now since I have Wild-Berries. Every lady should keep them." A traveling salesman says: "Send me four 25 cent boxes Wild-Berries. They are the things. The smoker's friend and a boon for the late diner."

A business woman writes: "I find Wild-Berries excellent for train sickness and for headache which is so often caused from riding on the train. They put the stomach in splendid condition."

Wild-Berries are a mountain berry preserved and prepared with a powdered vegetable root. Guaranteed pure and harmless. Put up in 10 and 25 cent boxes. THE WILD-BERRY CO., Dept. 2, 374 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Ill.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Necessary Elements


The Ensign Remedies are made of food-stuffs. They contain necessary elements for the growth, repair and strength of the body. Without them you could not live

an instant. Your faith may supply some things but not material things. You cannot live without food or drink, and the tissue elements are what you get out of food and water. When your functions are impaired so that your system cannot assimilate or take these elements out of your ordinary food, then you need the Ensign food-stuffs. They will supply the deficiency and restore the function. Then the system goes on regularly again. It is all easy to understand. We have literature explaining it. We have a booklet on General Diseases, another on Private Diseases, another on Women's Diseases, another on Varicose Veins and Varicocele, another on the Heart, and a variety of leaflets. All or any of these will be sent you on request. You will be interested, and there is no cost except for a postal card. Address,



Department A,

Canadian Office, Windsor, Ont.



Since the publication of our article on Viavi in the August number, we have received numerous inquiries as to where detailed information may be obtained. A letter or card requesting descriptive pamphlet will receive careful attention if sent to Eastern Viavi Co., 1101-5 Trude Bldg., Chicago.

Query: I was advised to wear red flannel all of the time. The flannel fades and keeps my flesh red. I perspire so much that it is very disagreeable. I was informed that the flannel would absorb the moisture so that I would not be chilled when the air strikes me, but I cannot see that it does. I wish to take it off if it is not necessary to wear it. I also want to ask you some other questions.

1. As train oil will limber joints when used on leather, will it be helpful to stiff joints caused from pain?

2. Will an ointment made of pig's feet oil and camomile flowers be useful for stiff joints?

3. About what amount of water should 1 drink in a day?-M. A. R., Alabama.

Answer: Wear underclothes that are the most agreeable to you. I should think red

In writing to advertisers, please mention

Of all fabrics,

woolen would be intolerable.
woolen is the least calculated to absorb mois-
ture. Woolen is a non-conductor of heat, as
well as moisture. Cotton is the best. Some
recommend linen, but I gave it a trial and
believe cotton to be the best. In the winter
time a thin cotton undershirt with woolen
over it, if it is necessary, to keep warm. I
used to wear woolen and silk and various
other fabrics, but I have found nothing to
equal ordinary cotton underwear.

In reply to your other questions, I will
answer them as you have them enumerated.
1. I do not consider train oil any better
than any other fish oil.

2. Never heard of pig's feet oil and camomile flowers being used as you suggest, but should think they would be all right.

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The Greatest Absorbent Remedy of the Age.

The Philosophy of Absorption.

Every atom of the Human Body comes from the Earth, and is homogeneous with the Earth. There is a constant diffusion of the fluids of the body through the glands and this is called osmosis. If the exposed flesh of a healthy person, A, should be brought in contact with the poisoned flesh of a diseased person, B, the poison and disease will pass to the healthy person A and with probably fatal results. If a substance can be found of such a homogenous and active nature that it can take the place of the healthy subject A and draw out and absorb the disease and poison from the diseased subject B it would be the greatest triumph of Modern Science. Think what this would mean to humanity. The cure of disease by removing the cause. Invalids made well without taking poisonous drugs and without the tortures of the knife.

After years of patient investigation, this has all been accomplished and is within the reach of all in the

Wonderful Toxo-Absorbents.

(Poison Absorbers.)

A pure Virgin Mineral has been discovered with materials like the human body. It is found hundreds of feet below the surface. When warmed above the normal heat of the body, it has the power of drawing out and absorbing the germs and poisons which are the cause of disease and giving back the atoms which rebuild and restore the wasted tissues. The most wonderful cures are reported and whole communities are using this to the exclusion of drugs and operations. Hundreds of cases pronounced incurable have been promptly cured. The Toxo-Absorbent can be relied upon to do even more than is claimed for it and the most wonderful cures are reported every day. It is pronounced everywhere

The Greatest Miracle of Nature.

Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, Goiters and abnormal growths have yielded promptly to this treatment.
Appendicitis, Pneumonia, Peritonitis and all internal inflammations have been cured.

Scrofula, Erysipelas, Bone Diseases and all Blood Poisons have been treated with perfect success.
Throat and Lung Diseases and all Female Diseases have been among the most successful cases.
The Absorbents are adapted to reach every organ of the human body.

If life and health are dear to you, send for the free books on absorption.



Query No. 5: Do you believe that colonflushing would relieve me?

Answer: I doubt very much whether colonflushing would correct intestinal indigestion. In the first place, because the small intestines are sure to be involved, and are almost invariably involved much more than the colon. In the colon the fluid contents of the bowels gradually disappear, leaving a cheesy and hardened mass, which does not often create auto-intoxication. There are conditions of the colon, however, in which flushing is very salutary, but I feel sure that flushing the colon would not reach such a case as I judge yours to be. Colon-flushing at best can only reach the descending and transverse colon. The hepatic flexure of the colon is apparently greatly distended in your case, causing a fullness and tenderness of the right side, extending toward the middle of the abdomen.

Query No. 6: Is there any remedy which you can recommend for stomach and intestinal trouble?

Answer: I would place an appropriate diet at the head of the list of remedies. I have advocated buttermilk a great many years, and it is now coming into prominence, I am glad to say, as a preventive of bowel fermentation. A great many medicinal remedies are useful, no doubt. I have a tablet composed of pure lithia salts which I find applicable

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to some cases. I should place vocation as second on the list-a vocation that requires outdoor exercise every day, without causing too much fatigue, and exercises in which the mind is exercised as well as the body. The third in importance would be medicinal and other forms of treatment. I have no confidence in electricity in such cases. Drink more, breathe more, eat less. Every day eat raw vegetables, such as tomatoes, cabbage, onions, radishes, celery and the like.

Health Without Drugs.


This booklet is well worth reading. editor, Sophie Leppel, has done a great work in England and the United States by calling attention to a rational diet as a cure and prevention of disease in place of drugs. This booklet is published quarterly. Send for sample copy. Address 26 Clovelly Mansions, Gray Inn Road, London, W. C., England.

Osteopathy in a Nut Shell..

Dr. Goetz's Manual tells you how to cure all diseases WITHOUT DRUGS. This is one of the many indorsements received:

McLemoresville, Tenn. "Your Manual received, which I like very much. I can do anything that is laid down in the book, as it is so plain."-J. W. CARTER,

Our Prospectus and Sample Pages, free, tells you all about it. NATURE'S CURE CO., Dept. L., No. 118 East Liberty Street, Cincinnati, O.


Query: My little boy had a very bad cold last week, was stopped up with his breathing, and has a cough. I would like to know what would be a good cough syrup, for him.-Mrs. R. K., Ohio.

Answer: A good cough syrup for your little boy can be made by putting two fresh eggs into a pint of strong vinegar, and letting them remain there until the vinegar has dissolved the shell entirely. Then beat up the eggs in the vinegar, and add one pint of water and one pound of loaf sugar. Before you add the water or sugar, you had better strain the vinegar and eggs, so as to get out the white membrane next to the shell. This will make an excellent cough syrup. It is perfectly harmless, and is nourishing to his nervous system. The dose is one teaspoonful, which may be given midway between meals and at bedtime. Another dose can be given in the night, if he should be troubled with coughing.

Send For Our



Query: Has a doctor any right by law to enter a home and vaccinate children without the consent of parents? If a law, when was such a law enacted?-Mr. M. A., Ohio.

Answer: No, a doctor has no right to enter a home to vaccinate children without the consent of the parents. There never was such a law, but the doctors do not need laws always to warrant them in doing things. They have been in the habit of riding over the people so long that they think they can do anything they choose. Once in a good while they strike a man they cannot scare, then tl.ey back down. If you keep your children out of school there is no law compelling you to have them vaccinated.

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In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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