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patient takes to the drug store and perhaps pays a dollar again for the medicine. It is safe to say that the average patient applying to the doctor and purchasing his medicine involves an expense of at least two dollars, oftener much greater than this.

In case of patent medicine, however, the patient goes to the drug store, sees this medicine for one dollar or less with directions for use, and the chances of its helping him are certainly as great as if he had applied to the physician. Many of the patent medicines are excellent remedies. Their formulas were devised by the very best medical authorities and they are made of the purest drug materials.

Even if the patent medicine men were not guided by moral scruples, still it would be to their interest to have good formulas and to use good drugs. It does not cost any more to have a good formula, to make a good compound, nor does it cost any more to carefully select the drugs, than it would to make a compound from a poor formula and of inferior drugs. Business instincts alone would guide the patent medicine men to make their remedies as useful as possible. As a rule I believe they do.

I am not advocating patent medicines for my readers at all. Neither am I advocating any other medicine. Right living will do away mostly with the need of medicines. As far as possible this Journal is devoted to the prevention of disease and the advocacy of some other remedies than drugs. That does not hinder me from speaking the truth as I see it concerning patent medicine. I honestly believe there have been as many cures made in chronic diseases by patent medicines as with the medicines prescribed by the physician. Perhaps more.

At the same time the patent medicine man is selling his products, many of them at least, are conducting an extensive correspondence and furnishing wagon-loads of literature that will do a great deal of good in making the common people familiar with many useful facts concerning health and dis


Any doctor who condemns patent medicines without any discrimination is either woefully ignorant of the patent medicine business, or else he has allowed his feelings to destroy his veracity, like other men. Patent medicines are good and bad-honest and dishonest. I presume if the truth were known there are as many honest patent medicine men as there are in other classes.

Some day civilization is going to advance to that place where patent medicine will not be needed. No doubt of that. I shall certainly do all I can to hasten that day. But, in the meantime, if the people must have medicine, there is no reason in the world why they should not use those medicines known as patent medicines. They are just as safe and just as effective in my opinion as the medicine they would receive if they applied to a regular physician.


Trall and His Teachings.

By SUSANNA W. DODDS, M. D. IN MOST works on theory and practice, the drugs prescribed for the sick are said to "act" SO and so; whereas, Trall taught that drugs (dead matter) cannot act upon the living organism, but are always acted upon by the vital powers. To illustrate: Even a wholesome article of diet, as bread, if taken into the stomach, does not act upon it. On the contrary, the stomach and other organs act upon the food; the digestive fluids are thrown out by the gastric follicles, and the food is changed in character before it is taken up by the absorbents, and appropriated by the tissues. The action is not on the part of the bread, but of the organs concerned in digestion.

But suppose a drug medicine has been swallowed; where does the action begin, and what is the nature of


There is vital resistance at the very outset-organic war. This takes place in order to expel the offending thing. If the drug is an emetic, the action of the stomach will be reversed,

and vomiting will occur. of the quickest and safest rid of a poison.

The Futile Action of Drugs.

This is one ways to get

If a cathartic has been administered, the vital warfare is shown differently; the drug is carried into the intestinal tract, abnormal peristaltic action begins, and the intruder is thrust out of

the vital domain. Where the medicine

is a diaphoretic it is conveyed into the general circulation, and afterward thrown out by the skin. But if a diuretic is taken, the poison after entering the blood is eliminated by the action of the kidneys.

It will be seen, therefore, that the manner of expulsion will depend very largely upon the nature of the drug; some medicines are best handled by one organ or set of organs, and some by another. Not only so, there are poisons so deadly in their nature, that if taken in considerable quantity, not one of the depurators, nor all combined, will be able to handle them suc

cessfully. Such drugs are the opiates. These, if taken in any considerable amount, will deaden the sensibilities of the nervous system. Often they kill as by a shock. Their very presence in the system is destructive, and many a life has been sacrificed by their use. They have well been called the nerve paralyzers, or life destroyers.

The language employed in medical books, is often at variance with Trall's teachings. For example, most writers speak of the "physiological action" of a particular drug. Trall assured us that such a thing is impossible; that when a drug is administered, the action is not only on the part of the living organism, but it is pathological in its nature. The system will do its best to get rid of the drug. If the effort is successful, the principal harm done will be in using up a certain amount of vital force. If unsuccessful, not only is vitality lost and time wasted, but the life of the patient may be imperiled. This dabbling with drugs is not an innocent pastime; many a patient, though


he escapes with his life, may be a great sufferer for years to come.

The writer of these pages became an early victim of drug medication. My mother said that before I was two years old, I had taken calomel enough to kill a horse, which ruined a naturally fine constitution. Pray, how many of my readers have had a similar experience? But an inheritance of good vitality will often accomplish much. For more than fifty years I have not swallowed a single dose of drugs; and in all that time, my health on the whole has been better than before, when I was taking medicine for every little ailment.

The beauty of Trall's teachings, in what he termed the true healing art, was that he showed the people the best methods of preserving health, as well as how to retain it when lost. First of all, he explained what is meant by good health. It is that condition in which there is complete balance. of vital function. Every organ is doing its legitimate work; no more, and no less. It is by crippling a bodily function, in the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, that the balance of vital action is lost; some other organ must do a part of the work which they are unable to perform. What is called the "normal play of all the functions," is simply another name for perfect health.


The True Science of Living.

HE above title surely is an impressive one for a new book in this day and age of the world. As a Nation, we are successful in everything except the science of true living. We need exactly what this book professes to bring, a new gospel of health!

Who has not heard of Edward Booker Dewey, M. D.! His name is known as far as the English language is spoken. He is the author of the book which we are talking about. It is published by Chas. C. Haskell & Co, and we can supply it. It is a book that must be read carefully and thought

fully-not ony read, but studied in some places. A book of reference. A gold mine of information.

Surrounded as we are, by an artificial environment by the work of man, nothing can be studied out in its natural condition-every one is certainly in need of a guide as to what to do and what not to do.

In the introduction of the book, which has been written by Rev. Geo. F. Pentecost, the following testimonial is found: "I am but a layman in the medical science, and so do not pretend to discuss the subject professionally, but as a grateful patient, I am desirous of testifying to the benefits I have received from following Dr. Dewey's method of 'right living."

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This is but a specimen of the multitude of testimonials from men in all walks of life from the benefit received in reading Dr. Dewey's great book. I want my readers to know about the book. I want them to buy it and read it and govern their lives by it. I know that in doing this every one will be much more benefited than as if I had the means of presenting each one of my readers with a thousand dollar bill.



The book entitled "Dr. Talkwell's Sketches," is written in language easily comprehended by the average reader. It gives some of the author's experiences which come to him by associating with the so-called lower classes. ..Cloth bound, 60c; paper, 32c "The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac,"is a book that undertakes to bring to the reader in plain language the claims of modern astrology..... ...12c

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The book entitled "The Girl and Her Mother," contains twenty-five articles devoted to talks with girls. This is interesting to every young girl..... 25c Every young man should send for a copy of the booklet "A Plain Talk to Young Men". ..12c

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Rich blood, healthy flesh, strong nerves, gives the bright eye, ruddy cheek, clear brain, the form and curves of beauty to the angular and restores to the pale and nervous, the bloom and vigor of youth, beauty and gracefulness.

Why is Alfalfa such a Blood, Flesh and Strength Maker? Because it counteracts the acidity of the stomach, aiding the digestion of the sugars, fats and starchy foods-the constituents that give to the system that rich red blood and flesh-which is life, vitality, health and strength, without which life is not worth living. Alfalfa-Nutrient is No Patent Medicine but a purely vegetable compound-as necessary to perfect physical health as food itself. Contains no Drugs, Opiates, Narcotics or injurious ingredients of any description. Composed of the famous health-giving Alfalfa Plant and rare Oriental Herbs and is guaranteed under the U. S. Pure Food and Drug Act.


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Cures such diseases as Anemia, Indigestion, Constipation, Catarrh, Loss of Appetite, Weak Circulation, Sleeplessness, Nerve Depressions, All Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles, Malaria, Rheumatism, Locomotor Ataxia and all Blood and Nerve diseases

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Sent postpaid $1 per box (1 month's treatment) 6 boxes $5
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AGENTS WANTED:-High Class Agents are making big money handling our preparations exclusively. Write for our special agent proposition and secure territory before it is too late.




A Grateful Invalid.

By P. N. GILBERT, Coalville, Alabama.


Will you allow me a few words in our most valuable Journal to offer my sincere thanks to the many kind readers who have so liberally responded to my letter in the September Columbus Medical Journal for reading matter. I could not have made a better selection. I received several very interesting letters from different parts of the


Superfluous Flesh Removed.

Are You Too Thin?

For only 15 minutes a day's practice in your own room upon special directions that I will give, you can be round, plump, wholesome, rested and attractive. Nature intended you to be-why should you not? A pupil who was thin writes me:

"I just can't tell you how happy I am! I wore low neck and short sleeves the other night and I was so proud of my neck and arms! My busts are rounded out and I have gained 28 pounds; it has come just where I wanted it and I carry myself like another woman. My old dresses look stylish on me now. You remember I have not been constipated since my second lesson and I had taken something for years. I guess my stomach must be stronger too, for I sleep like a baby and my nerves are so rested. I feel as if I had missed so much enjoyment in life, for I never did have such good times before. I feel so well all the time."

I have built up thou sands of women-why not you? You will be so much better satisfied with yourself and more attractive to your friends.

I will cheerfully tell you about my work, and if I cannot help your particular case I will tell you so. My information and advice are entirely free.

SUSANNA COCROFT Department Y 57 Washington Street, CHICAGO Note: Miss Cocroft's name stands for progress in the scientific care of the health and figure of woman.

For the Teeth.


By FREDERICK N. SEITZ, Mechano-Therapy Specialist, Albany, N. Y.

I herewith give the readers of The Columbus Medical Journal a recipe for teeth cleaning, which is better than all to be had in the drug stores. It is cheap and efficacious. One ounce of powdered charcoal, two ounces of powdered chalk. This mixed well together gives a dark gray powder, which I used for myself for many years with excellent success.

Carbon and calcium are important constituents of our body, therefore a little being swallowed it will do no harm at all and it keeps the teeth in unsurpassed condition. In case some people find the powder a little too dark, they may take three ounces of chalk instead of two.

[blocks in formation]

.country. It has given me a great feast of good reading. Some have not the name of the sender, but I appreciate it all the same. One lot has these words written above the address: "From a Shut-in." I would have been glad to know who sent this, as I am on the Shut-in list myself; it was very interesting to me. It all helps me to pass away the dreary hours while I sit here in my country home racked with pain and soreness.

Should an one fail to get a letter of acknowledgment, it is an oversight and not intentional. The Columbus Medical Journal must have a large circulation, as I have received mail from New York to California and from Canada to Florida, and yet its circulation is not as broad as its teachings. Many thanks to The Columbus Medical Journal and the people for their kindness.

The Homeopathic Doctor.

If these lines should happen to catch the eye of a Homeopathic doctor, who believes in Homeopathy, who has graduated from a reputable Homeopathic college, who is either legally qualified, or can easily do so, to practice medicine in the State of Ohio, and if in addition to all these things he is seeking a good location to practice Homeopathy in a large inland city, write the editor of this Journal.

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In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.


these powders thoroughly, then stir slowly into the first.

When used on a dry surface dilute with olive oil or listerine. This has cured the worst case of varicose ulcer.

Medical Politics.

A Cincinnati telegram to the Washington Star says:

"Cincinnati, December 27.-The medical side of the navy controversy has received the commendation of the legislative committee of the American Medical Association. Dr. Charles A. L. Reed, chairman of that committee, to-day sent the following telegram to Surgeon General P. M. Rixey at Washington: 'Your demand and the President's order giving the medical corps of the navy actual control where it has actual responsibility, commands grateful approval by the 140,000 physicians of the United States.'

"When Dr. Reed heard of Rear Admiral Brownson's resignation and the supposed reason for its presentation he wrote a telegram to President Roosevelt commending in the name of the American Medical Association the President's stand. It is a great achievement for the medical fraternity."

Where and how does the American Medical Association get the power to make such a demand on the President of the United States and have it complied with? What is the condition when the President, complying with such a demand, is graciously commended for complying with it by the power which made the demand?


In Hot Springs the government and doctors, supporters of the ethics of the American Medical Association, join to protect (?) the bathing public. * * If the bather innocently employs non-ethical doctor and the detective employed by the ethical doctors catches him, the government denies the baths to the bather until he gets an ethical doctor; and he gets no money back from the non-ethical doctor. Made an accessory to a gross offense (?) the bather often becomes frightened and leaves the town at once, fearing personal entanglement. If a syphilitic, he takes his disease with him to infect other people at home. Thus the ethical doctors and the government combine to protect the bather here and promote the "public health" elsewhere.

Here is a concrete example of the manner in which the ethics of the American Medi


DIVINE HEALING. Present or absent treatments. Persons who desire absent treatment can write or telegraph for fuller particulars-1418 Euclid Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 'Phone, West 221. (Mention The Columbus Medical Journal.)


GREAT GENEVA REMEDY Guaranteed CURE for CATARRH, HAYFEVER, Asthma, Bronchitis, Early Cosumption, Deafness, Colds, and all diseases of the Head, Throat and Lungs. Write today for descriptive Booklet and proof from thou sands cured. Address Dept. C. NATIONAL INSPIRATOR Co. 427 E. 63RD ST. CHICAGO, ILL



During this month I will give to every reader of this Journal who will take advantage of this opportunity a complete course in Natural Healing. course covers Magnetic Healing, Hypnotic Suggestion, Muscular Control, Mind Reading, etc. It covers the subject fully and is easy to understand and put into practical use. Many have paid $100.00 for similar instructions. It represents the condensed experience of years and will be given to you absolutely free. Master the course and you will be able to go forth as a Natural Healer, healing diseases after the doctors have failed. This course explains the Why and the How. This is the offer of a life time. Write at once for particulars. If you enclose a stamp I will at the same time send you a 16 page pamphlet "The Folly of Meat Eating". Interesting to say the least.

I. W. Long, No. 24, London, O.

cal Association work out in practice and protect and have for years protected the American people.-Ex.


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