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Health Inspection Work," the well-known member of the medical fraternity struck out straight from the shoulder and the local health boards of the state came in for a most scathing criticism.

He maintained that no more than half the men who composed health boards were even physicians, but men with local political pull, who were seeking to serve a few interests rather than the interests of the whole town.

"It is for this reason," he said, "little pale-faced, hollow-chested children are slaving ten hours a day in ill-ventilated factories, contracting consumption, which later spreads through a whole district, causing suffering and misery. I say, with a vigilant board of health alive to its responsibilities, these evils would be corrected."-The Boston Journal, June 10, '08.

Being Good.

Some people imagine they are good simply because they have quit doing bad things. Quitting bad things is not the way to be good. Being good is the doing of good things. One who is busy doing good things does not have to quit doing bad things. Such a one has no time for bad things. The world is not in need of more quitters. but it is in need of more doers of good. Being good is not the same as being good for nothing. Good for something-. that's the way to be good. To be content with doing nothing bad is only to make a goody-goody of one's self. If one's life is full of good works he does not need to spend any energy in resisting bad influences. Overcome evil with good. Evil cannot be overcome by quitting.

Vaccination Causes Death.

THE NEW YORK PRESS, New York City, Oct. 5, '08. Impure virus used in the vaccination of little Edna Stadtmuller, five years old, it was learned yesterday, caused her death on Saturday morning in the German Hospital, Brooklyn. The child died from lockjaw. She was a daughter of George Stadtmuller, a jeweler in No. 1179 Broadway, Brooklyn, who lives in No. 23 Academy Avenue, Rockaway. The child was hurried to the hospital at midnight on Friday, but the physicians could not save her life. She was in a coma when she arrived at the institution and never regained consciousness.

The vaccination of the child was in pur



We have received several inquiries for this book and announce that we supply it in cloth, 1052 pages, by express for $1.25 or with THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL one year for $2.25. If Morocco binding is desired the price will be $1.50 and $2.50 respectively.


suance of a rule of the Board of Health requiring all children to be vaccinated before they are permitted to enroll in the schools. The little girl was vaccinated early last week and showed no ill effects from the virus until she returned from school on Friday night. Her mother noticed she acted queerly, but thought the child was playing pranks. When her mother chided her she said:


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Any person who purchases this book and adopts its teaching and follows it for one month, and is not entirely satisfied with the improvements in his health, may return the book and the price will be refunded.

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A Powder that Kills Parasites.

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To Make and Maintain Hygiene and Bodily Cleanliness

Painstaking Doctors whose Experience and Skill are Recognized as the consulting medical specialist are frequently called upon to exercise judgment in the selection of antiseptics, whether for the treatment of Catarrhal and infected conditions of the Mucous Membranes, or Prickly Heat, Poison Oak, Ulcers, Tender Feet, Offensive Perspiration, etc.

It is, therefore, quite natural that under such circumstances they would be anxious to select a safe, reliable, and non-poisonous antiseptic, the use of which would reflect credit upon their experience and judgment.

In selecting Tyree's Antiseptic Powder, they will merit the commendation of both the patient and nurse, as Tyree's Powder is of the greatest value, yet is free from all the objections found in other antiseptics.

Exhaustive chemical and bacteriological analysis together with a sample of Tyree's Powder will be sent free upon request.

Tyree's Antiseptic Powder is put up in 25-cent and One Dollar Packages. TAKE NONE BUT TYREE'S.

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the mouth before it is swallowed.

Query: Would you kindly advise through your Journal what is the best way to J. S. TYREE, cure or help stomach trouble? Doctors call it nervous indigestion, and also nervous trouble; have had stomach trouble after having typhoid fever fifteen years ago, and five years ago had nervous prostration and gastric fever, so you see I am a total wreck. I am thirty-nine years old, weigh My about one hundred pounds, usually. trouble is mostly the formation of gas and my food does not digest, it ferments and causes great suffering in stomach. pressing on the heart, and also at times through my chest. One doctor diagnosed it as gas of the nerves. Medicine does not seem help me, so take just as little as I can.


Do you think Christian Science could help any one? Kindly advise what you think would in any way help me.

Do you think Horsford's Acid Phosphate harmful in any way?-C. H.

Answer: The above letter came to me without any signature and an answer was expected through The Columbus Medical Journal. It will be impossible to answer such a letter satisfactorily. Details would have to be brought out by continued correspondence or personal examination. The first thing I would be inclined to say about the matter with my present knowledge of the case would be a change of vocation and change of surroundings so that an entirely new environment would be the result.

The next thing is in regard to eating. Each meal should be taken with deliberation, and each mouthful of food chewed so thoroughly that it becomes a semi-fluid in

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Be in the sunshine as much as possible, taking physical exercise. Quit talking About disease and cures, rely upon Nature wholly for cure. To this advice of course ould be added some useful remedies, which might be recommended from time to time, upon closer acquaintance with the patient.

Horsford's Acid Phosphate is not specially harmful, and in some cases it is considered good.

As to Christian Science, I would not be a competent adviser. A great many similar cases have doubtless been cured by Christian Science. If any one is thoroughly convinced of the truths of Christian Science,


A new book on the New Life Healing Movement of which 1200 copies were sold before it came from the press. Indited to people who are seeking to improve in the art of living well. The book contains over 500 pages and the regular price in cloth is stated at $5.00. We will send it with the COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL one year for $3.00 cash with order, or with the JOURNAL three years for $4.50 postage prepaid in United States.



good results will follow in almost any case, but Christian Science is not something that can be bought as an ordinary remedy is purchased. It is a faith, a belief, a religion, and unless a person can seriously adopt it in genuine conversion to its teachings, I should think it would be of very little use as a remedy. I would not, however, discourage any one in attempting to adopt the teachings of Christian Science, for it is a cult that has done altogether too much good in the world for me to become one of its persecutors. While I am not a Christian Scientist, I have profound respect for many of the people who advocate it, and I am extremely thankful for the good its teachings have done in this generation.

To be happy when everything goes right, does not require a very big soul; but to be happy when everything goes wrong, requires indeed a big soul. When a person meets such things courageously, that person converts the trials of life into triumphs.

Humane Research.

A sounding name does not always mean a sound conception. This seems to be illustrated in the newly-formed "American Society for Humane Medical Research." Its objects are thus described in the charter: "The conducting, promotion and fostering of clinical and laboratory research and studies in the medical sciences, the maintenance of chemical, physiological, physical and biological laboratories, a bureau of statistics, a library, a dispensary and a hospital, the same to be prosecuted. fostered and sustained exclusively without the infliction or entailment of injury or suffering to man or other vertebrate animals."




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Apart from other and more important matters it would be pleasant to know how a

hospital can be conducted without the occa

sional infliction of pain on patients. There are other cases of indefiniteness that are serious; this is merely funny.-HARTFORD TIMES, Oct. 6, 1908.

The Open Road Ghe Open Road



A sane, sweet-toned little Magazinelet of Faith.

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For workers and thinkers only. Devoted to the philosophy of
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The Open Road and Columbus Medical Journal sent one year for $1.10



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Dr. Jos. Holt, of New Orleans, Ex-President of the State Board of Health of Louisiana, says: "Ihave prescribed BUFFALO LITHIA WATER in affections of the kidneys and urinary passages, particularly in Gouty subjects, in Albuminuria, and in irritable condition of the Bladder and Urethra in females. The results satisfy me of its extraordinary value in a large class of cases most difficult to treat."

Dr. George Ben Johnston, Richmond, Va., Ex-President Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association, Ex-President Medical Society of Virginia, and Professor of Gynecological and Abdominal Surgery, Medical College of Virginia: "It is an agent of great value in the treatment of the Albuminuria of Pregnancy."

T. Griswold Comstock, A. M., M. D., St. Louis, Mo., says: "I have made use of BUFFALO LITHIA WATER in Gynecological practice, in women suffering from acute Uræmic conditions, with results, to say the least, very favorable."

Dr. J. T. Davidson, New Orleans, La., Ex-President New Orleans Surgical and Medical Association, says: "I have for several years prescribed BUFFALO LITHIA WATER in all cases of Scarlet Fever, directing it to be drunk ad libitum, with the effect of relieving all traces of Albumin, in the urine, and have found it equally efficacious in renal diseases requiring the use of alkaline water."

Medical Testimony on Request. BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS WATER

American Medical Association. Query: I have read with interest your articles warning the people of what the American Medical Association is seeking to do through political intriguery. On the other hand, is it not also necessary for the "protection of the people" (especially their pocket books), that sophistry be not used in the advertisement of various things found in all kinds of journals? The greater evil should be corrected, but let us not discriminate too largely between the greater and the lesser evils that are held out as inducements to catch the unwise.-Mrs. M. C. M.; Indiana.

Answer: I agree with you that people should be protected from fraud, that fraudulent advertisements, fraudulent doctors, should not be allowed to practice. We already have laws against fraud, and they should be rigidly enforced.

But the trouble is, that the doctors do not want the laws enforced against themselves. They wish to preserve the medical profession from the consequences of malpractice and mistakes, and then outlaw all other doctors who are practicing harmless modes of healing, in which no drugs or surgery are used. This is not for the protection of the people, but for the protection of themselves.

If there were even more stringent laws against fraud I should not object. Then if such laws were enforced against every one, whether they had diplomas or not, I should

In writing to advertisers, please mention

For Sale by Druggists generally.
CO., Buffalo Lithia Springs, Virginia

[blocks in formation]

Query: What effect would the hop tonic have on the menses? Would the gin affect the kidneys in any way?-W. E. M, Texas.

Answer: If the hop tonic had any effect on the menses it would be to stimulate them, make them more prompt and the period of the menses shorter, and a little more profuse.

The effect of the gin on the kidneys is also a slight stimulant. It would operate as a palliative against formation of red sediment in the urine and scanty and highcolored urine. It is a palliative, however, and except in old people who are in constant need of such a remedy I would not advise it to be continued longer than a month. The hop tonic will increase the appetite and tone up the whole system, and quiet the nervous system without producing a drug effect. It ought to make the patient sleep better and be less irritable. THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Campho-Phénique Powder



Campho-Phénique has no equal as a dry dressing for open wounds. It has all the good properties of iodoform and a very pleasant odor. We have on file testimonials from our leading physicians, all full of praise for this wonderful antisepAs a finishing dressing, Campho-Phénique has given most excellent results.

Campho-Phénique Liquid


Dr. B. W. Clark, St. Louis, Mo., writes:- "Some time since, a patient visiting Chicago, sprained her ankle. She had it treated, and not getting the results she expected after three days, she sent for me. I applied the usual Campho-Phénique treatment, and gave her immediate relief. She returned to St. Louis in a few days, and under Campho-Phénique Liquid-massage was soon completely healed.'

After January 1, 1906, C-P. Liquid will be placed on the market in 25c 1-oz. containers, thus enabling physicians to get the genuine article in small quantities.



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THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL sent one year for $1.50 cash and you may select $1.00 worth of any of above books FREE and postpaid. For each additional subscription and $1.50 you may select another Dollar's worth of books free and postpaid. The two volumes of "Bilz'" sent prepaid with one year's subscription to THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL for $5.00 cash with order.

The Columbus Medical Journal


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