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Medical Opinions of Buffalo Lithia Water

Geo. Ben. Johnston, M. D., LL. D., Prof. Gynecology and Abdominal Surgery, University of Virginia, Ex. Pres. Southern Surgical and Gynecological Assn., Ex. Pres. Virginia Medical Society and Surgeon Memorial Hospital, Richmond, Va.: "Almost any case of Pyelitis and Cystitis will be alleviated by it, and many cured."

Dr. Lewis Bosher, Richmond, Va., Professor of Surgery, Medical College of Virginia: "I have frequently used BUFFALO LITHIA WATER with the most satisfactory results in all conditions where an active diuretic is indicated, and have found it especially serviceable in Rheumatic and Gouty Conditions, Albuminuria of Pregnancy, Catarrh of the Bladder and other diseases affecting the urinary organs.

Dr. Stuart McGuire, Richmond, Va., Surgeon in charge of St. Luke's Home, Professor of Principles of Surgery, and of Clinical Surgery, University College of Medicine, Richmond, Va., etc.: "In cases of headache from lithæmia, of headache from passive congestion of the kidneys, of strangury from concentrated urine, and a host of other ills, I always advise BUFFALO LITHIA WATER.”

Additional Testimony Proprietor, Buffalo Lithia Springs, VIRGINIA

Book Reviews


McClure's has gone up in quality as well as in price. "The Needs of Our Navy," by Henry Reuterdahl, gives some staggering facts about our battle-ships, and our preparation for war. "Great American Fortunes," by Burton J. Hendrick, sums up the history of the Metropolitan Street Railway and its effects on the public. "One Man and His Town," by Marion H. Carter, is an account of a man who practically grew a town and gives some new and amusing first-hand anecdotes of the greatest American. There is a discussion of the relation of Hypnotism to crime and disease by Professor Munsterberg. John L. Farge, America's foremost artist, begins a series of "One Hundred Masterpieces of Painting," and Ellen Terry, continuing her Memoirs, tells "What Henry Irving Did for the English Stage." Mary Stewart Cutting's new serial, “The Wayfarers," which has been most favorably received, runs into the second installment. There is plenty of good short fiction-"The Elopement," by Fielding Ball; The ColorBearers," a new Ezekiel story by Lucy Pratt; "The Commodore," a touching child story for grow-ups, by Anna E. Finn and "South of the Line," a story of adventure in the South Seas. Rosalie M. Jonas contributes a poem, "A Sermon in Black and White," and Louise Imogen Guiney, "His Angel to His Mother." The cover design is by Leyendecker, and Alice Barber Stephens, Eric Pape and Frederick

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The "Anatomy" is in second edition, three thousand copies having been sold in one year. The volume "Histology and Bacteriology" contains as much text as the average larger work on this subject.

These books are thorough abstracts of standard text-books, being "compends," "epitomies," "essentials," etc., but are in a much more condensed form, and convenient, too.

Price $1.00 per volume, except "Emergencies," which has been reduced to 50 cents net. Medical Abstract Publishing Company, 219 Sixth street, Pittsburg, Pa.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

The Columbus Medical Journal



(Inflammation's Antidote.)



Apply over the thoracic walls, front, sides and back, and cover with a cotton-lined cheesecloth jacket, as shown in the illustration.


Apply over and beyond the sterno clavicular region. If a dressing is put on when symptoms of bronchial irritation first appear, a serious development may be prevented.


Apply over and well beyond the boundaries of the inflammation. In all cases Antiphlogistine must be applied at least inch thick, as hot as the patient can bear comfortably and be covered with a plentiful supply of absorbent cotton and a bandage.

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Campho-Phénique Powder



Campho-Phénique has no equal as a dry dressing for open wounds. It has all
the good properties of iodoform and a very pleasant odor. We have on file testi-
monials from our leading physicians, all full of praise for this wonderful antisep-
tic. As a finishing dressing, Campho-Phénique has given most excellent results.

Campho-Phenique Liquid


Dr. B. W. Clark, St. Louis, Mo., writes:- "Some time since, a patient
visiting Chicago, sprained her ankle. She had it treated, and not getting the
results she expected after three days, she sent for me. I applied the usual
Campho-Phénique treatment, and gave her immediate relief. She returned to
St. Louis in a few days, and under Campho-Phénique Liquid-massage was
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After January 1, 1906, C-P. Liquid will be placed on the market in 25c 1-oz. containers, thus
enabling physicians to get the genuine article in small quantities.



William Wood & Company, Publishers, New York, have just published the Sixth Revised Edition of KIRKS' HANDBOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY, edited by Dr. Charles W. Greene, Professor of Physiology in the University of Missouri. In this revision the constant effort has been to increase the strictly physiological subject matter of the volume, and to reduce the anatomical and histological discussions to the minimum required for the presentation of the physiology. Many of the older illustrations of structure have been dropped, and newer ones have taken their places. A large number of new physiological illustrations have been introduced. These have been chosen to illustrate such typical reactions as should be made the foundation of a modern lecture and laboratory course in physiology.

Several of the chapters have been entirely re-written, especially the chapters on the Blood, Circulation, Respiration and the Nervous System. Every chapter has been reorganized, and sections entirely re-written. The material has been chosen with a view to presenting a student's handbook. The facts of recent research have been incorporated, and the newer explanations of physiological processes have been utilized, wherever possible. It has not been the aim of either the reviser or of the publishers to present an encyclopedia

of physiology or a text-book for the investigator, but rather to perfect the volume as a with the present rapid advances of medical medical student's manual which shall keep pace education.

The student's need is especially recognized by the incorporation of detailed directions for a course of laboratory experiments. The experiments chosen are representative, rather than exhaustive. They include the classical experiments which should be a part of the experience of every student-without which he cannot hope to become proficient in the science of physiology.

There is abundant evidence that no effort or expense has been spared to present a volume that shall continue to deserve the generous support that the HANDBOOK has received at the hands of the American Medical Profession.

THE FRUIT OF THE TREE, By Edith Wharton.
Chas. Scribner's Sons, 153 Fifth Avenue,
New York, 1907.

This book has incited a certain degree of comment among the medical profession and is medical fiction with a moral. It is well worth the perusal of the layman student of such topics. It has much helpful matter in it for the general reader.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Recent Medical Books

PROGRESSIVE MEDICINE, Vols. III. and IV. September and December, 1907. Quarterly Digests of Advances, Discoveries and Improvements in the Medical and Surgical Sciences. Edited by Hobart Amory Hare, M. D., Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. Octavo, 290 pages, with 15 engravings. Per annum, in four cloth-bound volumes, $9.00; in paper binding, $6.00, carriage paid to any address. Lea Brothers & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia and New York.

This excellent publication is valuable to the up-to-date physician and surgeon, as it contains the last word of the year on Medicine and Surgery.


By A.

F. Stephens,. M. D., Prof. of Medical Gynecology in the American Medical College, St. Louis, Mo. 12mo, 428 pp. Fully illustrated. Cloth, $3.00. The Scudder Brothers Co., Publishers, Cincinnati, Ohio.



This volume is a valuable addition to the list of publications of this house. It is written up to the standard of the eclectic specialist. A TEXT-BOOK OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE By James M. Anders, M. D., Ph. D., LL. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and of Clinical Medicine, MedicoChirurgical College, Philadelphia. Eighth Revised Edition. Octavo of 1317 pages, fully illustrated. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia and London, 1907. Cloth, $5.50 net; Half Morocco, $7.00 net.

This book is not a survival but a growth. It is only two years since its last revision took place, so one will note that it certainly has a sale. It has been revised and modernized as to terminology and the metric system introduced in the formulae. The text is sharn of verbosity and the mechanical appearance of the pages is business-like or encyclopaedic, covering the field of therapeutics very fully.


Post Graduate Medical Department Tulane University of Louisiana.
Twenty-first Annual Session open November 4th, 1907, and closes May 23, 1908.

Physicians will find the Polyclinic an excellent means for posting themselves upon modern progress in all branches of medicine and surgery. The specialties are fully taught, including laboratory and cadaveric work. For further information, address: NEW ORLEANS POLYCLINIC, POSTOFFICE New Orleans, La.

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A Private Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders, Opium Habit, Inebriety, Etc.
Thirty four years successful operation. Thoroughly rebuilt, remodeled, enlarged
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delightful. Appliances complete. Charges reasonable. Electric cars from Fountain
Square, Cincinnati, to Sanitarium entrance. Long Distance Telephone Park 135.

Dr. F. W. LANGDON, Medical Director; B, A. WILLIAMS and C. B. ROGERS, Resident

For particulars, Aderess THE CINCINNATI SANITARIUM or P. O. BOX No. 4.


In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Western Pennsylvania Medical College


Sessions of 1907-1908-Twenty-Second Year

Medical Department of the Western University of Pennsylvania.

Graded Courses of eight months. Commencing September 25, 1907. Four years required. Instruction practical. Superior clinical advantages offered students. College and Clinic buildings commodious. Extensive Laboratories and Apparatus. Hospital Medical Clinics and Ward bedside Clinics, Surgical and Medical, Operating, and Maternity, and Dispensary and Out-door Clinics daily. Laboratory work continuous. Quizzes regular.

For particulars address, PROF. J. C. Lange, M. D., Dean, Hotel Annex, Pittsburg, Pa., or Dr. W. J. ASDALE, Sec'y Board of Trustees, 5523 Ellsworth Avenue, E. E., Pittsburg, Pa.

THE PANCREAS: ITS SURGERY AND PATHOLOGY. By A. W. Mayo Robson, D. Sc. (Leeds) F. R. C. S. (Eng.) of London, and P. J. Cammidge, M. D. (Eng.) D. P. H. (Camb.) of London. 546 pages, fully illustrated. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia and London, 1907.

Prior to the work of Lister the knowledge of the physiology, pathology and surgery of the pancreas was very limited, since all that was known was inferred from clinical observation, and by an occasional accidental experiment on the living subject. The complex part that the pancreas plays in the physiology of the body remained unsuspected, and the descriptions of the disease to which it is liable were confined to a few lines on malignant disease, cysts and calculi. Fortunately under the impetus given to modern medicine by the work of Lister our knowledge of the pancreas has taken a larger range, and in the book before us we find epitomized, as it were, all that is known at present of its anatomy, its physiology, its surgery and its pathology. This is an extremely interesting one, as one might suspect coming from such authors as Mayo Robson and Cammidge. It is clearly written and is practical in every way, and is deserving of the careful consideration of the profession. After taking up the anatomical analysis of the pancreas, its histology, its physiology and its pathology, the authors take up the diagnosis of its diseases. First of all to be considered is Fat Necrosis. Following this is the consideration of Diabetes which Bouchardat in 1875 described as due to pancreatic disease. This article is a very complete and interesting one. Then follow the general symptoms and diseases of the pancreas, making the book a complete one, full of practical suggestions, and of value to anyone interested in pancreatic diseases. The work is practical and of value.


Its Use and Dangers as Affecting Heredity and Morals.

(Second Edition.)

THE SEXUAL INSTINCT. Its Use and Dangers as Affecting Heredity and Morals. Second Edition. By James Foster Scott, A. B. (Yale), M. D., C. M. (Edinburgh). Late Obstetrician to Columbia Hospital for Women, and Lying-in Asylum, Washington, D. C.; late Vice-President of the Medical Association of the District of Columbia, etc., etc. Revised and enlarged. 8vo. 474 pages, Ill., cloth, postpaid, $2.00. E. B. Treat & Co., Publishers, 241-243 West Twenty-third street, New York.

The subject is handled fearlessly and in a straightforward manner, which must appeal to

all lovers of truth. Those who have to do with the rearing of children, whether in the capacity of parent, teacher, or physician, will find much to aid and encourage them in dealing with the delicate matters relating to sexual life. The author clearly appreciates the necessity for greater attention being paid to this subject, and decries the false modesty which has for ages retarded the growth and development of scientific knowledge pertaining to it. If read in the proper spirit and its teachings followed, the book is capable of accomplishing a vast amount of good. It can be considered a properly written book for either physician or lay reader.

DISEASES OF THE GENITO-URINARY ORGANS AND THE KIDNEYS. By Robert H. Greene, M. D., Professor of Genito-Urinary Surgery at the Fordham University, New York; and Harlow Brooks, M. D., Assistant Professor of Pathology, University and Bellevue Hospital Medical School. Illustrated. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia and London, 1907.

In this volume is presented a discussion of

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