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WE desire to call the attention of our many readers to our advertising pages, which will well repay a careful perusal. We have adopted the rule, which has been strictly adhered to, of admitting nothing but first-class, reliable articles, which we can cordially commend.

THE NEW YORK PHARMACAL ASSOCIATION are still manufacturing their standard preparation of Lactopeptine, which has been tested, and is recommended by many of the leading medical men of America. Professor Attfield considers it a most valuable digesting agent.

THE IODIA AND BROMIDIA of Messrs. Battle & Co., 402 Main Street, St. Louis, Mo, are well worthy of trial. Iodia is composed of the active principles obtained from alterative roots in the green state, together with Iodide of Potash, 5 grs., and Phosphate of Iron, 3 grs., to each fluid drachm. Bromidia is one of the best hypnotics we have ever tried. Cocalac and Papine are also excellent preparations.

THE MEDICAL AND DENTAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE are in a more flourishing condition than ever. The largest classes ever in attendance this year. With one of the most suitable buildings for medical teaching, improved clinical advantages, and a corps of active, earnest and hardworking teachers, success in natural.

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.-Send for specimen copy to Munn & Co., 261 Broadway, New York, Solicitors for Patents, etc.

H. PLANTEN & SON, 224 William Street, New York, manufacture hard and soft capsules, empty and filled, which can be ordered by mail. No further necessity of trouble in regard to nauseous or disagreeable drugs.

BERRY, DEMOVILLE & Co., have been established in business for half a century, and are still conducting one of the largest and most complete wholesale Drug-Stores in the South. Try their Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil. It is prepared from the purest Cod Liver-Oil and is valuable and palatable-a perfect emulsion.

CAMM'S EMULSION contains 65 per cent. of the purest Norwegian Cod-Liver Oil, with 9 grs. Hypophosphite of Lime, 4 grs. Hypophosphite Soda, 10 grs. Lactopeptine and 5 grs. Citrate

of Iron to each fluid ounce. It is a most excellent preparation, as we know from a thorough trial. Manufactured by Messrs. Faulkner & Craighill, Lynchburg, Va.

SEND YOUR JOURNALS AND PAMPHLETS to Pryor Jones, No' 20 North Cherry Street, to be bound. He will give you any style of work you may desire at prices as low or lower than any. His work is durable, neat and elegant.

CINCINNATI SANITARIUM, at College Hill, Ohio, under the charge of Dr. O. Evarts, is one of the best and most excellently conducted private Hospitals for the treatment of Mental and Nervous Diseases to be found. Its location is healthy and surroundings delightful.

DEMOVILLE & Co., corner of Church and Cherry Streets, Nashville, Tenn., in addition to a full line of Drugs and Medicines, keep the best assortment of Surgical Instruments, from the best manufacturers, on hand. Catalogues will be furnished on application.

PARKE, DAVIS & Co., of Detroit, Michigan, Manufacturing Chemists, with their immense establishment, are enabled to supply all demands for any pharmaceutical preparation. Their wines and elixirs contain precisely the quantity of Medicinal Ingredients which they are said to contain on the label. Likewise they are very palatable, and, in every way, elegant. need only to be tried to be appreciated.


MESSRS. MURKIN & HUNT, 28, 30 and 32 South College Street, Nashville, Tenn., make the best, most convenient, comfortable and easiest riding Doctor's Buggy to be found. They do nothing but strictly first-class work, and at low prices.

TONGALINE, OR LIQUOR TONGE SALICYLATUS is a new remedy for Neuralgia and Rheumatism, made by A. A. Mellier, of St. Louis, Mo. It has received many excellent testimonials from reliable practitioners. It has not disappointed us in a series of cases in which we have tried it. He also keeps the Elliott Saddle-Bags, adopted by the U. S. Government for use in the army, on account of its convenience and durability.

LISTERINE, as made by Messrs. Lambert & Co., 307 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo., is a remedy of peculiar antiseptic properties, adapted alike to Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Laryngology, and all Zymotic and Febrile Diseases. Our Dentists are also finding most excellent results from its use. Their LITHIATED HYDRANGEA is well suited to Renal and Vesical troubles.

MESSRS. JNO. C. BAKER & Co., 815 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa., are now receiving from their agents in Norway their special brand of Cod-Liver Oil, which is of the choicest quality; its ordor, color and flavor being unexceptional. Among their spe

cialties are Baker's Emulsion with Hypophosphites, Baker's CodLiver Oil with extract of Malt. They are also agents for "Solution of Ferrous Malate," and "Bartlett's Pile Suppositories." Full information will be cordially afforded to all applications by mail.

MESSRS. SPURLOCK, PAGE & Co., No. 90 South Market St., Nashville, Tenn., are among the most reliable of the wholesale merchants of Tennessee. They have a full and most complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Surgical Instruments and Pharmaceutical preparations. Any thing needed by the practicing physician or surgeon can be found in their establishment; and from experience we can heartily and cordially guarantee satisfaction to all who may give them a trial. Call and examine their

stock, or send them an order, and you will never regret it.

TROMMER EXTRACT OF MALT Co., have an advertisement that will bear a careful reading. They guarantee uniformity of strength and purity of their Extract, and are engaged exclusively in its manufacture, producing one quality only-the b st. The Trommer Company was the first to undertake the manufacture of Malt Extract in America, and the first in any country to employ improved processes in its preparation, with the object of preserving unimpaired ALL the soluble constituents of carefully malted barley of the best quality, including especially the inportant nitrogenous bodies which possess the power to digest starchy food.

KALINE COMPOUND PILL, a proprietary preparation, put up and manufactured by Messrs. Handly, White & Co., of this city, is growing in popularity with astonishing rapidity. For clinical results with this preparation, we desire to refer our readers to the preceding number of this journal, which can be had on application to Messrs. Handly, White & Co., Church and Market Sts., Nashville, Tenn.

FELLOWS' HYPO-PHOS-PHITES (Syr: Hopophos: Comp: Fellows:), contains the Essential Elements to the Animal Organization-Potash and Lime; the Oxydizing Agents-Iron and Manganese; the Tonics-Quinine and Strychnine; and the Vitalizing Constituent-Phosphorus, combined in the form of a Syrup, with slight alkaline reaction.

THE RIO CHEMICAL CO., of St. Louis, advertise a most excellent series of articles. Their Celerina is a good nerve tonic and anti-spasmodic; Aletris Cordial is a uterine tonic; Acid Mannate, a palative and painless purgative; and Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis needs no commendation at our hands. It is recommended by some of the most reliable physicians of the land.

GREEN SPRINGS SANITARIUM is a most excellent institution for the treatment of Nervous Diseases. In addition to their excellent mineral waters, fine salubrious location, and elegant and well appointed buildings, Dr. John S. Marshall is eminently qualified, and gives his entire attention to the treatment of this class of diseases.

LYON'S TASTELESS PREPARATIONS OF QUININE are, as they are claimed to be, absolutely free from the nauserous, bitter taste of Quinine, and as palatable as sugar, yet contain all the active principies of the drug unaltered. Children will take these preparations and not know they are taking medicine.

J. B. LIPPENCOTT & Co., have an advertisement in this number well worthy the attention of our readers. See what they have to say in regard to valuable and practical Medical Publications at lowest rates.

ANGLO-SWISS MILK FOOD is made at Cham, Switzerland, by the Anglo-Swiss Cond. Milk Co. It is prescribed by leading practitioners and used in prominent institutions throughout the country. It is a most admirable substitute for mother's milk, and is used by Prof. J. Lewis Smith, M.D., at the New York Infant Asylum.

THE OXFORD RETREAT is a private institution at Oxford, Ohio, under the supervision of the courteous and talented Dr. D. A. Morse, for the treatment of all forms of nervous and mental diseases, including epilepsy, select cases of inebriety, the opium habit, and nervous diseases of children.

THE MCINTOSH MANUFACTURING CO. make the best, most portable, and in every way the most satisfactory battery for physicians' use, containing both the Galvanic and Farradic currents. Their Uterine Supporter is suited to every indication of Uterine Displacements, combining a union of external and internal support, adapted to the varying positions of the body, and is selfadjusting.

EVE'S SURGICAL INFIRMARY is now in successful operation. New rooms in a new building, new furniture, and every known

modern improvements, in the way of Instruments, Baths, Appliances, Electrical and others, for the surgical treatment of diseases. It is purely a Surgical Infirmary for the treatment of acute and chronic surgical diseases. The matron is experienced, and the nurses attentive.

SYRUPUS ROBORANS, of Arthur, Peter & Co., of Louisville, is a vitalizer and brain and nerve food. As a nervous stimulant and restorative in wasting and debilitating diseases, as well as a tonic to functions of digestion and assimilation, it has no superior. A full and careful trial of it justifies the highest endorsement at our hands.

GOODWYN'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES WITH LACTATES AND PEPSIN is specially applicable in cases of convalescence from malarial, typhoid, and other forms of fevers, as well as the various forms of pulmonary and other wasting dis


RACE'S PEPTONIZED BEEF is a perfect peptone of the density of heavy syrup, and represents a large amount of concentrated but perfectly assimilable food.

PEACOCK'S BROMIDES is a most excellent nerve and brain sedative, and their FUCUS MARINA is a reliable antidote to malaria.

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