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[For table of abbreviations used, see Chronicle of International Events, p. 209.]

Aerial navigation. Der erste internationale Kongress für Luftrecht. Alex. Meyer. Archiv. f. Öffentl. Rechts, 28: 252.

La navigation aerienne au point de vue juridique. H. Sperl. R. gén. de dr. int. public, 18:47. Sept.-Oct.

Arbitral Tribunals. Legal limitation of arbitral tribunals. Alpheus H. Snow. Univ. of Penna. Law R., 60:153. Dec.

Arbitration. Anglo-American arbitration treaty. T. P. Law Quart. R., 27:379. Oct.

Anglo-American arbitration and the Far East. Adachi Kinnosuke. Amer. Monthly R. of R., 44:602. Nov.

The arbitration treaties. Editorial R., 5:1067. Dec.

The general arbitration treaties with Great Britain and France. Report of Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Advocate of Peace, 72:222. Oct. Armaments. La limitation conventionnelle des armaments. Georges Scelle. R. pol. et parl., 70:229. Nov.

Ueber den Einfluss der Friedensbewegung auf die Europäischer Rüstungsverhaltnisse. Konteradmiral Glautzel. Deutsche R., 36:129. Nov. Boundaries. The breaking down of national boundaries. Benjamin F. Trueblood. Advocate of Peace, 70:255. Nov.

Bright, John. John Bright, advocate of peace. F. Stanley van Eps. Advocate of Peace, 70:251.


Bulgaria. La politique actuelle du royaume de Bulgarie. Georges Scelle. Q. dip. et col., 32:476. Oct. 16.

Canada. Canada's Relation to the Empire. James Cappon. Queen's Q., 9:85. British diplomacy in Canada. D. A. Mills. United Empire, 2:683.


The defeat of "continentalism" in Canada: from a Canadian standpoint. Beckles Willson. 19th Cent., 70:942. Nov.

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Defeat of reciprocity. Peter McArthur. Forum, 46:536. Nov.

The great victory in Canada. Stephen Leacock. National R., 58:381.

Les partis poltiques au Canada. Eugène Standaert. R. générale, 47:641. Nov.

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What shall we do about the Navy? Stephen Leacock,

10:535. Dec.

Univ. M.,

R. L. Borden, New Premier of Canada. Agnes C. Laut. Amer. Monthly R. of R., 44:55. Nov.

Cavour. Cavour's last victory. Wm. Roscoe Thayer.
Chile-Peru. Chile-Peru Question. Peru of To-Day, 3:17.

Atlantic, 108:514. Oct.


China. Les chemins de fer français en Chine. A. des Chaumes. R. pol. et parl., 70:286. Nov.


China: a Republic. Archibald R. Colquhoun. Fortnigthly R., 110:1032.

China's diplomatic ignorance. By Foo Pan Key. 11:205. Nov.

West Coast Magazine,

The Chinese rebellion. Empire R., 22:236. Nov. Chinesische Kolonialpolitik in der Mongoléi. Kolonial Z., 12:793. Dec. Dr. Sun Yat Sen and the Chinese revolution. J. Ellis Barker. Fortnightly R., 90:778. Nov.


The hope of China's future. M. T. Z. Tyau. Contemp. R., 100:822.

The American on guard in China [Edward T. Williams]. William T. Ellis. Amer. Monthly R. of R., 44:714. Dec.

Les membres du cabinet responsable. [China.] R. Janue, 1:513. Aug.-Sept.

The most momentous event for 1,000 years. E. J. Dillon. Contemp. R., 100:874. Dec.

Reform und Reformfragen in China. Paul Rohrbach. Österreichische Rundschau, 29:271. Nov.

La révolution chinoise. J. Saintoyant. Q. dip. et col., 32:654. Dec. 1. Die revolution in China. Paul Rohrbach. Die neue Rundschau, 22: 1751. Dec.


Revolution in China. Yoshio Markino. English R., 9:696. Nov.
Revolution in China and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. R. of R. [London], 44:457.

La situation politique. R. Jaune, 1:518. Aug.-Sept.

China and the Chinese in the newest books. Amer. Monthly R. of R.. 44:723. Dec.

The Chinese revolt: a survey. Adachi Kinnosuke. Amer. Monthly R. of R., 44:717. Dec.

Will China break up? Sir Henry Blake. 19th Cent., 70:1102. Dec. Colombia. Colombian situation. [Colombia-Peru.] Peru of To-Day 3:19. Oct. Congresses, International. Le Congrès syndicale internationale. Budapest, 1911. R. R. Claes. Le mouvement socialiste, 13:194, 270. Sept.-Nov. Crete. La question cretoise. Q. dip. et col., 32:440. Cuba. An English view of Cuba. Sydney Brooks. La extraccion del Maine. E. N. Beltran.


Oct. 1.

Forum, 46:461. Oct.
España y América, 9:220.

Dual Alliance. The league between Germany and Austria. Amer. Monthly R. of R., 44:724. Dec.

Eastern Question. Une confédération Balkanique. Par Cherif. Mëcheroutiette,

p. 13.

Pro-oriental policy for England: Lord Curzon's support. Outlook [London], 28:725. Nov.


La question agraire en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Gaston Graviere. Q. dip. et col., 32:668. Dec. 1.

La question Albanaise. Joseph Aulneau. R. pol. et parl., 70:89.


Why not neutralize the dependent states of the Turkish empire? Erving Winslow. Advocate of Peace, 70:261. Nov.

Egypt. England und Aegyeten. Hans Delbrück. Preussische Jahrbücher, 146: 276. Nov.

Europe. Europe and the Muhammadan world. Sir Harry Johnston. 19th Cent., 70:1034. Dec.

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L'Europe d'aujourd'hui. Auguste Gauvain. R. de Paris, 18:425.

L'Europe d'aujourd'hui. R. de Paris, 18:425. Nov.

Léopold ler, les Hongrois et les tures. G. Guillot. R. d'hist. dip.,

25:508. Oct.

La politica Europea. P. M. Coco. France. L'armée noire et le transsaharien.

32:404, 456. Oct, 1, 16.


España y América, 9:368. Nov.

J. Saintoyany. Q. dip. et col.,

La mission de Beauchamp à Constantinople en 1799. A. Epitalier. R. d'hist. dip., 25:591.


France and her Congo. E. D. Morel. Contemp. R., 100:806. Dec.

La main-d'œuvre étrangère en France. P. Pic. R. Economique internationale, 4:224. Nov.

La politique douanière de la France. Angel Marvaud. Q. dip. et col., 32:525. Nov. 1.

La politique française dans l'affaire des Duchés et les premiers essais d'intervention européenne jusqu'à l'invasion du Slesvig. P. Muret. R. d'hist. moderne. 16:137. Sept.-Oct.

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Germany. Zur Eingeborenenfrage in Deutsch-Sudwestafrika. Ingenieur von Zwergern. Kol. Zeitschrift, 12:789. Dec.


Germany's anti-Europeanism.

E. J. Dillon. Contemp. R., 100:561.

Germany's Mediterranean league. A letter from Berlin. Robert Crozier Long. Fortnightly R., 90:874. Nov.

Great Britain. The Alien Act (England). N. B. Dearle and E. E. T. Timmern. Economic R., 21:385. Oct.




Anglo-Japanese relations and imperial unity. Dublin R., 149:370.

The British Empire. James S. Little. Outlook [London], 28:731.

The key of the empire. J. A K. Marriott. 19th Cent., 70:805. Nov.
Our sentimentalists and our sea-power. By Ignotus. National R., 58:

Some strategical questions. British and foreign. Alsager Pollock. 19th Cent., 70:795. Oct.

United Empire and British diplomacy. Hugh E. Egerton. United Empire, 2:783. Νον.

Italy's friendship. National R., 58:558. Dec.

Hague Conventions. England und die Haager Landkreigsordung. Josef Kohlen. Z. f. Völk.-u. Bundes.. 5:384.

Univ. Magazine,

Imperial Conference. The Imperial Conference. W. Peterson.
10:378. Oct.
Immigration. Causes of earlier European immigration to the United States.
Thomas Walker Page. J. of Pol. Econ., 19:676.


Immigration: a Central American problem. Ernest B. Felsinger. An.

of Amer. acad. of pol & soc. sci., 37:165.

India. The Crown, the Government and the Indian Princes.

Contemp. R., 100:782. Dec.

S. K. Ratcliffe.

Indian and the Empire. World's Work, 19:1. Dec. International Politics. Du rôle des puissances nouvelles du nouveau mondes dans les combinations internationales de l'avenir. Marquis de Barral-Montferrat. R. d'hist. dip., 25:481. Oct.

International Society. Le droit administratif international. R. gén. de dr. int. public, 18:492. Sept.-Oct.

International Statistical Institute. Das internationale statistische Institut im Haag. W. Lexis. Int. Montaschrift f. Wissen. Kunst u. Teknik, 6:245. Nov.

La session de l'Institut international de statistique. Arthur Raffalovich. Jour. des Economistes, 70:75. Oct.

Inter-Racial Problems. Inter-Racial problems. Rt. Hon. Lord Avebury. Fortnightly R., 90:581.


Ebb and flow of the immigration tide. Herbert Francis Sherwood. Amer. Monthly R. of R., 44:697. Dec.

Italy. Camorra of modern Italy. Edinburgh R., 214:379. Oct.

Gl' Italiani nel Uruguay. Eugenio Anzilotti. Rivista Int. di Scienze

Soc. e Discipline Ausiliarie, 57:289. Nov.

La situation économique et financière de l'Italie. Q. dip. et col., 32:392.


Oct. 1.

Edouard Payen.

Japanese commercial honor. Arthur May Knapp. Atlantic Monthly, 108:778. Dec.

Kolonialpolitik Japans. Josef Schmidt. Deutsche R., 36:122. Oct. Maritime Law. Les ententes internationales dans les transports maritimes. R. Economique internationale, 4:297. Nov.

Sovereignty of the sea. Edinburgh R., 214:357. Oct.

Uber die Ausgestaltung des Seekriegsrecht seit dem russisch-japanisch Kriege. Kurt Freiherrn von Waltzahn. Deutsche Rundchau, 18:107. Oct. Les brigandages maritime de l'Angleterre sous le régne de Louis XVI Comte de Germeny. R. des Quest. Hist., 46:390. Oct.

Mexico. La revolucion en Méjico. P. M. B. Garcia. España y America, 9:306. Nov.

Morocco (France-Germany). L'accord franco-allemand.

Socialiste, 27:404. Nov.

Robt. Rousseau. R.

L'accord franco-allemand. Raymond Recouly. R. pol. et parl., 70:344, 515. Nov.-Dec.

L'accord franco-allemand. La Quinzaine Coloniale, 15:733. Nov. 10.
L'accord franco-allemand. Gabriel Hanotaur. R. Hebdomadaire. 11:5.

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Nov. 1, 15.


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L'Afrique Française,

F. Charmes. R. des deux mondes.

L'accords franco-allemands et les negociations marocaines. Auguste Terrier. L'Afrique Française, 21:407. Nov.

El acuerdo franco-aleman sobre Marruecos. Mariano Marfil. Nuestro Tiempo, 11:211. Nov.

Après le traité. Congo Française et Cameroon Allemand. Jacques Feillet. R. pol. et parl., 70:411. Dec.

La crise franco-allemande et l'affaire d'Agadir. L'Afrique Française, 21:386. Oct.

France and Germany. Morroco and Congo. E. J. Dillon. Contemp. R., 100:869. Dec.

Die Kongokompensationen. Kolonial Z., 12:718. Nov.

Die Marokkowissen und unser Scheinradikalismus. Max. Schippel. Sozialistische Monatshefte, Oct., p. 1387.

National interest in the Franco-German dispute. E. D. Morel. 19th Cent., 70:834.

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Mariano Marfil. Nuestro Tiempo,

Raymond Recouly. R. pol. et

La rançon du Maroc. Robert de Caix. L'Afrique Française, 21:357.

Morocco (France-Spain).

La zone de influencia Española en Lareche y el gobierno de Marruecos. Francisco Lozano Muñoz. Neustro Tiempo, 11:172. Nov.

Les negociations avec l'Espagne. Raymond Recouly. R. pol. et parl., 70:519.


España y Francia. España y Amér., 9:372. Nov.

Le débat franco-espagnol. Commandant de Thomasson. Q. dip. et col., 32:649. Dec. 1.

Spanish interests in Morocco. George F. Andrews. Amer. pol. sci. R.,

5:553. Nov.

Morocco (Germany-Great Britain). L'Angleterre dans une guerre Européenne. Jacques Daugny. Nouvelle R., 24:87. Nov. 1.

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Britain and Germany: an appeal to Parliament. J. H. Whitehouse. 19th Cent., 70:828. Nov.


The conversations and after. By Diplomatist. Empire R., 22:150.

Deutschland und England. Deutsche R., 36:13. Oct.

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