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Public Opinion for One Year

Public Opinion is the only weekly in the United States that gives in each issue a complete review or digest of current periodicals, together with original articles especially written for this magazine. It is a live and virile weekly, reflecting, as a mirror, every phase of the world's thought and activity. It takes its readers around the world every seven days, unfolding a panorama of Politics, the Drama, Literature, Religion, Science, Invention, Trade and Commerce.

We want to number you among the subscribers to Public Opinion. We make here the most attractive subscription offer ever made by any periodical in combination with a set of books. Upon receipt of your name and address, written in the coupon cut from this page, we will send you a complete set of

The Universal Encyclopedia

In eight volumes, and enter your name for a year's subscription to Public Opinion. We cut the combined price of the books and magazine squarely in two-and you may pay in easy monthly payments so small that you will never feel the cost. This offer gives you an up-to-date Encyclopedia with a mine of information on every subject under the sun, together with fifty-two issues of the brightest and best weekly magazines. We are obliged to make this offer strictly limited owing to the fact that we have only a few hundred sets of this Encyclopedia and can secure no more at a low price.

The Books

The Universal Encyclopedia is in eight volumes, handsomely printed and bound in red cloth, stamped in gold. It treats of every subject of interest, from politics to polar exploration, from medicine to mechanics. It has been compiled by editors of the highest standing, and it compares favorably with reference works costing four times its price. It contains 4,100 pages and 2,000 illustrations, besides a series of maps (in colors) of every country in the world. The regular price of this splendid reference work is $16 a set.

The Magazine

Public Opinion is a forty-four-page weekly of national circulation, dealing with live topics of the day. It contains in each number a digest of 3,000 current periodicals. It is the ideal periodical for the busy man, for it presents the news of the world in the most attractive and condensed manner. In every issue there are original articles by well-known authors, and it is sparkling with human interest from the first to the last page. Public Opinion is published each Saturday. Its subscription price is $3 a year.

Special Offer to New Subscribers

This bargain offer is made for the purpose of securing new subscribers to Public Opinion. If you are not already a subscriber, send us the coupon cut from this page, and we will send you at our expense a set of the Encyciopedia for examination and commence mailing Public Opinion to your address. If you decide to keep the books after seven days' examination, send us 50 cents as first payment and $1.00 a month for 9 months. If you do not care to retain the set, return it at our expense. Remember


the regular publisher's price of the Encyclopedia is
$16.00, and Public Opinion is $3 a year. Total,
$19.00. Our offer gives you both for $9.50-

payable in little monthly payments - but if
you desire to pay cash, the price will be
$9.00 (cash with order). Cut out the coupon and send
it at once while you are thinking about it. To-morrow
may be too late.




New York

Send me, for examination, express charges prepaid, a set of the Universal Encyclopedia, and enter my name for a year's subscription to Public Opinion. If the books are satisfactory I will send you 50 cents within 7 days and $100 a month for 9 months. If not satisfactory, I will return them.

Public Opinion Co.

44-60 East 23d Street

New York



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The Increased
Advertising Call
For Good Writers

There exists to-day in the United States a greater demand than ever before for brainy young men and women who have been trained to draw trade by modern advertising. Salaries $1,200.00 up.

The only real school of advertising is the school spondence lessons and the resulting work of stuof experience.

Mere theoretical instruction as commonly imparted by others barely furnishes an index of the essentials, whereas the Powell System delves right into both analysis and practice.

It is this actual, practical ad writing that makes my students capable of filling good positions or conducting their own offices.

Probably no other course of instruction in any line has received such hearty support and enthusiastic commendation as has the Powell System.

Probably no other course in any line has achieved a tenth in income-earning results for its graduates. Look into the achievements of my former students and the reasons for their successes will be very plain. The other day I invited a gentleman, who has been engaged to lecture to Y. M. C. A. classes on the importance of better and more thorough advertising, to call and let me show him the plan and scope of the Powell System.

And this was his subsequent statement in substance: "It is real, practical instruction."

I showed him my new text-book on advertising, "Powell's Practical Advertiser," which cost me nearly $5,000.00 before the first edition was issued.

Less than an hour convinced him that this great work is in itself a thorough education of the right kind in advertising writing and management, and that it is about fifty times as valuable as other socalled correspondence "courses" in advertising.

And I want the point made doubly clear that everything that can be properly taught in books will be found in my text works furnished students free, instead of being made up into alleged lessons for frittering away the pupil's time and merely keeping square with the postal authorities.

The lecturer was next shown the actual corre

dents, and his admiration for the Powell System was about complete.

I really have the only true System of developing ad writers and managers, and to bring it to its well-nigh perfect state has cost me many, many thousands of dollars and long years of the closest sort of attention to the individual needs of each student.

A great deal of loose advertising has been indulged in by certain schools regarding the cock-sure princely salaries immediately awaiting all their students. This is misleading and


The field is expanding daily, and it is true that from $25 a week up can be earned by those who qualify, but nothing short of a common-school education and a good set of brains should undertake the work.

From the very beginning years ago, I have declined to knowingly enroll those whose limited educations give no hope of


But I constantly urge brainy young men and women to take up this great work because the business world is eagerly looking for them. There is no vocation like advertising for reasonably quick returns, and no method of training like the Powell System.

My two free books - Prospectus and "Net Results"- tell about possibilities and what qualities are expected of the student who seeks to double his or her salary. They also show the business man how he can increase his business. For free copies by mail, address me.



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This is the greatest book bargain of recent years. We offer 73 slightly damaged sets of the
"Makers of American History" at about the actual cost of the sheets, and on little easy

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monthly payments. These sets are not badly damaged.
Here and there a binding is slightly rubbed, but there are
no torn or soiled pages, and for all practical purposes the
sets are as good as new. Ordinarily we would rebind them
and sell them at regular prices, but the lot is so small, and
we are so crowded for stock room, that we simply must
close them out at once, regardless of cost or profit.

Makers of American History

This is the best library of popular biographies ever published. It contains the life-stories of forty-one great Americans-men who moulded the history of the Nation. Each biography is a complete story in itself, written by some eminent authority, such as John S. C. Abbott, Captain Mahan, General Wilson, Professor Sparks, Fitzhugh Lee, and others equally well known. In these lives is interwoven the narrative of American history from the earliest times down through the 19th Century. Every hero and patriot is written about, not in the usual dry and technical form so common to biography, but in a simple, fascinating style that will appeal to all who enjoy good books.

A Library of Fascinating Biography

To read these volumes is to be grandly entertained, and at the same time to come into intimate contact with the greatest characters in American History. The lives and deeds of our National heroes and patriots enrich and illumine History as nothing else can do. This is the only work which covers the whole field and is at the same time of distinguished authorship. For an hour's pleasant reading or serious study no other work will compare with it. There is not a dull page in the entire 20 volumes, which are beautifully printed, bound in cloth, and illustrated with portraits.

FREE--For Five Days

Mail the inspection coupon promptly, and we will
ship you, prepaid, for examination, the entire libra-
ry, 20 volumes, so that you may at your leisure ex-
amine the scope of the work, its literary style and
handsome mechanical qualities. The set regu-
larly sells at $36, but we will close out these 73
slightly damaged ones at $15.50 each, pay-
able $1.00 a month. That this is a great
bargain an examination of the books will
show. You do not have to keep them
however, unless you feel that they
will be a valuable addition to your
library. Mail the coupon at once,
as there are only 73 sets, and
they will be snapped up quickly.
78 Fifth Avenue, New York


volumes. If

W. T. 9-05. THE UNIVERSITY SOCIETY, 78 Fifth Avenue, New York. "Makers of American History" in 20 cloth thereafter until $15.50 has been paid. If not satisfactory, Please send me, prepaid, for examination, a complete set of the satisfactory, I will pay you $1.00 down and $1.00 a month

turn at no expense to me whatever. I will notify you so that you may arrange for its re

Name ................................



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Former Professor of Logic and Ethics at Columbia University.
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HERBERT TURNER & CO., 685 Atlantic Avenue, BOSTON


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If you mail us the coupon below at once, we will send full information of the New Science Library, and how you may get it at half price and on the Individual Payment Plan, by means of which you can arrange the payments to suit yourself. At the same time we will send you a copy of our handsome 84-page book, "Some Wonders of Science. This book, containing articles by Huxley, Tylor, Proctor and Ray Stannard Baker, is so bright and interesting that you will read it from cover to cover, and when you have read it you will wonder how you ever could have thought science dry and uninteresting. There is an edition of a thousand copies. Each copy is beautifully illustrated and printed. As long as the edition lasts, we will exchange a copy of it for the coupon printed at the bottom of this advertisement.


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The world's literature crystallized into six volumes is the best way of describing this Library. Hundreds of authors, represented by their crowning achievements in poetry, prose, history and fiction, are to be found in these volumes. It is the most widely known collection of literature published in English. You will find your favorite author in this collection, for it includes every great writer from Spencer to Tennyson.

The editor of the Library, Charles Knight, added a wide knowledge of literature to rare taste, and his judgment has made this Library a source of endless hours of pleasure, as well as a source of instruction.

The set is in six handsome volumes, bound in art cloth and handsomely illustrated. It contains about 2.500 pages of the most entertaining and instructive reading matter ever published.

This set sells regularly at $10.00 in this binding.

The Chance of a Lifetime

If you are among the first 129 persons to reply to this advertisement, you may take advantage of the most attractive bargain offer that we have ever made. We offer you a magnificent set of Shakespeare's complete works, manufactured to sell at $40.00 a set (and thousands of sets have been sold at that price) at about 50 per cent discount. In addition to the low closing-out price, the remaining sets can be paid for in small monthly payments, and we present, absolutely free, to each purchaser, a set (in six volumes) of Knight's "Half-Hours With the Best Authors"-handsomely printed and bound. This complimentary set alone sells for $10.00.

In 13
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Edition made especially for Book Connoisseurs

7,000 Pages 400


The Standard Edition of Shakespeare is the latest and best of all editions. Its 7,000 pages contain all that Shakespeare ever wrote and all the best that has been written about him. It has been edited by two hundred Shakespearean scholars. This edition has been produced especially for book connoisseurs, who desire the greatest of all authors in a luxurious setting. There are 13 de luxe volumes printed on fine deckle-edge paper and bound in library cloth and dark red leather stamped in gold. The volumes measure 8 x 51⁄2 inches in size. Arguments: Preceding each play is an analysis | Complete Glossaries: Following each play is of the play, written in story-telling style. a full Glossary giving the meaning of every Notes: This is the only edition that gives two obsolete or difficult word.

full sets of Notes Explanatory Notes for
the reader and Critical Notes for the student.
Life of the Poet: No other edition contains
so much of interest concerning Shakespeare
himself. There is a life of Shakespeare by
Dr. Israel Gollancz, with essays by Walter
Bagehot, Leslie Stephen and others. These
are vivid articles, relating all that the world
really knows about Shakespeare.
Critical Comments: This is the only edition
containing Critical Comments on the plays
by eminent Shakespearean scholars.

Study Methods: Each play is accompanied by a complete Method of Study, consisting of Questions and Suggestions-the idea of the editors being to give a college course in Shakespeare study.

Illustrations: Each play has a frontispiece in from six to twelve colors. Besides these the set contains over 400 other illustrations, including reproductions from antique woodcuts and photogravures on Japan vellum.

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It costs you nothing to examine the books. On receipt of the coupon below, we will send a set to your home at our expense, and you can look them over carefully and see that every claim we have made is verified. We will also send you absolutely free a complete set of Knight's "Half-Hours With the Best Authors" in six library volumes. Our offer gives you two standard sets of books for about half the cost of one set.

If they are satisfactory you may send 50 cents after examination and $2.00 a month until our special closing-out price is paid. We are making this unusual bargain offer to dispose of these remaining sets quickly, before the busy Fall season begins.

Remember there are only 129 sets left to go at $22.50 for the half-morocco binding and $19.50 for the cloth binding, with the free Library. These sets are perfect in every way and will be closed out to those who write promptly.


When writing to Advertisers kindly mention "THE WORLD TO-DAY."

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