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tionable. The cost is about the this solution is highly poisonous.

same. * It must be remembered that

It is proper, also, to call attention to

the fact that it will injure lead pipes if possed through them in considerable quantities.


To one part of Labarraque's Solution, (liquor soda chlorinatæ,) add five parts of soft water.

This solution is more expenstve† than the solution of chloride of lime, and has no special advantages for the purposes mentioned. It may however, be used in the same manner as recommended for Standard Solution No. 1.

The following powder is also recommended for the disinfection of excreta in the sick room and of privy-vaults, etc.;


One pound of chloride of lime; one ounce of corrosive sublimate; nine pounds of plaster of Paris. Pulverise the corrosive sublimate and mix thoroughly with the plaster of Paris. Then add the chloride of lime and mix well. Pack in paste board boxes or in wooden casks. Keep dry.

As an antiseptic and deodoriser this powder is to be sprinkled upon the surface of excreta, etc.

To disinfect excreta in the sick room, cover the entire surface with a thin layer of the powder-one-fourth inch in thickness— and if the material is not liquid pour on sufficient water to cover it.

Disinfection of the Person.-The surface of the body of a sick person, or of his attendants, when soiled with infectious discharges, should be at once cleansed with a suitable disinfecting agent. For this purpose Standard Solution No. 3 may be used.

In diseases like small-pox and scarlet fever, in which the infectious agent is given off from the entire surface of the body, occasional ablutions with Labarraque's Solution, diluted with twenty parts of water, will be more suitable than the stronger solution above recommended.

*Corrosiue sublimate costs about 70 cents a pound, and premanganate of potash 65 cents a pound, by the single pound. This makes the cost of Standard Solution No. 2, a little more than two cents a gallon.

†We assume that the solution used will contain at least 3 per cent. of available chlorine, which would give us 0.5 per cent. in the diluted solution. The cost per gallon of the undiluted solution should not be more than fifty cents by the quantity. This would make our standard solution cost between eight and nine cents a gallon.

In all infectious diseases the surface of the body of the dead should be thoroughly washed with one of the standard solutions above recommended, and then enveloped in a sheet saturated with the same.

Disinfection of Clothing.—Boiling for half an hour will destroy the vitality of all known disease germs, and there is no better way of disinfecting clothing or bedding which can be washed than to put it through the ordinary operations of the laundry. No delay should occur, however, between the time of removing soiled clothing from the person or bed of the sick and its immersion in boiling water, or in one of the following solutions; and no article should be permitted to leave the infected room until so treated.


Dissolve corrosive sublimate in water in the proportion of four ounces to the gallon, and add one drachm of permanganate of potash to each gallon to give color to the solution.

One fluid ounce of this standard solntion to the gallon of water will make a suitable solution for the disinfection of clothing. The articles to be disinfected must be thoroughly soaked with the disinfecting solution and left in it for at least two hours, after which they may be wrung out and sent to the wash.

N. B. Solutions of corrosive sublimate should not be placed in metal receptacles, for the salt is decomposed and the mercury precipitated by contact with copper, lead or tin, A wooden tub or earthen crock is a suitable receptacle for such solutions.

Clothing may also be disinfected by immersion for two hours in a solution made by diluting Standard Solution No. I with nine parts of water-one gallon in ten. This solution is preferable for general use, especially during the prevalence of epidemics, on account of the possibility of accidents from the poisonous nature of Standard Solution No. 4. When diluted as directed this solution may, however, be used without danger from poisoning through the medium of clothing immersed in it, or by absorption through the hands in washing. A poisonous dose could

scarcely be swallowed by mistake, owing to the metallic taste of the solution, and the considerable quantity which would be required to produce a fatal effect- at least half a pint.

Clothing and bedding which cannot be washed may be disinfected by exposure to dry heat in a properly constructed disinfecting chamber

*Mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate) is soluble in cold water in the proportion of one part in sixteen. Solution is greatly facilitated by heat.

for three or four hours.

tained during this time,

A temperature of 230° Fah. should be mainand the clothing must be freely exposed - i. e., not folded or arranged in piles or bundles, for the penetrating power of dry heat is very slight.

The limitations with reference to the use of dry heat as a disinfectant are stated in a "Preliminary Report of the Committee on Disinfectants," published in The Medical News, Philadelphia March 14, 1885.

The temperature above mentioned will not destroy the spores of bacilli-e. g. of the anthrax bacillus, but is effective for the destruction of all disease germs which do not form spores; and there is good reason to believe that this list includes small pox, cholera, yellow fever, diphtheria, erysipelas, puerperal fever, and scarlet fever (?) Moist heat is far more effective, and it is demonstrated that ten minutes exposure to steam, at a temperature of 230° Fah., will destroy all known disease germs, including the most refractory spores.

In the absence of a suitable disinfecting chamber, it will be necessary to burn infected clothing and bedding, the value of which would be destroyed by immersion in boiling water, or in one of the disinfecting solutions recommended.

Disinfection of the sick room.—In the sick room no disinfectant can take the place of free ventilation and cleanliness. It is an axiom in sanitary science that it is impracticable to disinfect an occupied apartment; for the reason that disease germs are not destroyed by the presence in the atmosphere of any known disinfectant in respirable quantity. Bad odors may be neutralised, but this does not constitute disinfection in the sense in which the term is here used. These bad odors are, for the most part, an indication of want of cleanliness, or of proper ventilation; and it is better to turn contaminated air out of the window, or up the chimney, than to attempt to purify it by the use of volatile chemical agents, such as carbolic acid, chlorine, etc., which are all more or less offensive to the sick, and are useless so far as disinfection-properly so-called-is concerned.

When an appartment which has been occupied by a person sick with an infectious disease is vacated, it should be disinfected. But it is hardly worth while to attempt to disinfect the atmosphere of such an apartment, for this will escape through an open window and be replaced by fresh air from without, while preparations are being made to disinfect it. More

over, experience shows that the infecting power of such an atmosphere is quickly lost by dilution, or by the destruction of floating disease germs through contact with oxygen, and that even small pox and scarlet fever

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are not transmitted to any great distance through the atmosphere; while cholera, typhoid fever, are rarely, if ever, contracted by contact with the sick, or by respiring the atmosphere of the apartments occupied by them.

The object of disinfection in the sick room is, mainly, the destruction of infectious material attached to surfaces, or deposited as dust upon window-ledges, in crevices, etc. If the room has been properly cleansed and ventilated while still occupied by the sick person, and especially if it was stripped of carpets and unnecessary furniture at the outset of his attack, the difficulties of disinfection will be greatly reduced.

All surfaces should be thoroughly washed with a solution of corrosive sublimate of the strength of one part in 1000 parts of water, which may be conveniently made by adding four ounces of Standard Solution No. 4 to the gallon, or one pint to four gallons of water. The walls and ceiling, if plastered, should be brushed over with this solution, after which they may be whitewashed with a lime brush. Especial care must be taken to wash away all dust from the window-ledges and other places where it may have settled, and to thoroughly cleanse crevices and out-ofthe-way places. After this application of the disinfecting solution, and an interval of twenty-four hours or longer for free ventilation, the floors and wood-work should be well scrubbed with soap and hot water, and this should be followed by a second more prolonged exposure to fresh air, admitted through open doors and windows.

Many sanitary authorities consider it necessary to insist upon fumigation with sulphurous acid gas-produced by combustion of sulphur-for the disinfection of the sick room. As an additional precaution this is to be recommended, especially for rooms which have been occupied by patients with small-pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhus fever and yellow fever. It should precede the washing of surfaces and free ventilation above recommended. But fumigation with sulphurous acid gas alone, as commonly practiced, cannot be relied upon for the disinfection of the sick room and its contents, including bedding, furniture, infected clothing, etc., as is popularly delieved. And a misplaced confidence in this mode of disinfection is likely to lead to a neglect of the more important measures which have been recommended. In the absence of moisture, the disinfecting power of sulphurous acid gas is very limited, and under no circumstances can it be relied upon for the destruction of * spores. But exposure to this agent in sufficient quantity, and for a considerable time,

*See Preliminary Report of Committee on Disinfectants in Uhe Medical News of March 28, 1885.

especially in the presence of moisture, is destructive to disease germs, in the absence of spores. It is essential, however, that the germs to be destroyed shall be very freely exposed to the disinfecting agent, which has but slight penetrating power.

To secure any results of value it will be necessary to close the appartment to be disinfected as completely as possible by stopping all apertures through which the gas might escape, and to burn not less than three pounds of sulphur for each thousand cubic feet of air space in the room. To secure complete combustion of the sulphur is should be placed, in powder or in small fragments, in a shallow iron pan, which should be set upon a couple of bricks in a tub partly filled with water, to guard against fire. The sulphur should be thoroughly moistened with alcohol before igniting it.

Disinfection of privy-vaults, cess pools, etc. When the excreta-not previously disinfected-of patients with cholera or typhoid fever, have been thrown into a privy-vault this is infected, and disinfection should be resorted to as soon as the fact is discovered, or whenever there is reasonable suspision that such is the case. It will be advisable to take the same precautions with reference to privy-vaults into which the excreta of yellow fever patients have been thrown, although we do not definitely know that this is infectious material. Disinfection may be accomplished either with corrosive sublimate or with chloride of lime. The amount used must be proportioned to the amount of material to be disinfected.

Use one pound of corrosive sublimate for every five hundred pounds—estimated-of fecal matter contained in the vault, or one pound of chloride of lime to every thirty pounds.

Standard Solution No. 4, diluted with three parts of water may be used. It should be applied-the diluted solution-in the proportion of one gallon to every four gallons-estimated-of the contents of the vault.

If chloride of lime is to be used, one gallon of Standard Solution No. I will be required for every gallon-estimated-of the material to be disinfected.

All exposed portions of the vault, and the wood-work above it, should be thoroughly washed down with the disinfecting solution.

To keep a privy-vault disinfected during the progress of an epidemic, sprinkle chloride of lime freely over the surface of its contents daily. Or, if the odor of chioride is objectionable, apply daily four or five gal

†One litre of sulphur dioxide weighs 2.9 grammes. To obtain ten litres of gas it is necessary to burn completely fifteen grammes of "flowers of sulphur” (Vallin).

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