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what was old and established, a juster view of foreign nations and foreign politics; that they had been more like Webster and less like Jackson; and we may hope that the typical American of the future will be wiser and better poised. But in the meantime the past is to be understood and estimated as the facts stand, and only a thoroughly sympathetic comprehension of these men who have actually been the typical Americans will enable us to effect that purpose. The fact that Clay rather than Webster, Jackson and not John Quincy Adams, represented the forces which were really predominant and distinctively American in our development is commentary enough on any theory that makes either of the peculiar sections of the Atlantic seaboard the principal or only theatre of American history. Mr. Smith stares and shudders in Jackson's presence, and looks upon Clay very much as one would regard an uninstructed child."


Mr. Wilson finds that Mr. Smith's view of our Civil War does not take sufficiently into account the constitutional basis of the struggle. "It is a sense for law that has given to the whole development of the nation its cohesion. It is because of this that our great community, while it has spread, has not fallen to pieces. The sentiments of the war time were steeped in legal conceptions. The surviving soldiers of that war would feel with keen shame that they had fought unrighteously if they could not still feel that they had fought for law, not to make a right but to preserve one-not to 'reannex,' but to keep the South. It is this strong conscience and instinct for law, indeed, which has rendered our written constitutions valid and serviceable as sound vehicles of the national life. Those constitutions are not causes, but results-results of inbred character and of a desire for distinct coherence in respect of every step of construction in the development of institutions."


EMPLE BAR contains a clever sketch of the

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the establishment of universal suffrage a few weeks ago electrified the world. From the account of the writer it seems that this was but the crowning paradox in a thoroughly paradoxical career. "He is in politics a moderate Liberal, yet he has been hailed as chief by the Ultramontanes, high Tories, and fierce Radicals. He is devoted to progress, yet he has sanctioned the most reactionary of measures; in keen sympathy with the poor, he has passed laws intensifying the sting of poverty; a thorough-going educationalist-apparently at least he has helped the priests to capture the schools. Whilst leading one party, he has constantly proclaimed his preference for the principles of the other, and when his own adherents have met with a defeat, he has carried on the government by the votes of their rivals. Amidst all his tergiversations, however, he has never forfeited for one moment the confidence of his sovereign, or the enthusiastic support of the more patriotic of his countrymen."


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He comes of an old Irish stock: the Taaffes once "played an important part in Ireland," even to the extent of gaining a peerage. The family is now a fairly equal blend of Keltic, Czech and Teutonic elements. Born in 1833, "he fought his first battles for the oppressed" on the playground of the gymnasium. As student, he was a thorough-going democrat. He rose rapidly in the service of the provincial governments. The Emperor and he had been as boys warm friends and constant companions, and when, after twenty years' separation, they chanced to meet again at Linz, they formed the close attachment which has lasted ever since. In 1867 he was called into the Imperial Ministry for the first time--as chief of three departments. The courtiers "scoffed at his ill-made clothes, and marveled that a man of his rank could eat and drink in third-rate restaurants, surrounded by clerks and tradesmen." He is singularly lacking in the personal gifts by which most men win popularity; he is no orator, no genius." But the Emperor believed in him, and made him premier in the very next year. After less than two years in this office he resigned, and in 1871 went off as viceory of Tyrol. He found the province poverty-stricken, illgoverned, discontented, oppressed under a badly adjusted taxation, and left it, after seven years of vigorous reform, "one of the best governed and most contented provinces in the empire." In 1879 he became premier once more in a "ministry of reconciliation." Rejected by the Liberals, his natural allies, he won the support of the other parties by lavish concessions --so much so that his official residence was dubbed "the concession market." Yet he was able often to neutralize reactionary concessions. "Not the least of his merits as a strategist is the power he possesses of taking back with one hand what he gives with the other; and of casting a glamor, as it were, over the husks he throws away." In his educational policy he secured as an administrator what he had seemed to surrender or imperil as a legislator. His protectionist policy is condemned, but as a set off are noted many useful measures of social legislation. In 1881 he lowered the franchise as far as his followers would let him. The writer declares that his last bill must pass sooner or later, in one form or another," and the electorate rise at a bound from 1,700,000 to twice that number. His policy in regard to the nationalities was finally rendered impossible by Czech extremists. In laying down his fourteen years' premiership, he has stepped aside-the writer is confident-" only for a time.'



The key to the Count's career is said to be this: "By nature he is a straightforward, plain-dealing man; and it was only hard necessity that drove him to govern by playing off party against party, nation against nation, and lavishing on each in turn bribes, promises and threats. In any other country in Europe a minister who played Count Taaffe's role would be a miscreant and a traitor; but in Austria it is otherwise; there opportunism is the one art of ruling.”


IR HENRY HALFORD, of Wistow Hall, Leicestershire, is styled by Mr. Harry How, in a bright "illustrated interview" in the Strand, as "The Grand Old Man of Shooting." Among his twenty-one prizes are "those of the Albert at Wimbledon in 1862 and the same trophy at Bisley in 1893, a record lapse of thirty-one years!" He was eight years old when he had his first gun, and last year, on his sixty-fifth birthday, "he adjourned to the field adjoining the house, which makes a capital range, and rattled off a dozen or two bull's-eyes." He is himself a practical gunmaker.

THE COLOR OF THE BEST SHOOTING EYES." "Whilst he was handling the tobacco," says the interviewer, "I noticed the difference between the shape of the right hand as compared with the left.


"Ah!' said Sir Henry, in reply to my query, ‘you can alway tell the hand of a man who has shot much. Look at that second finger-it is quite disjointed; indeed, the whole hand is turned. Then many men bear the kiss of the rifle butt on the jawbone. The eyes, too, are a guide in singling out your rifle shot. I always think that blue or gray are the best shooting eyes; that's why the Scots are so successful at the target, for apart from their thoroughness in all they undertake, there are more blue eyes amongst them. An eye with a very small pupil is a great advantage. Brown eyes seldom come in; the marked exception to this, however, is Lamb, who is as good a shot as any man, and his are chestnutty brown ..' Then I learnt that amongst shooting men the larger proportion of them are non-smokers. The veteran is a persistent smoker, and, practically, never shoots without a pipe in his mouth. Let me put in a plea for the pipe,' he said merrily. I was once shooting in one of the matches for the Elcho Shield—and shooting very badly. "Why, where's your pipe?" somebody standing by asked. "Light up-you'll do better." And I did. I hadn't been smoking for some little time, but with the first few puffs my very next shot was a bull's-eye!'

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"The primary necessities to make a good shot are nerve, carefulness, a calm temperament, eyesight and power of concentration. I don't think you will find any man who is not a steady liver last long at shooting. Let young volunteers remember that the student of habit and a good shot must run together.""


It was at Sir Henry's ancestral hall that Charles I slept before the battle of Naseby, and again on the flight from Naseby to Leicester the King and Prince Rupert changed horses there. The royal saddles they left are still preserved as heirlooms. Among Sir Henry's school-fellows at Eton was the ex-Premier, of whom he remarked: "I think I may say that Lord Salisbury was one of the few boys who never got into any trouble. He was always very reticent kept a good deal to himself, not hail fellow well met' with the boys. He wasn't a boating or cricketing man, but more of the literary class. Everybody liked him.”

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N the Young Woman Miss Willard continues the Story of her Life, describing now her career as "pupil and pedagogue.” She speaks out of her own experience when she urges that "there is no teacher and no school that can compare to the companionship of large-minded and loving-hearted home folks. For ever and a day it will be delightful to me to remember that my dear mother taught me my ABC. She was not in the least bit of a hurry about it, either. She let me run wild, playing the same games that my brother did, and given over to the big outdoors, until at last I fairly cried for my primer."



Miss Willard, it seems, early began to busy herself with Biblical criticism. She says: "Father and mother . . . did not teach us creeds; I never saw a Catechism until I was emerging from my teens. We read the Gospels, and sang the dear old hymns hallowed by generations of reverence and affection. I think it was the hymns that did the most for me, for I had a hardy mind, and wondered how we knew that a book had come to us from God, and used to ask my mother if she could tell me who had seen it handed down, and whether it was fastened to heaven by a gold chain? She never said that I was naughty, but would take me on her knee and talk to me about the wonders of the world around us, and give charming little lectures on natural theology. 'Not till she was fourteen years of age did Miss Willard go to school. To this fact we probably owe much of her unconventional charm and originality of initiative. Later she went to college at Chicago, "invested solid years in study, attained the usual diploma, and was afterwards preceptress of the natural sciences, and later on (when this institution was merged in the great University of the Northwest) became Professor of the History of the Fine Arts."



A teacher for fifteen years, she confesses herself more intent on the "moral horticulture" of her two thousand pupils than on merely mental acquisition. She tells how she called her pupils together, told them that coming from Christian homes they knew as well as she did how they ought to act, and proposed that they should “make themselves behave." She formed them into a sort of upper and lower House of Parliament, where they made their own rules, and based their standing wholly upon conduct, thus giving the dull scholar an equal opportunity with those of nimbler mind. The lower House had their names on the Roll of Honor, the upper on the Self-governed list.

"This method worked so well that it diminished the friction of school-life to a minimum, making of what we call 'discipline' a means of culture to the students, and greatly relieving the teachers. Another admirable idea which turned the dramatic instinct to valuable educative ends was The Good Behavior Club,' which proved to be a favorite feature of the school. Teachers and pupils were all members, and

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shared the offices. Representations were given of all social observances, from the White House reception to the morning call; personations of distinguished characters adding the dramatic charm so attractive to both young and old."



N the Woman at Home Miss Katherine Lee gives a gossiping sketch of Princess Louise, as daughter and bride, sculptor and painter, as well as royal personage. She tells an incident of the Princess' sojourn in Canada, for which she is unable to cite the authority, but which she thinks "is worth repeating as an instance of that total absence of fine ladyism' which is, in its bad sense, so noticeably absent among our royal ladies. It seems that one day the Princess was walking without any attendants near her, when she came to a cottage. The only person visible was an old woman busily ironing one of her husband's shirts. The Princess was thirsty after her walk, and stopping at the cottage door asked the old woman if she would kindly get her a glass of water. The busy old woman somewhat shortly refused to do so. 'The spring was a little distance,' she said, and she was busy ironing her old man's shirt, for he was going with her to see the Queen's child on the morrow.'

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mise was quickly agreed on. The old woman went to the spring and the Princess did the ironing. When the old woman returned the shirt was handed

over to her. Needless to say, it was nicely ironed.

. . In exchange for the glass of water the recent laundry woman informed the astonished old woman that she was the Queen's child.' The startled old woman took the shirt, declaring that her old man should never wear it, but that she would keep it forever as a memento of the Queen's child.'"

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HE much-debated question of the origin of the name America is considered by Dr. John Murray, of the "Challenger" expedition, in a most interesting article in the Scottish Geographical Magazine for November. He points out that in the Cantino map-the oldest but one of the New World, prepared in part, it is believed, by Vespucci-the name Tamarique occurs "towards Darien and in the direction of Nicaragua." To this day a little to the westward of Nicaragua is a range of mountains called Sierra Amerrique, inhabited by a tribe (once widely extended) called Amerriques. Again Amarca or America is shown by their Sacred Book to have been the national name of the Peruvians. Tamarique is, therefore, supposed to stand for Terra Amerique. "It was an age of nicknames. What more natural than that Vespucci should be called America Vespucci? His Christian name of Amerigo would lend itself to, or

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UCH curious information is contained in Sir John Evans' article in Longman's on the "Forgery of Antiquities." "Both counterfeits and forgeries," he says, "abound in every department of archæology." The fabrication of lapidary inscriptions is said to have begun some four centuries ago. The number and verisimilitude of the forgeries in the first half of this century was so great as to reduce considerably the value of genuine antique gems. "It is probable that more than half of the 'old' Dresden china now exposed for sale is counterfeit." The forgery of ancient carved ivories has developed "two distinct schools”—one in Southern France, the other near Cologne.


The German Becker seems to have been the modern prince of antique coiners: "He engraved dies for upwards of 300 types of coins, principally Roman, and as most of these were struck in gold-a metal that does not change in appearance with time-he realized large sums from unwary collectors.

How to take off the appearance of novelty from the freshly-struck coins was a question of difficult solution. He solved it thus: He had a small box constructed, which he partly filled with iron filings, and screwed to the springs of his carriage, and in this box he placed his newly-struck coins, and then, as he expressed it, 'took his old gentleman a drive' on the road between Frankfort and Offenbach. The coins came out of the box, still fresh, but with the too glaring bloom of youth judiciously toned down.” The most frequent coin forgeries are those cast from genuine originals. "Wherever excavations are carried when coins are inquired for they are


sure to be produced."



Even "prehistoric antiquities" are manufactured. The making of "palæolithic implements takes rank as one of the fine arts" in the valley of the Somme and in the neighborhood of London. So with neolithic implements. "Modern flint axes and arrowheads are not so easily distinguishable from the ancient." A certain artificer of this craft, nicknamed "Jack Flint," when from their abundance his forgeries lost their sale, earned a somewhat honest penny by publicly exposing his tricks of trade. Objects of the bronze period are also obligingly prepared.

The writer concludes with the consoling reflection that "great as may be the forger's skill, not one of his frauds in a thousand escape detection," and that the existence of fraud sharpens and tests archæological discernment.


PROFESSOR a in the

deems it. He accepts the boy as he finds him, a primitive savage.


"Let us suppose you have gathered a number of boys together, and treat them at first in the old or time-dishonored plan of having a Bible-class for them on Sundays. Infinite trouble and infinite bribery have brought these creatures together, and as they come solely to amuse themselves, your whole effort is spent in keeping order-in quelling riots, subduing irrelevant remarks, minimizing attacks upon the person and protecting your Sunday hat from destruction. No boy-I am not speaking of an ordinary Sunday school class, but of a gamin class-has yet succeeded in listening to you for two consecutive minutes. They have learned nothing whatever. Respect is unknown, obedience a jest. Even the minor virtues of regularity, punctuality and courtesy have not yet dawned upon their virgin minds. What is wrong is that they are street-boys, and you have treated them as if they had the motives and interests of domestic boys. The real boy-nature in them has never been consulted. You may be a very remarkable man, but it is not their kind of remarkableness, so you are a person of no authority in their eyes. They believe you to be a thoroughly good fellow in your way, only it is an earth's diameter from their way; and that you should know precisely what their way is, they guilelessly give you opportunity of learning every single second you spend among them."


The essential spirit of boydom that is the sine qua non, Professor Drummond finds in the moral effects of caps and belts and rifles and drills. He tells with charming humor how this transfers the power, in a meeting with boys, from their irresponsible multitude to the man who calls "tenshun!"

"The genius who discovered this astounding and inexplicable psychological fact ought to rank with Sir Isaac Newton. Talk of what can be got out of coal tar or waste paper! Why, you take your boy, your troglodyte, your Arab, your gamin, on this principle, and there is no limit to what you can extract from him or do with him. Look at this quondam class, which is to-night a Company. As class it was confusion, depression, demoralization, chaos. As Company, it is respect, self-respect, enthusiasm, happiness, peace. The beauty of the change is that it is spontaneous, secured without heartburn, maintained without compulsion. The Boy's own nature rises to it with a bound; and the livelier the specimen the greater its hold upon him."

HOW THE BOYS' BRIGADE WAS STARTED. "It is well known that not alone the gamin, but many boys of the working class, will submit to almost no parental authority. They are done with school before any habits of self-control are formed; and

being now wage earners, they become independent, and grow up untamed, unprincipled and lawless. What they need first of all is discipline. Now it so happens that there is one form of discipline which is not only the most thorough conceivable, but which is actually congenial to boy-nature; for military organization in every shape and form boys have a natural aptitude. It occurred, therefore, to a Scotch volunteer officer who took part in the work of a large Sunday-school to utilize this in the hope of securing a finer and more spontaneous discipline among his senior boys. By banding them into a military company for week-day drill he thought he could teach them valuable lessons-obedience, reverence, patience, manliness, neatness, punctuality-without their being directly conscious of it, and almost in the form of an amusement. Drill-not mere playing at soldiers, but regulation drill in its most thorough forms-was instituted, and kept up during a whole winter. At the end of the experiment the result was successful beyond expectation. The school was transformed, discipline was perfect, manners were acquired, the physical bearing was improved, the moral character was strengthened, and the foundations of religious principles laid. Other companies were speedily formed in the neighborhood on the model of the first. The idea was gradually taken up in one district after another, and the movement spread throughout the country."


R. CHARLES A. DANA contributes to the De

MR. CHAR McClure's an excellent paper on Jeru

salem, in which he tells of the city as it exists to-day. He says: "Roughly speaking, then, Jerusalem in its highest splendor was not larger than the area of the Central Park below the reservoir. Moreover, this limited space has always been diminished by the extent of the area leveled and walled, set apart of old for the Temple, and still held sacred by the Turkish authorities against the erection of ordinary buildings. This area contains, I should suppose, from thirty to thirty-five acres. It is the one conspicuous green spot in Jerusalem. It is covered with grass and adorned with trees; and the only buildings on it are the glorious and beautiful Mosque of Omar, the Mosque of Aksa, and one or two other dependent structures.

The present population of Jerusalem is not far from forty thousand, and more than half are Jews. They live in a separate quarter of their own, as do also the various divisions of Christians, as the Armenians, the Greeks and the Protestants. All these quarters are densely built, with narrow and irregular lanes for streets, but the prevailing prosperity does not seem to reach the abodes of the Hebrew. indications are all of extreme poverty. A synagogue was pointed out bearing an inscription showing that it was the gift of a Paris Rothschild; but its mean appearance and unattractive surroundings bore no suggestion of critical refinement in the congregation. The articles of food set out for sale in the petty


little shops were often squalid and repulsive. We came so often upon spoiled salt fish among the stores exposed by the venders, that we concluded it inust form a regular element of diet in the quarter. There was no visible sign of industry by which the people might earn their living; and no one need be surprised to learn that in various parts of the world the well-to-do and charitable Jews are regularly called upon to contribute to the support of their pauper brethren in Jerusalem."

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MR. LILLY'S BLAST AGAINST DEMOCRACY. T is quite in the academic style that Mr. W. S. Fortnightly on the nature and method of true selfgovernment. He is moved with a lofty pity at the vulgar notion that self-government is realized by current democratic institutions. He draws-chiefly from Mr. Bryce's writings-a picture of the partisanship corruption and "boss" rule which prevail in the United States, and exclaims: "This is what you call selfgovernment in its greatest perfection!" He then turns to Great Britain and says: Self-government in England, as in America, means party government; and in England, as in America, the two great parties represent little more than a desire for power and place. The fact is certain that to win or retain office, not to carry out principles, has become the dominating motive of the two chief political parties.

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.. True, the system of Ring-and-Bossdom is at present inchoate among us. But surely the Parliamentary party, of which Mr. Bryce is an ornament, is essentially a ring, and, most assuredly, the Prime Minister is a Boss in excelsis! And he rules his followers with an absolute sway which an American Boss might envy. . . . In England, then, as in the United States, self-government' really means bossdom in fear of the Irish vote."

Mr. Lilly knows no more signal proof of the deep degradation of English public life than the way Mr. Gladstone thrust Home Rule on his reluctant adherents.

He next looks to France, but finds there the same story repeated. "Self-government in France, as in the United States, is party government; nor does the machinery of politics in France differ substantially from the American, although it is less highly organized. . . . These parliamentary engineers are the bosses of France, who set up one phantasmal ministry after another, filling meanwhile their own pockets."


From these "counterfeits of national self-government," Mr. Lilly passes on to consider what the true article is.. "Self-government in an individual man means the supremacy of the rational nature over the emotional; the predominance of the moral over the animal self. The lower powers and faculties of a self-governed man are brought into subjection, and kept in subordination to the higher."

So is it in the nation. But-and here we come on a piece of Toryism as old as Plato-" in the social

organism the masses (as the phrase is) represent passion, impulse, emotion." And they must be ruled by reason. 'Civil society arises from the nature of things." The State must be based on morality, on justice therefore. Justice requires that every man "should count in the social organism for his true political value. And the political value of men differs greatly."

"All the elements of national life should be represented in just proportion. All should be subsumed in the reason of the organic whole. . 'pure democracy,' as it is called, the unchecked domination of numbers, is not a form of government at all. For the present deplorable state of things Mr. Lilly has two remedies to offer: the increased separation of the executive from the legislative government;" and "a strong second chamber" as a "safeguard against the tyranny of a debased popular chamber."




R. GEORGE COUSINS, of the London Missionary Society, supplies the Leisure Hour with a glowing eulogy on "Khama, the Bechwana Christian Chief." He recounts how Khama as a youth came under missionary influences, and how his refusal, on account of the Word of God," to take a second wife enraged his father. Khama suffered much under the reigns of his heathen father and uncle. It was only in self-defense that Khama revolted, drove out his uncle, and became king in 1872. On his accession he refused to perform the customary royal rites. "Khama emphatically announced his own adherence to the Word of God. He would not prohibit heathen ceremonies, but they must not be performed in his 'khotla,' and as their chief he would contribute nothing towards them. He was about, by public prayer to Almighty God, to ask a blessing upon their seed sowing, and afterwards would set to work. Whoever wished to have his seed charmed could do so at his own expense.

"For twenty-one years Khama has been in power, and his reign throughout has been in thorough harmony with that early declaration. All who know him bear testimony to his consistent life, his sagacious and enlightened rule, and to the general strength, probity and nobility of his character."


Mr. Cousins thus sums up this British ally: "Undoubtedly this chief stands out conspicuously among South African princes as the finest, noblest of them all. He rules with a firm hand, is soldierly in bearing, a keen sportsman, a good rider, every inch a man ; but combined with this strength there is remarkable patience, gentleness and kindliness of disposition, and none who know him doubt his sincerity or earnestness as a Christian. The remarkable way in which by the force of his own example and conduct he has led his people forward in the pathway of enlightened Christian progress furnishes striking evidence of this."

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