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been found in place at the time of writing, except at the Lady Belle mine.

A section across the ore body, beginning with the foot wall, is as follows: Four feet of rich ore (A), 11 feet of low-grade ore (B), 4 feet of rich ore (C), and feet of low-grade ore (D). The hanging wall has not yet been reached, and therefore the total thickness of the ore body is not known.

Vanadium assays made by the Bureau of Mines show the following results:

[blocks in formation]

A sample across the breast of the lower drift showed 0.94 per cent of V2O. No attempt to recover the vanadium has been made.


A deposit of vanadium ore has recently been discovered in California. It is on low ground, a few rods from a good road, 5 miles from Klinefelter Station, on the main line of the Santa Fe Railroad, near the eastern border of San Bernardino County. It is stated that the vein is 8 feet wide and can be traced on the surface for a distance of 435 feet. The ore is largely calcite. One sample tested by the Bureau of Mines showed a content of 1.71 per cent V2O5. Water is near by, there being numerous springs.


There are several deposits of grahamite in the United States, those in West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Nevada probably being the most important. Grahamite is a solid native bitumen, the origin of which was first described by White as being derived from the oxidation of petroleum. Richardson mentions the fact that both the West Virginia and Oklahoma grahamites contain vanadium in the ash. The mineral has been described as a brittle, solid, native bitumen, the result of the metamorphism of petroleum, generally pure, but at times containing adventitious mineral matter. Grahamite does not melt, but glows and burns slowly on the application of heat.


The deposits near Page, Le Flore County, Okla., and in the Impson Valley, are fully described by Taff. At Page very little development work has been done. An adit has been driven in the vein and within the adit a shaft has been sunk in the deposit, following the

a White, I. C., Origin of grahamite: Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, 1899, vol. 10, pp. 277-284. Richardson, Clifford, Grahamite, a solid native bitumen: Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 32, pt. 2, 1910, pp. 1033-1049.

c Taff, J. A., Grahamite deposits of southeastern Oklahoma: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 380, 1908, pp. 286-297.

vein for a considerable depth. The ore outcrops several hundred feet higher up on the hillside. The property has been leased to a Pittsburgh concern for the last few years, but the lease does not call for the working of the property and it has been idle during this time. The Oklahoma grahamite burns with a smoky flame to a yellowishbrown ash, whereas the grahamite from West Virginia, under similar conditions, forms a pasty asphaltic mass when the volatile matter is driven off, and finally reduces to a reddish-brown ash.

Samples analyzed by the Bureau of Mines laboratory at Denver, Colo., gave the following results:

[blocks in formation]


The vanadium ores from the mines in the United States meet a strong competitor in the patronite shipped from the deposits in Peru owned by the American Vanadium Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa.

These deposits are at Minasragra, 20 miles from Cerro de Pasco. The area lies along the western limit of a broad anticline in "Juratrias" and Cretaceous rocks. A section shows the series in this locality to be composed of green shales, thin beds of limestone, and red shales. Vanadium is found only in the red shales. The deposit proper appears to be a lens-shaped mass, 28 feet wide and 350 feet long. The dip is 75° W., and the strike is N. 20° W. The ore contains several minerals. The mineral that constitutes the larger portion of the deposit has been called "quisqueite." It is a black carbonaceous substance containing sulphur, with a hardness of 2.5 and a specific gravity of 1.75. There is also a lesser quantity of a cokelike material with a hardness of 4.5 and a specific gravity of 2.2. Neither of these contain vanadium. The vanadium is mostly at the southern end of the ore body, and to a depth of 20 feet is largely in the form of red calcium vanadate. The color is brighter than that of the calcium vanadate found in Colorado and Utah, and the ore carries as much as 50 per cent vanadium oxide. It occurs in small

a Hewett, D. F., A new occurrence of vanadium in Peru: Eng. and Min. Jour., vol. 82, Sept. 1, 1906, p, 385; Hillebrand, W. F., The vanadium sulphide, patronite, and its numerous associates from Minasragra. Peru: Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 29, pt. 2, 1907, pp. 1019-1029; Bravo, J. J., El Vanadio de Minasragra: Inform. Mem. Soc. Eng. Lima, 1906, pp. 171-185; Hewett, D. F., Vanadium deposits in Peru: Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., vol. 40, 1909, p. 291.

pockets and fills the cracks and fissures in a fine shale. Below this shale is the "mother lode." It is 9 to 30 feet thick, extends along the greater length of the deposit, and dips 40°. It carries as high as 10 per cent vanadium oxide and nearly as much sulphur. On the east and south sides, below the "mother lode," is found a hard blue-black vanadium shale, carrying as much as 13 per cent vanadium oxide and 4 to 5 per cent sulphur. Patronite, the main vanadium mineral, is greenish black and has a hardness of 2.5 and a specific gravity of 2.71. It contains from 19 to 24.8 per cent vanadium oxide and sometimes 50 to 55 per cent of combined sulphur. The patronite originally almost reached the surface close to a dike on the east side and the vein was followed in sinking the shaft. It is most abundant in the north half of the lens. The whole ore body is almost completely inclosed by porphyry dikes. There are also two or three intrusions in the ore body. PRODUCTION OF URANIUM, VANADIUM, AND RADIUM.

During the year 1912, 28.8 tons of uranium oxide, equivalent to 24.4 tons of metallic uranium, was produced in this country. In addition, 1.4 tons of uranium oxide was shipped, but has been held up in transit because the uranium oxide content was so low that it could not be marketed. The value of the uranium content of the ore shipped, on a basis of $1.50 per pound, is $86,000. On the basis that the radium is in equilibrium (see p. 66) with the uranium, 9.77 grams of radium chloride, or 12.7 grams radium bromide (anhydrous), were contained in the uranium ores mined and shipped in this country during 1912. All but a few tons of these ores, as already stated, was sent abroad and the radium was extracted in Europe. It is difficult to say at this time what the exact ratio of radium to uranium in carnotite ore is, as very little work has been done on the subject except in one commercial laboratory. Private information from this laboratory indicates that the ratio is only a little below the normal ratio of 1 part radium to 2,940,000 parts uranium. Allowing a generous margin of 10 per cent, the actual production of radium from American ores last year, assuming that all was extracted, was equivalent to 8.8 grams of radium chloride, or 11.43 grams of the bromide, worth, at the present price of $90,000 per gram for chloride, $792,000.a

We have been unable to ascertain the exact production of radium. from other sources during the year 1912, as the figures from the Austrian mines are not yet available. The total production of radium preparations from the Austrian mines in 1911, calculated as

a Some of the ore shipped toward the end of 1912 did not reach Europe until after the close of the year, and the radium in it would probably not be extracted from it for several months. Although the production of carnotite ore in the United States in 1911 was only a little less than that of 1912, less of it was sent abroad and what was shipped at the end of 1911 would not quite offset what was shipped at the end of 1912, so the above figures on production of radium in 1912 are a little high, although it represents the radium in the ore shipped.

pure radium chloride, was 2.647 grams, valued at $211,750. The production of radium from other uranium ores mined in 1912, omitting Austria and the United States, is probably less than 1 grams of radium chloride. The total production of radium chloride from foreign ores, therefore, during the year 1912, assuming that the Austrian production was no larger in that year than in 1911, was less than 4 grams. Therefore American ores supplied more than twice as much radium as was obtained from all other sources.

American ores in 1912 supplied approximately 285 tons of vanadium metal in the form of ferrovanadium and other vanadium products. Some of this went abroad, but most of it was used in this country.



The main use of vanadium is as an alloy in steels where great toughness and torsional strength are required, such as automobile parts, gears, piston rods, tubes, boiler plates, tires, transmission shafts, bolts, gun barrels, gun shields, and forgings of any kind which have to withstand heavy wear and tear. The vanadium content in such steels varies from 0.1 to 0.4 per cent. It is occasionally used in certain tungsten alloys for making high-speed tool steel. The introduction of a small proportion of vanadium decidedly reduces the proportion of tungsten required to give such alloys the desired hardness and toughness.

Arnold has given some illustrations of the effect of vanadium upon steels of different types:

One plain carbon steel containing about 1 per cent of carbon had a yield point of 35 tons per square inch, a maximum stress of 60 tons per square inch, an elongation of 10 per cent on 2 inches, and a reduction of area of 10 per cent. The addition to this steel of about 0.6 per cent of vanadium raised the yield point from 35 to 65 tons, the maximum stress from 60 to 86 tons per square inch, still leaving an elongation of 7 per cent and a reduction of area of 8 per cent.

A steel containing 0.25 per cent of carbon and 3.3 per cent of nickel gave a yield point of 33 tons, a maximum stress of 42 tons per square inch, an elongation of 26 per cent on 2 inches, and a reduction of area of 53 per cent. A practically identical steel, but containing in addition about 0.25 per cent of vanadium, gave a yield point of 50 tons instead of 33, a maximum stress of 68 instead of 42 tons per square inch. The elongation was 17 per cent on 2 inches and the reduction of area 36 per cent.

A steel containing 0.25 per cent of carbon and about 1 per cent of chromium registered a yield point of 27 tons and a maximum stress of 41 tons per square inch, with an elongation of 36 per cent on 2 inches and a reduction of area of 55 per cent. The addition of 0.25 per cent of vanadium raised the yield point from 27 to 40 and the maximum stress from 41 to 55 tons per square inch. The elongation was lowered from 36 to 26 per cent and the reduction of area from 55 to 53 per cent.

a Arnold, J. O., Some recent advances in scientific steel metallurgy: Nature, March 20, 1913, p. 70.

Vanadium, therefore, differs from tungsten in having an extremely beneficial effect not only on tool but also on structural steel. Arnold has shown that vanadium seemingly does not form a double carbide with iron, but gradually takes the carbon from the carbide of iron until, if about 5 per cent of vanadium is present, Fe,C can not exist, and only a vanadium carbide, VC, containing 15 per cent of carbon, is present, and this constituent is constant, at least in tool steels containing 5 to 14 per cent of vanadium. The micrographic analysis of such alloys has resulted in the discovery of three new constituents, namely, vanadium pearlite, vanadium hardenite, and vanadium cementite.

There seems to be a tendency to substitute the use of titanium to some extent for that of vanadium, although titanium probably acts only as a reducing agent. Vanadium is also used in making bronzes. in medicine, and in dyeing.


Uranium salts have been used for many years in glass manufacturing. Uranium colors glass yellow, and in sufficient proportion imparts to glass a beautiful fluorescent color known as "opalescent.' Fifteen per cent or more of the oxide may be required to give the desired effect. It is also used in ceramics for the purpose of obtaining brilliant, fireproof tints of yellow, orange, and black. Uranium coloring powders may be obtained in black or in six shades of yellow.

Uranium can be used as an alloy of steel, but alloys of other metals that have similar properties can be produced more cheaply. Owing to the increased supply of uranium, however, experiments are once more being tried with the object of getting some alloy with properties of a sufficiently distinctive character to make it a commercial product.


Radium is used in scientific research and in medicine. A study of radium and its disintegration products has vastly extended the conception of the composition of matter and the nature of the elements. Owing to the cost of the material, however, the quantity available for scientific research must necessarily be limited, although it is unfortunate that a larger proportion of the radium supply can not be devoted to purely scientific purposes. The commercial demand for radium must depend largely upon what use can be made of it for medical purposes. The following data have been abstracted from scientific journals and in part obtained from the bulletin published by the Imperial Department of Public Works in Austria:

Radium treatment is given by means of baths in radioactive waters, by drinking radioactive waters, by subjecting the patients to the radium emanation, by doses of

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