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BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN STREET AND AVENUE DIRECTORY-Continued. Conklin av. (H 8), from E. Danforth (J5), from Cres-Ditmas av. (G 8), from E. 2d to E. 5th (D 7), in 92d to E. 100th. cent, bet. Ridgewood av. R msen av.. E. 98th. and Etna, E. to Railroad Division (D 4), is now Leo av.-two blocks. Davis la. (H 8), from E. 87th, n. Av. J. E. to E. 9 d. Dean (C 5), from 167 Court,

Conover (C 5), from Ham-
ilton av., opp. President,
S. W. to New York
Conselyea (E3), from 218
Union av., E. to Hum- E. to East N. Y. av.
453 453 Flatbush av.
Conway (H 5), from 1967 1345 1346 Brooklyn av.
B'way, N. E. to Ever-2229 2230 Hopkinson av.
green cemetery.
Debevoise (F‍4), from 709]
Cook (F4), from 671 B'way, Broadway, E. to Bush-
E. to Bogart.
Cooper (H 5), from 1718
B'way, N. E. to County

Cooper pl. (G 6), is now
Dewey pl.

Cornelia (G 5), from 1485

B way, N. E. to County line.



wick av.

Debevoise pl. (D 5), from

23 Fleet, S. to DeKalb av.
De Bruyns la. (C 11), from
86th to Gravesend bay.
Deeatur (F 5), from 495
Tompkins av., E. to
Courty line.

Degraw (C5), from East
river bet. Sedgw ck and
Sackett, S. E. to East
N. Y. av.

283 304 Court.
635 654 Fourth av.
1365 1372 Brooklyn av.
De Kalb av. (D 5), from 547
Fulton, E. to County line.
167 168 Cumberland.

Cornell's al. (D 4), from
137 Gold, E. to Green la.
-one block.
Court (C4), from 340 Ful-
ton, S. to Gowanus bay.
128 Atlantic av.
304 Degraw.
553 58% Hamilton av.
Court s. (D 5), from 342
Fulton, S. to Livingston 533 526 Bedford av.
-one block.
1125 1116 Broadway.
Courtland (D 13), from Delaplaine (B 10), from
Neptune, S. to Sheeps- 86.h to 7th av.
head bay rd.
Delevan (C5), from 384
Covert (G5), from 1645 Columbia, N. W. to Van
B'way, N. E. to County Brunt.

Covert av. (G 3), is now
Leopold pl.
Coyle (F 11), from Gerrit-
son av. to Sheepshead

Delmonico pl. (F 4), from
652 Flushing av., S. E. to
Park av.

Dennet pl. (C 6), from Lu-
quer, bet. Court and
Smith, S. to Nelson-one

Denton av. (H 9), from
Paerdegat av. E to E.
95th. Canarsie.

Cozine av. (17), from
Louisiana av., bet. Wort
man av. and Fairfield
av., E. to County line.
Cranberry (C 4), from 79 Denton pl. (D6), from 528]
Columbia hgts, E. to Carroll, S. W. to First-
one block.
Creamer (C 6), from 39 Denyse (B 9), is now 101st.
Otsego, S. E. to Gowanus Denyse la. (B9), from 78th
and Stewart av.. S. E. to
Crescent (J 5), from Kings Highway rd.
Jamaica av., bet. Market Derussey (B 10), from 86th
and Hemlock, S. to
Jamaica bay.
Crooke av. (E 7), from

Ocean av. to Parade pl.
Cropsey av. (B 10), from
7th av. to Stillwell av.
Cross (E 4), from 556 Kent
av., W. to Wallabout|
channel-one block.
Crown (E 6), from 903
Washington av., S. E.
and E. to East New
York av.
Crystal (J5), from Ma-
genta, bt. Fountain av.
and Conduit av., S. to
Sutter av.
Cumberland (D 4), from 66
Flushing av., S. to Af
lantic av.
Curran sq. (D 5), junction
of Flatbush av., Ashland
pl. and Hanson pl.
Cypress av. (G3), from
Flushing_av., n. Scott
av., S. E. to County
Dahlgreen pl. (B 10), from
86th to 104th.
Dahlia pl. (I 5), from 2055
B'way. N. E. to Bush-

wick av.-one block.

to 7th av.

De Sales pl. (H. 5), late!
Hull (E. D.), from 1893)
B'way, N. E. to Ever-
green cemetery.
Devoe (F 3), from 184

Union av., E. to Morgan


Dewey pl. (G 6), from 1069
Herkimer, S. W. to At-
lantic av-one block.
Diamond (F 2), from 174

Driggs av., N. to Green-
point av.

Diamond av. (G7), from

Remsen av. to E. 98th.
Dick (E 1), from 81 Com-

mercial, N. W. to New-
town creek-one block.
Dickinson (F3), from 308

Morgan av., E. to New-
town creek.


Division av. (E 4), from
East river, S. of S. Elev-
enth, E. to B'w y.
103 88 Bedford av.
335 296 Broadway.
Division pl. (F3), from 108
Kingsland av., E. to New-
town creek.

Dixon pl. (D 4), from 246
York, S. to Sands-two

Dobbin (E2), from 111 N.

clu ive, from Vanderbilt, S. to Coney Island creck E. 6th (E 11), from Vanderbilt, S. to Coney Island creek.

E. 7th (D 7), from Reeve
pl., S. to Coney Island

E. 8th (D 7), from Ocean
Parkway, S. to Coney
Island creek.

E. 9th (E 8), from Av. B,

S. to Coney Island creek. E. 10th (E 9), from Caton av. S. to Av. A. Fifteenth, N. to Mese- E. 11th (E 8), from Caton role av. av., S. to Coney Island rozd.

Dock (C4), from East

river, bet. Fulton and E. 12th to E. 18th (F 7), Main, S. to Front. inclusive,from Caton av., Dodworth (G 4), from 1095) S. to Emmons av. Broadway, N. E. to Bush- E. 19th (E 7), from Church wick av.-one block. av., S. to Emmons av. Dooley (F 12), from Em-E. 21st (E 7), from Flatmons av, to Voorhees av. b. sh av., S. to Emmons Doscher (J 6), from Lib erty av., bet. Chestnu and Euclid av. to Belmont av.


E. 22d (E 8), from Butler,
S. to Emmons av.
E. 23d (E 8), from Vernon
av., S. to Emmons av.
E. 24th (E 8), from New-
kirk av., S. to Emmons


E. 25th (E 8), from Av.
B, S. to Emmons av.
E. 26th (E 8), from Av. B,
S. to Emmons av.

Doughty (C4), from 15
Furman, E. to Hicks.
Douglas (C5), from 283
Court, S. E. to East N. Y.
av. and S. to E. 98th.
283 278 Third av.
417 418 Fifth av.
1955 1956 Sutter av.
Downing (E 5), from 2E. 27th (E 8), from Old
Quiney, S. to Fulton. Flatbush road, S. to Em-
Dresden (I 5), from
Jamaica av. at Force E. 28th and E. 29th (F 8),
Tube av., S. to Atlantic from Butler, S. to Em-
mons av.


mons av.

[blocks in formation]


from Church av., S. to Av. S

E. 33d (F 8), from Flat

bush av. opp. N. Y. av., S. to Jamaica Bay.

(F 2), from 109 E. 34th (F 7), from WinPaidge av., N. E. to New- throp, S. to Av. X. town creek-one block. E. 35th (F 7), from ClarkDuffield (D 4), from Nas- son av, S. to Av. X. sau, bet. Bridge and Gold, E. 36th (F 9), from FlatS. to Fulton. Duffield ter. (D 4), E, side of Duffield, bet. Johnson and Tillary-runs half a block.

[blocks in formation]

av., E. to East av.. E. 45th and E. 46th (F 7). Wallabout Market. from East New York av Dikeman (B 5), from 38 Eagle (E 2), from East S. to Flatbush av. Otsego, N. W. to New river, bet. Dupont and E. 48th and E. 49th (G‍7), York bay. Freeman, E. to Paidge from East New York av. Dinsmore pl. (I 5), from S. to Flatbush av. Norwood av., bet. At- East av. (E 4), from Flush- E. 51st and E. 52d (G_7), lantic av. and Fulton, ing av. N. to Market- from Remsen av., S. to E. to Logan-one block. two blocks. Flatbush av. Ditmars (F 4), from 995 E. o3d to E. 55th ( 7), inB'way, N. E. to Myrtle clusive, from Remsen av.-one block. av., S. to Av. U

[blocks in formation]


E. 56th (G 7), from Clark-(Ellery (E 4), from 55 Nos-
son av., S. to Av. U.
trand av., E. to Bearer.
E. 57th and E. 58th (G 7). Elliott pl. (See S. Elliott
from Remsen av., S. to pl., also N. Elliott pl.)
Av. U.
Elm is now Hart.

E. 59th (G 7), from Lin-Elm
den, S. to Av. U.

E. 61st (G 10), from Av.

av. (E 10), from Coney Island av. n. Av. O, E. to Bay av.

O, n. Ralph av., S. to Ja-Elm pl. (D 5), from 472 maica bay. Fulton, S. W. to LivingE. 62d (G 10), from Ralph ston-one block. av., n. Av. O., S. to Ja-Elton (I 5), from Jamaica maica bay. av., bet. Cleveland and Linwood, S. to Jamica bay.

E. 63d (G 10), from Av.
N.. S.-two blocks.

E. 64th (G 10), from Embury pl. from 604 Her
Ralph av., n. Av. N., S.
-two blocks.

E. 65th (G 10), from Av.
N., n. Ralph av.. S.-two

E. 66th to E. 68th (G 10),, from Ralph
av., S. to Av. T.
E. 69th to E. 73d
inclusive, from Ralph
av., S. to Av. Y.
E. 74th (G 9), from Paer-
degat av., S. to Av. Y.
E. 75th (G 9), from
av., S. to Av. Y.

kimer S. one-half block.
Emerald (J 6), from Du-
mont av., at City line, S.
to County line.
Emerson pl. (E 4), late

Schenck, from 308 Flush-
ing av., S. to Lafayette


Fanchon pl. (H 6), from Fort Greene pl. (D5), from
Jamaica av., opp. 125 De Kalb av., S. to
Georgia av., N. to Sun- Atlantic av.
nyside av.-two blocks Fort Hamilton
Fayette (F 4), from 797

B'way, N. E. to Beaver-
one block.
Fellows pl. (G 6), from 838
Herkimer, S.
W. to

Atlantic av.-one block
Fennimore (E7), from
Ocean av. to Troy av.
Ferris (B 5), from 201
William, S. W. to Eliza

Ferry pl. (C 5), from 1
Hamilton av., N. E. to
Sackett-one block.
Fillmore av. (F 10), from
Gerritson av, to Av. T.
Fillmore pl. (E 3), from
673 Driggs, S. E. to Roebl-
ing-one block.
Fiske pl. (D 6), from 804
Carroll, S W. to Garfield
pl.-one block.
Flatbush av. (D 5), from
546 Fulton, S. to Mill

(G 9), Emery (F 2), from 253
Paidge av., to Newtown
creek-one block.
Emmett (C5), from 48 At-
lantic av., S. to Amity.
Emmons (E 12), from
Sheepshead bay rd. at
Av. Y, N. E. to Ocean Flatlands av. (F 10), from
av. at Av. X.
Av. P., E. to E. 109th.
Emmons av. (E 12), from Flatlands Neck (G 6), from
Ocean P'kway, E. to

E. 76th (G 9), from Ralph av., S. to Av. X.

E. 77th (G 8), from Ralph av., S. to Paerdegat av. E. 78th (G 8), from Ralph av., S. to Av. M.

E. 79th (GS), from Ralph

av., S. to Skidmore av. E. 80th to E. 89th (G 8),I inclusive, from Ralph av., S. to Denton av. E. 91st to E. 95th (G 6), inclusive, from East New York Av., S. to Denton


E. 96th (G 6), from East

Engert av. (formerly Van
Pelt av.) (F 3), from
Driggs av., bet. N. 14th
and N. 15th, E. to Meeker
Erasmus (E 7), from Flat-
bush av. to Nostrand


New York av., S. to Essex (15), from Jamaical
Canarsie landing.

E. 98th (G 6), from East
New York av., S. to Can-
arsie landing.

E. 99th to E. 107th (H7),]
inclusive, from Av. D.
S. to Av. N.

E. 108th (H 7), from Av.
E, S. to Av. J.
E. 109th (H7), from Av. E
n. Snediker av., S. to
Fresh Creek.

East New York av. (G 6),
from Rogers av., N. E.]
to Fulton.

273 274 Rockaway av. 485

492 Atlantic av.

151 130 Atlantic av.
345 302 Carlton av.

P'kway. (E7), from Ocean Parkway to Shore rd. Foster av. (E 9), from Coney Island av. to Gravesend av. Fountain av. (I 5), from Atlantic av., bet. Logan and Conduit av., S. to Jamaica bay. Franklin (E2), from Bush

wick creek, near Meserole av., N. to Commercial.


142 Greenpoint av. 225 256 Eagle. Franklin, 30th ward, (B 10), from Battery av. and Warehouse av., E. to Cropsey av. Franklin av. (E 4), from 106 Wallabout, S. and S. W. to Flatbush av. 146 Myrtle av. 512 Fulton.



712 Park pl. Franklin av., 29th ward (E.9), from Coney Island av. to West av.

Franklin pl. is now Tal

[blocks in formation]

Norman av. at Bridgewater, N. W. to Sutton. Frost (F3), from 284 Union av., E. to Kingsland av. Fulton (C_4), from East river at Fulton Ferry, S. E. and E to City line. 152 Sands. 340 Myrtle av.




546 Flatbush av.

Erie Basin (E 6), foot of Fleet pl. (D 4), from 208
Otsego, Dwight, Richards
Tillary, S. to Fleet.
and Van Brunt.
Flint (D 4), from Water,
bet. Main and Washing
ton, S. to Prospect.
Flood's al. (D 4), from 24
Johnson, S. to Myrtle 725
av.--one block.
Florence (F 3), from 846 1149
Grand, S. to Maujer. 1293
[Floyd (E 4), from 97 Nos-1569
trand av., E. to Broad-2057

av., bet. Linwood and
Shepherd av., S. to
Jamaica bay.
Etna (I 5), from Dresden,
bet. Ridgewood av. and
Jamaica av., E. to City

Euclid av. (J5), late Mar


ket, from Jamaica av..
bet. Chestnut and Cres-Flushing av. (D 4), Navy. 2789
cent, S. to Jamaica bay.
Evans (D 4), from 59 Hud-
son av., E. to the Navy
Eve (E 1), from 101 Com-
mercial, N. W. to New-Folsom pl. (I 5), from Lin
town creek.
wood, bet. Atlantic av.
and Fulton, E. to Essex
-one block.

Eastern Parkway (G. 6),Evergreen av. (F 4), from
from Plaza E. to Pitkin] 216 Cook, S. E. to Ever-
av., and E. Parkway

green cemetery.




222 Myrtle av.

Eastern P'kway Extension,
478 Gates av.
(G 6), from Eastern Park- 660 Halsey st.
way, at Pitkin av., N. E
844 Evergreen ceme-
to Ridgewood Reservoir.
Eckford (F 3), from 101 Evergreen pl. (I 5), from
Newton, N. to Green- New Jersey av. bet.
point av.
Jamaica av. and Sunny-
Eldert (G 5) from 1619 side av., W.-half block.
B'way, N. E. to County Ewen (F 4), is now Man-
hattan av.
Eldert's lane (J 5), from F (E 4), from Washington
Jamaica av., bet. Grant, av., E. through Walla-
av. and County line, S. to bout Market.
Jamaica bay.
Fair (D4), from 145 Prince,
Elizabeth (B 6), is now E. to Fleet pl.-
-one blk.
Fairfax is now Chauncey.
Elizabeth pl. (C4), from Fairfield av. (I 7), from
28 Fulton, S. W to Louisiana av. n. Cozine,
Doughty-one block
E. to County line.



146 Vanderbilt av.
328 Classon av.
766 B'way.

644 Lafayette av. 908 Washington av. 1132 Franklin av. 1278 Nostrand av. 1558 Albany av. 2152 Rockaway av. 2642 Pennsylvania av 2790 Van Sicklen av.

at termination of Nas Fulton pl. (D 5), from 482
sau, E. to County line. Fulton, S. W. to Livings-
ton-one block.
Furman (C4), from 8 Ful-
ton, S. W. to Atlantic av.
Furman av. (H_5), from
1841 B'way N. E. to
Evergreen cemetery.
Furnell (G 7), from Sche-
nectady av. to Utica av.
S. to G (E 4), from Wallabout
pl. n. Washington av.

Forbell av. (J 5), from

Glen at City line,
County line.

406 Fulton, S. to Livingston-one block. Garden (F 4), from 849 Flushing Bushwick ay.-one block. Garden pl. (C 4), from 92 Joralemon, S. W. to State-one block. Gardner av. (G 3), from

Force's pl. (D 4), from Gallatin pl. (D 5), from
Snell's al., bet. Nassau
and High, W. to Mum-
by's al.-one block.
Force Tube av. (15), from
junc. Richmond, bet.
Fulton and Atlantic av..
N. W. to Highland
Ford, 29th ward, (G 6).
from Carroll to East
New York av.
Ford, 324 ward, (F 11),

from Gerritson av. to
Sheepshead bay.
Forrest (F 4), from 501
Bushwick av.. E. and N.
E. to Flushing av.

Flushing av.. opp. Wyckoff av., N. to Meeker av. Garfield pl. (D 6), from 261 4th av., S. E. to Prospect Park West. Garnet (C 6), from 311 Hamilton av., E. to Smith.

Jamaica av., bet. Nichols Hanson pl. (D 5), from 125
av. and Eldert la., S. to Flatbush av., E. to Ful-
Jamaica bay.

Grattan (G 4), from 54 Bo-
gart, E to Flushing av.
Gravesend av. (D 7), from
10th av. to Neptune av.
Green la. (D 4), from 256
Front, S. to Sands.
Greene (E 2), from East
River, bet, Freeman and
Huron, E. to Paidge


Greene av. (D 5), from 783
Fulton, E. to County line.
99 92 Vanderbilt av.
348 Franklin av.
490 Nostrand av.
726 Sumner av.





Richardson, N. E. to
Kingsland av.

Herkimer (E 5), from Bed-
ford av., bet. Fulton and
Atlantic av., N. E. to
Williams pl.



112 Nostrand av. 448 Albany av.

Haring (F 10), from Ger-
ritson av. to Sheepshead
Harman (G 4), from 891 1119 1120 Saratoga av.
Bu hwick av., N. E. to Herkimer pl. (E 5), from
County line.
Harper ct. (D 4), from 255

Jay, E. to Lawrence-
one block.
Harrison (C5) from East
River, bet. Baltic and
Irving, E. to Court.
Harrison av. (E 4), from
282 Division av., S. E. to
Flushing av.
Harrison pl. (F 4), from 72
Bogart, E. to Flushing av.
Hart (F 4), from 185 Nos-
trand av., E. to County

Bedford av., bet. Her-
kimer and Atlantic av.,
E. to Nostrand av.-one

Hewes (E 4), from Wall-
about pl. n. Classon av.,
N. E. to Union av.
129 118 Bedford av.
Heyward (E 4), from 61
Wallabout, N. E. to

BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN STREET AND AVENUE DIRECTORY-Continued. Garrison (C4), from 44 Grant (ES), from Flat- Hanover pl. (D 5), from Herbert (F 3), from 151 Front, S. to York. bush av. to Ralph av. 516 Fulton, S. W. to Gates av. (E 5), from 875 Grant av. (J 5), from Livingston. Fulton, E. to County line. 107 96 St. James pl. 821 310 Bedford av. 1073 1072 Broadway. Gatling pl. (B 10), from 86th to 92d. Gelston pl. (B 10), from 86th to 94th. Gem (E2), from 37 N. Fifteenth, N. to Meserole av.-one block. George (G 4), from 87 Evergreen av., N. E. to Flushing av. Georgia av. (H 6), from Jamaica av., bet. Alabama av. and Sheffield av., S. to Jamaica bay. 261 262 Belmont av. Germania pl. (F 9), from 1057 1110 Bushwick av. E. 29th to Flatbush av., at Nostrand av. Gerritson av. (F 10), from Nostrand av., at Av. Q to County line. Gerry (F 4), from 459 Marcy av., N. E. to Broadway. Gillen pl. (H 6), from Jamaica av., bet. Broadway and Fanchon pl., N. Grinnell, is now Creamer. to Bushwick av.-one Grove (G 5), from 1317 block. Broadway, N. E. to County line. Grove av. (B 10), from Derussey to 11th av. Grove pl. (D 5), from 13 Hanover pl., S. E.-one half block. Gubner (B 10), from 86th n. 10th av., W. to 7th av. Guernsey (E 2), from 358

Glen (J 6), from Atlantic av., junction Conduit av., E. to County line. Glenada pl. (F 5), from 122 Decatur, S. to Fulton. Glenmore av. (H 6), from Rockaway av., bet. East New York av. and Eastern Parkway, E. to County line.

121 122 Christopher av. 317 318 Alabama av. 533 534 Van Sicklen av. Gold (D 4), from East River, bet. Bridge and Hudson av., S. to Fulton. 87 86 Front. 351

344 Myrtle av. Gothic al. (D 4), from 214 Pearl, W. to Adamsone block. Grace et. (C 4), from 248 Hicks (it forms an L), runs N. W. and N. Grafton (G 6), from East New York av. at Eastern Parkway, S. to E. 98th. Graham (E 4), from 357 Flushing av., S. to Laf ayette av. Graham av. (F 4), from 747 Broadway, N. to Driggs

[blocks in formation]

Greenpoint av. (E 2), from

East River, bet. Kent
and Milton, E. to New-
town creek.
139 156 Manhattan av.
403 414 Kingsland av.
Greenwood av. (D7), from
Coney Island av. n.
Reeve pl., W. to Graves-
end av.

Driggs av. to one-half
block N. of Oak.
Guilford (F 3), is now

Gunther pl. (H 6), from

N. E. to

1258 Herkimer, S. W. to
Atlantic av.-one block.
Gwinnett (E 4), from 157
Hale (1 5), from Jamaica
av. bet. Force Tube av.
and Norwood, S. to At-
lantic av.

Hall (E 4), from 232 Flush

ing av., S. to DeKalb av. Hallock (C 6), from 99 Otsego, S. E. to Gowanus bay.


Halsey (E 5), from 1225
Bedford av., E.
County line.



93 90 Nostrand av.
554 Stuyvesant av.
970 Broadway.
Hamburg av. (G 4), from
1002 Flushing av., S. E.,
to Evergreen cemetery.
127 130 Willoughby av.
275 260 Greene av.
487 472 Jeffersou av.
Hamilton av. (C 5), from
East River at Sackett, S.
to Third av.

[blocks in formation]

124 Myrtle av. 388 Gates av. 670 Washington av. Granite (H 5), from 1813 147 Broadway, N. E. to 643 County line.


144 Nostrand av.
654 Reid av.
1036 Bushwick av.

[blocks in formation]

Hart's pl. (D 4), is now
Mack pl.

Harway av. (C 11), from
Cropsey av, n. 24th av.,
S. to Canal av.
Hatton pl. (I 5), from Nor-
wood av., bet. Atlantic!
and Fulton, W.-two-
thirds block.

Hausman (F 2), from 211
Meeker av., N. to Front
(E. D).

Havemeyer (E 3), from 270
N. Ninth, S. E. to Di-
vision av.

Hicks (C 4), from 66 Fulton, S. W. to Gowanus bay.

123 124 Clark.


332 Atlantic av.

[blocks in formation]

High (C4), from 161 Ful-
ton, E. to Navy.
Highland Boulevard (H 5),
is now E. P'kway Ex.
Hill (J 5), from Conduit
av., bet. Magenta and
Liberty av.. E. to Rail-
road av.
Himrod (G 4), from 867
Bushwick av.. N. E. to
County line.
Hinckley pl. (D 8), from E.
8th, n. Av. B, E. to E. 11th.
Hinsdale (H 6), from East
New York av., bet.
Atlantic av. and Will-
iams av.. S. to Fresh

169 170 Pitkin av.

119 1 8 Grand.
Havens pl. (I 6), from
Herkimer, bet. Jardine
pl. and Sackman, S. W.|
506 Riverdale av.
to Atlantic Holland (F 2), from 149
Paidge av., N. E. to New-
Hawthorne (E 7), from town creek-one block.
Holly (J 6), from Sutter
av. bet. Chestnut and
Euclid av., S. to Spring

Flatbush av., nr. Win-
throp, E. to Troy av.
Hegeman av. (H 7), from
city line at Thatford av.,
E. to County line. Hooper (E 4), from Kent
Hemlock (J) 5), from
av., bet. Keap and
Jama ca av., bet. Cres- Hewes, N. E. to Grand.
cent and Railroad av., 289 304 Broadway.
S. to Atlantic av., and Hope (E 3), from 157 Roe-
from Liberty av., S. to
Jamaica bay.
Hendrickson (F 9), from
Flatlands av. to Mill
Hendrix (15), from High-
land Boulevard, bet. Bar
bey and Miller av., S. to
Jamaica bay.
Hennessy pl. (D) 4), at Nend
of Lawrence- half block.
Henry (C4), from 118 Ful-
ton, S. W. to Gowanus Howard

[blocks in formation]

683 676 Hamilton av.
Henry, 31st ward (D 12),!
from Neptune av. to
Canal av.
Henry, 29th ward (D 8),
from Caton pl. to Caton


Henry pl. (F 2), from 171
Paige av., N. E. to New-
town creek-one block.

bling, S. E. to Union av.
Hopkins (E 4), from 37
Nostrand av., E. to
Hopkinson (G 5), from 1612
Broadway, S. to County

Howard av. (G 5), from
1396 Broadway, S. to
E. 98th.

116 Macon.
261 264 Fulton.

ct. (C 4), from Main, bet. Water and Front, runs W.-half block.

Hoyt (D 5), from 448 Fulton, S. W. to Fifth.

89 88 Atlantic av. 305 306 Union. Hubbard, 31st ward (E11), from Av. W., n. Ocean Parkway, S. to Canal


Hubbard la.. 32d ward (F9), from Flatbush av., at E. 38th, E to E. 40th

Hudson av. (D 4), from Jay (D 4), from East river, East River, bet. Gold and bet. Pearl and Bridge, S. the Navy Yard, S. to to Fulton.


163 351

King (C 6), from 4 4 Co- Lefferts pl. (E 5), from 249
Jumbia, N. W. to N. Y. St. James' pl., S. E. to
Frankin av.
Kings Highway rd. (B 9), Lenox
from Fort Hamilton av...
at 86th, to Av. U.
Kingsland av. (F 3), from
71 Maspeth av., N. to
Paidge av.

160 Sands.

354 Myrtle av. Hudson pl. (D 4), from Sandbet. Gold and Hudson av.-half block. Hull (G 5), from 1945 Fulton, E. to Broadway. Hull (E D.), now De Sales pl. Humboldt (F 4), from 803 Flushing av., N. to Mese

role av.


365 557

120 McKibbin.

370 Metropolitan av.

576 Engert av. Hunterfly rd. (G 6), from East New York av., at Howard av., to Osborn Huntington (C5), from 419 Columbia, S. E. to Gowanus canal. Hunt's al. (C 4), from Henry, bet. Remsen and Joralemon-one block. Huron (E 2), from East river, between Greene and India, E. to Kings land av.

I(E 4), Wallabout Market. Imlay (C5), from 80 Ham

ilton av., William. India (E 2), from East river, bet. Huron and Java, E. to Kingsland av. India wf. (C5), from Com mercial wf. at Summit, N. to North Pier, Atlan-| tic Dock-one block. Ingraham (F 3), from 92 Bogart, Flushing av. Irving (C5), from East river, bet. Harrison and Sedgwick, S. E. to Columbia. Irving av. (G 4), from Flushing av., at Thames, S. E. to City line.

95 84 Willoughby av. 30 292 Myrtle av. Irving pl. (E 5), from 180 Gates av., S. to Fulton. Irving pl., 29th ward (E 7) is now St. Paul's pl.` Island av. (G 10), from Av. N, at E. 64th, to Av. U, Bergen Beach. J (E 4), Wallabout Market. Jackson (F 3), from 252

Union av., E. to Kingsland av. Jackson (30th ward) is now New Utrecht. Jackson et. (D 4), from 248 Front, runs S.-half a block.

Jackson pl. (D 7), from 284

Sixteenth, S. W. to Prospect av.-one block. Jamaica av. (H 6), from Alabama av., opp. East New York av., E. to County line.


145 158 Sands. 405 420 Fulton. Jefferson (F 4), from 947 Broadway, N. E. to Cy

press av. Jefferson av. (E 5), from 19 Ormond pl., E. to County line.

183 711


186 Nostrand av. 696 Reid av. 1022 Broadway. Jefferson pl. (C 5), from President, bet. Hicks and Henry, N.-half block. Jerome (I 5), from Jamaica av., at Ridgewood av., S. to Jamaica bay. Jerome av. (F 12), from E. 17th to Av. Z. Jewel (F2), from 643 Humboldt, N. to Greenpoint


John (D4), from 2 Adams,
E. to Little.
Johnson (D 4), from 311

Fulton, E. to Ray-

Johnson, 29th ward (D 8),| from Coney Island av. to

Ocean Parkway. Johnson av. (F 4), from 495 Broadway, E. Flushing av.


173 162 Graham av. 875 406 Morgan av. Johnson la. (E 11), from Ocean Parkway, at Av.! T, to E. 18th. Johnson pl. (E 7), from

Church av. to Grant. Joralemon (C 4), from East river, between Montague and State, E. to Fulton.

Judge (F 3), from 248 Devoe, S. to Powers-one block.

Junius (H 6), from East

[blocks in formation]

144 St. Marks av. 328 President. Knapp (F 11), from Gerritson av., n. Av. V, S. to Sheepshead bay. Knickerbocker av. (G_3), from Johnson av., bet. Bogart and Morgan av., S. E. to County line.

266 Willoughby av. 458 Myrtle av. 783 784 Halsey. Kosciusko (E 5), from 991 Bedford av., E. to Bushwick av.

89 90 Nostrand av. 373 360 Sumner av. Kosciusko pl. (E 5), from 1001 Kent av., runs E.half block. Kossuth pl. (G 4), from 1171 Broadway, N. E. to Bushwick av.-one block Kowenhoven la. (B8),from 5th av., opp. Senator, to 13th av. and 60 h. Lafayette (D 5), from 41 Fleet, E. to Raymond. Lafayette av. (D 5), from 73 Flatbush av., E. to Bushwick av.



118 Cumberland. 318 Grand av. 573 586 Nostrand av. 1103 1108 Broadway.

Lake (F 2), from 6 Bridge

[blocks in formation]

139 122 Franklin av. 557 528 Sumner av. Lexington av., 30th ward (B 10), from Parrot pl., n. 88th, to Grove av. Leyden (F2), from 191

Paidge av., N. E. to Newtown creek. Liberty, 31st ward (E 10). from Locust av., D. Coney Island av., S. to Elm av.

Liberty (C 4), from 10 High, S. to Fulton at Tillary. Liberty av. (H6), from East New York av., bet. Rockaway av, and Thatford av., E. to County line. 291

292 Alabama av.

743 744 Essex. Liberty pl. (J_5), from Grant av., n. Etna, E. to Eldert la.- one block. Lincoln av. (J 5), from Ridgewood av., n. Railroad av., S. to Jamaica bay. Lincoln pl. (D 6), from 161

Lafayette av., 30th ward 511 512 Van Sicklen av. New York av., opp. Pa (B9), from 11th av. to cific, S. to Fresh creek. 12th av. K (E4), Washington Mark-LaGrange (F 2), from 874 et, Washington av. Grand, s. to Maujer--one Kane pl. (G 6), from 894 block. Herkimer, S W. to At-Lake, 31st ward (D 11), lantic av.-one block. from Kings Highway rd., Keap (E 4), from_Walla- S. to Canal av. bout canal, bet. Rodney and Hooper, N. E. to Union av. Kenilworth pl. (E 8), (formerly Melrose av.), from Av. F, at E. 26th. S. to Germania pl. Kenmore pl. (D) 8), from Woodruff av., S. Caton av. Kent (E 2), from East riv

[blocks in formation]

water, N. E. to Newtown, creek-one block. Latting pl. (A 8), from N. Y. bay, n. Wakeman pl., E. to 1st av. Laurel (I 5), from Barbey, bet. Sunnyside av. and Eastern Parkway Ex., E. to Jewish cemetery. Lawrence (D 4), from Hennessy pl., bet. Jay and Bridge, S. to Fulton. Lawrence, 29th ward (FS), from Grant to Canarsie la.

Fifth av., E. to Prospect Park West. Lincoln rd. (E 7), from

Flatbush av., n. Maple, E. to Remsen av. Linden (G 5), from 1349 Broadway, N. E. to County fine. Linden av. (E 7), from

Flatbush av., n. Ridgewood, E. to Remsen av. Linwood (15), from Eastern Parkway Ex., Force Tube av., S. to Jamaica bay.



Kent av. (E 2), from N.
Fourteenth, opp. Frank-
lin, S. and S. E. to Lafay-Lawrence av. (E 9), from
E. 9th to E. 47th.
Lawrence pl. is now Hen-Little
nessy pl.
Lawton (G 4), from 1071
Broadway, N. E. to Bush-
wick av.- one block.
Lee av. (E 4), from 146
Division av., S. E. to
Lefferts (E 7), from Flat-

100 New Jersey av. 354 Ridgewood av. 659 646 Norwood av. 404 Broadway. Jane (E 3), from 350 Union 761 770 Flushing av. av, E. to Leonard. 1021 1024 Lafayette av. Jardine pl. (H 6), from Kill's Path (J 5), from Herkimer, bet. Vesta av. Jamaica av., opp. Euclid and Havens pl., S. W. to av., N. to Borough line. Atlantic av.-one block. Kimball (F10), from FlatJava (E 2), from East riv- lands av. and Hendricker, bet. India and Kent, son walk, S. to Mill E. to Greenpoint av.

[blocks in formation]

126 Ridgewood av. 474 Pitkin av.


(D 4), from East river, bet. Hudson av and Navy Yard, S. W. to Evans. Little la. (E9), from Ocean Parkway, n. Av. E, W. to West av. Little Nassau (E 4), from Graham, bet. Flushing and Park al, runs E. one and a half blocks.

253 272 Bond. Livonia av. (G 7), from E. 98th, at Howard av., E. to New Lots rd. Lloyd (F 7), from Church av. to Rogers-S. one block.

Mercein (C4), from the
Brooklyn Bridge, E. to
Garrison-one block.
Mermaid av. (C13) from
W. 43d, at Neptune av.,
E. to Stillwell av.
Meserole (F 3), from 44
Union av., E. to County

BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN STREET AND AVENUE DIRECTORY-Continued. Livingston (C 5), from 19 Malbone (E 7), from Flat-Melrose av. is now Kenil-Montague terrace (C 4). Sidney pl., E. to Flat- bush av.. opp. Ocean av., worth pl. bush av. E. to East New York av. Malta (H7), from New Lots rd., bet. Williams av. and Alabama av., S. to Jamaica bay. Manhasset pl. (СČ 5), from Rapelye, bet. Henry and Hicks, S. E. to Colesone block. Manhattan av. (F 4 and F2), from 677 Broadway, N. to Newtown creek. 2 Broadway. 238 Grand. 900 Greenpoint av. 1206 Newtown creek.



Locust (F 4), from 861
Broadway, N. E. to Bea
ver-one block.
Locust, 29th ward (E 8),
from Church av., n. Rog-
ers av., S. to Vernon av. 231
Locust av., 31st ward (E10) 899
trom Coney Island av., 1205
at Av. M, N. E. to Ocean Maple (E 7), from Flatbush
av. u. Midwood, E. to
Troy av.
Marcy av. (E 3), from 302
Metropolitan av., S. and
S. E. to Fulton.
195 210 Division av.
577 568 Myrtle av.
849 854 Putnam av.
Marine av. (A 9), from 1st
av. and 92d, to Fort
Hamilton Parkway.
Marion (G 5), from 1707

Logan (I 5), from Jamaica
av., bet. Norwood av. and
Richmond, S. to Foun-
tain av.
Lombardy (F 2), from 144
Kingsland av., E. to
Newtown creek.
Lorimer (F 4), from 579
Broadway, N. to Noble.
45 58 Johnson av.
179 194 Grand.

462 Driggs av. Lorraine (C6), from 19 Otsego, S. E. to Hamilton av.

Lott (E7), from Erasmus, n. Bedford, S. to Av. B. Lott av. (H7), from Thatford av., E. to New Lots rd.

Louis pl. (G 6), from 1090

Herkimer, S. W. to Atlantic av.-one block. Louisa (D 8), from West av., n. Story, S. W. to 36th.

Louisiana av. (H 7), from
Williams av., n. New
Lois rd., S. to Jamaica

Love la. (C4), from 161
Henry, W. to Hicks-one
Ludlam pl. (E 6), from

Montgomery, n. Bedford
av., S. to Sullivan,
Luquer (C6), from 377 Co-
lumbia, S. E. to Smith.
Lynch (E 4), from 95 Wal-
labout, N. E. to B'way.
Mack pl. late Hart's al.
(D 4), from 188 Gold, E.
to Bridge-one block.
Mackay pl. (A 8), from
New York bay, n. 70th,
E. to 1st av.
Macon (F 5), from Arling
ton pl., n. Fulton, E. to
Hopkinson av.

33 34 Nostrand av. 339 320 Sumner av. 847 830 Saratoga av. Madison (5), from 493 Classon av., E. to County line.

[blocks in formation]

Fulton, E. to Broadway.
Market (E 4), from Wash-
ington av., E. to East av.
-two blocks.
Market (J 5) is now Euclid


Marsh (G 11), from Nos-
trand av., at Av. P, S. to
Fillmore av.: thence to
Av. V, S. to Av. X.
Marshall (D 4), from East

river, ft. of Adams, E. to

Marshall's la. (H 9), from

E. 92d and Av. M, E. to
Rockaway Parkway.
Martense (E 7), from Flat-
bush av., n. Linden, E.
to New York av.
Martense la. is now 36th.
Maspeth av. (F 3), from

Humboldt, n. Metropoli-
tan av., N. E. to New-
town creek.

Maujer (F 3), from 393 S.
1st, Newtown creek.
165 154 Graham av.
362 Morgan av.




468 Metropolitan av
McDonough (F5), from
947 Marcy av., B'way
72 Tompkins av.
361 372 Stuyvesant av.
813 822 Broadway.
McDougal (G 5), from 1875
Fulton, E. to Broadway.
McKenney (C4), from 50
Doughty, Poplar.
McKibbin (F 4), from 557
Broadway, E. to Bogart.
51 50 Leonard.

201 200 Bushwick av.
McKinley av. (J 5), from
Railroad av., bet. Ma-
genta and Glen, E. to
Eldert's lane.
Meadow (F 3), from 86
Waterbury, E to Bogart.
Meadow la. (H 9), from E.
83d, n. Av. J to E. 92d.
Meeker av. (F 3), from 115
Richardson, N. E. to
Newtown creek.
155 154 Kingsland av.
Melrose (F 4), from 927
Broadway, N. E. to Irv-
ing av.

149 154 Graham av.
369 382 Morgan av.
Meserole av. (E 2), from 12
Franklin, E. to Front,
E. D.

113 104 Manhattan av.
313 306 Kingsland av.
Metropolitan av. (E 3),
from East river, bet. N.
1st and N. 3d, S. E. and
E. to Newtown creek.

205 206 Bedford av.
803 808 Bushwick av.
1027 1030 Morgan av.
1207 1212 Maujer.
1301 1280 Ten Eyck.
Middagh (C_4), from 61
Columbia Heights, E. to

Middleton (E 4), from 121
Wallabout, N. E. to
Throop av.
Midwood (E 7), from Flat-
bush av., n. Maple, E. to
Troy av.

Milford (I 5), from Atlan-
tic av., bet. Montauk av.)
and Logan, S. to Foun-
tain av.

Mill (C6), from 457 Colum-]
bia, E. to Hamilton


Mill, E. D. (F 3), from 1093
Metropolitan av., E. to
Newtown creek.
Mill rd., 31st ward (B12),
from Cropsey av., at 25th
av., S. to Bay 47th.
Mill rd., 32d ward (H 7),
from Hopkinson av., E.
to Fresh creek.
Miller av. (15), from East-
ern Parkway Extension,
bet. Hendrix and Sunny-
side av., S. to Jamaica

141 142 Fulton.
341 342 Pitkin av.
Miller pl. (F 6), from Mal-
bone, n. Brooklyn av., S.
to Lefferts.

Milton (E 2), from East
river, bet. Noble and
Greenpoint av., E. to
Manhattan av.

Minna (DS), West av., n.
12th av., W. to 36th.
Moffat (15), from 1741
B'way, N. E. to County

Monitor (F 3). from 225
Richardson, N. to Green-
point av.

from 50 Montague, S. to Remsen-one block. Montauk av. (I 5), from Atlantic av., bet. Atkins av. and Milford, S. to Jamaica bay. Montgomery (E 6), from Washington av..n.Crown E. to County line. Montgomery, 29th ward (DS), from Coney Island av., n. Church av., S. W. to E. 7th. Montgomery pl. (D 6).from - 97 Eighth av. S. E. to Prospect Park West. Monteith (F 4), from 475 Bushwick av., E. to Evergreen av. Montrose av. (F 4), from 28 Union av. E., to County line.


82 Leonard.

889 392 Morgan av. Moore (F 4), from 613 Broadway, E. to Bogart. Morgan av. (G 4), from 1029 Flushing av., N. to Front, E. D.


112 Johnson av. 228 Ten Eyck.

368 Maspeth av.
Morrell (F 4), from 843
Flushing av., N. to Bush-
wick av.
Morrison (B 10), from
86th, n. Delaplaine, S. to
proposed street.

Morse (F 2), from 22
Bridgewater, N. E. to
Newtown creek · one

Morton (E 4), from 541
Kent av., N. E. to Bed-
ford av.
Moultrie (F 2), from 685
Humboldt, N. to Green-
point av.
Myrtle av. (D 4), from 351
Fulton, E. to County line.
205 198 Hudson av.





400 Vanderbilt av. 686 Bedford av.

756 Nostrand av. 955 Throop av. 1147 1132 Broadway. 1439 1424 Knickerb`ker. Narrows av. (A 8), from N. Y. bay, S. W. to Shore rd., bet. 89th and 91st. Nassau (C 4), from 187 Fulton, E. to Navy. Nassau av. (E 2), from 87 N. 14th, N. E. to Varick. Nassau pl. (D 4), from 252 Nassau, S. to Concordone block. Navy (D 4), from 243 York, S. to DeKalb av. Neck rd. (D 11), from Stillwell av. opp. Bay 44th, E. to Gerritson av. Nelson (C5), from 399 Columbia, S. E. to Smith. Neptune av. (C 13), from Mermaid av. and W. 43d, E. to Coney Island


Monroe (E 5), from 471
Classon av., E. to B'way.
63 72 Franklin av.
113 122 Bedford av.
877 Broadway.
Monroe pl. (C 4), from 100
Clark, S. W. to Pierre-
pont-one block.
Monsell (F 6), from Mont-
gomery, S. to Malbone.
Montague (C4), from East
river. bet. Pierrepont Newell (F 2), from 208
and Remsen, E. to Court. Driggs av., N. to Green-
126 Henry.
point av.


Nevins (D 5), from 10 Flat-
bush av., S. W. to Carroll.
81 81 Atlantic av.
303 298 Union.

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