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Some of these studies even indicate that the differential diagnosis may be made clinically.

Hepatoptosis by Interposition of Intestine. Laurent Moreau, Prog. Med. Mch. 16, describes two cases, demonstrated by X-rays, by means of the clear space between the liver and the diaphragm. While very rare, this condition has been described by Beclere, Aubourg and Perussia, the three important factors being abdominal hyperpressure, gaseous dilatation of the colon and malformation of the liver. (Note: Clinically, cases are encountered in which, without malformation of the liver, and with a question as to whether hyper or hypotension exists, coils of intestine, not necessarily the colon, come somewhat in front of and above the anterior portion of the dome of the liver.)

New Method of Treatment of Elephantiasis. M. C. Walther, Le Prog. Med., Mch. 23, has successfully employed in three cases of elephantiasis of the lower limbs, an artificial supplementation of the lymphatic circulation. A small rubber drain, without lateral perforation, is placed by means of a Chassignac trochar in the deep layer of the subcutaneous cellular tissue, short circuiting the zone of arrest of circulation. At the extremities of the tube, it is button-holed through the aponeurosis into the subjacent space and fixed by a linen suture. He mentions a case of elephantiasis of the arm due to a war wound, with cicatrization. The ability to move the arm returned but the oedema persisted. In the cases of elephantiasis of the lower limb, complete cure was apparent at the expiration of 8-20 months.

Cod Liver Oil Substitute. Col. J. S. Purdy, Brit. Med. Jour., calls attention to the mutton bird or smoky petrel whose migration is between the Antarctic and New Zealand and Australia. The oil is used by the natives and the author has employed it in tuberculosis. (Note: We have long been sceptic, first of the special value of cod liver oil, secondly, of the value of a high fat or any other unbalanced ration in tuberculosis, although a moderate excess of nourishment is demanded. However, when fat has shown its importance both as a food and as a war material, by the shortage in Germany any source of fat is welcome. E.)

Complete Transposition of Viscera. Colard and Couturier, Arch. Med. Belges, Feb., describe the demonstration, largely by X-rays, of two cases in soldiers. (Hats off to the Belgian profession for maintaining a medical journal under their present handicap).

Contante, P

Index to Advertisements, Page 6.

Publicity Dept., Page 20

Yearly Vol. 74

December, 1918



Buffalo Medical Journal

Established 1845 by AUSTIN FLINT, M .D.


A. L. BENEDICT, A. M., M. D.

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The Real Hardship of the Medical Profession from Military Service.
War Psychology



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Fost Bellum Immigration



As to Influenza. By George F. Cott, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y..


Podalic Version. By P. W. Van Peyma, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.


Three Cases of First Labor in Women with Congenital Dislocation of One Hip. By Mary G. Haskins, M. D., Detroit, Mich..


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Abstracts at end of original articles and on advertising pages.

Price of Single Copies of this Magazine, 20 Cents.

EUROPEAN AGENCY, J. R. BAILLIERE, & FILS, 19 Rue Hautefeuille, Paris. Subscription, if paid in advance, $2.00; otherwise, $2.50. Foreign subscription, $2.50. Entered at the Post Office at Buffalo, N. Y., as second-class mail matter.

Alf. E. Tovey, Printer

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Emery Mfg. Co., Bradford, Pa.........25 Detroit Medical Journal.


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