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the faith of the child in the first great supreme cause. The teacher who would dare to inculcate any other idea in his pupils than that of a Supreme Being would very soon be walking on the highways out of a job.-I. M. TAULBOE.

IGNORANCE and anarchy batter down the temples of justice without rebuilding them, and the institutions of society without the power of re-constituting, making a desert instead of a garden of our land. They feed upon vengeance, ruins and graves. Our common school system trains and educates for obedience to law, for coöperation, unity, safety, peace, liberty and brotherhood. Our schools are worth in this direction alone all they cost -American Journal of Education.

LET us give the old country school its full share of credit in bringing about this healthier tone; for it lives still, and long life to it!-Pennsylvania School Journal.

If we could draw back the curtains of the millennium and look in, we should see not a Hercules here and there standing on the world-wasting monsters he had killed; but a world full of men, each with an arm of moderate muscle, but each triumphant over his own little piece of the obstinacy of earth or the ferocity of brutes.PHILLIPS BROOKS.

I SAY you must be the boy's comrade or he will escape you. If you have any sort of charm, use that-not for your sake, but for his sake. If you have fidelity of character he will find that out for himself. If a sneak looks out of your eyes, he will know it and every fine maxim from your lips will send him the other way. If you care for the boy, if you want to do him any good, if you have in you any of the mother spirit which clings to life and will not let it go, there is no power anywhere that can save if this fails, for it is the love of God.WM. L. BRYAN.

THE pushing of a favorite doctrine to extremes finally gives even the best theory the guise of a hurtful fallacy; and when, in the preparatory schools and lower college classes, its results become evident in weaknesses incompatible with a student's proved ability, it is almost or quite too late to remedy the mistake.-IDA F. FOSTER, in Educa tional Review.


[Read before the National Educational Association by Prof. Earl Barnes, of Stanford University.] The Study of Children on the Pacific Coast.

The Pacific Coast has no State organization devoted to the study of children. The work with us has naturally gathered around our two great universities, the Normal schools and scattered workers. Alexander Frye, as superintendent of the San Bernardino schools, prepared an elaborate mind chart some four years ago and gathered a large amount of data. So far as I know, these have not yet been worked up. Charles McGrew, of San Jose, about the same time, prepared and printed some very general outlines for gathering data, but owing to Mr. McGrew's death the work was never brought to completion.

When Stanford University was opened in 1891, a course of work was at once offered in the Department of Education on The Study of Children. Only half a dozen students registered for the course, but it has grown steadily, until this year we had fifty-two students registered in this course, and during the past two years we have had a seminary devoted to the same work. We have also had from the first, as a part of the Department of Education, an experimental kindergarten and primary school, where we have been able to carry out some specific studies. From the University we have carried on series of studies-lecturing, printing outlines, gathering and working up data, in connection with the superintendents of education, in the cities of Oakland, Santa Cruz, Alameda, Santa Rosa and Stockton; in connection with County Institutes we have printed outlines and gathered materials for various phases of child study from all the schools in Monterey, Santa Ana, San Mateo, Fresno, Madera, San Bernardino, Riverside and El Dorado counties. As a result of these collections, we have gathered and worked up 15,000 children's drawings, 7,000 papers on the historical sense, 37,500 definitions, following Binet's tests, 3,000 papers on children's rights, 1,200 compositions on heaven and hell, 4,000 papers describing punishments, 2,000 studies on observation, 3,000 comparisons of the horse and cow, 5,000 papers on

inference, 3,000 papers on children's ambitions, 1,200 tests on poor spellers, 1,200 color tests and 2,000 compositions on fear. We have also a large amount of material collected on the property sense, the sense of time, sex instinct, the money sense, etc. The results of these studies have been presented in a variety of papers before Congresses and Associations and in articles in the Pedagogical Seminary, the PACIFIC EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL, and in other journals. Miss Schallenberger's principal contribution has been the study on children's rights in the Pedagogical Seminary, and she is now working on children's property sense.

About the time that this work on children of school age was begun the Pacific Branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumnæ organized a committee for the study on infants. Miss Milicent Shinn, of Niles, organized this committee, and has been its active leader ever since. She prepared and published for its use two very extended and valuable syllabi for directing would-be students. During the past year the committee has met as a graduate seminary of the University of California, and it has now an elaborate study on children's drawings nearly ready to publish. Miss Shinn has prepared, and published under the auspices of the University of California, two volumes of Notes on the Development of a Child, making the most complete record of infant life so far printed. She has also published several articles in the Overland Monthly, the Normal Exponent, the University of California Magazine and elsewhere on this subject, and her addresses before the Association of Collegiate Alumnæ and the Woman's Congress in San Francisco have been widely read.

With the establishment of the Department of Pedagogy in the University of California, in 1892, Prof. Elmer E. Brown brought to California new interest in these lines of work. In his own classes, he has done much to develop an interest in child-study, and his investigations on children's interests in the city of Oakland have led to valuable results. He has maintained a seminary on child-study during the past two years, one member of which, Miss Mary Wilson, has just completed a translation of Compayre's "L'Evolution Intellectuelle et Morale de l'Enfant," which is soon to be published.

At the beginning of this year Prof. Thos. P. Bailey was called to an assistant professorship in Professor Brown's department, and he has succeeded through his classes and through his field work in institutes and conventions in arousing an interest in these directions. His "Child Study for Naturalists," published first as a bulletin of the

South Carolina Association for the Study of Children, and afterward in the PACIFIC EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL, has helped many inquiring minds.

Within the past few months one of the public schools of Oakland has been set aside as an observation school for the University of California. It is under the direction of the Department of Pedagogy, and several promising lines of experience and observation have been started.

In the summer of 1894 Dr. F. B. Dressler was called to the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy in the State Normal School at Los Angeles. He has aroused an interest in his part of the State in child study, and has started promising lines of work. His articles in American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 6, No. 3, and in the "Handbook of the Illinois Society for Child Study" are well known. He has now in hand an extended study on Number Perception Through Touch and Sight Compared.

At the San Jose Normal beginning has been made in this line of study.

I doubt if any other part of our country gives such freedom and such enthusiastic assistance to students in this field as our own Pacific slope. Our School organizations and regulations are flexible, our teachers and parents are optimistic and eager to help, and our school superintendents are glad to lend a hand in all possible ways. Much of what has been done is due to the intelligent coöperation of such men as McClymonds, Burke, Barr, Linscott, Greeley and Wood.

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Proceedings of National Educational Association.



Pres. N. E. A.

The afternoon Round Table on the graded course of study on Herbartian principles was conducted by Dr. Charles A. McMurray, of Normal, Ill. He defined Herbartianism as the education that feeds the child on the garnered culture of the world. Conceding that his development is along the lines of racial progress, he will assimilate the literature of the time to which he belongs. The Iliad will appeal to his warlike instincts. He will appreciate Ulysses, Benjamin Franklin at another stage of development. (His scheme for three years' work in literature and history in the intermediate grades may be given at another time.)

One of the best papers pre


sented and one whose influence will, it is hoped, be widely felt, was the report of the Committee on Pedagogics: The law of mental congruity and mental energy applied to some pedagogical problems. The chairman, B. A. Hinsdale, of Ann Arbor, Mich., considered various bodily activities as congruous (i. e. fitted to come together), or incongruous. The artist does not fit his hand for painting by crushing stone. Recess activity should not directly precede drawing or writing.

The primary psychological elements, cognition, feeling and will, are congruous to a certain point, when one crowds out the others. The report treated fully of congruous studies and urged the separation of those that neither assist nor offset the other.

In the discussion that followed the need of continuity in teaching was dwelt upon. "Think of a child's having a new mother every six months for the first fifteen years of his life," was one expression used. Professor Russell, of New York State University, just returned

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