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OU know the Latin maxim "Omne trinum perfectum",-now we wish to remind you of its modern variation: Omne Trinerinum perfectum. Triner's preparations during the past 30 years have been brought numberless times to the test, and the fact that they enjoy the renown of perfect reliability shows that they have always stood the test.

We are manufacturing all official preparations,-let us serve you! Try especially our

Aromatic Fluid Extract of Cascara Sagrada U. S. P.


Fluid Extract of Cascara Sagrada U. S. P.

Manufactured from 3 years old and properly aged bark. Guaranteed to be pure and palatable. Prices on application. GOLD MEDALS AND GRAND PRIXTM




is a reliable remedy for indigestion, constipation, etc. Highest obtainable rewards, Gold Medals and Grand Prix, at 9 International Expositions.

Manufacturing Chemists

JOSEPH TRINER COMPANY, 1333-1345 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill.

written several days before it was delivered and at a time when it was utterly impossible for Germany to know of any immediate plans of the French. It is also amply verified that the German attack thru Belgium, if war should come, had been definitely decided upon some months before.

On the whole, it may now be safely written that the Central Powers are directly responsible for the world war. Germany was not so deliberately and maliciously to blame as was for a time supposed. She did, however, play fast and loose into the hands of the archadventurer Berchtold, and then failed to take the vigorous measures necessary to extricate herself when the danger drew near.

What a confession appears today in the German Chancellor's rush message to Berchtold on July 27th: "If we should refuse all mediatory action we should be held responsible by the world as the instigators of the war. This would make our own position at home in Germany impossible where we must appear to be forced into war. Our situation is all the more difficult as Serbia has apparently made very wide concessions."-But it was too late on July 27th to check Austria, or whitewash Germany's reputation, or save mankind from the impending tragedy. DR. K.


A request for samples from the J. K. Mills & Co., who are introducing the French product,

Purific, brings a handsome black case which when opened up reveals a two-ounce bottle of their concentrated liquid (Purific Medicinal), a large jar of their ointment (Purific Pommade) and a minim graduate with which to facilitate the making of dilutions. In a pocket at the back of the case is a booklet giving the ingredients of their product and the reason why each is used in accordance with the recent European theories of pharmaco-dynamics on which the compounding of Purific is based. Speaking of the generous quantity of this sample and the motives which induce them to send them out gratis on request, Mr. Mills stated that he considered that if any physician took the trouble and interest to investigate a new product, he was certainly entitled to have his experiments made easy for him by obtaining an ample supply of the advertised preparation, so that he would not run short in the middle of the treatment of a case, especially when the trial was being made on chronic ulcers or eczemas of long standing where of course a complete cure could not be expected with only a few applications. Refer to the advertising pages of this issue for further information.

Testogan, for men, and Thelygan, for women, are indicated in sexual impotence and insufficiency of the sexual hormones. They contain the hormones of the reproductive glands and of the glands of internal secretion and are prepared by the Cavendish Chemical Corporation, 220 W. 43d St., New York, according to the (Continued over next leaf.)


from La Grippe, Pneumonia, Diphtheria and other acute infectious diseases, is hastened by the use of ANTIDYSTROPHINE (Elixir Drimys Co. Foster).

It is unequalled as a stimulating tonic.

In increases the flow of the gastric juice and stimulates the appetite.

Its palatability makes it unusually acceptable to the patient.

Where cough is an annoying symptom the following R gives gratifying results:

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In bronchitis, influenza, phthisis, persistent and distresing coughs, PULMOTONE is used with conspicuous success. After the acute symptoms of pneumonia have subsided, the administration of PULMOTONE stimulates the resisting forces, thus warding off unfavorable sequelæ and hastening recovery.

THE FORMULA--Creosote Carbonate, Ichthyol, dilute Hydrocyanic Acid, Extract of Malt.


Pulmotone appeals to the physician immediately as an efficient prophylactic and reconstructive. A clinical trial will demonstrate beyond all doubt why it has been a favorite for twenty-five years with thousands of physicians.

May we send sample for trial?

R. J. Strasenburgh Company

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The firm of W. D. Allison & Co. has been well known to the profession for many years as manufacturers of standard and up-to-date office equipment. If you are in need of office furniture of any kind you should send to the W. D. Allison Co., of Indianapolis, Ind., for their illustrated catalog in which is listed a complete line of physicians' furniture, including examining tables, chairs, cabinets, utility stands, linen and waste receptacles, invalid and fracture beds, extension brackets and other miscellaneous equipment necessary for an upto-date office.

Pulmotone, which is advertised in this issue, is one of the efficient products of the R. J. Strasenburgh Co. It consists of creosote car

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bonate, ichthyol, dilute hydrocyanic acid and extract of malt, and is indicated in bronchitis, influenza, phthisis, coughs and in pneumonia after the acute symptoms have subsided. WORLD readers may obtain a generous sample upon application to the manufacturers.

French and Italians who know most about olive oil are rapidly taking up the use of Mazola, not only as a bland, wholesome and easily digested cooking fat, but also as a delectable salad oil. Mazola has many things to recommend it. It is extremely rich in lecithin the the glycerophosphates, which make it of extreme value in the treatment of all disorders complicated by disturbances in nervous functioning. A tablespoonful three times daily, a half hour after meals, has been of great value as a flesh producer, and can be confidently recommended in all wasting diseases, or where there is a tendency toward emaciation. Used liberally, as a cooking oil and on salads, Mazola caloric intake, materially supplements the while of acting specifically protein.

as a


Comparing the local anesthetics most frequently used, in the current Year-Book of Anesthesia and Analgesia, Sollman finds procaine and cocaine equally as efficient for injection intracutaneously. Beta-eucaine is only one-half as efficient; quinine-urea one-fourth. The showing is interesting so far as it goes, but further, when considering the two best anesthetics, one must know that procaine is (Continued over next leaf.)





Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp.

accomplished during the past two years in the treatment of influenza. Many physicians, by its judicious use, fortified their patients against the dangers of this dreaded disease. How widespread and serious will it prove this year? Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp., will no doubt be indicated and physicians may count on obtaining the desired results from its use.

A tonic of known dependability that can be prescribed at any season of the year.


135 Christopher Street

New York City

"If You Have a Castor Oil that Is Truly Tasteless and 'Sets Well' on the Stomach, I Want to Know It and Will Be Glad to Use It"

This sentiment, expressed by one physician, voices the attitude of the entire medical profession.

Kellogg's Tasteless Castor Oil is made tasteless by refinement, not by the addition of any flavoring or disguising substance.

Kellogg's Tasteless Castor Oil is really tasteless; in fact, it has been substituted for olive oil in mayonnaise dressing without detection!

Kellogg's Tasteless Castor Oil is specially prepared for medicinal use. It is not only possible but easy to administer this most valuable agent in the treatment of obstipation, stasis, intestinal toxemia, hemorrhoids, asthma, acute bronchitis, and other conditions for which it was recommended in the Papyrus Ebers and other ancient medical works, and by physicians from Galen and Dioscorides down.

A clinical test of Kellogg's Tasteless Castor Oil will demonstrate its supremacy over ordinary castor oil or any flavored or disguised product offered as a substitute.

Send for interesting booklet on "The Therapeutic Uses of Oleum Ricini" and sample, if desired.

Sole Distributor

Walter Janvier, Inc.

417-421 Canal Street
New York, N. Y.

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only about one-seventh as toxic as cocaine. Also, it is less irritating. That is why careful operators prefer it. As between the two, nobody mindful of the mishaps chargeable to cocaine, will hesitate a minute questioning which to use. Procaine (introduced as novocaine by alien patentees) is now made by The Abbott Laboratories, Chicago. They offer both tablets and ready-prepared solutions in ampules. Those interested should write for the new 1921 price list now being mailed out by the company. An 18-page booklet covering the application of procaine in minor surgery is also available on request.

When innumerable physicians report that by means of Dr. M. C. Thrush's formula they are able to reduce hypertension and control it, we must believe them. Thus one of the leading heart specialists in New York states that Pulvoids Natrium Compound will quickly and safely bring about the reduction of high blood pressure and keep the patient in a safe condition until the underlying factor can itself be controlled by indicated treatment. The Drug Products Co., Inc., whose advertisement ap pears in this issue, offer to furnish convincing proof of the efficacy of this formula.

While the true specific for malaria is of course quinine, its effectiveness is largely increased by combining it with Phenalgin. ObIservation in the malarial districts of the South has shown beyond question that Phenalgin not only materially enhances the action of quinine, but often proves highly serviceable in preventing certain of its disagreeable effects like tinni. tus, headache, etc. The employment of Phenalgin in conjunction with quinine can be confidently relied upon to accomplish more prompt and satisfactory results. Phenalgin, moreover, offers the special advantage of reducing to a minimum many of the painful nervous conditions that so frequently accompany malaria.

There is nothing that will remove a tendency to colds (nasal catarrhs, bronchitis, laryngitis) more quickly and satisfactorily than a course of treatment with Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp. Its effect is not only to promote reconstructive metabolism and thus enable the whole body to better withstand disease, but in addition, it imparts a local effect to the respiratory structures that unquestionably increases the local resistance to bacterial invasion. Cases of the ordinary respiratory diseases not infre quently prove intractable to all treatment until Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp. is administered. Experience has proven this, and there are many physicians who use this dependable tonic exclusively for clearing up their cases of pharyn gitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and allied condi tions.

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