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On another page of the same excellent publication occurs this paragraph:

"We are pleased to learn that Dr. George C. Trawick, son of Dr. A. M. Trawick, of Nashville, has been appointed resident physician at the Lying-In Hospital in New York City, and at a good salary. There were six applicants for this important post, but the Nashville boy, with his fine training and splendid Christian endowments and antecedents, won the contest easily."

On Sunday evening, December 15th, ult., we had the pleasure of listening to a very excellent sermon at McKendree Church by Rev. A. M. Trawick, Jr., who in a few days will leave our western shores for missionary work in China. These young gentlemen are all sons of Dr. A. M. Trawick, of this city, an ex-President of the Nashville Academy of Medicine, a very popular physician of this city, and an "old rebel soldier" who "fit, bled" but fortunately did not die "endurin de war," entering as a private soldier in 1861, a beardless 16-year-old boy, and stayed until the end.

CARBONIC ACID IN PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS.-Dr. Hugo Weber, of St. Johann-Saarbrucken, writes in Medica, (Berlin, September 4, 1901), "On the Treatment of Tuberculosis of the Lungs by Means of Carbonic Acid," and shows that ali the recognized methods of handling the disease are finally dependent upon it. Besides the various nutrient and therapeutic measures which he recommends he lays special stress upon increasing carbonic acid production by the administration of Levulose, which is oxidized in the body much more completely than any other sugar, and hence is well borne by diabetic patients also. He administers a heaping tablespoonful of Schering's preparation four times daily. And since Levulose is a nutriment rather than a medicine, it does not matter whether it is taken before or after eating, or with the food and drink. The classical investigations of L. Von Adler and Clemm (Therapeutische Monatshefte, August, 1901) have shown that fruit sugar or Levulose increases the amount of gastric juice whilst diminishing its acidity; hence it is not only a most excellent nutriment, but actually aids and stimulates digestion. No wonder, he says, that he has been able to cure a whole series of cases in the initial stage of phthisis pulmonum with this medication alone. In advanced cases of tuberculosis, where cavitation had occurred, Levulose or the production of carbonic acid by any ordinary means alone was not sufficient, and Weber employed hypodermic injections of chemically pure liquid paraffine, with the idea that the hydrocarbon, when absorbed by the body, would be converted into carbonic acid and water. By this combined process, Levulose internally and paraffine injections, he has been enabled to cure patients in advanced stages of tuberculosis such as are often met with in ordinary practice. Out of the fifty-two cases which were reported in the March number of the Therapeutische Monatshefte of this year, he has cured thirty-two, fourteen are considerably improved, and only six have died.

ON ANALGESIC METHODS ANd Their RespeCTIVE LIMITATIONS.Prof. J. V. Mikulicz, of Breslau, says:

"Apart from the minor procedures, numerically important though they be in medical practice, the only local analgesic that we need consider nowadays is cocaine and its surrogates, Eucain, tropacocain and holocain.

"I refer the reader to the communications made by Gottstein in the year 1896 and 1899 in regard to the technique of local anesthesia as as practiced in my clinic. I shall only remark here that we employ the following solution for infiltration anesthesia:

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"We do not add the morphine, as originally recommended by Schleich; for, as is well known, it has no local effect at all and sometimes shows a very undesirable general one. When it is deemed necessary to get an additional morphine effect, we give a subcutaneous injection of 0.01 gram (grain) of the drug half an hour before. We have employed the methods of Oberst and Hackenbruch exactly as prescribed by the authors. (Abstracted from the Archiv fur klinische Chirargie, Vol. 64, Part 4, Berlin, 1901.)

SORDES accumulates rapidly in bed-ridden patients, especially upon the tongue, and is a pabulum in a perfect incubator for bacteria, often perpetuating disease. Even without a brush, this condition is reduced by allowing "Vegetol" to dissolve in the mouth at frequent intervals. "Vegetol" dissolves mucus and is an antidote to the action of Acid and Iron upon the teeth. It also removes the taste of medicine.

For sample and literature address The Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O.

ANTIKAMNIA & HEROIN TABLETS IN PREVALENT GRIPPAL CONDITIONS.-Thos. G. Rainey, M.D., L.R.C.P., Atlanta, Ga., in a recent article states, that the comparatively new combination of drugs, antikamnia and heroin tablets, which has been so largely used for the control of cough, is also being successfully employed, to a large extent, in nearly all affections of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by dyspnoea, and spasm, namely, Asthma, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Pneumonia, Phthisis, Whooping Cough, Hay Fever, La Grippe, etc. In cases in which the patients were suffering from the severe attendant pain of these diseases, it was found that this combination acted most satisfactorily. Each tablet contains five grains of antikamnia and one-twelfth grain heroin hydrochloride. One tablet was followed by a rapid diminution of pain, and after the third tablet the pain entirely disappeared. Iu treating the affections enumerated above, the dose is one tablet every two, three or four hours according to indication,

READ THIS.-We have authortatively from Messrs. Parke, Davis & Co. positive assurance, that not one of the recent tetanus fatalities following vaccination at Camden, Atlantic City, Bristol, Brooklyn, Cleveland and St. Johns, N. B., succeeded the employment of their vaccine virus. They incriminate no one's vaccine, but propose to assert the truth about their own. They further state that, if they can prevent it, no pharmacist shall labor under the false impression that a fatality has ever followed, either by coincidence or by cause and effect, the application of vaccine virus or serum bearing their name.

WAYNE'S DIURETIC ELIXIR has proven itself in the hands of many eminent practitioners to be a most excellent and valuable combination. We have been using it regularly for fully twenty years, and its results have been uniformly most satisfactory and positive. In irritation of the kidneys and bladder it is a most reliable diuretic and eliminative; its action being prompt and decisive.

BLEED, BLISTER, PURGE, SWEAT AND POULTICE was once the treatment for pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis and many other acute febrile diseases. The chief end sought with these measures was to relieve the over-worked heart and the engorged affected organs and tissues. The principle was good and has never been improved upon, but these measures are primitive and heoric, extreme and severe, and have rightfully been almost relegated to the age in which they were born.

We can relieve the heart and engorged tissues in deep-seated organs just as effectively and without pain or inconvenience yet without debilitating the afflicted, by the intelligent and liberal use of Antiphlogistine in indicated cases-pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis or wherever there is engorgement of tissues. Applied warm and thick-the thicker the better-it at once begins to operate through reflex action and through dialysis and the patient is bled into his own superficial capillaries, which process goes on quietly and painlessly, while simultaneously the patient is cognizant of instant and continuous relief and feels its soothing effects while he is gently wooed into a peaceful, restful sleep, the need of which is of such vital importance in these diseases which too often result fatally.

A REMEDY PROPOSED FOR THE SUBSTITUTION EVIL.-There can be no subject of more importance to physicians than the violation of their confidence on the part of a dishonest dispensing druggist. Law will not make a dishonest man honest, but the right law properly executed will prevent a criminal's further infliction of injury upon socie.y. The requirement of a license to all druggists who dispense drugs or medicines, revokable upon the licensee's being convicted of substituting any ingredi

ent drug or medicine other than, and in lieu or instead of, that specified in the prescription, order or request in writing, of any physician, would go a long way to aid in the matter of honestly filling prescriptions. Let the medical societies induce their respective State Legislatures to enact a law requiring such a license, with a simple and practical procedure for establishing the guilt and enforcing the penalty against infraction, and the practice of substitution would soon cease.

Let proceedings for revocation of license be before the court, board, or officer, empowered to issue the license, and be set in motion at the relation of either the Board of Health, a local medical society, or the purchaser upon whom the fraud and imposition had been done, or of the physician by whom the prescription or order was issued or given, or of any person, firm or corporation for whose brand or make of drug or medicine the substitution had been perpetrated. Let the licensing board, court, or officer be empowered to issue citations, subpenas for witnesses, to administer oaths, and be given all other requisite powers for duly trying the issues and revoking the license of the guilty.-J. D. Williams, M.D., of New York, in Exchange.

THE TREATMENT OF NASAL CATARRH.-Mannon (Cincinnati LancetClinic) finds no danger whatever from the use of the nasal douche provided ordinary care is taken and a proper solution is employed. The charge that post-nasal douching is prone to excite imflammation of the middle ear he does not find sustained. All leading specialists employ this method of treatment in the posterior as well as the anterior nares with equally good results. The doctor has had chronic nasal catarrh of many months duration yield to douching when heroically employed. Listerine to which a small quantity of bicarbonate of soda has been added is his main stand by. If hemorrhage is a controlling feature he uses instead a saturated solution of tannic acid to each ounce of which ten grains of carbolic acid has been added. When the tendency to bleed ceases he returns to the listerine solution. Treated in this way the most pronounced cases yield in three or four weeks and are not prolonged by complications or sequelse.




PAPINE.-D. S. Maddox, M.D., United States Examining Surgeon, Coroner Marion Co., Ohio, says: (Med. Brief) For the control of pain opium is and always has been the sheet anchor. But opium, pure aud simple has many disadvantages which render its use in some cases positively harmful. Opium is one of the most complete substances in organic chemistry, containing, according to Brunton, eighteen alkaloids, and an organic acid. The ordinary alkaloids, of which morphia is the chief, have the same objections as the crude drug. They constipate the bowels, derange the stomach, and worst of all, induce a habit which

utterly destroys the moral and physical nature of the individual. While looking about me for some agent which would produce satisfactory anodyne and hypnotic results without the deleterious and pernicious aftereffects of opium and its ordinary derivatives, I came upon the preparation known as papine. After a somewhat extended trial of this remedy I am convinced that it is the ideal anodyne. Although derived from the Papaver Somniferum it is singularly free from the objections of the ordinary opiates. It does not constipate; it does not derange the stomach; it does not cause headache; it does not induce any drug habit; it is safe and may be given to children as well as adults.

THE ANTIKAMNIA CHEMICAL COMPANY'S NEW LABORATORY.-Frank A. Ruf, President and Treasurer of the Antikamnia Chemical Company has just purchased a lot 80x109 feet, on the northwest corner of Twentysecond and Pine Streets, for $20,000.00 cash, on which his company will begin the erection, early in the spring, of a new "Antikamnia Laboratory," five stories high, covering the entire lot. The improvements will cost about $45,000.00 irrespective of the laboratory apparatus and appliances which will be of most approved pattern, from Darmstadt, Germany. The offices and various departments will be fitted with all modern conveniences, making the whole plant one of the most complete Specialty Laboratories in the United States.

The Antikamnia Chemical Company is one of America's, if not of the world's best known Pharmaceutical concerns and justly so. Energy, enterprise and push, backed up by the judicious and liberal usc of printer's ink, in keeping their line of preparations in touch with the medical profession, from one end of tho universe to the other, have made it so.-St. Louis Republic, of Dec. 4th, 1901.

SEVERE CASES OF ANEMIA.-Pepto-mangan (Gude) was administered with excellent success to a patient who had been unable to tolerate other chalybeate preparations. The patient, who had suffered for a number of years with anæmia and disturbances of the gastro-intestinal functions, improved noticeably. She soon acquired an appetite; the previously existing nausea and gastric pains ceased, and the bodily weight increased. I am therefore able to assert that pepto-mangan is an excellent remedy for severe cases of anæmia.-Dr. Buchterkirch, Stolpe, Pomerania, August 31, 1901.

SANDER & SONS' Eucalyptol (pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract).— Apply to Dr. Sander, Belle Plaine, Iowa, for gratis supplied sample and literature of Sander's Eucalyptol. It is invaluable in inflammations of the mucous membranes and in all septic and infectious diseases. Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., sole agents.

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