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of New England society. At one time and, at their own cost, to build and gar-in 1789- there were no less than rison a fort. The government was anxten of the settlers there who had re- ious to carry out this scheme of colonizaceived a college education. During that tion west of the Alleghany Mountains to year fully 20,000 settlers from the East counteract the evident designs of the were on lands on the banks of the Ohio. French to occupy that country. At the beginning of 1788 there was not a white family within the bounds of that commonwealth.

The French took immediate measures to countervail the English movements. Galissonière, who had grand dreams of Ohio Land Company, THE. Soon French empire in America, fitted out an after the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle an expedition under Céleron de Bienville in association of London merchants and Vir- 1749 to proclaim French dominion at ginia land speculators, known as "The various points along the Ohio. The comOhio Land Company," obtained from the pany took measures for defining and occucrown a grant of 500,000 acres of land on pying their domain. Thomas Lee, two of the east bank of the Ohio River, with the the Washingtons, and other leading Virexclusive privilege of the Indian traffic. ginia members ordered goods suitable for International, or at least intercolonial, the Indian trade to be sent from London. disputes immediately occurred. The The company sent an agent to explore the French claimed, by right of discovery, the country and confer with the Indian tribes; whole region watered by the tributaries and in June, 1752, a conference was held of the Mississippi River. The English set at Logstown, near the Ohio, and friendly up a claim, in the name of the Six Na- relations were established between the tions, as under British protection, and English and the Indians. But the Westwhich was recognized by the treaties of ern tribes refused to recognize the right Utrecht (1713) and Aix-la-Chapelle of either the English or the French to (1748), to the region which they had formerly conquered, and which included the whole eastern portion of the Mississippi Valley and the basin of the lower lakes, Erie and Ontario. These conflicting claims at once embarrassed the operations of the Ohio Land Company. It was provided by their charter that they were to pay no quit-rent for ten years; to colonize at least 100 families within seven years;

lands westward of the Alleghany Mountatns. A Delaware chief said to Gist, the agent of the company, "The French claim all the land on one side of the river, and the English claim all the land on the other side of the river: where is the Indian's land?" This significant question was answered by Gist: "Indians and white men are subjects of the British King, and all have an equal privilege in taking up and

possessing the land." The company sent surveyors to make definite boundaries. English settlers and traders went into the country. The jealousy of the French was aroused. They seized and imprisoned some of the surveyors and traders, and built forts. The French and Indian War that broke out soon afterwards put a stop to the operations of the company. See FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR; OHIO COMPANY.

ened, in case of their refusal, to make war upon them, and subdue them "to the yoke and obedience of the Church and his Majesty"; that he would make slaves of their wives and children, take all their possessions, and do them all the harm he could, protesting that they alone would be to blame for all deaths and disasters which might follow their disobedience. See ALEXANDER VI.

This proclamation, which justified murder and robbery under the sanction of the Church and State, indicated the spirit of most of the Spanish conquerors. The

Ojeda, ALONZO DE, adventurer; born in Cuenca, Spain, in 1465; was among the earliest discoverers in America after Columbus and Cabot. He was with Co- natives delayed, and slaughter began. lumbus in his first voyage. Aided by the Captives were carried to the ships as Bishop of Badajos, he obtained royal per- slaves. The outraged Indians gathered mission to go on a voyage of discovery, in bands and slew many of the Spanish and the merchants of Seville fitted out soldiers with poisoned arrows. Ojeda four ships for him, in which he sailed for took shelter from their fury among matSt. Mary's on May 20, 1499, accompanied ted roots at the foot of a mountain, where by Americus Vespucius as geographer. his followers found him half dead. At Following the track of Columbus in his that moment Nicuessa, governor of the third voyage (see COLUMBUS, CHRISTO- other province, arrived, and with reinPHER), they reached the northeastern forcements they made a desolating war on coast of South America, and discovered the natives. This was the first attempt mountains on the continent. Coasting to take possession of the mainland in along the northern shore of the continent America. Ojeda soon retired with some (naming the country Venezuela), Ojeda of his followers to Santo Domingo. The crossed the Caribbean Sea, visited Santo vessel stranded on the southern shore Domingo, and returned to Spain in Sep- of Cuba, then under native rule, and a tember. In 1509 the Spanish monarch di- refuge for fugitive natives from Santo vided Central America into two provinces, Domingo. The pagans treated the sufferand made Ojeda governor of one of them ing Christians kindly, and were rewardand Nicuessa of the other. Ojeda sailed ed with the fate of those of Hispaniola from Santo Domingo late in the autumn, (see SANTO DOMINGO). The pious Ojeda accompanied by Pizarro and some Spanish had told of the wealth of the Cubans, friars, whose chief business at the outset and avaricious adventurers soon made that seems to have been the reading aloud to paradise a pandemonium. He built a the natives in Latin a proclamation by the chapel there, and so Christianity was Spanish leader, prepared by eminent introduced into that island. He died Spanish divines in accordance with a de- in Hispaniola in 1515. cree of the Pope of Rome, declaring that God, who made them all, had given in charge of one man named St. Peter, who had his seat at Rome, all the nations on the earth, with all the lands and seas on the globe; that his successors, called popes, were endowed by God with the same rights; that one of them had given to the monarchs of Spain all the islands and continents in the Western Ocean, and that the natives of the land he was on were expected to yield implicit submission to the servants of the King and Ojeda, his representative. The proclamation threat

Ojibway Indians. See CHIPPEWA INDIANS.

Okeechobee Swamp, BATTLE OF, an engagement in Florida in which General Taylor defeated the Seminoles and captured Osceola, Dec. 25, 1837.

Okemos, Indian chief; nephew of PoxTIAC (q. v.). When a boy he fought the Americans under Arthur St. Clair and Anthony Wayne, and took an active part in the War of 1812, receiving a severe wound in the attack on Fort Meigs. He died in Lansing, Mich., December, 1886, probably much over 100 years of age.


Oklahoma, TERRITORY OF. During the the Indians were permitted to sell to the Civil War many of the Indians belonging United States a vast tract of unused to the Five Civilized Nations in the Ind- lands in the central and western part of ian Territory espoused the cause of the their territory. Several millions of acres Confederacy and took up arms against the were bought by the government, for the United States. At the close of the war purpose of making a place of settlement the government declared that by these acts for freedmen and several Indian tribes.

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of hostility the grants and patents by Included in this tract was Oklahoma, which the tribes held their extensive do- which originally consisted of about 2,000,mains had become invalid, and a read- 000 acres in the centre of the territory. justment of the treaty acts under which It remained for several years unoccupied, these grants had been made was ordered. being closed to white immigrants because, By the conditions of this new adjustment as its former owners, the Creeks, claimed,

it had been purchased for another purpose.


George W. Steele...
Abraham J. Seay.







William C. Renfrow... Democrat..

C. M. Barnes......... Republican....

thrown open to settlers, and again there was a wild rush of home-seekers, and in In 1889 the government bought it a July 1901, the same scenes were enacted second time from the Creeks, paying a in the Kiowa and Comanche country. much higher price, but obtaining it with- Population in 1890, 61,834; in 1900, 398,out any restrictive conditions. For ten 331. See UNITED STATES, OKLAHOMA, in years companies of adventurers, called vol. ix. boomers," under the lead of Capt. David L. Payne, had been hovering on the outskirts of the territory, and now and then stealing across the border for the purpose of making settlements on the forbidden lands. As often as they had thus Old Dominion, a title often given to trespassed, however, they were promptly the State of Virginia. The vast, undedriven out again by the United States fined region named Virginia by Queen troops. A proclamation was issued by Elizabeth was regarded by her as a fourth the President, April 22, 1889, opening kingdom of her realm. Spenser, Raleigh's 1,900,000 acres of land for settlement. firm friend, dedicated his Faëry Queene There was immediately a grand rush into (1590) to Elizabeth, “Queen of England, the territory by the " boomers," and by France, Ireland, and Virginia." When thousands of home-seekers and specula- James VI. of Scotland came to the Engtors. In a single day the city of Guth- lish throne (1603), Scotland was added, rie, with a population of 10,000, sprang and Virginia was called, in compliment, into existence, and all the valuable land was taken up. By subsequent proclamations other lands were opened, and the bounds of the territory were extended until, in 1891, it embraced 39,030 square miles. A large portion of Oklahoma, however, remained under the occupancy of Indian tribes, who were under the control of the Indian bureau, and received regular supplies of clothing and food from the government. Among these tribes were about 500 Sacs and Foxes, 400 Kickapoos, 2,000 Cheyennes, and 1,200 Arapahoes.

the fifth kingdom. On the death of Charles I. on the scaffold (1649), his son Charles, heir to the throne, was in exile. SIR WILLIAM BERKELEY (q. v.), a stanch royalist, was then governor of Virginia, and a majority of the colony were in sympathy with him. He proclaimed that son, "Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Virginia"; and when, in 1652, the Virginians heard that the republican government of England was about to send a fleet to reduce them to submission, they sent a message to Breda, in Flanders, where Charles then resided, inviting him to come over and be King of Virginia. He was on the point of sailing for America when circumstances foreshadowed his restoration to the throne of his father. When that act was accomplished, the grateful monarch caused the arms of Virginia to be quartered with those of England, Scotland, and Ireland, as an independent member of the empire. From this circumstance Virginia received the title of The Dominion. Coins with such quarterings were struck as late as 1773. Old Ironsides, a name given to the frigate CONSTITUTION (q. v.).

Oklahoma when settled was a richly wooded country, except in the west, where there were extensive prairies. The climate is delightful, and the soil fertile and well adapted to agriculture. The first territorial governor was appointed by the President in 1890. The name Oklahoma means “Beautiful Country." The Cherokee Strip or Outlet towards Kansas was acquired from the Cherokee nation, and on Sept. 16, 1893, it was opened to settlers. The scenes attending the opening resembled those in 1889 and 1891. Ninety thousand intending settlers registered, and 20,000, it was estimated, encamped on the site selected for the chief town. The Old Probabilities, a title familiarly Strip contains about 6,000,000 acres, part given to the head of the United States of which is good farming land. On May weather bureau, first applied to Professor 23, 1896, another great section of terri- Abbe by Gen. Albert J. Myer, the chief tory, called the Kickapoo Strip, was signal-officer of the bureau.


Old South Church, Boston. The opposition to the requirement of church-membership for the exercise of political rights (see HALF-WAY COVENANT) led to the establishment, in 1669, of the "Third Church in Boston," known as "The Old South" since 1717, of which Mr. Fiske says: "It is a building with a grander history than any other on the American continent, unless it be that other plain brick building in Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence was adopted and the federal Constitution framed."

Old Style, dates according to the Julian calendar, which was supplanted by the Gregorian calendar in 1582, but not accepted by Great Britain until 1752.

Oldham, JOHN, Pilgrim; born in England about 1600. In 1623 the Pilgrims, regarding Robinson, in Holland, as their pastor, and expecting him over, had no other spiritual guide than Elder Brewster. Because of this state of things at Plymouth, the London partners were taunted with fostering religious schism. To relieve themselves of this stigma, they sent a minister named Lyford to be pastor. He was kindly received, and, with John Oldham, who went to Plymouth at about the same time, was invited to the consultations of the governor with his council. It was soon discovered that Lyford and Oldham were plotting treason against the Church and State. Several letters written by Lyford to the London partners, breathing sedition, were discovered by Bradford as they were about to be sent abroad. The governor kept quiet for a while, but when Lyford set up a separate congregation, with a few of the colonists whom he had seduced, and held meetings on the Sabbath, Bradford summoned a General Court (1624), before whom the offending clergyman and his companions were arraigned on a charge of seditious correspondence. They denied the accusation, when they were confronted by Lyford's letters, in which he defamed the settlers, advised the London partners to prevent Robinson and the rest of his congregation coming to America, as they would interfere with his church schemes, and avowed his intention of removing the stigma of schism by a regularly organized church.

A third conspirator had written that Lyford and Oldham "intended a reforma


tion in church and commonwealth." Before these disclosures Oldham had behaved with much insolence, abusing the governor and Captain Standish, calling them "rebels and traitors," and, when proved guilty, he attempted to excite a mutiny on the spot. Lyford burst into tears and confessed that he "feared he was a reprobate." Both were ordered to leave the colony, but Lyford, humbly begging to stay, asking forgiveness and promising good behavior, was reinstated. Oldham went to Nantasket, with some of his adherents, and engaged in traffic with the Indians. Lyford was soon detected again in seditious work and expelled from the colony. He joined Oldham. They afterwards lived at Hull and Cape Anne, and Oldham represented Watertown in the popular branch of the Massachusetts government in 1634. He made an exploring journey to the site of Windsor, on the Connecticut River, the next year, which was followed by the emigration to that region in 1635. While in a vessel at Block Island, in July, 1636, Oldham was murdered by some Indians, who fled to the Pequods, on the mainland, and were protected by them. This led to the war with the PEQUOD INDIANS (q. v.).


Oldmixon, JOHN, author; born in Bridgewater, England, in 1673; and died in London, July 9, 1742. He was the author of The British Empire in America (2 volumes), published in 1708.

Oligarchy. See ARISTOCRACY.

Olin, STEPHEN, clergyman; born in Leicester, Vt., March 2, 1797; graduated at Middlebury College in 1820; became a Methodist clergyman in 1824; president of Randolph-Macon College in 1834; president of Wesleyan University in 1839. He died in Middletown, Conn., Aug. 16, 1851.

Oliphant, LAURENCE, author; born in Cape Town, Africa, in 1829. Lord Elgin made him his private secretary in 1853, and in 1865 he was elected to Parliament, but he resigned in 1868 in obedience to instructions from Thomas L. Harris, leader of the Brotherhood of the New Life a spiritualistic society of which both Oliphant and his wife were members. Among his publications are Minnesota, or the Far West in 1855; and The Tender Recollections of Irene Macgillicuddy, a sa

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