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The last examination of the State Board was held December 13, 14 and 15, at Columbus, O. Forty-five candidates appeared for examination, of these forty-three passed and two failed. An average grade of 75 per cent. in all branches is required. Two osteopaths passed the examination in anatomy, physiology, physical diagnosis, and obstetrics. The following passed the examination:

William Powell, Cleveland; John L., Gorny, Toledo; Moses Scholtz, Cincinnati; L. K. H. Stoll, Cincinnati; C. C. Mann, Cleveland; C. N. Watkins, Ft. Recovery; C. H. Cale, Lore City; H. W. Chaney, Hillsboro; F. M. Dumas, Cleveland; L. L. Jones, Columbus; G. U. Bennett, Cleveland; W. F. Ong, Dillonsvale; Heikki Koljonen, Ashtabula; J. M. Hoskins, Marion; E. C. Brock, Washington C. H.; O. S. Roebuck, West Union; J. M. Bovd, Washington C. H.; P. W. Brown, Springfield; W. M. Luburgh, Springfield; W. G. Fitzsimmons, Steubenville; W. F. Lawton, Columbus; J. S. McCullough, Lore City; G. F. McKim, Cincinnati; Alex. Cruikshank, Hanoverton; F. H. Barr, Cleveland; B. C. Willis, Cincinnati; Giovanni Grossi, Youngstown; F. H. Mersfelder, Cleveland; W. J. Abbott, Cleveland; H. J. Brown, Ironton; W. T. Nelson, Cincinnati; L. H. Cox, Gallipolis; Caroline McQueston, Cleveland; Charles B. Messerly, Clarenton; J. D. O'Brine, Massillon; J. H. McHenry, Cleveland; Rose G. Barr, Cleveland; C. B. Moses, Portsmouth; C. R. Larkins, East Liverpool; W. G. Gates, Marysville.


Osteopaths-W. W. Hall, Kent; Anna E. K. Steitz, Gren


The college of graduation, serial numbers and average grade are given below. The year of graduation is 1904 unless otherwise designated:

555, 73

.556, 94

Eclectic Medical College of City of New York (1899)...553, 81
Cleveland Homeopathic M. C........554, 80; 566, 79; 551, 81
Toledo Medical College, Toledo, Ohio...
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (1901)..
Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio..
557, 72
University of Southern California, Los Angeles (1903)..561, 94
Harvard University Medical School, Boston, Mass... 562, 93
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore (1902)..563, 84
Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa...568, 84; 564 (1903), 91
Rush Medical College, Chicago, Ill. (1900).

...565, 86

Long Island Hospital College, Brooklyn, N. Y. (1902)..567, 90
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1890)......569, 78
S. S. Still College of Osteopathy, Des Moines (1903)...570, 85
American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo...... 571, 82
Columbian University, Washington, D. C....527, 91; 527, 91
University of Virginia.
.528 (1900), 94; 552 (1902), 83
University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia (1899)..
University of Munich, Munich, Ger. (1899).
University of Buffalo, N. Y.....

.529, 90

.530, 28

.531, 85; 531 (1895), 85 Ohio Medical University, Columbus. .532, 91; 538, 79; 548, 75 Starling Medical Coll..533, 79; 541, 78; 543, 86; 545 (1903), 88 Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville, Ky. (1903)...534, 81 Detroit Medical College, Detroit, Mich..

535, 77

Howard University, Washington, D. C.536, 78; 559, 88 560, 84
Western Reserve University, Cleveland (1883)...
Amperial University, Helsingfor, Findland (1903).
Kentucky School of Medicine, Louisville, Ky
University of Louisville, Ky...

Barnes Medical College, St. Louis, Mo. (1899).
Baltimore Medical College, Baltimore, Md.
Tuft's Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1903).
Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio.
McGill University, Montreal, Can. (1895)....

....537, 83 .539, 80 540, 82

.542, 90;558, 80

[ocr errors]

.544, 83

546, 91

547, 84

549, 88

..550, 81

The graduates of Ohio medical colleges attained the following grades: Medical Col. of Ohio (one), 88; Western Reserve (one), 83; Starling Med. College (four), 82.75; Cleveland H. Med. Col. (three), 82.33; Ohio Med. University (three), 81.66; Toledo Med. College (one), 75.


December 13, 14, 15, 1904.

Anatomy-1. Name the bones of the skull. 2. Name the muscles of the forearm. 3. Describe the structure of the elbow joint. 4. In operating for hernia, what structures would be cut? 5. Describe the structure of the eyeball. 6. Give origin

• Kindly furnished by Dr. C. N. Watkins, Ft. Recovery, O.

and distribution of the Musculo-spiral nerve. 7. Describe the Ileo-cecal valve. 8. What bones and ligaments form the ankle joint? 9. Give origin, course and termination of the thoracic duct. 10. Describe the hemorrhoidal veins, their origin and distribution.

Surgery-1. Define inflammation and describe its stages. 2. Describe two surgical diseases of bone. 3. Classify curvature of spine and give treatment. 4. Give surgical anatomy of inguinal hernia. 5. Give differential diagnosis of septicemia and pyemia. 6. How would you administer an anesthetic? 7. How are fractures and dislocations diagnosed? Give their general treatment. 8. When would you advise prastatectony? 9. Give symptoms and treatment of pyothorax. 10. How would you treat sprains?

Physiology-1. What is the difference between striated and non-striated muscles? 2. What is a nerve plexus and what purpose does it serve? 3. What are proteids and what are some of their properties? 4. Define blood pressure and give its cause. 5. What causes coagulation of the blood? 6. What is the function of the posterior column of the spinal cord? 7. What is the sympathetic nervous system and what is its function? 8. What is the office of the medulla? 9. What office does the saliva perform in the digestion of the food? 10. Describe the secretions of the stomach.

Physical Diagnosis-1. What causes the Argyll-Robertson pupil? What does its presence signify? 2. What is vocal fremitus, how is it obtain and what does it indicate? 3. Describe irregular pulse, its varieties and its significance. 4: State the exact area of the apex beat and the diagnostic importance of its displacement. 5. Describe thrill and friction fremitus and what causes them. 6. Describe dry rales, from what are they originated and what do thev signity. 7. What is reduplication of heart sounds and from what is its produced? 8. How can we determine the outline of the normal stomach by auscultatory percussion? 9. State the physical signs of the presence of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. 10. What are the physical signs which give the idea of the presence of carcinoma of the stomach?

Diseases of Women-1. Name and describe two diseases of the vulva. 2. Name and describe two diseases of the vagina.

3. Name and describe two diseases of the uterus. 4. Name and describe two diseases of the female mammary glands. 5. Name and describe two diseases of the urethra.

Diseases of Children-1. Give synonyms of (a) herpes zoster, (b) acne, (c) urticaria, (d) psoriasis, (e) nevus, (f) furuncle. 2. Give some of the best substitutes for mothers' milk. 3. Describe the dentition of children. 4. What are the causes, symptoms and treatment of cholera infantum? 5. Give diagnosis and treatment of diphtheria.

Obstetrics-1. Describe the decidua vera, decidua reflexa and decidua serotina. 2. What are the functions of the amniotic fluid and its probable source? 3. Name three positive signs of pregnancy available in the sixth month. 4. What evidence gained from external examination will warrant a diagnosis of L. O. A.? 5. What causes external rotation? To which side will rotation take place? 6. In breech presentation which hip rorates to the public arch? 7. What causes after pains? Why do they increase in severity with subsequent confinements? 8. What is ophthalmia neonatorum? How may it be prevented? 9. How manage head in breech. presentation when it has lodged behind the public arch? 10. How treat eclampsia in the second stage of labor?

Materia Medica and Thearpeutics-1. Define alkaloids and state what properties they possess in common. 2. How do coal tar antipyretics depress temperature? 3. Describe the action of digitalis upon the heart and give some indications for its use. 4. From what is salol obtained? Give some indications for its use, the form and dose that should be given. 5. Write a prescription containing some vegetable bitter with iron. 6. Describe the effects of chloral, sulphanol and trianol. 7. What derivative of opium is used as an emetic? How is it employed and how does it produce vomiting? 8. How do the vegetable cathartics differ from the saline cathartics in their action? 9. Name three drugs used to reduce arterial tension. 10. Name some drugs which are used to increase arterial tension.

Chemistry-1. (a) How would you define an atom? (b) What is molecular weight? (c) What do you underestand by a molecule? 2. Define the terms (a) crystal, (b) amorphous, (c) isomorphous. 3. Give common names of (a) potassium bi

tartrate, (b) lead acetate, (c) sodium bicarbonate, (d) sodium carbonate, (e) potassium sulphide. 4. Give the chemical names for tartar emetic, cream of tartar, Glander's salts, copperas and sugar of lead. 5. Give tests HgCl, AgNO3. Describe H2 SO. 6. What is the antidote for the poisoning by arsenic? For poisoning by lead acetate? 4. What are the chemical antidotes to be used in poisoning by corrosive sublimate and by carbolic acid? 8. Give specific gravity of urine, reaction and tests for albumin and sugar. 9. Milk-chief constituents, what adulterants are most common and how would you detect an adulterant? 10. What ordinary test would you use for organic matter in potable water

Practice and Pathology-1. What is cirrhosis of the liver, its cause and treatment? 2. Give symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of acute gastritis. 3. Give differential diagnosis of acute tuberculosis and typhoid fever. 4. What are the causes, pathology and treatment of exophthalmic goiter? 5. What are some of the modern views of the pathology of rheumatism? 6. Give causes, symptoms and treatment of chorea? 7. How would you distinguish follicular tonsillitis from diphtheria? 8. Of what diseased conditions may albuminuria be a symptom? 9. Give symptoms and diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage. 10. Diagnose and treat a case of renal colic.

Medical News Notes.

Dr. C. D. Dennis is ill with typhoid fever at his home on Rich street.

Dr. Theo. F. Davidson is very seriously ill at his home in the Gayforth, this city.

Dr. P. D. Shriner has been reappointed for a term of five years as member of the Columbus Board of Health.

The Licking County Medical Society at its January meeting adopted a fee bill which provides for uniform charges for medical services.

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