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New Biweekly.--The North Carolina Medical Jonrnal is now a semi-monthly Railway Surgery.-The Medical Fortnightly, of St. Louis, will add a Department of Railway Surgery, with Dr. Webb J. Kelley, Galion, O., as editor.

Bust of Holmes.-A bust of Oliver Wendell Holmes, in marble or bronze, is to be placed in the new public library in Boston, at the request of the Common Council of that city.

Who Will it be.--If kissing is deadly, as scientists assert, there is a fortune awaiting the girl who invents and puts on the market an aromatic brand of carbolized osculation.-Chicago Dispatch.

A Good Example.-The Boston Society for Medical Improvement, in line with suggestions made by this journal, has appropriated a sum for the support of the Index Medicus on condition that other societies do the same thing.

Disastrous Fire.-We regret to chronicle the loss, by fire, of the entire plant of the Merz Capsule Co., Detroit, Mich., which occurred on the night of December 25th last. We hope this enterprising house will be enabled to rebuild promptly, and resume their extensive trade.

The Kansas City Medical and Surgical Society held its annual elec; tion of officers December 22. The following were elected: F. G. Henry, PresidentJ. W. Foster, First Vice-President; Z. Nason, Second Vice-President; Theodore W. Schafer, Third Vice-President; C. M. Stemen, Secretary; P. C. Palmer, Treasurer.

Art in Advertising.-The spicy New York monthly bearing this name dons a very attractive cover for January, embellished by an official-looking document labelled "Income Tax." Underneath is the following logic: "Many business men escape liability to the income tax simply by doing no advertising. The page is an advertisement for N. W. Ayer and Son, advertising agents, Philadelphia, and is very handsome-but marred by a typographical error in the word "business."

Diphtheria Antitoxic Serum.-Gibier's Diphtheria Serum may now be obtained in small quantities, for actual need, of Messrs. Lehn & Fink, 128 William Street, New York. Until the supply of serum becomes more plentiful, this house requires each order to be accompanied by a physicians' statement, or preferably a board of health notice, showing that a true case of diphtheria is under treatment, or suspected. This rule is established to prevent the serum from being scattered without being put to immediate use. Prices: 7 ccm. vial (for immunizing) $1.25 each: 25 ccm. vial, (for treatment), $3.00 each: Pasteur syringe, $4.00. Clinical eports upon application to the above house.

Bloodless Operation for Hemorrhoids.-Manley (Boston Med. and Surg. Journal) describes his bloodless method of treating hemorrhoids. A brisk purgative is given the evening before the operation, two to four ounces of whiskey are administrated, and effective cocainization applied hypodermically. Anal dilatation, gradual and steady, without rupture of the muscle, is done, and after drying and mopping with cocaine solution, each hemorrhoid is separately seized, close to its base, firmly between the tip of the thumb, index and middle fingers. It is put on full stretch, then twisted, and finally so completely crushed that it is reduced to a pulp, and none of the investing tunics remain, except in the mucous membrane and its under stratum of fibrous tissue. The mass is then returned and an opium suppository introduced. He has treated thirty-two cases in this way with perfectly satisfactory results.


of the following selected and highly approved remedies from the


The Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co.

Having obtained ample supplies of the green or fresh drugs, now offer:


(Passiflora Incarnata)





Nerve affections generally, Insomnia, Neuralgia, Lock-Jaw, Convulsions Erysipelas, Spinal Meningitis, Chorea, Delirium Tremens, Morphine Habit, Restlessness, Spinal Disease.

An enthusiastic writer says: "It is no narcotic. It never stupefies or overpowers the senses. A patient may be wakened up, talk rationally, leave him a moment and he is asleep again. I have tried it in neuralgic affections and have astonished my patients."


[blocks in formation]

A nutrient tonic having a special action on the gland of the reproductive organs, as the mammæ, ovaries, prostate, testes, etc. Its direct action is on the prostate gland, which in many cases it quickly restores to its normal condition, It is specially indicated in all cases of wasting of the testes following varicocele, or such as is induced by masturbation, or is present in sexual impotency. It improves the sexual powers, relieving difficult, painful or week micturation.



(New Process)

THERAPY. Sexual Debility in Males,

and the Morphine Habit.

Pre-eminently an anti-neurotic. Avena quiets the nervous system to a remarkable degree. It is a most useful remedy in cases of nervous exhaustion, general debility, nervous palpitation of the heart, insomnia, etc.

[blocks in formation]


An invaluable remedy in Catarrhal affections of the kidneys and bladder.

The increasing demand for our Fluid Extract Corn Silk from green drug is the best evidence of its favorable reception by the medical profession. Physicians who have used our preparations cannot be misled by the ordinary fluid extracts of the market-the characteristic odor is unmistakable.


(Solanum Carolinense)



THERAPY.{ Convulsions, Epilepsy, and Catalepsy.

Dr. Napier called attention to the Horse-Nettle, and referred to its use in the treatment of a life-long epileptic, especially during the menstrual flow, with complete success; also to a number of other bad cases treated with great benefit.

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HE Eighteenth annual session begins Sept. 10, 1894, and continues five months.



four to six didactic Lectures are delivered daily, and clinics are regularly held. The Hospital capacity-250 beds-is now in full working order, and is rapidly filling. with patients, so that it is of the greatest advantage to students. A well appointed Dispensary is operated in connection with the College. Clinical resources, in addition to these, are the State Asylum, City, County and Railroad Hospitals.

Women are admitted on the same terms as men and have a separate dissecting room.



Prof. of Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery.


Prof. of Operative and Clinical Surgery and Gynecology.
Prof. of Pediatrics.

Prof. of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence.
Dean of the Faculty.

J. M. RICHMOND, A. M., M. D.,

Prof. of Obstetrics and Genito-Urinary and Rectal Diseases.

Prof. of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Clincal


Prof. of Psychiatry and Neurology and Clinical Psychiatry
and Neurology.

Prof. of Anatomy.


Prof. of Minor Surgery and Dermatology and Clinical Surgery.
C. H. WALLACE, A. M., M. D.,

Prof. of Diseases of the Heart and Lungs and Physical

[blocks in formation]

Prof. of Microscopy.

Demonstrator of Anatomy.


First Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Adjunct to
Chair of Clinical Surgery and Gynecology.


Second Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy.


General ticket to all the Lectures for each Session.....
Examination for Degree..........

.$50 00

25 00

W. J. BELL, M. D, SECRETARY, St. Joseph, Mo.

For announcement and other information, address:



The Perfect Man should weigh twenty pounds for every foot of height.

La Grippe is increasing in New York City, nearly 300 policemen having fallen victims.

Old Medical Journals. Following are the oldest medical publications in the United States in order named: The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, the American Journal of the Medical Sciences. The Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic, and the St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal.

A New Phase of Hypnotism.- The recent account in the daily press, of a farmer's hand, who committed murder, while under a "spell" induced by an alleged hypnotist, may develop unpleasant features for those interested along the line of psychic influence. It now appears that the hypnotist, and not the murderer, will hang for the crime.

The First Anesthetic.-The fiftieth anniversity of the use of anesthesia for the purpose of relieving pain was commemorated recently in a fitting manner by the Connecticut State Dental Society, at Hartford, Conn. A memorial tablet had been provided by small subscriptions from dentists in every State in the Union, as a tribute to the discoverer, Dr. Horace Wells; and this was placed upon the building which at present stands on the old site of Dr. Wells' office. The work was performed before a large and nctable gathering of dentists and other scientists.

Typhoid from Oysters.-According to Dr. Charles A. Lindsley, of New Haven, secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Health, the epidemic of typhoid fever at Wesleyan University, at Middletown, Conn., could be traced to oysters infected with the germs of disease. It has been ascertained that the oysters provided for a series of banquets at the university had been placed in a portion of the Quinepiac River to fatten. The fattening ground is close to the house of the dealer from whom the oysters for Middletown consumption were obtained, and it was learned that two members of the dealer's family had suffered from the fever, and that excreta had been discharged into a sewer which empties into the river close to the place where the oysters had been placed.

Considerable interest is being evinced by physicians regarding the tonic stimulant action of Kola, and it is coming to be largely used in cases of nervous exhaustion, as it combines the invigorating properties of caffeine, with the stimulating effects of theobromme and kolanin, which latter peculiar principle is claimed by some investigators to be superior to cocaine as a stimulant, without the enslaving properties of the latter alkaloid. This peculiar principle is found more abundantly in the fresh (undried) Kola nuts, and taking advantage of the knowledge of this fact, Messrs. Frederick Stearns & Company, of Detroit, Mich., have been the first to place on the market a wine of Kola, for which they have coined the fanciful title "Kolavin" to distinguish their product from similiar preparations, which in time will undoubtedly appear. "Kolavin" is a delicious aromatic tonic wine, each dose (a tablespoonful) of which contains 30 grains of the fresh (undried) Kola nuts. It is a prompt and active stimulant, and is useful in all cases where such a stimulant is needed. Samples of "Kolavin" may be obtained by addressing the manufacturers, Frederick Stearns & Company, Detroit, Mich., who are headquarters for Kola nuts in this country, having introduced the drug to the medical profession in 1881, and being the sole importers of the fresh (undried) nuts from Africa. Their Scientific Department has recently issued an elaborate monograph on Kola, profusely illustrated, which is worthy of a careful perusal, and will be sent to any physician who will apply for a copy, mentioning this Journal.


Unguentine is the ideal surgical dressing. This is demonstrated in the Ensworth hospital, this city, where this agent is being used with uniform satisfaction to the staff.

Gaseous Dyspepsia.-If your patient suffers from eructations of gas from the stomach, flatulency, heartburn or colic, give a fluid drachm of Seng, repeated every half hour until relieved; then give one or more fluid drachms before each meal until the cause is removed,

A Grateful Physician.-A curious will was left by a physician of Glasgow who died recently. He bequeathed his entire fortune to his wife out of gratitude for the fact that she had left him after a marriage of three months and since then had allowed him peace and quiet.

A Satisfactory Instrument.--The Acme Alternating Current Controller, manufactured by Messrs. Holekamp, Grady & Moore of 915 Olive street, St. Louis, is a satisfactory instrument. If any of our readers have been dissatisfied with storage batteries they will be doubly pleased with the Current Controller. A platinum instrument can be brought to any desired heat with its use.

Ancient Artifices.-Dr. F., a physician of Montpelier, was in the habit of employing a very ingenious artifice. When he came to town where he was not known he pretended to have lost his dog, and ordered the public crier to offer, with beat of drum, a reward of 25 louis to whoever should bring it to him. The crier took care to mention all the titles and academic honors of the doctor, as wel las his place of residence. He soon became the talk of town. "Do you know," says one, "that a famous physician has come here, a very clever fellow? He must be very rich for he offers 25 Louis for finding his dog." The dog was not found but patients were.

A Good Thing.-We have on our table one of the pocket cases now being given as a premium to new subscribers to Dr. Abbotts' Alkaloidal Clinic. It is a won der how so much value can be given for so little money even as an advertisement. But, then, anyone who buys of the 'Abbott Alkaloidal Co.' is sure to again. The case itself is substantial in every way, and then look at the list they offer to select from (see advertisement on another page). It embodies all the principal alkaloidal remedies. They a e sending out hundreds of these cases and we wonder they can supply the demand. Their new $3.00 offer made in the same advertisement is just a bigger good thing.

The St. Joseph Academy of Medicine.-The St. Joseph Academy of Medicine has organized with the following officers for 1895. President, Dr. C. H. Wallace; Vice-President, Dr. J. M. Richmond; Secretary, Dr. Daniel Morton; Treas urer, Dr. W. B. Davis; Cersor, Dr. P. I. Leonard. The charter members are J. M. Richmond, C. H. Wallace, Jacob Geiger, Daniel Morton, Jas. W. Heddens, John W. Leonard, J. B. Reynolds, P. I. Leonard, S. F. Kessler, W. B. Davis, E. S. Garner, T. H. Doyle, Barton Pitts, Hiram Christopher.

The object of the St. Joseph Academy is mutual improvement by the scientific study of medical and surgical subjects and by the formation of a library and medical museum. For these purposes the corporation is authorized to receive gifts and bequests. The initation fee is ten dollars. The membership_consists of Fellows and Associate Fellows, the latter being non-residents of St. Joseph, but entitled to all the privileges of the acadmey and elected in the same manner and subject to the same fees as Fellows. Stenographic reports of the proceedings of the academy will appear in this journal every month hereafter. One of the unique features of the organization is the provision requiring members to serve as president in rotation. The President appoints all the officers and no election is ever held. The gentlemen composing this society represent the best element of the St. Joseph profession and this insures the success of the enterprise.

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