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Supplement to the Christmas Herald.



A Powder:-Prescribed in the same manner, dose
and combinations as Pepsin.


Also in Tablets where it is regarded as more
convenient and pleasant.







The following letter on INGLUVIN was recently received by Vilanova, Hermanas & Co., of Barcelona, from Dr. F. VIDAL SOLARES::

"I have to acknowledge duly having received the INGLUVIN which you were good enough to send me for the purpose of proving the therapeutic effects of this excellent medicine amongst my clients, from Messrs. W. R. Warner & Co.

"The results which I have obtained in my dispensary for sick children, together with my private cases, have been extremely satisfactory. In fact, I have treated various cases of dyspepsia, in which the patients, fully prostrated and without power to digest their food, have, thanks to the use of INGLUVIN, been rapidly cured.

"In the case of 'apepsia,' or loss of appetite, in children, accompanied with diarrhoea, I have obtained good results from the use of INGLUVIN, which therapeutic agent is prepared by the house of Warner & Co. from the gizzard of the chicken.

"I have also found Ingluvin useful in the organic complaints of the stomach, and in the indomitable vomiting and painful dyspepsia to which women are subject during pregnancy. I have employed the agent, morever, in the convalescent state of many patients, when I have not only noted the alteration of the gastric secretions,

Gestation but of the extreme instability of the stomach.

"I have not the least doubt that the Ingluvin, of which you have the sale in Spain, will shortly be a substitute for pepsin on account of its being more active than the latter; but, as is only logical, you should obtain a rapid result by bringing this preparation to be known in all Spain by the opportune measure you usually adopt.

"Hoping you will have the justice to manifest to the manufacturer the results I have obtained in my practice with Ingluvin, I am," etc.

The Torrey Strops

and Rock Razor Hones, combined,

Make it possible for the user to keep his razor and SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS in perfect order without trouble or expense. We'll teach you how to use the hone.

The Torrey Strops are made in all styles, and are the standard the world over. If your dealer cannot supply you, send for free catalogue. Teils how to sharpen a razor or surgical instrument.


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Frank R. Stockton has a Christmas love story, which bears a characteristic title,-"The Staying power of Sir Rohan." Its illustrations are quaint and exactly suitable. A thrilling Detective story by C. E. Carryll, entitled "The River Syndicate," perhaps equalling Sherlocks Holmes best work. Illustrated.

Joel Chandler Harris' characteristic tale of a faithful slave-"The Colonel's Nigger-Dog."

Other Christmas stories are "A White Blot," by Henry Van Dyke, a poetic and imaginative tale of a picture (illustrated); "Herosim of Landers," by A. S. Pier (illustrated); and "Hopper's Old Man," by R. C. V. Meyers.

Sentimental Tommy. By J. M. Barrie.

Those who have read (and who has not?) "The Little Minister" and a "Widow in Thrums" can anticipate what Mr. Barrie's "Sentimental Tommy" will be. It is to be the chief serial in SCRIBNER's for 1896, beginning in the January number.

Two Years for $4.50

SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE costs $3.00 a year, but new subscribers can have all the numbers for 1895 and a year's subscripton for 1896 for $4.50.

SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE is going to be better next year than ever. It is going to have new features Its publishers are not satisfied with past successes. It proposes to more thoroughly deserve the confidence of the reading public.

The History Serial-"Last Quarter Century in the United States"-will be continued. Just now it is approaching a period of absorbing interest to the present generationthe first administration of President Cleveland.

SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE ought to get careful consideration as a Christmas gift. The $4.50 offer ought to get double consideration.

CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 153 Fifth Avenue, New York.

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Doctor, What is My Bill?

Can you tell him in fifteen seconds, at any time, day or night, without any figuring or "posting"? No? Then you are not using our "Physician's Complete Book of Records." With it no Doctor needs a bookkeeper. It removes every puzzling question of bookkeeping and renders an error impossible. The amount owed by every patient shown at all times without any figuring. Entries so easily and quickly made they will be made. The book can never be in arrears. Is in daily use by thousands of Doctors. Can be used until filled. Lasts from three to seven years. Price, $5, all charges paid. Sample pages and indorsements free. KEYSTONE PUBLISHING CO.,

236 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

The American Medical Publishers' Association is prepared to furnish carefully revised lists, set by the Mergenthaler Linotype Machine, as follows:

Contains the name and address of all repu table advertisers in the United States who ase medical and pharmaceutical publications, including many new customers just entering the field. In book form, 50c.

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Solution- Schering (Aronson's)

Purity, Strength and Innocuousness.
guaranteed by the German Government.

Supplied in 5 ccm. vials, equivalent to 500 antitoxic normal units, at $1.00 per vial, including postage or express charges.

Dose: For mild and medium cases, one vial of 5 ccm. In malignant and septic cases, the contents of two 5 ccm. vials (1,000 units) should be injected at once.

Von Heyden

For the






Von Heyden

Whilst possessing the purely curative action of beechwood creosote and guaiacol, Creosotal and Guaiacol Carbonate have absolutely no caustic effects. The tolerance displayed to these two carbonates depends on:

1. The absence of caustic and poisonous properties.

2. The absence of the intensely nauseous creosote taste and odor.

3. The fact that resorption takes place, not in the stomach, but in the intestines.

Guaiacol Carbonate and Creosotal act continuously and mildly on the digestive tract and the entire organism. This continuous absorption is a necessary condition for their therapeutic effect. Disassociation takes place slowly in the intestines; and, unlike other antiseptics, the carbonates are distributed over the whole duodenum, jejunum and ileum. While creosote and liquid guaiacol injure the digestive tract by causing chronic inflammation of its mucous membrane, Creosote Carbonate and Guaiacol Carbonate tone it up and stimulate it.

Corresponding to the improvement in the nutrition appear the other effects of these Carbonates in TUBERCULOSIS: lessening and disappearance of the cough, expectoration, fever, night-sweats, râles, areas of dullness, etc.

By the use of Guaiacol Carbonate in the treatment of TYPHOID FEVER, the cause of the disease is directly attacked. The malady thus runs an astonishingly quick and mild course, and there are no secondary symptoms at all.

Dr. F. von HEYDEN'S Apolysin, Guaiacol-Salol, Oleo-Creosote, OleoGuaiacol, Betanaphtol-Bismuth, Phenol-Bismuth, Tribromphenol-Bismuth.

SCHERING'S Diabetin, Formalin, Glycero-Phos-
phates, Rubidium Iodide, Trikresol, Urotropin.

SCHERING & GLATZ, 55 Maiden Lane, N.Y.

Literature furnished on application.


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THE GOTHAM CO., 92 Warren St., NEW YORK.

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Has cured many and helped others, being used judiciously by physicians. Send for pamphlet and sample which will be delivered to any physician without expense. MCARTHUR HYPOPHOSPHITE CO.,



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American Journal
of Surgery
and Gynecology

St. Louis, Mo.

Clubbed with THE HERALD, $2.05

per year.

One-half size.

130 pages copyrighted.

THIS little work is just out, and fills a demand
for a concise and handy medical dictionary.

A free copy will be sent with every subscription
to the

Limp Silk Cloth. Red Edge.

.. MEDICAL HERALD received prior to January 15, 1896.


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