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Each year the Christmas rush for EVEREADY Flashlights has brought big money to the wide-awake dealers who handle the line but this year all records will be left far behind. The splendid showing made in previous holiday seasons was accomplished entirely without the support of national advertising, but this Christmas, big, pulling ads are appearing in the Saturday Evening Post and 42 other important publications, telling people of



The great advertising campaign which has been running all the year and gaining in power right along will now have its biggest effect, and thousands of new buyers will be brought into retail stores for these ideal Christmas gifts, so handsome, useful and different from the ordinary run of presents.

You can cash in on this booming market if you let people know you carry EVEREADY's. The great EVEREADY Sales Drive in October proved what a wonderful businesspuller an EVEREADY Window is. If you were in on the drive you know how true this is for from the 20,000 retailers who made displays has come a stream of reports about increased business-many telling of stocks entirely sold out and some of stocks disposed of two or three times over.

So get an EVEREADY Display in your window now. Or if you aren't handling EVEREADY's, mail us the coupon for full information about our introductory order proposition.



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Business is booming!

Dayton, Ohio.

Merchants everywhere tell our 800 salesmen that business is booming.

Farmers have had two record crops, at big prices, with big demand at home and abroad.

Stocks of manufactured material are short, and labor is in great demand.

Exports largely exceed imports.

Factories are busy, many working overtime.

More freight cars are needed, and steamers are taxed to capacity.

People are living better, and spending their money more freely.

This country has the best money in the world, and more of it than ever before.

Such a combination of favorable circumstances never has occurred before, and probably will never occur again. Billions of dollars are passing over the merchants' counters. The people who spend this money want the best service. They demand it in all kinds of stores, from the smallest to the largest.

They get it in stores which use our up-to-date Cash Registers, which quicken service, stop mistakes, satisfy customers, and increase profits.

Over a million merchants have proved our Cash Registers to be a business necessity.


Write for booklet to

The National Cash Register Co.

Dayton, Ohio.

John H Patterson

The Greatest Advertising Campaign Ever Launched In The Drug Field

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brand-new and highly desirable business for the druggist who carries Nujol.

Our newspaper campaign is appearing simultaneously in over 100 cities in the United States. It started with two smashing half pages and continues for six months, running 30-inch ads twice a week for the full period of the campaign.

Supplementing the newspapers, there will be a magazine campaign on the same big scale, both as to size of space and as to the number and circulation of the publications used. In addition to all this, we are distributing free samples of Nujol to doctors, together with authoritative analysis establishing its merit beyond question.

A Nujol window appearing at this time should prove a money-maker. Order Nujol from your jobber. Write us to-day for attractive window and counter display material.

(New Jersey)


New Jersey

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Noise is expensive.

You are paying the bill!

Of all places in the world where it should be quiet, the office is one. YOU want to think-the clerical force wants

to think.

You can't do it in the midst of the rattlety-bang, clicketyclack typewriter noise you have been used to.

Most of the clatter in the office is due to the operation of typewriters. When there is a large number, the confusion is often unbearable and results in decreased efficiency.

The "Silent Smith" will reduce the noise in your office to almost nothing. It will enable you and your help to produce.

We manufacture and sell a complete line of Silent (8-7-6-3) and Standard (5-4-6-3) Models. Catalog free.


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An attractive exterior has its advantages, but many times this is but a cover for a very
poor condition within. A picture of a soda fountain does not show internal work or
qualities of material used, and you can form no idea therefrom as to the working qualities
of the outfit illustrated.

Quality is the first and last essential of a first-class soda fountain, and without this you
cannot obtain the best results. Coolers tin-washed look the same as though sheet tin lined,
but the latter while costing many times as much to produce will with care last a lifetime,
and are immune from contamination. All Puffer coolers are sheet tin lined.

Linings of copper or Vulcan will be in perfect condition years after those of galvanized
iron or zinc are scrapped. All the Puffer apparatus are lined with copper or Vulcan.

The Sealed Fountain shown above is built with substantial foundation and is easily
installed. This fountain saves an enormous quantity of ice, and ensures perfect sanitation.
The Sealed Fountain costs much more to construct than any other type, but its advan-
tages considerably affect the additional cost.



All the Puffer fountains

Cove Flashing is easily cleaned, and eliminates sharp corners.
have Cove Flashing. Tumbler Washers, Disher and Spoon Vats are of Solid German Silver
(only to be found in their entirety in a Puffer Fountain), are made flush with workboard, and
exclude all crevices for dirt and unpleasant odors.

Puffer's business principle is and always has been to make the best in every feature, to
use the best and heaviest material, and to furnish a soda fountain outfit always to our
credit. Stone, Metal, Cork, and Vulcan are the constituent parts of all our manufactures,
and we know of nothing better.

Buy Now-begin to pay April 1st, having the use of the goods until that time. Buy
Goods with a reputation of over seventy years' continuous manufacture. Carbonators
of all standard sizes, and to meet all requirements. Our new catalogue is now ready, and
will be promptly mailed upon request.


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