trol under one head, so that to-day there are in its place the Departments of Engineering Practice Practice and Experimental Engineering, each carry ing on subdivided branches of work. In the former department, the students are carried through a very thorough course of instruction in the general principles controlling the action and generation of heat, and the power and economy of prime movers. They are also instructed in the general principles governing the design and operation of various other machines and mechanisms, such as pumping engines, air compressors, and refrigerating machines. etc.; they also include a number of experiments in hydraulics, and in numerous essential mechanical devices such as safety-valves, dynamometers, belting, gear trains, indicators, gauges, thermometers, feed-water heaters, and water heaters, and investigation of such processes as radiation, condensation, friction, flow of steam, determination of properties of woods and metals, analysis of flue gases, refrigeration, etc. This work is all carried on in the light and commodious quarters provided by Mr. Andrew Carnegie in 1902, in the Carnegie Laboratory of Engineering, which adjoins the main Institute building. Allied with the Department of Engineering Practice is the course in Shop Work, in which the students are carried through a carefully graduated set of exercises in Carpentry, Blacksmithing, Pattern-Making, Foundry-Practice, and Steam-Fitting. A CORNER IN THE NEW MACHINE SHOP. The Department of Mathematics provides a thorough training in the principles of Mathematics, with various and numerous applications to practical engineering problems. Special attention is given in the first two years to the mathematical consideration of elementary Mechanics, and in the last two years to more advanced work in the same line. This work is made to coördinate with the work in the Department of Physics during the first two years, and with the several Engineering Departments during the last two years. It is held that in confining the work of this department as far as possible to practical problems, the students are rendered more efficient, and they gain greater confidence in the use of Mathematics. The Department of Mechanical Drawing has enlarged upon its original scope, and is now known as the Department of Mechanical Drawing and Designing, which better describes the work conducted at the present day. The students are first taught the efficient use of drawing instruments. The course then carries them through the theoretical and practical requirements of the modern drafting room. Special attention is given to Descriptive Geometry; Analysis of Mechanical Movements; Valves, Valve Diagrams, and Valve Gears; practical Machine Design; and practice in Steel Construction Work. It is recognized that in this department the instruction must, to a maximum degree, combine theory and practice; so the instructors aim to keep in touch with modern shop practice, and to give to the students that which will be the most useful when they enter upon their professional careers. The work of this department is carefully coördinated with that of the several Engineering Departments. In the Department of Chemistry the students are grounded in the fundamental principles of the subject by means of experimental lectures and recitations. supplemented with a thorough laboratory course in Engineering Chemistry. The Department of Languages provides courses in French (or Spanish) and German. These languages have a practical value to the engineer in his professional work, and also afford that kind of mental discipline and culture. which mathematical and physical science, if followed exclusively, would fail to supply. largely upon their work in this depart ment. In addition to the expansion of the seven original departments as outlined above, two entirely new ones have been added, the necessity for them having developed since the course was founded. The first of these two to be introduced was the Department of Applied Electricity, in 1893; and the other, the Department of Business Engineering, in 1903. The Department of Business Engineering was the outgrowth of the efforts of Mr. Alexander C. Humphreys (now President Humphreys), of the Class of '81. Successful in his professional work, chiefly with the upbuilding of the United Gas Improvement Company, and later in the firm of Humphreys & Glasgow, en a footing in the already crowded course at the Institute. In 1897, at the request of President Morton, he arranged a course of lectures by prominent bankers and business men. This was followed by a brief course of instruction; but it was not a requisite and completely established part of the curriculum until 1903, when he had become President of Stevens Institute. He then took personal charge of the work, and created the Department of Business Engineering. In this department the effort is made, first, to bring the students to appreciate that engineers must practice their profession in conformity with commercial conditions and limitations. Then, by means of lectures and recitations, instruction is given in Accounting, Depreciation, Shop Cost, Analysis of Data, Law of Contracts, and business methods in general. This work is confined to the Senior year. Only One Degree? The course of study in the Department of Electrical Engineering, which now takes the place of the Department of Applied Electricity established over twenty years ago, has kept pace with the rapid advancement in that branch of the engineering profession. Such is the efficiency of the course in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Stevens at the present day, that, with some rearrangement of roster, the degree of Electrical Engineer could be given fairly; and the question whether it should be, or not, has recently received serious consideration. give only the degree of Mechanical Engineer, combining with it the fundamentals and essentials of Electrical Engineering. The young mechanical engineer will unquestionably have more opportunities if versed in the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering; and the young man who would seek a specialized training for the degree of Electrical Engineer, would certainly have a great advantage if he were first well trained for the profession of Mechanical Engineering. Substantiation of the reasons for continuing to give the single degree of M. E., especially for those who wish to follow Electrical Engineering, could be foundwere substantiation necessary-in the |