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pecially of the agricultural and allied industries of the great West, is none too well understood even by those who pride themselves on keeping in intelligent touch with what concerns public issues of vital interest. In opening eyes to the dangers of wholesale deforestation and reckless waste of natural resources-follies of which our own country and others furnish many striking examples-and in stimulating a sentiment in favor of rational conservation of some of the richest of our national assets, this book

Have You Success? will render a public service of inesti

Every man contains within himself that
which leads to success or failure, accord-
ing as he makes use of it.

Do you know that Jay Gould who died worth $100,000,000 began by selling rat-traps; that Carnegie worked for $3.00 per week; that Schwab was a cart-boy? There was a method by which these men succeeded. You are starting in life, get the method, it is contained in "HOW TO ATTAIN SUCCESS."

"HOW TO ATTAIN SUCCESS" is a text-book for those who will have success-it's not filled with nicely spun theories, but gives the master-key to your capacity and powers.

A $60.00 man writes he studied its principles hard and now has an income in the five figures. YOU CAN DO THE SAME-IT'S ONLY LEARNING AND DEVELOPING YOUR OWN POWERS AND FORCES-do this, success will be yours.

To the ambitious man or woman possessed of energy "HOW TO ATTAIN SUCCESS" will unfold a world of possibilitywill transform hope of success into realization. Sent on receipt of $1. CHAS. VANAGH,

Room 8, 992 Harrison St., Chicago.



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mable value.

The volume, though designed especially for students and others beginning the subject of Forestry, is also intended for the general reader who wishes to secure a broad idea of Forestry in North America. It covers the field in its entirety and with an abundance of detail too minute for mention here. Besides treating fully of the conditions of forest growth and management, it contains much information of practical value to the agriculturist, the engineer, the lumberman, and the woodworker. Illustrations are abundant, including many beautiful half-tones; and a complete analytical index renders all details easily available.


Elementary Woodworking. By Edwin W. Foster,
Instructor in Shopwork and Drawing in the Manual
Training High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cloth. 12mo.
Pages 133. Illustrated. Published by Ginn & Com-
pany, Boston, Mass. Price, postage prepaid, 80 cents.


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Tells all about great opportunities to make money in this new oll field. This special number is fully illustrated and contains a vast fund of valuable, interesting and reliable information, read it before you invest a dollar. Heed its advice and you will surely become a successful investor. There are hundreds of opportunities to make big money in Kansas oll. Get posted and keep posted. Do it now, not tomorrow, but right NOW. Ask for Kansas Oil Edition, just out. Address, INVESTOR'S REVIEW, 1580 Gaff Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL.

tical value. In the hands of students it will reinforce the work of their instructors, and, while specially adapted to higher grammar grades and the lower years of the high school, it will be found replete with scientific information and

practical hints of value to all woodwork

ers. In Part I the tools most used in elementary benchwork are described and

pictured, with directions for their use.

Part II deals with wood. Beginning with a description of lumbering operations, it goes on to explain such natural peculiarities as shrinkage, warping, etc. Then follows a detailed study of the woods and trees of the United States. This is in

Mention The Technical World.

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A Treatise on the Construction and Use of Milling Machines Made by Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company. Paper. Illustrated. Indexed. Pages 188. Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co., Providence, R. I., Publishers. Price, 50 cents.

AS THE TITLE INDICATES, this book is devoted entirely to the milling machines made by this company. The fact that the book is written by the manufacturers is a guarantee of its absolute accuracy; and to anyone engaged in running one of these machines, which will be found in nearly every well-equipped machine shop, the book is invaluable, explaining clearly and fully, with diagrams, their principles and operation.

The book is written especially for those not familiar with the machines, with the object of aiding in having the machines well understood, properly cared for, and profitably operated. Going beyond this, the book contains much of interest and instruction to those who are well versed in both the theory and the practice of milling. Both the universal and the plain milling machines are taken up.

Among the many important operations described, may be mentioned the cutting of bevel gears, in the universal milling machine, also the cutting of spirals, as particularly interesting.


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Mention The Technical World,

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interesting book, well illustrated and full of valuable information. Among the many authors whose work has been laid

$2.00 under tribute, we find the names of Sir


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Edwin Arnold, Pierre Loti, Lafcadio Hearn, Arthur Diosy, and several others,

whose years of residence and travel in Japan have made them very familiar with the country and the people. The book contains fifty articles, grouped under the following headings: "The Country and Race," "History and Religion," "Places and Monuments," "Manners and Customs," "Arts and Crafts." In these divisions are found chapters on Japanese gardens, architecture, painting, pottery, porcelain, carving, lacquer, etc.

The article devoted to New Japan is of special value at the present time as it gives an insight into existing conditions and the spirit that animates the little island nation, whose fighting qualities have astonished the world.

Russia as Seen by Great Authors. Edited by Esther Singleton. Dodd, Mead & Company, New York. Price, $1.50.

THIS is a companion book to "Japan as Seen by Great Authors," but in our opinion is not so valuable a work. The book is not well balanced, several subjects of no special moment receiving too much space, and thus necessitating the curtailing of subjects which deserve a more extended treatment. One-third of the volume is occupied by descriptive articles on particular places, cities, the Volga basin, the Caucasus, the Trans-Siberian Railway, etc., followed by a number of chapters on the manners and customs of the people. Thirty pages are devoted to the discussion of the architecture, sculpture, painting, music, and literature of Russia; and the concluding chapter contains some statistics, and general encyclopedic and geographical information. The book is well illustrated with photographs. Many of the chapters are from the pens of such well known writers as Prince Kropotkin, Harry de Windt, Théophile Gauthier, and W. R. Morfill.

Mention The Technical World.

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